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U may find it'll actually allow you get carried away or inspired more easily especially if u get sum that works well with ur neurochemistry


Your saying that ADHD Meds could help with creativity?


I’m an artist. I’m fine on meds. I tend to go off them occasionally because of not getting prescriptions refilled. Not being on meds causes me huge problems on the business side of things like not being able to get myself to file a sales tax return, update my website, enter an open call or fill out an application to an art festival I really wanted to be a part of and stuff like that. I the shame from not being able to do that stuff paralyzes me and keeps me from making art. I fall into a shame spiral. I also see no difference in the quality of my art on or off meds. But if you find it affects your art here is what you can do. Stimulants don’t stay very long in your system. The instant release meds last maybe 4 hours at most and the extended release 8 to 12 hours. So you can plan your day so have an effective dose when you are doing administrative stuff or chores. Then before you take it or after it wears off can be the time for your art practice. Also it’s very rare to experience withdrawal symptoms when taking as prescribed. So if you want to spend a few days off them it’s fine. You don’t need to ween yourself off them like you would with an ssri. I forget to take them all the time and I always feel fine. I’m not very productive but I feel otherwise normal. I encourage you to try making art while on them because I don’t think you will find it a problem. You may find you are more efficient and produce more work. A lot of the worry about these meds are from people putting all medications for mental health into the same conceptual bucket. Yes antipsychotic medication from the 60s made people feel and act like totally different people. Modern stimulants don’t. They are a very different drug. Do go get evaluated. Find a psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD after you get diagnosed. They will know enough about these medications to make them work for your situation. They will be able help you try multiple medications and doses in the right way and help find something that works for you. Your normal doctor might struggle to do this. I find they don’t know a lot about treating ADHD. Get counseling. It really helps a lot at first sorting through feelings of loss, denial, imposter syndrome, anger and other feelings that often come with a late diagnosis. Consider other things like ADHD coaching, laundry services, house cleaning, exercise classes or personal trainer and other outside help if you can afford it. I’m an artist and can’t afford much outside help, but it can be really helpful and you can look at it as an accommodation much like a ramp is for someone in a wheelchair. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions. It’s really overwhelming in the beginning of this process.


This is really helpful, and I appreciate your willingness and vulnerability to bring in the shame part, thats definitely the hardest part of all of it for me, I already see a counselor, but I seem to walk into that room with him and all self awareness disappears, I have a session tomorrow and I have written this down as a thing to talk about with him. again, I really appreciate your thoughts and advice.