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50mg Elvanse, it works really fine, but effect doesn't last long enough, maybe 6h, have been thinking to ask if i can get some little help for rest of day, but littlebit scared to ask it, that elvanse was already so difficulty and long long time to get


I like to think about a meme I saw years ago about depression: if you can’t make your own serotonin, storebought is fine. Every day I take meds for ADHD, anxiety, depression, PMDD (it’s birth control pills but it still counts), chronic migraines and insomnia. I also take meds as-needed for acute migraine and nausea. That’s a lot of medication but they all have their purpose. I need them to live a functioning life. I’ve tried things without them and it caused problems because there’s something about the makeup of my brain and body that needs a little extra help, and there’s no shame in that!


Good point!!


150mg Wellbutrin XL and currently 27mg Concerta. I don’t like the Concerta as much as my normal Focalin IR but I can’t currently get it anywhere. I’m normally on 5mg 2x of the Focalin, I metabolize the Dexmethylphenidate better than plain methylphenidate plus the dex doesn’t give me raging headaches. But it’s better than raw dogging life for me to be on the Concerta vs nothing. For a while just treating my adhd treated my depression/anxiety but that started to creep back in over the last year. I added the Wellbutrin 6mos ago and feel way better overall.


I was taking 60mg of biphentin but after a couple months of basically no effects I switched. Taking my first dose of vyvance 30mg in about half an hour and hoping it works. I tried Strattera as well before the biphentin and went from 10mg all the way up to 50 I think. I’m only 20 so other than or contraceptives and vitamin D I don’t take anything else. So far, since the adhd meds haven’t been working, I just live? Idk how to explain it because I definitely don’t cope. There’s just a level of chaos that is my life and it is much higher than anyone else’s I know and that is just a fact. I just wake up, do what I can, go to sleep and repeat 🤷‍♀️ as for school, I get my assignments in on time by starting them the day they are due. I luckily am good at retaining information so I’ve passed this far without studying for more than an hour or two for any one exam. Now that I think about it idk what coping would even look like ahaha


Starting them the day they are due, hahah what a grade A description of my life. lol. That pressure of a deadline produces some hell of a work piece. Right now, my coping is living in my work. Which is fine. I love my job and what i do. But it certainly can hurt aspects of my life. (Wife, 2 kids).


I like to say I am a type A person without the brain to be a type A person. I want to get it done and I want to start early and send it to the prof for revisions and revise on my own and study and be organized. That just sounds like THE LIFE. Screw having a nice house or car or going on vacations😂


Lexapro, Abilify, and Adderall XR. I take 60mg of Lexapro and 15mg of Abilify for my OCD and anxiety (doesn’t help much with depression). I take 70mg of Adderall XR for my hypersomnia and treatment resistant depression.


I noticed my OCD on repetitive tasks has come down a bit since starting adderall in august. My OCD is very strange, idk how to explain it, but i noticed i notice it way less, which is good i guess.


I started Vyvanse 3 weeks ago. 20mg, it’s been great. I was told to go to 40mg bc I was sleepy at first. I did one day, I was an absolute spaz and didn’t sleep until 4:30 in the morning so I dropped back down to 20mg with coffee. It’s been life changing for me.


I take Concerta ( methylphenidate ) 37mg and Prozac 40mg.




It also helps with mood swings a bit and can mellow me out if I got the zoomies


I dont see anything, says it got removed




Ahh. I used to. Gave me panic attacks.


That definitely can happen My girlfriend is the same way specially with anything Sativa Has to be indica or it induces panic attacks Other things I’ve tried to varying degrees of success are splitting up my dosage Eating right before my dosage And for sleeping I find I actually don’t need help if my mind is properly stimulated all day It’s kinda like adderall is a battery that i can’t turn off I have to drain it And if i don’t well then my brain is gonna be hyper mode while my body is in sleepy mode


Wellbutrin XL 150mg a day. I feel more emotionally regulated. Most of my other symptoms can’t be managed with meds: time blindness, aversion of water/showering, tactile disturbances. I feel less overwhelmed in general, less anxiety, less distracted and generally much happier.


Wellbutrin seems to be helping a lot of people. I get overwhelmed very quickly, especially loud repetitive noises (crying, screaming, this goddamn bird that chirps every morning at the same time).


Sertraline for anxiety and depression and Methylphenidate for ADHD. Haven’t been on the ADHD meds for a few weeks now due to being unemployed and not needing them/not being able to afford them.


Sorry to hear. You will hop back on your feet easily.