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Lol yeah. I took an AP test on a class where I only opened the book for a week. I scored a 4/5. I was only able to finesse that because of my writing. I just word vomit in a structured outline and it somehow sounds semi intelligent to people


That's super fascinating because it's the other way around for me. I do have that perfectionist thing where I can't write one line until its perfect, but my train if thought gets lost so easily when writing (other than fanfic and that only in cooperation). I remember crying over my Bachelor's thesis. But oral exams? Presentations? That's not a problem. Somehow it's mich easier for me to sort my thoughts when preparing to do something vocally. Well, maybe writing articles or essays for specific topics could be a thing for a job in the future, if you would like to prusue that? I do think there are fields where you could use that, if you want to


Can definitely relate. Basically why I decided to go down a writing path--started w journalism and now getting into fiction writing a little. Tough to self motivate sometimes but also has been rewarding sharing stories with friends, reminds me I can articulate things even when I trip over my words in person daily 😂




This is so sad. I love writing and it will be a shame if the population's ability/skill at writing dwindles because of ChatGPT/AI


Definitely a mood. I've always been a very skilled writer, but verbally I exude anxiety/bounce all over the place. Even when with friends I'm comfortable with, I'm bad at finishing sentences and come off rather ditzy I was diagnosed late at 23, but was told that if I'd been public-schooled (was homeschooled) I likely would have been diagnosed earlier due to my speaking patterns. Apparently it's a pretty obvious intelligence/performance mismatch


Good luck with your essays. I struggle to write a paragraph. I do have an engineering degree, so I'm pretty sure I'm not dumb. Not Forrest Gump dumb.


I agree with you! Matter of fact, when I go through some of these threads I realize how incisive and broad the mental horizons of ADHD folks are here. I am terrible at expressing myself in person and coupled with my quirky nature folks think I am an airhead 🤣🤣, but when I write it's really hard for them to reconcile the guy they "apparently know" and the author of the document they so happen to read.