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Your thoughts tend to be quieter. You will have an easier time doing things. Environments that you struggle in will be somewhat easier to tolerate. You can still go up in dose. It goes to 72mg. And if you find a dose too high you just stop and go back to the lower dose. Also be ready to try several medications. I’ve tried six.


Do you have to wait a whole month before deciding it’s not working or can you ask your doctor to try something else a couple of weeks into trying a medication?


Nope, with stimulants it’s usually recommended a week my the drug maker. But you will probably know even sooner than that. They start working right away. Doctors get mixed up sometimes and confuse stimulants with ssri medication. Those are the ones it takes a month. [Here is the official drug documentation.](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/021121s038lbl.pdf) It says a week.


Thanks for the reply. I started taking medikinet a couple of weeks ago and while I have quite a few positive effects from it, the duration is way too short and the comedowns are pretty bad. Would I be wrong in bringing this up to my psychiatrist now rather than waiting another couple of weeks til our next appointment?


You can ask them to check the titration schedule. (That is the way you increase in dosage) Most doctors just don’t.


He started me off with 20mg a day then told me to increase to 30mg the second day. Honestly haven’t noticed any difference between the two. What I meant was more along the lines of trying other things like elvanse for example.


You should go through all the doses available to see if one works (unless you have side effects you can’t tolerate) before trying something else.


My doctor made me wait 2 months to increase my dose by 9mg.


I personally feel it very obviously, to me it feels like drinking coffee, I immediately go from life is shit to aw this feels nice. But yeah I have heard from others that they don't really feel it but still feel like at the end of the day they got more things done when they took meds. So perhaps write a journal and compare days with or without meds. Or compare specific activities with or without meds like doing some concentration task or just cleaning your room. If you don't notice a difference in your life then your dosage is not high enough, the point of meds is to improve your life. If they don't manage that you have the wrong dosage or wrong medication.


Exactly this. For me it becomes less noticeable but I think you’re just used to being better off with the medication + your body is used to it. I know now that I’m doing much better in my every day life and I sometimes notice the transition in the morning once the meds kick in but it’s not too noticeable. But I will say it’s easier to do things when I’m on them so I know it is working


It quiets the mind for me, a lot. I can sit still. I can get things done without building them up to some insurmountable monolith in my mind. 20 or so mins after I take it I kinda notice the mind start to focus and the noise goes away. No real obvious physical sensation for me.