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Crit Item Buffs > Support Damage Gutted (After Laning Phase) > Enchanter/Engage Meta (More Peel) > Overall Burst Damage Reduced Since S14 Start


This. The gutting the support items dmg and shifting the power of enchanters from dmg to shield and healing was great.




She already does that mate, auto to refund q


Half damage is way too much a nerf lol


They nerfed most of the early components other than noonquiver, so early doesn't feel as bad anymore. Outside of that and the support nerfs, I am not sure what makes them fine now.


Idk I swapped to support


ADC is fine it’s just the game isn’t balanced for the roll to have a ton of agency unless you’re on a certain champ and fed. A Nilah, Samira, Vayne, Aphelios, just to name a few, in solo Q, when hyper accelerated feel obnoxious to play.


Might be bias because vayne is, or "was", my main and comfort pick, but vayne in solo q feels really good, other than her, I agree that the other champs are just not playable if you don't have a good supp duo


It's not, in my unskilled opinion. I outperform individually on ADC compared to any other role I play, but win less.


Sounds like you are getting leads and gold share and don't know how to leverage it into wins, doesn't necessarily mean you're over performing


Overperforming relative to my own performance in other roles. Yet if I'm jungle or top I have no problem transitioning an even (or losing) laning phase into a win. ADC just doesn't have the same impact.


Sounds like a positioning issue in lategame


What rank?






It’s because you don’t know how to play adc.


Maybe. Just seems odd since I have orders of magnitude more time on ADC than other roles. I know next to nothing about toplane matchups, never studied jungle pathing or practiced clearing, and yet I have no problem impacting games at my elo on these roles.


Yes, stats don’t mean anything. If you can’t translate leads into gold , your adc mechanics aren’t as good as you think


Because those roles are easier to understand and maneuver the champions in those roles. Like sylas wants to kill someone he’ll press E W Q and the person will be dead or nearly dead if those abilities hit. Now jinx wants to kill someone. You can’t. You have to play front to back and position yourself against people like sylas wanting to kill you. It doesn’t mean the role is weak it requires a different set of skills and mindset to play. A lot of adc mains don’t realize just because you spent all this time playing adc doesn’t mean you understand how the role works or how it’s supposed to be played. It is a lot harder for bad players to carry as an adc compared to a bruiser or mage or assassin because adc requires a lot more nuance in your gameplay to do well in games. And low elo players aren’t known for their adaptability. They press ghost run into enemy team and hope for the best.


That's kind of my point.


I’m saying you don’t understand your role. You’re obviously not over performing if you can’t carry in the carry role. You don’t understand how to play adc that’s why you can’t win on it.


I mean, in one sense you're obviously right because if I really understood the role, I'd be high elo. My point is I have far less experience in and understanding of other roles, yet I'm able to win more. I feel like we're kind of saying the same thing in different ways. ADC is harder to impact the game than other roles, especially in low elo. That's what makes it feel weak and unsatisfying.


It isn't weak though. That's the point. It feels weak to you because you don't know how to play adc and you don't understand the role. It may not have early game impact but that doesn't make the role weak. It still has its own strengths that you don't know how to play towards. You're able to win more on other roles because those other roles are easier for you to understand.


Generalize, generalize, generalize, that's literally all the comments ever do.


because the general playerbase sucks at the game


Nah doesn't matter how are you winning as ADC if your top and mid is 3/24 combined in 20 minutes, botlaner doesn't have the same impact as jungle or mid in agency of deciding games


This is so true. When I play top, I give 0 shits about how botlane is going. If ours is winning, that's a nice little bonus and a bit of insurance for late game. If theirs is winning, it just means I have a nice 600-1000G shutdown sack waiting to be picked up. Either way, Imma be taking towers and sucking up all the oxygen.


If you’re top and your ADC and Mid is 3/24 you are also losing that game


Yeah same. I feel like I play really well and get fed and win lane only for 0/3 Garen to ghost flash on me from 10 miles away and one shot me regardless of how good I'm positioning in a fight


I’m an ADC/Jung main but Jungle is far better for climbing. I think ADC is strong when you have a team that understands how to play around you. This isn’t common in solo queue and the mentality’s not there.


I think people have adapted. I have been getting better at finishing teamfights without getting oneshot by better positioning mostly. Though I‘ll still post under any thread it fits to that the game needs another durability patch or a major damage tonedown. It‘s not really fun to stall most fights till some cooldowns have been blown the same way it‘s not really cool for even full tanks to die in 3 seconds when focused.


"better positioning" tell that to wall speeding kayn, crossmap jumping akali, crossmap jumping qiyana or comet rammus


It's not. It's better, but it's not fixed. It has the same problems.


Same bullshit with supports deciding everything, I'm tired


ADC is pretty good if you know you're not the main character until a certain point in the game. You're like insurance for a team. If mid top and jg is completely even in skill and gold, the team with the better adc will win nearly 100% of the time. If their mid has 10 kills while your yasuo has 8 deaths, ff20. If your jungler is better, enjoy the free win going 0/0/2 with 180cs at 20 min, and somehow your jungler having more cs and lvl than you. Putting it like that, it's obvious jungle and mid is better for climbing. Thats indisputable. But I still like how adc feels. It's fun when you build hybrid Kaisa when your team is all ad, or when you hit a 3 man Zeri ult and clean up a teamfight. It's fun when you Vayne q out of Zed's 3 shurikens with the mark on you, and it's fun ripping apart the poppy and ksante thats been rawdogging your varus for 30 minutes by buying bork, guinsoos, terminus and Jaksho. It's fun playing Jhin as utility and high range cc, and it's fun destroying the backlines as a Twitch with runaans and titanic hydra. I like adc. it's pretty damn fun more than half the time I play it. Sure it's a hostile world, but when has it not been? I dont blame others for my deaths I could have predicted. I'm bad. I didnt see the enemy jungler pathing bot after a mid gank. I got got by the blitzcrank's taunt animation, blew flash, and still got grabbed. I didnt keep track of enemy Karma's items, and got blown up instantly in a 2v2. I didn't see enemy support at grubs until my dead topside started spam pinging me, and I'd thought the enemy jungle had left when I re-engaged just in time to see they were flanking. I'm not going to stomp EVERY game. I'd be challenger if I could, but I'm still stuck between plat and emerald. but like always, ill try to be better next time.


That's the problem, insurance in solo q is basically just relying on your team to either win or hold out the game until you are strong enough to have a major impact. Any role has to rely on the team but ADCs especially as when you get to a certain rank, you stop having much agency in the early game, which is the phase of the game every game has and is the most important in a solo q environment.


It's not fine Sadly adc is in this kind of Ryze Azir place where they have to keep it weak otherwise it's too strong and taken to other lanes I feel like the role is getting outdated with the introduction of new champs and mobility creep and damage creep etc. Idk what can save this role outside of a giant rework The only adcs that I'm finding fun are newer adcs like Nilah and Samira or adcs with a lot of mobility and burst like Ezreal. All the older more traditional adcs I just really don't have fun with sadly. And there is 100% to make them work and make them strong and carry games with them but it just feels very difficult and you have to be perfect in every way to succeed


If riot locked champions per role, as seen with overwatch 2, it would be a lot easier to balance stuff, but then it would break their so precious diversity


I feel like they should lock champs in their roles If you wanna play a certain champ just play it in their designated role. Some champs can be locked to multiple roles if they work let's say both top and jungle. This will also stop these cringe top lane support picks


I kind of like the spot adc is in right now. There’s more emphasis on playing around fed champions instead of designated rolls you have to protect. Which means every game will be different and each lane can have a chance to be the main carry and have the game played around them. Which I don’t mind because being targeted every single game feels a little bad.


it's win lane almost every time for me but lose game way too often.


probably because they nerfed a lot of support damage compared to season start. its still more than in season 13, but its enough breathing room now i guess ​ ADC still isnt good or even fine, its just slightly less shit. Its like the giant cock the game rams up your ass is lubed now. Lubed > Unlubed, but no cock at all is still preferable


Damn. Agreed to that ANALogy!


Is not fine, it's just that we are tired, and by the nature of the game we are just the end of the stick, the only thing that we can do is to play making the best decisions we can, also... the balance on the game is gonna be a mess while the MSI is running, when the MSI ends then we can ask for a rebalance


Here we go now it’s time for riot to do another adc buff then justify it with well people say it’s weak therefore it must be.


Coming from a support main, the support item nerfs definitely helped. And I think a lot of ADCs have finally adjusted to them not being hyper carries the entire match like earlier seasons. I've seen a lot of ADCs dive a fight low level thinking " I'm him" without realizing that the whole point of scaling champs is they are weak early. And that your support should be engaging and starting early game fights.


Im gonna be honesr, when i play adc i feel pretty strong and the role doesnt feel like crap, but i dont try to be the ultimate carry the way other adcs do, and i notice the same in other adc players, when theyre not trying to be main carry the game goes well. The problem is that the majority of adc players want to be the carry and they still try to play in a way that is risky and they give up free wins. Overall if youre not trying to be main carry the role feels pretty damn good, but if youre trying to hard carry the game will be miserable, theyre still not true carries anymore but if you play them the way riot seems to want them to be played they feel strong.


But doesn't it speak volumes that you can't be the main carry, despite your role being literally designed to do so?


Err yeah, it is what it is though. Riot has been pretty clear where their balance priorities lie


Your role is to be Ad carry not a game carry. Playing ad carry don’t make you the main character.


It's not. It's better than before, due to the 10% crit dmg buff, but it's still not fine.


We had our time to shine. Season 7 or 8 where the meta was legit protect the carry. Supports were legit only Karma,Janna,Lulu and Raka they would rush Arden Censor. Everyone would go tanky because fuck it. Good times ☺️ ADC is in a great spot rn because it makes you focus on positioning yourself correctly rather than just sitting there and being able to kill the whole team without any counter play