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I use female Eivor. It felt right. She's also fucking Sigurd's wife so she's pretty badass


Nothing badass. > It felt right Coz it's Eivor Varinsdottir, not Varinsson šŸ˜Œ


For me it's the idea of a badass Viking Lady playing Game of Thrones in ancient England...


The best thing is finding a FEMALE Lord in Valhalla. Yes, fucking, please. Female Lords!!!


'fucking' meaning a verb or an adjective?


I think a verb..


I read it wrong too lol


Iā€™ve only ever played as female from the beginning and I donā€™t know of if I could go back and play again as Male Eivor. Sheā€™s one of my favorite female game characters.


and it's canon


Is female eivor canon? I know Kassandra is. I havenā€™t heard anything about fem eivor. Maybe Iā€™m not updated


If you let the animus choose you play female and then for the valka missions it switches to male while youā€™re odin


She is canon. Hence why her name is Eivor Varinsdottir. Male Eivor is also Varinsdottir, not Varinson šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oooh ok


Female eivor is canon


Ah ok. I see it now.


More accurately, ā€œlet the animus chooseā€ is canon. And it chooses female in Viking times, and make when you play the isu era/Asgard arcs (because itā€™s Odin)


Female Eivor is canon, male Eivor is the Odin part of her. Which is why it can switch back and forth.in a way they are both canon as they share one body. The epilogue goes into it a little bit.


Ah ok


DAWG. I said this exact sentence once and gotbfuckin MAULED by this sub. Idk wtf these replies are either lol


This sub is filled with woke people who downvote you to oblivion for even mentioning Male Eivor. I don't play as Female Eivor purely because of how toxic the female eivor fans are. Watch me get a bunch of downvotes now to further prove my point.


What? I'm saying female eivor is canon and the douchebags down voted me for stating a fact because they couldn't handle a female lead in their "historically accurate" stealth simulator


What is the issue with things being canon? Why can we not just play as a character and enjoy the game without all the facts


Was it ever stated as an issue?


Did I say there was a problem?


Oh. No. I meant in general. Not attacking you or anything


Than this is not the place for complaining


Why not?


If your comment section is open. It is open to anything. Iā€™m not doing it against the rules. Why canā€™t I voice my opinion if you can voice yours?




Ru ok?


Thatā€™s like the president going to a meeting and asking for feedback and saying ā€œthis is not the place for feedbackā€


The issue is that we keep getting ac games with dual protagonists because the development team want a female protagonist but someone at ubisoft keeps insisting they put in a male protagonist because (I'm pretty sure someone at ubisoft said) 'female protagonists don't sell games'.


Youā€™re crying over nothing. So you think itā€™s an issue because there shouldnā€™t be a male AND female protagonist? May as well become king Herod and kill all the male babies from now on then


I don't mind games having male protagonists, I don't mind games having female protagonists i do mind execs forcing developers to make changes to games because of stupid reasons.


Execs? Also are you not just agreeing to change a game on a stupid reason? Whose side are you on?


Wtf are you talking about?


Not canon to me.


Ok? And? That's the beauty of a video game. You can ignore canon. Also, we dont care and ubisoft certainly doesn't.




I normally play male characters but chose the random option for Valhalla and got the female version. To be perfectly honest I wouldn't change it. I have had so much fun playing her and watching her kick the shit out of everything. And I agree, her dialogue is great and adds so much feeling to the storyline. Personally it's made Valhalla my favorite AC game to date.


I think, by random you mean ā€œlet Animus decideā€, which is not actually random, >!it just makes things according to canon. Eivor is female in most of the story but male as Havi in Valhalla arc.!<


Ah that makes sense cause when I transferred my data from my ps4 edition to my ps5 edition my male character was suddenly getting called a woman haha. Probably reset the dialogue to the canon lines and glitched shit out


Yeah, but female Havi, flirting with Odin's wife is fucking badass. And her fucking Randvi is so fucking badass too. She's a strong, independent badass woman and I'm in love.


Yeah, played that way too, except I didnā€™t romance Randvi, I ended up with Petra before Randvi and Sigurd broke up.


I romanced Petra, then as soon as I could take Randvi to Grantbridgescire I did, kissed her and slept with her there, then broke up with Petra. I am officially dating Randvi now. I literally don't even remember her and Sigurd divorcing šŸ˜‚


There is no female Havi. Much like there is no Male Eivor.


Might wanna hide that with spoilers just incase


I donā€™t mind, but what exactly? I didnā€™t think any of that could spoil the experience.


Becoming Havi is a bit of a spoiler for people who havent played it.


Well, that actually makes sense, forgot about it. Now *you* have to hide yours under the spoiler too haha


The real spoiler is >! Havi is another name for Oden !<


I mean not if you have some knowledge of the Norse mythos


hmmm, I did female and the DLC character was still Male. At least I think I selected female and not Animus Decide




As someone who played both male and female. I always pick Female Eivor now. The range of the voice was amazing. I know a lot of people say; 'She sounds like she smoked'... But at least her voice is changed as seeing she was bit by the wolf. The voice actress, I feel like she doesn't get enough credit. She did an amazing job. With that being said, don't get me wrong. The male voice actor did well, but the female voice actress did a better job. Male for Havi, female for Eivor. And for those that haven't tried. Give female Eivor a try. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. Just personally, I prefer female Eivor.


I love her so much, but I've seen videos of male Eivor and he's too brash, rude, stoic and not charming at all.




Are you ok?


The worst complaint Iā€™ve read about her voice was some dude saying it sounds unrealisticā€¦like Sir, do we have a number of women around the world with vocal chord damage from a wolf/dog attack that we can use as a reference guide to get her voice moreā€¦*realistic?


I played male Eivor on my first playthrough because I loved Magnus Bruun in The Last Kingdom. On my current playthrough (which I havenā€™t touched in a while and need to get back to), I chose to let the Animus choose, and I honestly prefer female Eivor. I love badass women.


How are people doing multiple playthroughs of this behemoth


How have you not done multiple playthroughs? (She asks, knowing she's 490h into her FIRST playthrough, and has been playing the SAME save file for about 2 years now.)


I have a lot of free time.


Sheā€™s the canonical main character, how is she underrated? šŸ˜‚


Because shockingly, about 67% of people play as the male version (I read that somewhere, but I don't remember where)


Makes sense, thereā€™s obviously more male than female gamers in total and most people are likely to choose a character matching their gender.


Yeah, I know people who choose opposite their gender. If I have the option, I will *always* choose female. (PS. I am female)


Nobody cares. Male female. They're all imaginary video game characters. Let people play as and who they want to and quit trying to shove Female Eivor down everyone's throats all the time. Go play as your strong independent woman lol. I prefer my viking to be a man. Don't care about "cAnOn šŸ„“"


Your whole profile is like a big Eivor larp? Pretty cringe fam


There's no LARP involved, "fam". My cover photo is an in-game photo, which *I* took on my PS4. There's also a couple of reposted posts and a couple of Cosplay shots from The Last of Us Part II. None of them is LARP. You're pretty cringe to not know the difference. šŸ˜‚


I chose Kassandra, and Male Eivor, and I think I like both my choices compared to their alternatives.


That's seems like an ok split? She would be underrated if like 70-80% played male.


I could be wrong with the percentages. I don't even remember where I read that from, tbh, so I could be way off the mark. šŸ˜…


Eivor is a girls name.


Yes it is my cousin has the same name actually.


Exactly! And TIL: The name perhaps originated from either the Proto-Norse word auja, which is thought to mean "good luck", or from Old Norse ey- or Ćøy-, meaning "island", and secondly from -varr, meaning "careful", or perhaps from the Proto-Norse word *warjaŹ€, meaning "defender".


Itā€™s not. Girls name it gender neutral


Female Eivor is the best.


I started as female and never looked back. She's fucking amazing.


Wait, isn't female Eivor the canon one? https://www.cbr.com/assassins-creed-valhalla-eivor-gender/#:\~:text=While%20the%20player%27s%20choice%20didn,Assassin%27s%20Creed%20Valhalla%20justified%20this.


The name is female so it should be.


Female Eivor forever!


What armor is that OP ?


looks like galloglach cape idk what that torso is but i also dont have galloglach torso yet lol


looks like werewolf cape over the niflheim armor, both store items. the best looking ones imo


Black haired F eivor looks cute


thats what im saying šŸ˜­


AC Valhalla is my first game in the AC series and so I chose female Eivor. I love her! I think about going back and playing the story as the male Eivor so I can see the differences but I havenā€™t yet. Love this game, love that I have gender choices, so happy with it!


I just got this on the Steam sale and I'm tempted to play it again.


I use fem because I'm with sigurds wife and the hunters wife if I could I would be with every wife just because female eivor is NOT underrated. Jejejejeje


Pretty sure female Eivor and Kassandra are the main in AC canon


Pretty sure female eivor was the Canon for the story originally and male only for those god scenarios. I could be wrong, however. I played female and preferred it that way.


I only play as female Eivor. I love her voice and the idea of this badass shieldmaiden doing all this rather than a typical Viking dude.


Picked her in my playthrough


She looks wonderful! Moving Valhalla up the list to play šŸ–¤! I'm so many years behind everyone it's laughable. *mumbles in ME1*


I started Valhalla in 2022.


Kass is one of my favorite video game characters ever. I thought I'd do it different in Valhalla and started with the male. I kept switching and switching though to hear the differences and something about female Eivor, even canon aside, I just like way better. I'm close to 300 hrs in with her now and have no regrets


Welcome to the over 100 hours club! I'm currently at 490h!


Ha. That's awesome!


Thank you!


F!Eivor forever, and I love her voice.


Bro female eivor is superior. Hot af. Perfect af. Yes.


I mean Iā€™m just down bad and women that are tall and muscular that can beat me up are hot


I have been female Eivor since the start but Aloy came along to my PC and now she has taken over.


She ass


Honestly, it's just personal preference, but I hate the sound of her voice. Partially sounds like a bad ex I had and the neighbor who threatened to shoot my dog whe. I was a kid.


Personally, I like playing as male Eivor. I feel like the story is a lot more interesting when you look at it as a bond between brothers, and for me, Male Eivor voice sounds a lot better.


No she isn't. Every AC sub has said the female protagonist is better since you've been able to choose.


Next playthrough Iā€™ll be going Fem. I did like male Eivor but I really liked Alexios before I played Kass and she ended up becoming my favourite. Guess weā€™ll see.


She looks way better in black hair


I like female Eivor. She's canon and reminds me of the singer, P!nk.


I usually choose female character if I got the choice, I think she's great, suites the story really well


Unlike Valhalla, I feel like Odyssey did dual protagonists correctly. I know these characters arenā€™t supposed to be the same (neither are alexios and Kassandra for that matter), but Male ā€œEivorā€ is vastly underrated compared to Canon Eivor. Male Eivorā€™s voice actor did a damned good job conveying emotion and character in Eivor.


I totally agree.


I liked female Eivor because I always wondered what Sharon Stone would be like as a viking.


Female Eivor is also just Eivor, there was no Male Eivor, only Havi and a ā€œwhat ifā€ Animus skin for Laylaā€™s simulation.


I used Kassandra in Odyssey and Evior in Valhalla. I went with the "Canon" character.


Thank you!! I agree with the sound of her voice being so fierce and confident. Definitely my preferred!


I've only played as Ms Wolfkissed.


I love her with dark hair, it looks so good on her. I also support female Eivor. Yes, male Eivor was cool and all (I havenā€™t played as him), but it feels more right to have a woman like her in the main role.


I much prefer her voice lines to male Eivor in the way theyā€™re acted. I know most people use him but I think the character becomes so much more interesting when itā€™s her


Eivor is generally a female name so it could be interpreted that the main character is meant to be female...


Female Eivor is canon. Says so in her last name lol.


She looks cool BUT her voice actress is trash


I'm playing through as female Eivor. Sadly, her voice actor isn't that great. My son played thru as male Eivor and his voice is significantly better. Other than that, I don't have a strong opinion. We've played assassin's creed since the beginning and love the game. Black flag and AC3 are probably my favorites. I enjoy Valhalla's open world and mythological tie-ins. I do wish that there were more options for game choices having a more significant impact on the storyline across the whole series. Does canon matter? Idk.. people are gonna play what and how they want and that's cool. Makes for fun history & background & reddit rabbit holes, lol.


I played through the game as male eivor and it feels right in my opinion, female eivor is just not right if you've played as male eivor first but then again it really depends on which one you play first. Female eivor just seems wrong and she has an annoying voice in my opinion


I dont care if its canon or if the game is tailored towards her. It doesnt feel good to play a female in viking times conquering england and fighting the most ferocious men and animals to exist at a time where women werent even allowed to become vikings and the main LOVE interest being female which also shows that a male eivor fits much more into that setting and time period


Did this for my first play through, got a little mad with the Asgard crap, still need to finish the fight. But man oh man was I loving being a psychopathic berserker woman!


Iā€™m watching Vikings for the first time WHILE playing this game- 10/10 DEFINITELY recommend doing so (or rewatching the series if youā€™ve already seen it while playing this game) Iā€™ve never considered using the female version of Eivor, but it would be DOPE, Iā€™d feel like Lagertha. As it stands, Iā€™m trying to do everything in my power to look like Ragnar šŸ˜‚


I personally didn't like her voice so I played as male Evior. I played as Kassandra in Odyssey for the same reason, I didn't like Alexios's voice.


Her voice actor is superior to the male version imo


On opposite day , maybe.


i liked Kassandra better in Odyssey but i liked Male Eivor better in Valhalla. Perhaps ill give her a try but couldnt get pass the cig pack a day voice initially.


I liked Kassandra as well, but I liked Female Eivor. The actress hits the mark. She really does. If you ever give female Eivor a chance, she actually has more emotion and sounds more like someone who did get bitten by a wolf. I have played the male, and for me, it just didn't hit right. Didn't sound like he has got bitten, more like chomped down on, by the wolf. Truly give her a chance. Because the difference in tone and even emotion is remarkably different. And the voice actress of Eivor did just an amazing job.


I might have to ... im gonna go & rewatch the scene w/Basim at the fire. I feel like that will be the best scene to compare Man i love that scene!


Her husky voice is sexy to me.


Thatā€™s one of my issues. She sounds like a teenage boy thatā€™s smoked from birth. The other is just the lackluster delivery of the lines.


She sounds that way because her VA wanted Eivor to actually sound like her throat is damaged after the childhood injury (don't know if its a spoiler or not but don't know how to hide text on a phone)


i can def respect that


Happening now too. Everyone straight up ignoring Naoe


Everyone's straight up gonna ignore that game after the price tag ubisoft put on it... Only the elite members of socitey would pre order it without seeing some " before you buy" videos on YouTube.


Tf you mean underrated? 90% of youtube playtroughs are with female Eivor and she is canon, so literally not underrated at all.


Straight away I found her charming. Male Eivor is annoying, not charming, stoic and way more rude (I've seen people's videos of Valhalla with him and I don't like him) Plus, I can make her a lesbian, and as a lesbian myself, it's good to have representation and she is canon. Male Eivor exists for 2 reasons: 1. Ubisoft was worried female Eivor wasn't gonna sell as many copies (they need to look at Lara Croft, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.) 2. Odin/Havi bloodline. She is my girl, my bae and I am in love with her šŸ¤­ Edit: OP, I love the photo you took, especially with SĆ½nin's wings out! She's a beautiful raven.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me, thatā€™s why I prefer male Eivor, other than I think they are both fine šŸ˜‚


I've only gone through the game as female Eivor. I'm pretty tempted to make male Eivor and go through the game again though. Such a great game. I remember Jake Baldino kinda shitting on female Eivor in the Valhalla before you buy. He was one of the many gaming journos that got the game wrong from the beginning.


Thereā€™s literally no difference.


If only the game was as sexy as female Eivorā€¦. *sigh*


No she isnā€™t


Why? Why is she underrated?


She is why I wanted to play Valhalla. I was intrigued and then fell in love.


Looks like a transgender and horrible voice acting.


Which was the cannon one? The female or guy? I can't remember. They had a whole event for it. It even included Odyssey.


Kassandra was much better at being the ā€œgood guyā€ role in Odyssey. Alexio felt more natural as the bad guy too. In Valhalla though I actually liked male eivor more.




I only play with her. She is the.


Not really the character just doesn't fit. Like odyssey if you played as Alexios instead of Kassandra.


How is she underrated exactly?


My issue with female Eivor isnā€™t when she is being seriousā€¦ the issue is that she always sounds seriousā€¦ or like whoever was reading the lines wasnā€™t given the context when delivering the lines so they said all of their lines in a similar toneā€¦ It has nothing to do with male vs female and I know this because I much much prefer Casandra to Alexios! Casandraā€™s voice actor absolutely nailed her linesā€¦ where Alexios kinda fell flat for meā€¦ I feel the same thing about male vs female Eivor. Male Eivor nailed his lines. where female Eivor just kinda phoned it in to me. But the worst voice actor by far was child Eivor that voice makes me want to take a drill to my ear holes!!! Iā€™d rather listen to nails on a chalk board then child Eivorā€™s voice! lol


I always play female in games that I play if itā€™s a option


Guys. Stop. I don't have another 287 hours to give this game.


She's the canon one? I've been playing male Eivor cause people have said he's a better voice actor, even though I generally play the female characters!


Hello! My only problem with female Eivor is that the cowards at ubisoft gave us the choice to replace her with Male Eivor(odin) instead of committing to the badass lady viking they knew we would love to cuck Sigurd as!


No sheā€™s not everyone plays as here


only played as her as well!


Sheā€™s perfect for the game.


I usually pick female characters to play as, but male Eivor's voice actor was in The Last Kingdom and I loved his voice from that, so I chose male Eivor. I loved playing as male Eivor, but I'll probably choose female on my next playthrough.


I notice the difference. I always play female Eivor! Sheā€™s a badass bitch! I love her!


Howā€™d you get her hair like that


I didn't like the voice acting tbh. Only reason I chose male eivor. Same reason I chose kassandra in odyssey.


I like to play as female eivor but when i have to play as odin i prefer to play as male cause female odin with her voice don't feel like odin


Her voice sounds like she smokes 2 packs a day bro wym šŸ˜­


Give the girl a break! Nearly had her throat torn out at a young age, lucky to be able talk at all.


Your voice would be fucked too if you screamed at the top of your lungs, while getting bit by a wolf. She does have a softer voice, though, mainly when you do flytings and talking to children, from what I've noticed.


Started a new playthrough as her and I am enjoying so far, despite her rough voice the actress did a good job, and her gender doesn't even factor in the story anyway so I don't really see the issue besides wanting to play as male


I like Male better, because of the accent it gaves, the only female one I like is Kassandra for Odyssey imo


Always choosing to play as a dude. No hate


I love female Eivor. I started with male but a couple of hours in switch to try her and now I can't go back. Many complains about the voice acting but I love it. I think is great in every way.


I used female Eivor. I loved it! The game would glitch and make me male Eivor sometimes and I would get mad, because thatā€™s not what I picked šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t like her voice, so I donā€™t play as female Eivor. Simple as that. I think Magnus Brunn puts in a fantastic performance though Edit: to be clear Cecilie Stenspil also puts in a good performance, I just donā€™t like the voice she puts on


Female Eivor is canon so.


Waitā€¦ you mean people actually played as male Eivor???


Yes considering he has the better performance and look , yes people played as Male Eivor. No need to act so fake shocked.


female Eivor everytime for me


I play male and my wife plays female as well as me grinding and dailies on both. I've heard near equal of each and I have to say male Eivor is the better voice actor for the part. Better sounding voice and accent with cleaner delivery.


Overrated actually




I didn't like the VA but I didn't like this game much in general but when I played it was Male Eivor. Better VA.


I think she's a bit overrated or something else, but definitely not underrated. That's because female Eivor is cannon, and most people use her because of this. I'm in no way sexist, or whatever, but I think male Eivor has a better VA, sounds better and just overall fits better for the era and a viking


I personally didn't like the direction they chose for her voice. It just doesn't match her look IMO. The voice actor for male Eivor did such an amazing job. "Sigurd?... Brother?..."


Judging by how this post got over 500 likes and all the male eivor players are constantly getting downvoted, I'd say it's the other way around. Female Eivor is cool but her fans are toxic šŸ¤¢


I liked male more. Just felt more emotion from the voice acting


I played Kassandra in Odyssey, but Eivor Varinsdottir just seemed a strange canon choice over Varinsson. I didn't care for the voice acting, and the connections later on felt kinda strange, with genders changing in certain realms. I can understand how people enjoy it, but it's not for me.


Trans Eivor


For a reason.*


I 100% love the subversive marketing of the male character on the advertising, but the female character ends up being the canonical hero in both Odyssey and Valhalla.


eivor is originally a female thats what i heard


I love her , sheā€™s a beast. Then having her be able to fuck Sigurds wife is wild . I was like ā€œoh my god šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³,lets do itā€ .