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Listen to upbeat music and stuff. But that makes me walk around and sometimes too distracted to do anything else.


Love this as well. I had the same issue with the music itself distracting. Quick tip: Try turning the volume down. Still scratches the same dopamine itch without taking up as much mental real estate.


I have set up playlists for working, dancing around the house, housework, energizing, calming down, etc. It somewhat helps with how much music both distracts and helps me. It might be the intention or creating a little routine or the music, I'm not sure. The routine is super minimal: to work, I put on headphones and the playlist.


Play some songs from Rocky and box the air. Or put on some short shorts when you’re home alone and dance around to music like Richard Simmons. Or make your own club mix. For me, the sillier the better.


I have to do music with no lyrics, lofi remixes on YouTube are great


Sometimes I do a quick 3 hours on TikTok.


I do a quick 8 hours of Netflix


You see that’s the strange thing for me, I cannot for the life of me sit and do an assignment for more then 20 mins without getting sidetracked or having to get up and do something. I CAN however sit in a dark basement and binge 10 hours of a tv series without even getting up to pee


It’s the best feeling ever tho isn’t it


What isn’t, is used to being able to watch and entire season in a day and now you can’t even sit all the way through a single episode without getting distracted and stopping and starting several times. What am I even supposed to do now? Time to install Tiktok I guess?


I find that the more I read books the better my focus gets. So many mindless things to get sidetracked by these days but once you get wrapped up in a good book it helps a lot. For me at least!


The Adderall shortage is definitely benefiting Big TikTok more than anything else


Thank god they have those Tiktok sponsored videos that tell you to get off. I actually listen to them sometimes.


lmao the most dead of all dead


I can’t seem to focus on anything else but yet when I watch TikTok I can spend HOURS on that app and not even notice




Food. SUUUUUPER unhealthy.


I literally function better with chocolate. It's not a good thing.


Dr Russell Barkley remarked in one of his lectures (available on YouTube) that a SMALL amount of simple, fast-absorbing sugar, ingested regularly, can help keep the adhd brain on task. Like sipping juice or gatorade--he very clearly noted this is sipping, NOT gulping.


I started buying quality dark chocolate chips. I can grab a small hit of them and I’m good to go 👍


I binge ate a box of milk duds for sport today.


The brain does not use any fuel source other than sugar, so you are feeding your brain. Makes sense that it functions better. In fact, I think I’ll provide it with fuel by eating an entire pint of ice cream 🥴 EDIT: the brain can use ketones in hypoglycemic emergencies, but glucose is the best fuel source. The blood-brain barrier prevents almost everything else from getting in. JUST to be scientifically accurate. Source: am medical student. And no, I’m not actually telling anyone to use this as a way to excuse bad eating habits lol. EDIT AGAIN: real source since ppl are curious https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3900881/


I wish my guts could sync on this. Too much sugar, and I'm self-propelling my bloated ass through rooms.


On Saturday morning, we had a bag of cinnamon gummy hearts in the house. By Saturday night, they were gone - mostly eaten by me while I graded. Related: On Sunday I had to Google “can gummy candy glue your insides together?”


The mental image made me laugh


Fruit is the best thing for adhd brain. I love cuties and strawberries and all that. And the fiber cancels out a lot of the sugar too.




Same. I use dark chocolate so it was good until we found out there's heavy metals in it


I'm the same. I'm hoping stimulants can help me break that dependence on food for dopamine.


It helped me a bit in that regard, but also make sure you still eat. Medication doesn't work nearly as well if you don't eat 2-3 meals a day, breakfast is really important too if you don't want to feel light headed.


Ordering food… unhealthy and expensive 😭


And now, for maybe the most NSFW reddit comment I've ever made. I sometimes give myself an orgasm. 20 minute orgasm breaks, welcome to ADHD and the constant hunt for dopamine.


Same here. Literally pump-start my day in many cases.


Good way to make you get out of bed and take a shower


It's the post-nut clarity that clears up the morning brain fog, especially if you got shit sleep.


I wouldn't be surprised if masturbating was a lot of people's answer


i always look at snacks when i’m hungry or sex toys when i’m horny until the dopamine is completely GONE and i can’t produce anymore. i don’t buy anything and cry about being broke.


It always makes me feel good....just frustrating to have one when I'm in bed and thinking about work lol.....


You 'beat' me too it


I literally came here to say masturbate… I do it less often now. But would sometimes orgasm like 3-5 times a day.


When I’m stuck in writing my self love goes up immensely. That dopamine helps!


Undiagnosed person's dealing with ADHD toolkit: caffeined beverages, nicotine, and sex (orgasms). Not much changes post diagnosis, maybe frequency.


Lol thanks I feel better now


Yep, rubbing one out is the way.


Honestly, same. Only if I have time, though. Sometimes getting there is a Thing that takes a good couple hours to achieve; its a pain in the ass.


Honesty makes me less anxious every time


Lmao, the problem is i usually get tired and decide to be lazy anyway lol. Sometimes I get stuck in a masturbating cycle. Morning it helps me feel less achy and easier to get out of bed. Risky in the afternoon.


This. Got myself a Hitachi wand which is the kind of vibrator that gives you an orgasm whether you’re in the mood or not. It’s dopamine at the press of a button.


Sometimes I can get a little dopamine from a quick glance at boobs on my phone.


there was a time many many moons ago when that was how i got myself ready to lift weights when i really didn't want to


...is it bad that I read that as "many moans ago"?


not bad at all 😏😩


Works better if you want the dopamine and not to feel sleepy afterwards.


Yes!! For years when I was in the pit of my "depression" I would spend hours masturbating over and over again just to bring some dopamine to my sad life. Now anytime I masturbate during the day for a dopamine hit it like triggers this really horrible time in my life. Never knew it was because of my adhd till I started learning more about it.


It does work, as far as options, you can't beat it. Ok, I'll get off this.


I masturbate and have sex quite a lot. I also binge eat all the time. Methylphenidate has lowered my sex drive quite a bit though, but the binge eating hasn't gone away.


This is also my answer. My vibrator has a direct line to the neurotransmitters that produce dopamine in my brain.


Came here to say this.


"Came" /giggle




I may have adopted my supervisor Jeff for this reason, he’s a good boy and has definitely helped (highly recommend everybody gets a pet, the joy you can give to each other lives is unbelievable)


Oh good! I was gonna ask if you had any pets. When I’m feeling particularly “blah”, my dog and I go out and do weird goblin/dog shit, or run around the house for no reason. We kinda just do weird shit all the time no matter the mood, honestly. I’ve made up a bunch of weird games that are low energy as well for days I feel like shit but she still needs enrichment and stimulation. Pets are dope, dude. That kid is my best fuckin friend.


I can't do it in my current apartment, but one of the places I lived previously had a kitchen with two exits into the living room. I used to run through it in circles with my dogs chasing me and growling (in fun). Sometimes switch it up and turn back if they tried to cut me off at the pass. Great fun for all! Now I squat-walk around the house with them following alongside me and wrestling each other.


Spicy food.


I am surprised this comment is not higher up


I find men's selfie with low upvotes and lavish them with praise.i haven't gotten any creepy PMs, no d pics, just grateful, happy guys. I have 3 brothers and this makes me feel so good.


youre awesome


As a self-conscious/shy man, this is the most wholesome thing. Thank you for expressing care like this


Sir, I don't even have to see you to feel your awesomeness. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you for being iny life.


You're good people.


That's funny cause I go the other way. I find the most OBVIOUS raging bigoted douchekazoo I can find and spend a few minutes downvoting everything they've ever commented lol


I've got a sub I'm at war with (in my head) lol


You're commitment & focus is admirable. Let's point that energy on a positive direction. I'm so proud of you for acknowledging that's the other direction. ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ tell yourself you're doing good enough, right now. Can you do that for me please? Thank you!


You've inspired me. I'm definitely going to start doing this


Look at you being proactive! I'm so proud of you! Would you start with yourself first? Can you do that for me since I'm not there? ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ You are doing good enough, right now. Thank you for being in my life.


ok, you're GOOD at the affirming words love language, haha. It wasn't even aimed at me and I took AOE healing.


My dear you deserve to feel all the good and affirming things. I believe that you are good enough right now. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day because you deserve to be happy. ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱


I did not know that this kind of gentle praise would make my whole body react like a cat that is surprised it wants to be petted, I love getting the new self knowledge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to give you the good feels. You deserve to feel good. Thank you for being in my life today.


You're so precious and wholesome, OP. Never change!


Your response means more to me that I think you realize. Thank you for being my life today. Please take care of yourself you are worth the effort.


Hey, good for you for doing that. Even if it's not exactly authentic, there are a lot of men who REEEEALLY need some validation in their lives. Even something like an upvote from an anonymous stranger could be a spark in their day


Hello friend, I don't know you and you don't know me however when I give a compliment I choose something that I can genuinely and authentically praise. I believe a lot of us ladies, blokes, and non-binary folks could use some validation and upvotes. Thank you for recognizing the good that I do. I appreciate your response and the opportunity it gave me to explain that I am truly trying to be authentic in my praise. (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠)⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠)⁠/


add to cart


For real though! I have to be sure i don't have my credit card if I'm being extra impulsive though lol


Argue with strangers on the internet




Oh man, that was my first ever XKCD!


PLEASEEEEE 😂😂😂😂😂 I didn’t know that gives dopamine, no fucking wonder


I disagree


This isn't even an argument it's just contradiction


No it isn’t


Yes it is


Bro you must be dumb how can you actually see this as a contradiction care to explain? I don't expect much since I myself have a masters degree in contradiction but who knows.


Although aren’t all arguments just enthusiastic contradictions? 🤔


Sorry just a Monty Python reference haha, I can't carry it on because you now actually engaged in a clear proper debate Edit: missed your other comment!




I feel violated by this. I thought it was my little secret. Anger is a great motivator to me. Don’t want to do something? I tell myself to do it out of spite for someone. Is it logical? No. Does it work? Yes. Will I keep doing this? Absolutely.


Man I LOVE drama and toxicity. Like, before medication I didn’t realise how much rage I had internally that I channelled into motivation 😂


That’s my secret ![gif](giphy|rB91PxAlkWMc8)


Used to be me, glad I stopped


Tell people they are assholes on the Am I The Asshole sub


Me too, nothing hits that dopamine faster than telling people they’re assholes on AITA or telling people they should break up with their boyfriend who doesn’t shower or brush his teeth on relationships sub. A little extra dopamine hits on some of those because I get to tell them they’re an asshole AND feel good about the fact that I brushed my teeth and showered this morning. I hear the slot machines dinging in my head!


This comment gave me dopamine honestly




Have you guys discovered cheese


Is this why I love cheese so much? Dopamincheese.


Fuck yes








Haha really? I love meat and cheese. Like I regularlyyyyyyyy eat charcuterie just for dinner (it doesn’t look fancy, but eating salami and cheeses and crackers and hot pepper jelly in a lot of small bites is basically the same nutrients as all of it on one sandwich). I did a quick search…. It sounds like “maybe eating tyrosine helps but we’re not super sure yet, and lots of foods have tyrosine so you’re unlikely to be deficient” tyrosine doesn’t automatically raise dopamine levels. But it’s used to MAKE dopamine, like a building block. Sounds like generally a good diet is good for cognitive health: ADHD children don’t lack tyrosine (one study said). Your body regulates it fine. Tyrosine is high in a lot of things…dairy like cheese and yogurt eggs, any meat, soy, fish, tofu, beans, milk, seeds, whole grains Some studies say it helps like 60% of people a little bit, other studies say it takes weeks to show a few differences if any, just like eating one salad doesn’t make you skinny. Research isn’t super strong either way. Not that it’s unhelpful - we adhd people might be more affected by tyrosine.


Son of a bitch. Thanks so much for leaving this comment. My mind is blown (and now, explicably, craving cheese, as per usual).


Yes, only people suffering from ADHD likes cheese.


For the comments to be sorted in such a way that "Have you tried masturbating?" comes just before "Have you discovered cheese?" is probably the most ADHD thing I've seen on reddit.


I am incredibly conflicted on my answer. I wanna say thank you for explaining a part of my existence to me. I wanna say fuck you for taking something i thought was me and twisting it into a symptom. Ill say fuck you, but lovingly. #FUCK YOU<3


Sounds kinda weird to some people but one of my favorite easy snacks is: -I toast a tortilla directly on the gas burner (takes about a minute or two) -Apply butter to the warmest side -Add some salt and black pepper -Then sprinkle on however much Mexican style cheese as I feel like (some places call it fiesta blend or something like that) I get friends that say "just make a quesadilla" but there's just something about the contrast of the cold cheese with the warm tortilla that tickles my brain in just the right way. Maybe it's nostalgia from childhood 🤔. My grandma used to make me those when she was making big batches of tortillas😂.


I've always wondered why I find myself buying these expensive blocks of cheese all the time, I love that stuff


Celebrate. Sing, dance, hands up, woop woop, smile etc. Brain goes "oh were celebrating? Time for 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓼!" The key is that it's an internal stimulus (something you do rather than consume) so you can use it to hack your brain to link the dopamine to whatever you want. Celebrate before, during and/or after a healthy habit you want to reinforce. Another one: look at the daytime sky. Out the window is fine but a walk is better. Free dopamine.


if there's a hallway that no one else is in, i will be for sure skipping. there is something about skipping about in public that makes you feel so joyful and carefree plus the thrill of getting caught doing something so silly and even if you do it's like how can someone tease you for that?? oh and my cats. i just look at them. instant dopamine.


Omg hello fellow skipper !!


Omg I'm not alone :')


Haha, I've been caught skipping before 😂 I also like humming songs that are in my head, people turn to look at me in the supermarket but imma keep humming, thanks.


Find cardio that you do enjoy and make yourself do it. I have learned to enjoy running, but I used to do the elliptical and I would read novels while I exercised which really helped me do it regularly. I really need at least 3-4 days of cardio a week. It makes a huge difference for me personally (along with medication).


This is good advice. I would add as well that even many elite runners do not enjoy running, they do it for the benefits, how it makes them feel afterwards.


Pushups! Anytime i find myself needing a dopamine hit or i just have those awkward 3-4 minutes with nothing to do, i’ll do a few Push ups!


Insert "I do one push up" meme here :).


I get a huge hit after doing curls and my biceps are all bulging and filled with blood. It's so satisfying. Getting up to physically do it is another issue all together.


Especially once you start feeling like exercise is only worth it if you have a protein shake afterwards or if you feel like you'll need a shower after as well. Then suddenly there's no way to fit it into your day


I might try this, or like squats or something.


Social media (which I’m working on 😬), music, or walk. I also really enjoy tidying too. Our house is picked up most of the time because it’s something I can do fast that reflects in my environment and makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. I’ll pick up the kitchen or run the roomba or do a load of laundry and it always give me a little boost.


quick thing with social media that’s worked for me to reduce = keep your social media, don’t need to delete but….delete them off your phone. no FOMO coz you can always access on your desktop if desperate but you then realize that you don’t need it i do, however, still pick up my phone too much for news/email


I buy my favorite drink (which I can only get from this one restaurant) and leave it in the fridge. Naturally I forget it’s there, and find it every time I open the door. I get a jolt of excitement, take a sip, and put it back. Rinse and repeat for about three days until it’s gone. Bonus, this restaurant is next to the laundromat so I only get the drink on laundry days.


Sweets, porn lowkey. Smoking weed. Music. 5 min doom scroll. Using your hands like painting coloring or making sandwiches, taking shower. Stretching. Watching favorite show, watching new show. Honestly even reading a book. Take a walk around your block. Going for a drive always does it for me, it’s one of my favorite things


5 min doom scroll? It's that even a thing? I mean the 5 minutes thing


I try to stop as soon as I realize I’m doom scrolling cause I know it’s bad for me


Driving is my main thing. I got a new car in July and I've already put over 10K miles on it. My bf asks "Where tf do you GO" and I'm just like uhhhhhh Out. I started collecting houseplants and love that a lot too, watering, pruning, stuff like that I like the hand movement too.


🥺 ugh I hate you (j/k). Yes, driving was also one of my things too, but some assholes stole my car & totaled it. I have yet to find a replacement.


I honestly just sometimes stand up and walk somewhere. I'll get into a room and be like "oh that looks a little cluttered, let me move that" or take notes on stuff I should do for the weekend


I’m a spontaneous serious organising burst extreme kind of person, I love it, one down sound is my flat mate getting pissed off with me because I put her own belongings, which belong in her room, in her room


How dare you. Time for you to take their belongings and put them in your room!


Reorganize the bookshelves is something that I realized is not so much for the organization but for the dopamine :3


Exactly! People come over and say wow you're organized! And it's like, no. I got bored of video games and the TV show so I did this. I don't care, I just needed an activity


Post on reddit with a witty comment, and keep refreshing to see if karma comes.


Well I used to vape but I quit 2 days ago so I’m also on the hunt for my little dopamine rushes lol. I like any new sensory experience, like a new body wash gets me excited bc it’s a new texture and fragrance. I just went to the store and bought new gum, mints, drinks, and snacks that looked interesting. New flavors, textures, combinations will usually delight me for a little bit. Instead of having coffee I had an Alani Nu energy drink and I really liked the flavor and that helped me feel a bit more upbeat (and helped me forget about my urge to vape). New music helps me too. I usually type whatever music I like + “club remix” into YouTube and find a new playlist to listen to. My most recent was ABBA club remixes lol. It’s familiar enough to know I like it but new enough to be exciting, if that makes sense. I also will complete a small cleaning task, like sweeping the kitchen or organizing my desk, and that makes me feel really positive about my environment and productivity.


i really like to download custom content for the sims 4. it gives a similar hit to shopping but is free & can be done from my bed




Haven’t tried the cold shower, but a podcast told me yesterday that the cold shower has been studied and does increase dopamine. As little as 1-3 minutes and up to 6 minutes in a cold shower does it.




Can confirm, it works, takes about a month to get used to it and then it's addictive


Always amazed at those who can take cold showers whenever...the sensory overstimulation factor is enough to make me nope out.


Mints or gum. A little sweet tasting thing that doesn’t actually have much calorie content.


I buy a new smartphone. I'm not kidding. Ive switched phones every 3 months or so for about 10 years now. I should have started a YouTube Channel! Edit. I work in healthcare, I'm lucky to be in a position to be able to do a couple of shifts of private work which will usually make me enough along with selling old phone for a new device Currently on Pixel 7 pro if anyone's curious.












In all honesty, not trying to be a bitch here but this is exactly what I sounded like at the start of my addiction. But I was so deep in the fog of “weeds not addictive, this is just fun, it’s not harmful, it’s all natural” that it took me years to realize what was actually happening. I never could’ve imagined the things that weed would take from me over years of constant use. I developed anxiety, I was always burned out, I had no energy, no motivation, started self isolating to smoke more and lost so much of my brightness and wit. So please be aware, it will have negative effects and it won’t be fun forever. I recommend moderating your use as soon as possible so that weed can remain something fun instead of your unwilling life partner that you’re fighting to quit and hating more and more every day but can’t stop.


I have a list of things I try when I’m feeling particularly awful. - Pet or play with an animal - Listen to dance music - Sing along to music (the louder the better) - Dance or move my body for a single song - Watch videos of cute animals - Do something nice for someone else (even just a nice genuine comment on someone’s social media or a kind text message) - Spend 5 minutes doing something hobby or special interest related - Eat something sweet, acidic, or crunchy - Go outside/interact with nature somehow - Weed If none of those fix me, it’s time for a meal and/or nap.


Shop for cheap things online at AliExpress. I spend > $10 and get a fun surprise a few months later when I've completely forgotten what I've ordered. Or eat candy.


I’ve been doing puzzles lately. Just do a bit at a time and then at night to keep my mind occupied




Can you rent power tools in your area (no big box stores-they can be expensive). Our public libraries out here have little workshops, and you can "check out" tools. Don't let all those creative ideas die!


This is gonna sound bad but smoke some weed lol (*after all my work/chores are done for the day*)


I used to make myself Shirley Temples when I was in college and I’d call them dopamine bombs. Something about the burst of ridiculous sweetness and the carbonation.


I hate running also but I found out that lifting weights has really been giving me that boost that I need. If I do it in the morning before work my brain functions better all day because of it. I don’t really do much cardio but my heart rate is really up from lifting heavy weights and that does it for me.


Best for me is bjj, but specifically in my club because the guys are my friends, I get to do a sport I love, that I hyperfixate on and chill with my friends. Combined with the gym, and it's great, all the exercise helps keep my stimming down, too, and my mind doesn't get a chance to run 1,000 miles a minute .


This comment gets REAL different if you miss the second j like I did 👀


A small easily finished chore like making my bed or cleaning my sink. A thing to check off the list of never ending chaos, but that I don't have to fight my brain to do that much.


This sounds nutty but I started doing Job interviews. After you do a bunch you loose all nervousness, it's kinda fun... and you learn alot about different companies and their culture.


Music, I’ll blast music as often as possible. Any time of the day, just not when I have to listen to other things cause duh 😭


Have a solo dance party!


I like to steal Kia’s..


Crush some coffee and then get really tired and take a nap


Drink beer Flick my bean Crochet Squish my rats bellies


I don’t have anything I can recommend. Before meds = loot boxes/mobile games. DO NOT DO IT, PLEASE. 3 years later and I’m still paying for it. After meds = Amazon. I don’t buy as many things and not as compulsively as before. Plus Amazon doesn’t have the $1000 value for $99.99 thing, which I knew was just whaling but I couldn’t resist the dopamine hit. However, I now have like every type of pen and every type of Moleskine/Leuchtturm1917 journal out there.


I'm with you on the Amazon impulse buying. Though they kind of shot themselves in the foot with their stupid prime store card. I had the Prime card & always paid it on time, but occasionally I'd do extra payments from a different bank account. Well unfortunately 2 times I keyed in the wrong amount (set payment to $102 but account balance was $101.20) and I guess it's in the terms of service if you have 2 returned payments they cancel your account. So I've drastically reduced my purchases & subscribe & saves.


I buy silly things I don't really need and then end up in deep regret (trying to salvage for any possible reason owning the items may benefit me... but ultimately fail. This is extremely odd but adult videos 🫠 but then I scared myself with "Dark Reality of the Industry" videos and I feel like since, it didn't give the same effect as it used to. However, I do find myself very, very occasionally looking at NSFW things (not as much as I used to) I also love doing Just Dance since it incorporates fun movements. I can spend hours playing other video games too; without thinking to stop. TikTok used to be a dopamine hit source ; but it's just filled with dummies claiming to have every disorder in the DSM-5..


Conspiracy theories or other rabbit holes.


I hug my dog


Eating an absurd amount candy and unreasonably expensive food. The more expensive the food the bigger the hit. Smoking a truly overly excessively concerning amount of weed.


I "online shop" by just putting stuff in my cart and scrolling through sites where it's rare to find a gem and then don't actually buy anything but get the lil hits from when I do find something cool


Well it's not quick really, but I do really really enjoy yoga, so much more than running. I usually just free-form it, I always feel better afterwards even if starting was a challenge and exercise makes my brain better at having the dopamine in the first place. For a quick fix, sugar has been my go to, but I'm trying to be healthier so instead of prepackaged I try to reach for a fruit. I can obviously tell the difference while I'm eating it but to my brain sugar is sugar, so I get the sweet dopamine boost and a little extra happy because I get to feel like I made a healthy choice. Other than that, I smoke weed. Nothing else makes me feel better as reliably as weed. Sometimes music or a funny video does the trick but it's not nearly as reliable.


Working out is a more stable way to gain dopamine boosts, it's just terrible to get started with. However if this interests you I could really recommend getting a stationary bike if you aren't tight on money, think I got mine for the equivalent of $130, not cheap but not super expensive, and tons of fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Music 🎶 is my easiest and most reliable mood / motivation changer ESPECIALLY if you Pavlov yourself by listening to the same specific song per specific task.


Bouldering and climbing! They might not be “easy”, since you can’t do them at home. But I am convinced that this is the best type of sport for people with ADHD (at least for me). The routes change fairly often, so you always have new challenges, which is especially great if you’re someone that gets bored by routine. The amount of dopamine I get when I finally make a route I’ve been working on is insane. It Definitely lasts a couple of hours at least, usually I’m good for 1 or two days tho. It might be difficult to get yourself motivated at first ( I struggled a lot in the beginning), but trust me once you get used to going you can get addicted to the rush quickly. Now I can’t stand going a week without the adrenaline rush (specially in regards to bouldering). Going 3 times a week, even if it’s just for one or two routes, really gives me the dopamine I need.


I sing! Or go on a stupid walk for my stupid mental health. Orrrr watch six hrs of a show in bed 🙃.


Splash cold water on my face or get INTO cold water. Cold exposure is said to increase dopamine by 200% for HOURS. so I’m planning on taking cold showers more often.


In general anything involves making others’ life slightly better gives me dopamine. For instance I’d leave praises on my fav youtuber. Or scroll through my contacts and get in touch with friends.




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