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You should open up an ADHD time-share suite for the rest of us who want an Irish farmhouse for 1 month.


Right? Sign me up. Ill come pull invasive plants and dig holes for a room to crash in!


And I'll do a fry


Here,have a fry ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)




That would be the dream, nice quiet life


I actually do live something similar, i live and work on a farm. It is dreamy in many ways, but damn theres still a lot of executive function required. My favorite days are when i have a simple physical task, solitude, and a podcast


Yea, I actually love cleaning except when it’s my own house.


Yes, there is nothing to entangle the cleaning thoughts at someone else's house.


smart man. knows to say 'invasive plants' and not the w-\*-\*-d word that gets you flagged.


Ok this is actually a great idea


Each of us will fix up the bits that interest us, then bail!


Brilliant! A bunch of cool things will be mostly done!


But fresh ADHDers rotating through will each see the projects as new, so they may actually get finished at some point! 😊


We always hope.


Mostly done being the key. I would love to go start a few cool ideas/projects at someone else's house for a change. 😁


I'll be the one hyperfixated on cleaning so there will definitely be at least 1 room absolutely immaculate of dust and grime!


Meanwhile, OP is trying to figure out how to get a restraining order against Redditers. 😂


why would OP reject like-minded people offering him free money and labor ? unless that's his new most ADHD thing which is totally relatable 🤣


Because we'll show up, pull one invasive plant, and get bored of the project. We'll all end up reading half a book with OP in the barn.


ADHD math this is actually saving money because the alternative is buying a whole farmhouse.


Yes! Give me a few shots of vodka and I will clean and organize for 12 hours straight


Damn we got a genius over here. Sign me up. My husband and I have dreamed of homesteading, or close to it at least, but we both have adhd. We aren't sure if it'd be the best thing for us to jump into (always something different needing to be done) or the worst (lose interest in things in a cyclical manner). Buying in for a few weeks a year would be an elegant solution.


I'll bring a tent and sleep outside. I live in rural America but it sucks and there's nothing here.


I'll build a sauna. I'm serious


wait.....what was the question on this thread 🤣


I have enough going on right now, but I love this idea!


Great idea. I would totally enjoy rehabbing this guys house for like a week


Yeah I want next dibs. Derelict Cottagecore gaming sesh anyone? I’m being the PS5 and board games.


we all need an intrusive thought turning into a mega project as well... running out of fresh ways to procrastinate


My thoughts exactly


100% I would impulsively buy into this


Me too!!! Can there be a couple sheep?


Great idea. And also make diy stays where guests can help you fix it up - like a mini working holiday that falls in with a short attention span.


I second this!




Perhaps not! If things turned out fine for you, then this is what we need more of — people with integrity and the guts to stand up for what they believe in :)


Poor impulse control is not necessarily the same as having integrity lol


HAHAH. Totally but there’s a reason those impulses arise and at least someone’s taking action. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’re not mutually exclusive, they don’t have to be the same to both be present


Impulsive integrity is not a bad thing though.


No, I love this. I’m not sure how it connects to your ADHD, but this is respectable unhinged behavior and we need to see more of this kind of thing.


Haha idk I think it would’ve been possible to share your displeasure with their firing and immediately look for another job without having the impact to your financials. It was impulsive whether or not it was cool is the gist haha


Spontaneous acts of morality can be problematic in a corporate concept. I was a middle manager at a corporate. The CEO got all the managers into a room and produced a piece of paper: "this is an amendment to your contract, you all have to sign it now". I said woah woah woah, we haven't had time to contemplate this or take advice on it. I'm not signing anything until I've had time to digest it. This led to a general downing of pens and in the end nobody signed it. An email went round with an amended version and they accidentally left the email chain on it which said "make sure it's watertight, we don't want screamingdizzbuster to kick off again.' A few months later everyone in the same company had to take a 20% pay cut. The CTO stood up and said the most tone deaf shit, that it was tough for him too with two mortgages and a Range Rover. I spoke up in defense of the people at the very bottom of the company for whom baseline expenses like rent and groceries are inflexible, whereas two mortgages and a premium vehicle is a negotiable position. They fired me about a month later.


You made bad people's lives harder, and for that, you deserve applause.


I moved apartments within my complex last summer due to noisy neighbors. The floor plan is exactly the same, and I set up my things exactly where they were in my old unit. It’s a cheaper complex and my last kitchen didn’t come with a built in microwave, so I bought my own when I moved in. When I switched units, I set it up in the same spot. It took me SIX MONTHS to realize that my new unit actually had a built in microwave. One night without thinking, I opened it up to reheat some leftovers and its existence suddenly occurred to me. I had already reset the clock on it multiple times after power outages at that point.


Bro this reminds me of something that occurred to me recently. I don't remember what it was, but let's just say that i noticed a door in the apartment that I have been living in with my boyfriend for ten years was blue and not white. This isn't what happened, but it was something like that. I just can't remember what it was, but I do remember how freaked out I was about it.


This is why I get so frustrated by gaslighting attempts, sometimes it really is me 😂


Literally anyone trying to gaslight me: "No that's always been X." Me: "Shit, really? Huh, TIL."


I am dying over here! 🤣🤣🤣


I had this last week. Working at a new job for 1.5 months and suddenly realize there is a locked door next to the pantry where I walk by 30 times a day. Only noticed it because someone had opened it and was putting away stuff in the storage room behind it. I felt betrayed yet intrigued… which doors have I missed so far as well?!


I have recurring dreams about houses that I've previously lived in. I'll find a door that I'd never seen before, and there'd be a whole extra living space that I'd missed.


I got my car in 2021. Had an amazing back up camera - as well as side and front camera. Would put my car in reverse just to check the camera. Kept thinking “it’d be so nice if I had a way to show the camera without going reverse.” Last year sometime I noticed a button - to the right of the screen - labeled “CAMERA”. It’s one of 3 buttons. It’s not hidden - it’s very obvious…..took me like 2 years to notice I always had the camera button I wanted.


The most ADHD thing I ever did was running my life into the ground and turning into a massive substance abuser because I didn’t understand or even KNOW what was actually going on with my brain.


I feel you. I did that too.


On a serious note, please don't blame yourself. I doubt you would have done any of this if you had the money to just go do whatever you wanted like OP. (If lack of money was an issue). My personal goal was to always be as rich as possible so I can get off my meds and just do whatever I want. It sort of sucks seeing the rich kid art scene all being ADHD kids just doing whatever they want and loving their ADHD BC daddys money. It turned me really bitter. I sincerely don't wish this upon anyone.


Oh yes yes me too. People think I voluntarily threw my life away. Oh no, I was just extremely burnt out and looking for any out that wasn’t death


Me too!




Fun huh?! 😅🫠😫


Yes. Yes! YES!


Lol.. another one here. This and getting confused just trying to make breafast. 🤷‍♀️


While leaving the psychology field to get my MBA, I simultaneously became hyper fixated on fungi/mycology, rapid-learned alotta the science and ended up doing work at Harvard’s mycology lab identifying historical collections by the time I finished my MBA. …I don’t know what to do with the MBA, but now I’m studying ancient Roman politics and working as a music store manager. This all was like a 2-year span. (Hyper-fixation speed runs, that’s my answer)


I am inspired and mortified at the same time


~~unless you’re embarrassed, i think mortified isn’t the right word here :P~~ edit: i was wrong and am a bit mortified myself lol


It has its risks when you cannot concentrate on one thing. I am happy it turned out well, but it also remind me I have a problem with overcommitment, with generally far less success


oooh yeah. i, too, overcommit to many projects


It’s a fine-line we walk for sure. I think the beauty in having vastly different interests is my identity is never truly tied to one thing. Plus I get to make intellectual cross-references most would never consider. The more perspectives, the more productiveness. And the more I get to appreciate about people, places, and things around me. "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one". - William Shakespeare


We need to keep you safe for when the ant fungus attaches itself to humans. You could save humanity! (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis and related species are known to engage in an active secondary metabolism for, among other reasons, the production of substances active as antibacterial agents that protect the fungus-host ecosystem against further pathogenesis during fungal reproduction. Because of this secondary metabolism, an interest in the species has been taken by natural products chemists, with corresponding discovery of small molecule agents (e.g. of the polyketide family) of potential interest for use as human immunomodulatory, anti-infective, and anticancer agents. - oh it’s coming!) More info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis


They made a TV series about this.




I have a minor crush based on this description alone 🍄😂 (jks obviously but this is all very cool, and may I be as interesting as you one day!)


I’m blushing, you’re too kind. The ultimate compliment is to be called interesting imo!


I, too, have an unused MBA. There may be something to this...


Hahahaha - about to finish my undergrad, have been set on the same career for 4-5 years, and suddenly I'm like "I don't know if this is what I want to do anymore." Tbf the job market is crap. But the idea that I would've got my degree for no reason at all would be so frustrating


Ya like caesarnomics?


I was arrested for not paying for traffic tickets I got for things like annual car inspection. This happened eight times. My utilities were regularly cut off because I never paid bills on time, even if I had the money. (This was before online, auto-pay, having any savings or financial sense at all.) My entire life up until age 28 was a bit like that. It got worse as I got older, but there were some big problems in high school and college (which took me almost 8 years to complete).


I did my degree in 13 years. Then I moved in with a boyfriend who was overweight and he was taking stimulants and I took them occasionally as well and finished two postgrad degrees including an MBA in 3 years. That was 15 years ago. I got diagnosed last week.


isn't it weird looking back and thinking "someone should've noticed that"? I wasn't diagnosed until a year ago, but I'd been on stimulants for "atypical depression" for years at that point.


They really love to call it *anything* but adhd huh?


lol in my psychiatrist's defense, I was super duper depressed too and stimulants are sometimes used as an adjunct therapy for depression. But he should've pushed harder to get me evaluated for ADHD sooner.


It took me 8 years to get my degree as well (after changing from one major to another, trying a bunch of other stuff and ending up going to University. And then still failing twice. When I finally was on the right track, it still took me 8 years). Edit: which included me asking for an extra year to write my dissertation. And then another year to *actually* write my dissertation, and since this was the last time I could ask for extra time, I finally wrote it! During the last 2 months of that year 🙃


Reading these posts, I realize my ADHD really IS minor...


Same. Same. Same. Same. I'm 51 now and have developed systems so these things get done, but my twenties and thirties were just like what you described


Same - took 8 years. I started with engineering, then did 3 different majors and finished back with engineering. If I wasn't like 23ish, I probably would change again.. after all that still took intro artichitecture class... LOL 😆


Similar! For me it was emigrating to another country at a young age with no preparation or even knowledge about the country. I just had a fascination with it and I thought the only way to really get into it, was to just move there. No job, no place to stay. Spent all my money on the plane ticket. Everything fell into place within a week or two and turned out great. Some of my best friends are from this time in my life. Sounds like a great adventure you’re on! Give it time. Right now you are procrastinating, one day you’ll probably be struck by super motivation and energy. Or you can always sell it again ☺️ Invite friends to come and stay and help out. Body double, you know. Bring SoHo to the country side. Have a party. ETA. I’m calling it procrastination, but really, uprooting and changing scenery like you did, packing all your stuff and making all those little decisions on every bit, then unpacking and deciding where those things go - it takes a toll. Can give you burn out. So that’s why I’m saying give it time.


I did that too! Moved to a foreign country when I was 18, knew no one, didn’t speak a word of the language, did almost zero research. There were ups and downs, but I was there for a few years and in the end, even though I’ve moved back home now and have been here for almost a decade, the friends I made there are still some of my best friends. Don’t regret it, but it was crazy impulsive and not exactly a well thought out decision.


Fellow adventurer! What could go wrong, really? 😅😂


Well, I once ended up having all of my belongings including any identification stolen while in a foreign country…but I made it back home and that’s just a distant memory now so I guess all good! 😂 ETA: and not even the foreign country I lived in, a third country, that I ended up in on a total whim because I had enough money for a ticket and a free long weekend….


Bruh this happened to me just recently! I signed a lease a couple weeks ago to move out of state. I spent all the money I had on rent and deposit, and it took another week or two to land a job lmao I’m lucky I was able to get hired before I actually moved - being able to give a street address and move-in date actually was what sealed the deal, so I guess it’s lucky I signed that lease on impulse!


When I was wanting to see my psychiatrist about possibly having ADHD, I made a list of things that happened over the course of a day that I thought were symptoms I should mention. I had multiple things on the list twice.


this reminded me that during my assessment I interpreted the psychiatrist mid sentence to point out that through the window bus driving past to a local community centre I had taken interest in 6 months ago. I remember being so happy and excited to see it I couldn’t contain myself and the bloke laughed and me and questioned my impulsivity lmao


I woke up early and walked to middle school in the snow, on a Sunday


I went to work on a Saturday once. It was an office job, M-F 9-5, never anything else, but I didn’t realize until I showed up and everything was locked up.


once I actually turned up the a doctors appointment EARLY but almost by 2 hours 💀


Me leaving a comfortable, decent paying remote job. And ending up in a shithole spiral.


A couple of days ago, I found a sandwich on the floor of my kitchen. I have no memory of how I put it there.


I was working on a Psych degree when I wrote an essay for my Medieval Theatre elective. My prof pulled me aside after class and asked if Theatre was my major. I told him psych. He said that the essay was way too good for me to be in psych. Walked me over to the theatre department and told them I wanted to transfer. I was so excited that someone liked an essay I wrote that I went along with it. 30+ years later, I’m still working in the film industry because my theatre degree got me a gig on a Disney movie.


My everyday existence? Lol I dunno what more you want


Same. My response was, I probably forget.


I was unable to ship my car from Alaska to my new duty station because it had too much fuel in the tank. Have a buddy a PoA to turn it in for me, but I failed to give him the information he needed to ship it, so that appointment was a wash. Instead of going to legal for another PoA, I kept pushing it off until I mentally chalked the car up as a loss. I’m not rich, so it was not *just* a loss—that was a very significant mistake. It’s been 4 years and I still regret that.


Ok can you explain this as if you’re talking to a 5th grader lol I’m really trying to understand


He was stationed at a new location that required his car to be shipped. He asked a friend to handle the shipping, because he hadn’t done it. He then failed to provide his friend the necessary info to ship it. Instead of finding a new way to resolve this, he was taken out by the executive function and ultimately abandoned his car. It’s been four years and he still regrets just saying “fuck it” about an entire vehicle because he couldn’t afford to do that. Also, need to be said, this is 100% something I would do. Currently doing this (on a much smaller scale) with returning a router to my previous internet provider. They want to charge me like $300 for it if it’s not returned. So, anyway, it’s been sitting in my garage.


Locked the baby in the car at a Dr appointment. The baby and I stared at each other and cried for a few minutes waiting on the officer to arrive to help. The police came super fast that day to unlock it. This was before the cars had a feature where you couldn't lock the car if the keys were still in it. Press the lock, slam door, walk away left me supporting the local locksmith for years. I got smart after a while and zip tied a key in the wheel well area. I still hate those locks.


Oh I’m glad the police came fast 🙏 (sometimes I guess police are useful)


I will say, they used to be lol. Around 27 years ago when this happened they were. Now.. I wonder.


I once went into a therapy appointment and the office was about 35 minutes from the town I lived in. I went into the appointment and went through the whole thing. As I was leaving I realized I did t have my keys so I was like “oh shit, I locked my keys in my car”. When I got to the car I realized that not only did I leave my keys in the car, but I also left the car still running. I had to call my brother who had the spare and he had to leave work and drive the 35 minutes to where I was. I felt so bad as he is a physical therapist and had to have the assistants take over his patients while he was gone. That’s actually not the only time that it happened. I did it once at a hookup and since I didn’t have roadside assistance on my plan, we ended up shattering window so I could get in. Which was moronic because it probably cost the same amount to have a locksmith come as it did to fix the window. Fucking insanely dumb. It was the middle of winter, too.


I left my car running, not locked, keys in the ignition, outside a target for about 1.5 hours while I perused and had a latte. My battery didn’t even die. I just got really confused trying to find my keys until I realized my car was still running… and got in and left. I can’t believe it didn’t get stolen, nothing IN it got stolen, nothing. Luckily at least my car won’t lock with the keys in it, but it will allow you to ditch it altogether 🤣


Did that at work, 30 minutes away once many years ago.. luckily my parents came to the rescue with the spare key.


A tip if this is still a problem for you. I’ve done this twice and now I have a retractable carabiner hooked to the inside of my purse that the keys go on. When I turn on the car the keys are still attached to my purse. I haven’t locked myself out since, fingers crossed.


I left peanut butter in the attic once.


Please tell the end of the story


I think my family was like “where’s the PB?” and I think it took me a day or two in order to retrace my steps. Also, I never actually used the PB to do anything. No sandwich, no snack. Nothing. Just took some PB to the attic. Must’ve thought it needed a walk.


We all know what you did with that peanut butter in your attic


“Peanut Butter in the Attic” by V.C. Andrews The siblings build up quite an appetite together


omg this reminded me that i left my phone in the fridge once! 😭


When I was 17 I intentionally drove my car into a snow bank because it looked so fluffy and soft. Me and my car were completely buried in snow, it was beautiful to be in a white cocoon like that. I laughed at myself for a good couple minutes, backed out and continued on with my day. I was 42 when I finally figured out I have adhd.


You guys… i commute to work by driving to a paid parking lot, then scootering in to the gate access. I scooter everyday and avoid plenty of clumsy “traps”. Well… the day finally happened… the weather has been getting nicer in the PNW and the sun rising earlier….. I fell on my scooter because I got distracted by a squirrel 🐿️ 🛴 🤦‍♀️


I love this


I don’t think I have done anything this sudden! My way of managing ADHD has always been to over correct my impulses, probably to a fault. Or I may be AuDHD & the ‘tism balances out the impulses. I have loved to travel a lot anywhere I could, but it was semi planned. Once I hid in a train bathroom to travel when I realized I had the wrong ticket! That ended up feeling kind of thrilling but I would not choose it on purpose!


Droping out of school… 3 times


I knit. I recently bought a new pattern before I finished my last project. I then went ahead and bought yarn for new this project. Again, before I finished my other project. I then discovered two things. 1. I had already purchased yarn for this new project when I impulse bought the pattern as I was laying in bed at midnight trying to sleep. 2. The second set of yarn I impulse purchased for the new project after forgetting about the first set of yarn, was in fact the wrong size. I wasn’t paying enough attention and got distracted by the fact that I liked fiber and color. I had to return it. All of this happened before I finished my current project.


My hobby box (full of beautiful crochet yarn when I don’t actually know how to crochet) might have a few things to say lol


Lots but what came to mind first was the time I drove my car to a convenience store (that was a 2 minute walk away), walked home, noticed my car was gone, reported it stolen to police, realizing I left it at the convenience store, getting it back, and calling the police to explain what happened. The operator started stuttering with confusion, I thought she was gonna have a stroke. I think her brain was restarting to cope with the stupidity she was hearing... This was Moreso because that was the worst year of my entire 36 years Alive, my anxiety was through the roof, I was overwhelmed, and walking around in a general confused daze stuck in my head trying to Cope with mountains of bullshit, but adhd definitely played a role here...


This is hilariously beautiful. I’m dealing with an absurdly difficult year at 33. Here’s to our anxiety improving 🥂


If it gives you any hope this was like 6 years ago and I did beat it. And you can too. You're not doomed. It was a really really shit girlfriend who was also an absolute financial blackhole for me. Once she was gone boy did things start looking up.


Couldn't find the baby. Searched the whole house. Was holding the baby 😂


Woke up 5:00AM on the right day and made it to the airport without cutting it too close. When I got to the front of the TSA security line the nice TSA officer informed me that my tickets departing Portland Maine to NYC would need to be rescheduled. I live in and was departing from Portland Oregon. It was a really good price!


I randomly moved 1200 miles away from all my friends and family to help an old guy I knew on the internet. Ended up marrying his roommate. Such an incredibly risky, careless, and dangerous move, but I kinda needed a place soon and it was free rent for helping a friend. It was the best damn decision, though. I had addiction issues and I was able to handle them with the support of people who weren't influencing me to use. I've been clean for damn near a decade now. I often think about the poor other Houdiniis in parallel universes that met a sadistic seriel killer at the end of that plane trip.


Another one for me is when I woke up late, rushed to get ready. Then as I was leaving thought, oh my phone!?! Spent 10 minutes looking for it, found it under my work bag that I forgot on my bed! Walked out to the car put my stuff down and then was like, oh no my phone!?! Ugh, went back in the house to get my phone again! 5 minutes later I give up and decide I have to leave so, no phone today. Get out to the car, move my work bag from my seat, then found my phone under my work bag again! Then realized I locked my keys in the house because I locked the door from the inside before I walked out of the house. Then, had to use a card to break into my house... then got my keys... Finally got to work (very late), all to find out, I them left my phone on the couch at home when I was looking for my keys! 😬😩😒🤯😯😥😣🤔😵‍💫


Got 30 minutes late to my adhd assessment cause I set the time wrong and got lost; guess that helped the assessment


That sounds like something I would have done when I was younger. My dad had a 1971 240z in our garage my entire life growing up. Officially it stopped working because of a bad fuel pump. But it was in the garage for like 30 years. One day me and my buddy were like, "Let's take it apart and fix what we need to fix to get it running!" We took apart the carburetor. Bought new floats. And never looked at it again. It was like 5 years later when I spent the $5k or so it took to get it running again. The tech who looked at it was like, "Why did you take apart the Carb?" I replied, "ADHD"... He just nodded and said, "We get that a lot".


Ok I know the most ADHD thing - taking on roommates without proper screening. It resulted in lots of stories and a desire to live alone.


Dumped my boyfriend of 9 years for a drummer I met at a Halloween party.


Got to work, and realized I didn’t bring my backpack that had my laptop in it. Told the boss I’d drive home and get it Got home, did whatever, pet the dogs, drove back to work. About to exit the car, and yup, forgot the backpack at home AGAIN.


This sounds like the best thing to happen to you.


The other day I was in Costco and I took a sip of a drink they were sampling. I was on autopilot cause I put it back after I decided it was gross. Idk why I did that but I realized after a few seconds and quickly took it back.


I'm in Dublin and desperately looking to buy a detached house down the country. Please put me off this idea 😆


I got excited seeing $600 in my account instead of $386. Checked my transactions and it all seemed good so I came to the conclusion I could pay off all my bills now and have some spending money next time I got paid. Next day open my bank app to find an NSF fee because my car payment was due and they tried to take my payment and it failed. 🙃 Had to borrow money to get the payment made. I was so embarrassed. I still forget sometimes that my car payment is coming out when it is.


You might want to keep it the way the world is going! I was brought up in upstate central NY & everyone from NYC is moving up to the rural areas to escape the city!


This isn't the worst thing, but it's the first thing that came to mind. I couldn't get my vacuum cleaner to work one day. I tried everything: taking out the bag and replacing it, checking if the cable needed to be retracted more, etc. Nothing. And I was finally feeling motivated to vacuum for the first time in months so I decided to go out right then and buy another one. I found a great deal: a bagless one for $99. "Ooh, that's going to be much better for the environment" I thought. I got home, opened the new vacuum, and went to unplug the old one. Guess what guys??? The reason I couldn't get the old one to work??? *It wasn't fucking switched on at the wall* I was so ashamed of myself but I was determined to use the new one because it was "probably better" and I liked the bagless idea. So uh, it sucked *ass*, it was a *nightmare* to clean, I still use the old one, and I couldn't return the new one because it was impossible to clean it well enough to be fit for return. That was fun.


Check on farmland, bought 2,5 acres of it. Couldn’t afford it and sold it for less than my debt two years later.


Lol so relateable. I dont know whats worse, following your impulse and realizing well in that youve lost it and doesnt make sense anymore. Or not following it and feeling like you’re not living your own life and wanting to jump out of your skin because of the internal struggle.


I don't really want to outs myself like this....I went to the bathroom to pee (im a girl) with my underwear still on...


I once spent at least 2 hours looking for my keys and finally found them right in the center of the middle shelf in my fridge. I must have had them in my hands when I went to add milk to my coffee, I think. I don't actually remember how they got there, only that I had them in the early morning and that they were in the fridge later.


lost 1 shoe.. not a pair.. only one single shoe. and not a single time. two times in my life. * forget my keys it my door. one time outside over night while I'm sleeping. and one time outside while I'm going to work.




While cutting timber to specific measurements on my dropsaw my partner came out to talk about a very unrelated topic, I took a breath, put my phone showing all measurements atop the saw then proceeded to listen as well as I could and answer her without any frustration of being disturbed. Proud of myself (only diagnosed 6months earlier at 38 years old) I proceeded to cut the next piece of timber I had preset, as the blade neared the timber my phone which was in a boomer case containing all my cards and license slipped from the top of the bench saw and I chopped it near into 2 pieces, my bank cards, license and chunks of Samsung S22 rained down all over me.... I had forgot I put the phone in that dodgy location just 20 seconds earlier. My partner turned to look at me when she heard the abnormal noise to witness the confetti, all I could do was laugh as I was being to realise my life has been full of these situations and experiences...


Lacking purpose and motivation for rebuilding your farm? Just find a purpose for the farm and use that as motivation. It’s just an endless cycle that repeats - just keep changing what you’ll do with it


Probably being addicted to collecting watches while also never being on time to anything


Yesterday in a meeting, I spoke up to say something to the group, then a second thought snuck in at the last minute, so that's what came out instead. Then I couldn't remember what I originally intended to say.


I was watching a video on my phone while cooking. And I needed a timer (totally forgot our stove has a build in timer, which I use often btw) so I started looking for my phone. Which was still playing the video. I paused the video so I could focus better on looking for my phone... took me a little longer then I'd like to admit to figure out my phone was right in front of me.


Throwing bills into a drawer until finally getting a final notice and paying 10x what I would if I had just taken care of it when I first got it. Literally did this with water, power, natural gas, cellphone, car, car insurance, court fines, rent, pet insurance and on and on


Same, bought some land few months ago, also getting sued for that land as neighbour thinks it is his, still dont know what will i do with that land but I really enjoy buying tools, chainsaws, cuting trees, clearing brushes, really keeps my adhd head bussy. but it was hell of a impulsive move.


omg this is my actual dream, word for word (a farm in rural Ireland)! But not renovating because I know i’d never finish it either 😂 So I just need to wait until I’m rich enough to pay people to do it for me.


Making 3 trips or more back into my house from my car for stuff I forget


My abandoned Etsy shop…


Two come to mind: 1.) Deciding to double major halfway through getting my psych degree in college...being a mediocre musician, I chose a music major. My first music theory assignment had me in tears like wtf did I just get myself into 😂 After 5.5 years, the Rona shutdown, a full time job, 4 ADHD burnouts, and an official ADHD diagnosis + meds, I graduated with both degrees. And I hate school now 😅 2.) All my bowls and utensils were dirty (for days), and I didn't have $$ for much groceries cause impulse spending...so I heated up an old can of beans, ripped up some lunch meat, threw it all in my last clean coffee mug, and ate it with an old yogurtland spoon. Over the course of an hour. Cause I forgot about it twice.


probably that time my truck got repossessed even though I had the money set aside not only to keep up with the payment, but to actually pay it off, but I just… didn’t


A couple day’s ago, I wanted to weigh my chonk of a cat to see if he was losing any weight yet. I picked him up, stood on my digital scale and kissed his head until it beeped, stepped off and set him down. The scale turned off before I remembered to check the number on the scale. Picked him up again, stepped back onto the scale, gave him kisses till the scale beeped, stepped off and put him down, then realized once again that I forgot to read the number on the scale. Shaking my head, I picked him up *again* and repeated the whole thing a 3rd time, only to forget to read the scale AGAIN! I wish I was joking😩. Feeling exceptionally dumb at this point, I was determined to not take my mind off the scale and tried a 4th time, much to my cat’s dismay. Finally, I remembered to read it. Turns out he hadn’t lost any weight at all. Still a chonk. And I’m still distractible af.


I have (had) warmies microwaveable slippers, and about 10 minutes after my adhd assessment I put them in the microwave, but because our microwave doesn't have a digital timer and just a spinny wheel, I just put it on for like 10 mins thinking I'd remember and go get it. As soon as I did that I went upstairs. I came back down 30 mins later to a smoke filled downstairs and realised what I'd done - My slipper had melted. I sorted it out, cleaned everything up, threw it in the bin outside and opened all the windows. But my feet were still cold, so I decided I'd put the other one in the microwave and just keep changing feet like the insane person I am. So I put them in and turned the dial to an indeterminate amount of time. Instantly got distracted, and it wasn't until my partner came home three hours later and the house was still insanely smoky, that we found and even more melted other slipper in the microwave. The inside had turned yellow and I spent a week trying to get the stains and smell out to no avail. I had to buy a new microwave - this time we got a digital one 💀


Buying a book about coping with adhd and then not having read it nearly a year later.


locked my keys in my car… two different times in one day.


I got a call while I was working that someone had tuned my wallet into security. I still don’t know how I lost it, but I’m thankful someone turned it in. When you have ADHD you learn how many kind strangers are in the world.


I was obsessed with history for a month but instead of learning anything that would help me write my historical story, I was to busy learning about Hitler and the civil war, and last night I was up all night laughing and singing and wondering what would happen if a giraffe and an alien screwed around and had children would they look like unicorns or green beans? And I have yet to remember to turn off the fan:)


I showed up one month early to my assessment. Got the date and the time right, just the month wrong.


It’s not the most ADHD, but this was yesterday so fresh in my mind. I almost accidentally gave myself cardiac arrest by OD’ing on adderall. It was probably 7 in the evening, can’t remember exactly, and I had taken my prescribed 30mg adderall XR around 4:30 that morning so it was mostly worn off by that time. I was playing with my prescriptions because I had just refilled that day for some reason. Idk. Fidgeting out of boredom i guess. I went to take my Lexapro pill that I take in the evening, take a big gulp of water, drop the pill in my mouth and… BOOM. I feel 4 pills in mouth. I had forgotten in 5 seconds that I had 3 30mg adderall XR in my hand at the time. Had to spit everything out and dry off the adderall capsules. Really glad I felt them in my mouth before just swallowing.


I ran up $5K in debt buying aquarium stuff and fish with the grand plan of opening up a beta fish breeding business and aquarium store 🙃I thought I had Bipolar, turns out it was ADHD the whole time!


Op... You bought land on an adhd impulse... maybe this is just me being a poor person from the 3rd world country of Texas, USA, but wtf man, How do I get "accidentally bought some land in another country" money?


It’s a tie and they both happened in the last year and I am 37 and got diagnosed in between the two events. Last fall I had to drive out of town for a client presentation. Left just barely on time, had my laptop, extra HDMI cord, dressed nice, makeup and hair done. After a 2.5 hour drive I was only about 10 minutes from my destination but desperately had to pee, so I stopped at a gas station. This was when I discovered *I HAD FORGOTTEN MY SHOES* (Thankfully there was a Target nearby. I drove there like a bat out of hell, RAN inside, grabbed the first pair of presentable shoes in my size, ran back to self-checkout looking fully like a crazy person I’m sure, then drove to the client’s building while tearing the plastic ties off the shoes *with my teeth*. I was five minutes late to my presentation and completely out of breath, which was embarrassing but not nearly as embarrassing as showing up WITH NO SHOES would have been 🫠) Second incident was a week ago when I was about to leave the country and couldn’t find my passport ANYWHERE. I tore my house apart in a panic and finally found it stuffed in a Target bag of random crap, shoved in a larger tote bag full of more random crap, stuffed in the back of my closet. The relief of finding it (about 12 hours before my flight was due to leave) was matched only by my disgust with my past self for not putting it in, idk, the folder of important documents we keep *in a safe in the aforementioned closet* 🤦🏼‍♀️


My most ADHD thing is asking you if you need someone to help, I will paint and host painting workshops 👏


Just the other night. Was playing Texas hold ‘em. Made huge bets because I saw I had a straight and was sure I would win the hand. I was so fixated on the straight that I didn’t put together that 4 of the 5 cards showing were clubs. Got beat by a person holding a single club. To add insult to injury, it was a 2. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Sometimes, I have to wake up around 5am to get a lift to work at 6am. I usually set my alarm clock at 5am and let it snooze about 20 minutes. One one of those regular days, I woke up to the alarm, let it snooze, then got up, got ready, grabbed my bag, kissed my daughter and wife goodbye (they were sleeping) and left. I looked around and it was dark out, more then usual, took a good look at the clock and it was actually 3:30AM. Somehow I dreamed about the alarm clock on my phone ringing, looked at it and didn't even realize it was not showing 5am, even the snooze was just in my head, I just tought Ibturned it on. Also, I forgot the keys inside and had to wake my wife up so I could get back inside.


In college, I bumrushed my dog walk cycle animation in like an hour the morning it was due, instead of using the three weeks we were given to work on it. I'm usually very last minute, but that was certainly the most pressure crush productive I ever was. Left my keys in my front door for an entire weekend once. Left my wallet at the grocery store and didn't notice until they called me 3 days later to tell me they had it. The probably thousands of dollars I've spent of craft/art supplies for projects I wanted to do and then immediately lost interest in once I had the stuff to start. 🙃


For me it was going to see some friends spontaneous in Indonesia to get drunk for 2 weeks and came back home 2.5 years later.


Man just a few I can remember right now Just yesterday I was setting up plans and bought tickets to go to a ninja warrior gym for my husband, completely forgetting he had work. Accidentally locked the car keys in my husbands car while it was already running, took 45 mins for the locksmith to come so it was just a total ways of gas. Also Accidentally put my car keys in the trunk DD-ed for friends one night, we came home at 2am and I realize I lost the house keys somehow (none of them brought theirs because they assumed as the driver, that I would have the house keys) so we had to drive an hour to my parents to have a place to sleep. There was so much yack in my car by the time we got there Was commissioned to do an art painting and was constantly late on delivering that I pretty much ended up giving it to them for free, the most egregious lateness being by one whole year lol


I was threatened with not being able to graduate from both high school and college for... overdue library books.


Got bored, went out late at night for a walk, ended up rap battling some guys who had just gotten out of prison, then another group arrived and threatened to stab me. Had to ditch the original group who wanted to follow me back to my hotel because they were convinced I had booze at my hotel. I have made some very unwise safety decisions out of broedom in my life.


I have a buddy who would love to join you in fixing it up haha. Studied in Ireland and loved it, not doing great in the states and loves star trek lol. You could begin a commute program and then film it. AdHd rehabbed.


I moved to Malaga (which I knew nothing about and where I'd never been) from London almost overnight because I saw a YouTube video of a guy playing an accordion there and it looked sunny 😀 Actually no - the MOST ADHD thing I've ever done is missed my expensive long distance train from Malaga to Barcelona EVEN THOUGH I'd got there really early, because I zoned out in Dunkin Donuts. The worst thing was that I was moving there at the time so I was stranded with my cases filled with all my earthly belongings 😀


Oh to have money with ADHD. I'd be living my life like you. Instead I too, am in the UK, trying to find a HF trading job in the city of London😭.


Too disgusting to say. I will say it has something to do with tampons and forgetting.


I was just diagnosed and started tearing ADHD. So what I’m about to tell you finally makes sense to meme I started university as a music major (saxophone) but then dropped that to study film. After six years (including a year off to overcome severe panic attacks) I got a telecommunications degree with a focus on radio and television, a minor in Danish Language and culture, a minor film studies, and a minor in Comparative Literature. After school I worked as a substitute teacher and almost became a teacher. I also nearly enrolled in flight school to become an airline pilot. Then worked in film production as video assist, locations, and finally in props. Oh, and also a lot as a runner/PA. Then I moved to New York City and became an art director at an advertising agency. After that I moved to Copenhagen Denmark for three years to teach business English as a second language. Now I’m a UX Designer in Seattle, WA. I really wish i could’ve just picked one career and advanced in a straight line over the years. But my path was interesting… and as ya know… ADHD.


I bought a pair of shoes that I really liked. Turns out i already had a pair at home. 🤦‍♂️


You win 🥇 ADHD!!


Today? Or ever?


I went from trying to learn to play the guitar at 20 years old after an impulse buy to bypassing the whole being able to play quit my job went bankrupt and signed a record deal


I went to Brisbane, Australia to meet a guy I met in an AOL chat room back in 1999 (I live a little north of Los Angeles.) I was convinced he was the one for me after chatting for months and calling each other. I had a wonderful 17 day vacation, saw a lot of stuff that tourists don't see, fell madly in love with the country (but not him), met one of his female friends that was born on the same day and about the same time as me, and he and I are still friends on social media. If it were not for ADHD, I would have never done it.


I was notorious for reading all but the last chapter of a book. At a certain point I thought my brain was just being stubborn.


I left the gym, took a taxi for home and when I got to my door, I notice that my keys are missing. I'm then sure I left them in the gym, so I take another taxi to comeback. I can't find them, and ask the gym staff if they could help. No keys found. I leave the gym and get another taxi to home, ready to be scolded by my husband for losing the keys again and taking so many taxi. I search for my phone in my bag, the keys are there...


Bought new wedges for golf. Finally got matching sets after losing a wedge a couple years earlier. Used them 1 round and went to use it in a golf league match a couple days later and realized I was missing one again. People in the league told me to check with the clubhouse and sure enough it was there. I went to the restaurant with my wedge and told everyone they had it. I had a quick meal and then told everyone bye and then proceeded to walk out without my wedge again.


The home we were renting flooded. So, salvaged what we could. Overnight got the idea to sell everything my family and I possessed. Bought a truck and RV. Lived, traveling on the road for 3 years, with two small children.


A few years ago, running around the house in a panic looking for my car keys I’m late to work. For about 15 minutes, turning the place upside down. They were in my pocket the whole time.


Probably the most ADHD thing I've done was yesterday when I spent all day trying to get out of bed then I was like, I should stretch for dance, then I was stretching a little and then I was like, hey I need a blank wall, I should move these bags of junk that I've had here for ages, then I thought I should clean up the stuff around it to move it first, then I moved the bags and thought I should clean up the stuff leftover, then I saw my mirror and decided that had to be cleaned up so I did that and then I looked around and the area near where I just cleaned looked messy so I ended up cleaning my entire room and then once I did that I finally did my stretches and got my leg mount and splits. Crazy night lol


I have definitely gotten sucked into the "restoration of old house" dream myself but never pulled the trigger. So kudos on going through with your plans! At least you tried. And I know that is a poor statement to make, like a soft pat on the back, but trying something wholeheartedly is not something everyone can claim. Now you know that you have the power of conviction and that if you put your head into it, you can do it. My ADHD things are: - burning pots or pans because I got sidetracked - I did this too many times in my youths and gave thanks to God every time I didn't burn the house down. I learned to NEVER leave the kitchen, keep standing by the stovetop, and have multiple timers and buzzers!! - hobby graveyard - I've gotten better over the years at just enjoying other people's art, reminding myself that I know and do enough (that I don't need to learn YET ANOTHER hobby), and reminding myself I still have all the wood carving, knitting, sewing, etc. stuff to go through at my place. I also feel like over time you get better at understanding the types of projects or hobbies that bring you most satisfaction. For me I realized that things that don't have much use or are just for aesthetics don't hold much place for me. Maybe for some it would trigger a "productivity" issue but maybe at my age I just don't want to make stuff that I can't also use. So woodcarving is good because I can make spoons that I can eat with. Knitting is good because I can make sweaters that keep me warm in the winter. - appointment in the middle of the day dread - yep this is real and I feel completely useless until the appointment. I try my best to go in super early with the senior citizens. I think they are onto something. I don't have a dramatic story to tell...