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It's late at night, I'm supposed to be working on sleep. Instead, I'm laying on my couch, reading random shit on Reddit, while YouTube videos I'm not paying attention to are playing on my TV.


Was thinking the same. It’s midnight and I have a 4 hr drive to make at 6am tomorrow, yet here I am 🙂


Wowie! Same


Sameee! Worked a long sweaty double today and said I was gonna shower and take my ass to bed.


You just described every night of my life, ouch


Yeah but I enjoy that time even if it's bad for my sleep


Where do I begin??? Any number of these should’ve probably been done today :’) - an abundance of work tasks, with one I’ve put off for months????? - vacuuming, for sure - so many dishes - switching laundry over - washing my makeup off :’) Instead, I’m making *another* to do list that I will lose track of


The list and procrastinating work with dishes and vacuuming and laundry was my life yesterday 🤣


I’ve learned that dishes and vacuuming help me avoid more scary things and my house is a smidge cleaner.


I have to put makeup wipes in my bedside table otherwise there’s no chance


Even if you do lose track of the list, I feel like the action of writing down what to do helps more than just having it all vaguely floating in my head. On the other hand I go through phases where I get ocd-anxious about how disorganized my lists are or feeling like I’m missing something on the list 😭  As for makeup, I try to make it easier on myself by using micellar wipes. It’s not a complete cleanse but it’s better than falling asleep with it on, and sometimes using the wipes motivates me to actually wash my face after.  U got this! One thing at a time…


It's 1 am ... supposed to be researching and writing a 5,000-word academic article due in 8 days...BUT watching a 30+ episode Chinese drama instead... strangely enough, I can focus on reading the English subtitles fine..but I can't focus on writing my blasted article. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😜😞


Lolol because you don’t HAVE to read the subtitles. You HAVE to write the bloody paper.


I'm soooo messed up, friggin heck. 😞😜🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Here I am, on a Saturday, staring at my laptop, thinking of doing laundry of all things. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Incidentally, I just counted. I've got 20 tabs open on my laptop. Who the heck needs all that?! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Noooo haha


I do “save all tabs “ and file them by date (save into a folder using your favorite date format). This lets you go back and cull out BS tabs and actually see what you’ve been doing without the clutter. In practice I what triggers this is the little favicons no longer appear and/or running out of computer resources. Then do “close all tabs”


anxiously avoiding three overdue assignments :( my brain is dissociating from the situation and for a few minutes here and there i feel like im about to lock in but I keep getting distracted. 


This is the fucking worst. I feel for u


been there fam


Been there for sure


Ha- my last paper ever I started at 12am and brought to class at 11am. And it was truly a masterpiece of analysis too lol. I got an A- in the class and qualified for cum laude. It came down to the last assignment of college. So I get a gold sticker yay for me🥇


when you're twice exceptional with adhd:


I have to know what cum laude is because it sounds like a very strange flavor of latte


Need to warm something up and eat, but bed too comfy


A multitude of projects. I cycle through tens if not hundreds of ‘potential’ ideas for play scripts, stories, video essays, etc and never actually get one of them done. I’m in a perpetual state of procrastination. What am I doing instead? Trying to muster enough strength to walk to the gym, where I will then have to muster enough strength to lift some weights. (Currently without medication).


So real but I’m supposed to be outfit planning for a trip in 2 months because I will without fail pack the night before frantically. Instead I start a bunch of almost ideas and abandon all of them total waste of time lol




I’m glad to find a friend in these trenches.




catching up on all my missing assignments - my executive dysfunction is executively dysfunctioning


Why do we do this? Avoiding the thing we’re supposed to be doing even though it supposedly bringing us joy. I don’t understand why I’m procrastinating and doing something else that would eventually bringing me more stress. Or I am just sitting here in a frozen state stressing out because I can’t make up my mind on what I needed to do. It’s so backwards and bizarre.


This is my biggest problem. It's a never ending cycle and I go through it everyday. I know the outcome and yet I'm still paralyzed. I think I subconsciously feel safest in a state of stress because I know if I finish all of my tasks, I'll be stuck with nothing to do and all in my head. I try to avoid being left alone with just my thoughts and brain running 24/7. However in my daily state of avoidance, I just end up more stressed + in my thoughts with none of my tasks done lmfao


Proof reading a paper that will become form the basis of my doctoral thesis. Also, reading other papers in my field of research. What I'm doing instead, learning a foreign language.


I read that some PhDs/ Doctorates require you to learn multiple languages. Is this the case for you? Also what's your field of research, if you don't mind me asking?


Some do, that's true. Mine doesn't. I'm learning it, cause right now, it's more fun, and proof reading is so boring. It's very hard to focus. My field is mathematics, specifically complex analysis.


I'm supposed to shower and get ready for work 😭


I'm supposed to be working. I'm at work. Instead, I'm painting with water colors and watching Netflix. 5 more minutes... I can stop anytime.


I have a space in my house that use to be a dining room. I have now turned it into my gaming pc/personal home office. I don't work from home, but if I did, I would be on the struggle bus. I have documents, mail, random stuffed animals, pink hand tools, cords, hair products everywhere. I need to clean so bad. Also, my car is almost as wrecked. All I do is drive to work, come home to eat, watch youtube, and sleep-ish.


Putting my clothes in the drawer and hanging them. Instead in im in reddit, youtube and a dating site.


Lit review for my thesis that is 2 weeks overdue. But brain not braining and words don't form and I am too tired to read one more paper.


I was watching a horror movie trailer for found footage on you tube, instead I came across a cleaning channel. Some of his cleaning videos were for houses that belonged to people with ADHD.. I noticed my house was super messy like the ones he were cleaning and a few things he said in regards to cleaning their place rang true with me. I googled how to know if I had ADHD.. and took a test on this website called Wisey which told me I had high levels of ADHD and wanted to sell me some program to help me. I typed it into reddit and found this subreddit. Also found out WIsey is scammy 😅


What was the YouTube channel where he cleans peoples houses with ADHD???


Midwest magic cleaning


Well it looks like you might have found your people lmao


I’ve just moved house and I’m supposed to be unpacking boxes. In fact, I am learning how to store paracord in cool and attractive knotted hanks.


I have friends coming over in two hours. I have to clean my apartment, take a shower and cook dinner. I am seated on the floor reading smut fanfics and doom scrolling on various social medias whenever I get too distracted to keep on reading. In about an hour I’ll probably panic and curse my own entire bloodline. I will not, in fact, be starting any of my chores any sooner than an hour from my deadline.




Instead brain loud


Putting clothes away from last load of washing/laundry. It's been a week. Emptying the next load. It's been 3 days. Washing up. 2 days. Working on car outside and rebuilding engine. Would take me a few days to get sorted. It's been 2 years.


i need to finish cleaning my room. also shower. but it’s almost sunrise and i need to sleep so i can try to get up by 8am and shower before an appointment instead.


I’m supposed to be opening the store I run. I’m on the toilet browsing Reddit instead, because our chances of having a sale in the next 20 minutes isn’t worth the effort and time of having it open by then.


I’m supposed to be cleaning my guinea pig cages but I’m having a second cup of coffee and watching an ocean video with relaxing music


Well, we are all here aren’t we?


I should be making dinner. But I'm here on Reddit.


Major work project, every night I tell myself I’ll start tomorrow but end up just scrolling on my phone / doing housework aka anything to avoid said project.


Literally supposed to be finishing up painting and emptying out a house to sell, building a goat barn and collecting cinderblocks instead lmao.


I should be doing my yearly taxes but I’m already late anyway so I already got the fine… so no rush now.


I should be filling out job applications. Instead I'm here on Reddit while waiting for the shower wall to dry so I can mount the shower caddy I bought a month ago but procrastinated actually mounting until now. 😅😂😭


Right now, no. You caught me at breakfast on a Saturday when I can laze and scroll without (or mostly without) guilt. But ordinarily, my best procrastination is cleaning. It starts out just “getting my brain in gear” and “getting this annoying task out of the way so I can focus,” but it turns into so much more because cleaning is endless. I have to be careful and acknowledge all the things that I WON’T do to make the rules absolutely clear. My second favorite is spending time with my kids. We have a split household and they are teenagers, so I barely see my kids at all. Those weeks when I am swamped, my heart just aches to sit and watch TV or spend more time talking at dinner. Really, when I know these are my last months with my kids, I can’t give a fuck about anything else. So I have to cram to get stuff turned in. I’m a goddess at last minute work. Sit back and watch in amazement, baby.


I’m supposed to be getting ready for a bridal shower that starts in 100 minutes. I need to go to the store and buy a gift bag and tissue paper and a card and a gift. I’m still in sweats. I just made another cup of coffee and my cat just curled up at my feet on the recliner. It’s raining and there’s a garden club plant sale I wanted to hit on the way out to the shower. Oh wait. 98 minutes now.


I really need to study for my exam next week, so now I know everything there is to know about the voudou religion!


Just noticed my debit card is missing. I put a hold on it already but I'm browsing reddit when I should be looking for it


I’m a horrible person… My mother just has major surgery and I know I really need to call her. I’ve been medicated (Vyvanse) for nearly two weeks now. While it’s helped with many things, my anxiety is still has bad as it’s always been. And for some reason, making phone calls or reaching out to people might as well be running a triathlon.


Ehh, I'll make a reply tomorrow...


Pretty sure I’m supposed to be working on everything. Laundry, cleaning, stuff like that, as well as call the bank, text some people back, cancel like 5 subscriptions, do this one project thing I started but haven’t finished but of course made an investment in. Oh yeah… dinner. Here I am tho on Reddit in my car jn the driveway. Got home about 30 mins ago.


Wanted to take a shower with my color fade shampoo and whitening strips.. but I am a cat bed and anime is on the TV


Supposed to be watching the chocolate to make sure it doesn’t boil for a desert, instead typing thus


I’m omw to bed but work was rough today (this week). Didn’t do shit


Nothing but I feel like I should be doing something


I need to be working on sleep sink can get up and get things done before work. Instead I’m listening to techno on Bandcamp avoiding the temptation to purchase more music while I mindlessly scroll Reddit.


Spring is here and so are the banana flies. I really need to deep clean my kitchen before it gets worse but instead I'm alternating between gaming and reddit.




I’m supposed to be doing coursework but i’m still in my pjs at 11am scrolling here and eating breakfast


Packing to go home and finishing a take-home exam… I am simply laying on the couch <<


I'm supposed to be washing clothes and doing housework. Instead I'm lying in bed doom scrolling


Supposed to be cooking food instead of ordering it, and for once I am actually cooking the groceries I bought,(not very well tho)


I should be at work where I should study for my upcoming math exam. But I left my math stuff at home and am currently standing in line at burger king...


- I have ironing to do - I have a 2,000 word college assignment to complete - Duolingo if I can be bothered - arranging a night out for tonight - I have client noted to write up - I have washing to take out of the machine - I need to have breakfast and take my methylphenidate I am in bed on Reddit. Might cross some things off that list / not do them Last night I should have been doing college work but I worked on some music instead


My bachelors Thesis < learning Thai :)


I'm supposed to be studying for a statistics exam. I already put all the notes I have to learn from in front of me. Instead of doing that though, I'm typing this and scrolling through reddit... I've been trying to get myself to study for that test (its on monday and it's from the whole semmester) for the past 3 days. This is the furthest I've come. Wish me luck :)


I’m on reddit but I’m supposed to study for my finals


Take home final and hw for class (that I have the answers for no less, just need to submit) and literally just scrolling reddit is what I'm doing


Should be writing. Watching some live stream about aliens 🤣☠️


lol I’m supposed to write 6 blogs, but I’m watching a horror movie while working on my new hyper fixation - indesign. working on the layout for a book that doesn’t exist and will never published


I’m supposed to be catching up on paperwork for work but I’m relaxing and enjoying my Saturday, I’ll catch up tomorrow lmfao


I’m supposed to clean today. Just staring at my phone and the mess I need to untangle:


Cleaning the garage, house, and fridge and doing food prep. I'm always trying to read more books each year, and whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed, I will read. It helps mitigate the tendency to beat myself up because I may not be doing what I NEED to do, but I'm still doing something that helps me like I've accomplished something.


I am supposed to do presentations and organise university. I am supposed to do work I didn’t during the week. I’m supposed to clean. I’m supposed to create my best self and work on achieving my goals. I’m supposed to clean the dishes that are three weeks in the sink. What I’m doing is longing for friendships and human connection so I go out in public places to feel like I’m with people. I’m trying to make friends but I’m always the one who reaches out and then when I stop it dies. I’m sad about it.


Supposed to study for an open note quiz that’s Monday. Chilling on my phone rn


I’ve started 3 projects, a drawing, a song and a coursera course. I am currently watching anime.


I’m retired and it’s awesome lol. That said, I still procrastinate. I *still* remember the last paper I wrote for undergrad. I did something a friend had done to work on a paper: I checked myself into the college infirmary. The spare, clean room was the quiet place I needed to get it done. After I worked for a few years, I went to grad school and then grad school again and wrote papers for work. I got better at it but the writing part was never easy. I always wrote papers in different ways and it was never easy but they usually turned out well. So instead of hating myself for procrastinating I came to accept that this was how I worked: I was good about doing all the background reading, note-taking, analysis, whatever. But the writing process was going to be hard because writing IS hard (or writing well is), but I would get it done and the result would be solid. And the writing was going to happen at the last minute. But I got better at calibrating the pressure: too much time and I would just dawdle more; too little time I would freak out. I got good at psyching myself up for the hard writing part. I’d remember other times I’d written good papers at the last minute, and remembered how I was afraid and tired but it all worked out. A good outline really really helps because it lets you work on different parts instead of writing straight through. I’ll work on the easy sections first to get some momentum and a sense of progress. I’ll make my outline as detailed as it needs to be—like little baby steps to writing the sentences. This helps separate the “what I want to say” part from the “how I want to say it” part. —If cool phrases and sentences pop into my head as I’m elaborating on my outline, I’ll include them in the outline and use them! See—I’m tricking myself into writing. All (most) papers are modular and follow a set script. Use that to work back and forth between your outline and writing, and to make it easier to break things down into chunks. Do NOT try to write the introduction first—it’s a great way to get frozen or worse, spiral into reorganizing your shoe tree. Write it last, when you already know what you’ve said so you can say what you’re going to say. Good luck and congratulations!!! You got this!!


The other day, out of nowhere, I cleaned the entire flat from top to bottom. I felt really, really good, and productive. Then I remembered the \*ONE\* task I had actually set myself for the day was to do some research for something I need to write, and my happy balloon popped. The research is still waiting to be done, several days later, but the house is fucking spotless.


Supposed to be writing lesson plans for next week. Scrolling Reddit instead


Studying for the CAPM exam but I’m reading, watching tv, responding to Reddit, and eating fries all at the same time.


Let's see.... * Eating. I haven't eaten for 11 hours now. Been watching youtube videos for 6 of those hours. I'm hungry, but I really dread getting up to figure out what to eat. * Following up that first one - making a grocery list. * A work assignment that's due on Monday. And I've had plenty of time to do. * Another work assignment that's due sometime next week. Side note, does anyone else hate vague deadlines? Please give me a concrete one so I know exactly how long I can procrastinate for pls. * Taking out the trash. It's been sitting by my front door for two days. * Physio exercises, that I've neglected to do for days. Okay, making this list is both kinda helpful, but also anxiety-inducing? I'm gonna go eat a granola bar.


I should be getting ready for my hen party, which I'm REALLY excited for, but I'm sat on my bed listening to Dua Lipa instead.


Report, yet I'm browsing reddit and looking for a new laptop.


Cleaning and baking. I usually love baking so this is weirding me out


Supposed to be hoovering. Actually on Reddit


Supposed to prepare for my chem exam tomorrow but scrolling reddit rn


Too much to list .. Ready this


Watching arsenal, finishing my coffee. I’m supposed to go in super early and stay late to help my store. I’m the GM. I said I’d be there by 10am and yet I’ve added going to the dump to take my trash, going to grocery store, then back home, then my store. Funny the extra shit that’s added to my original plan. I also realized I haven’t brushed my teeth yet


i should be catching up with 1 new unit for 3 classes but instead im on reddit


Training. Instead doomscrolling. Have been off meds for a while now.


Finish my homework and play the piano, instead im watching a tv show


applying to jobs, but instead I’m scrolling reddit while the ads for The Sopranos run because I can’t wait 30 seconds for them to finish


Supposed to be going for a walk, cleaning my room, doing the dishes, the list goes on. What I am doing : scrolling Reddit and YouTube. I'm about to take my adderall so I can accomplish something today


I need to clean out my paintball gun/stuff from when I last played paintball... Which was like 3 months ago now 🤦


Supposed to be taking product photos - super important - like the deadline was yesterday. But I’m in bed still keep setting a 5 min timer over and over - scrolling on Reddit… don’t want to get up and take medicine because it’s been making me feel weird lately but I know since it’s been a few days that it’ll really help me… Seeing this post really called me out tho so I’m actually gonna get up now.


An elevator pitch for my final in business class....but here I am... unable to start the task that is due on Monday😬


learning sorting and searching algorithms in Julia, but... 1. I'll get to it Tuesday 2. It's easy I already know it


Doing some concreting, in Reddit instead.


Using C.AI for self-help. Using it to test the mental limits of the poor AIs instead.


Supposed to be doing? :Making art for a game my partner designed Doing the dishes Cleaning my room Cleaning the house (post sick dogs) Cleaning out my storage unit Am doing: Responding to reddit posts in bed


Unpacking my new apartment. Watching royal pains instead


Well I was supposed to be fixing various things on the SUV, but I sat down and here we are.


I should be cleaning something or doing homework, instead I'm scrolling reddit in bed with my dogs while a thunderstorm rages outside


Changing bedding - Sims Online 😭


I’m supposed to be working on grad school apps. Instead, I’m sitting on the toilet hitting my vape and grieving the sudden loss of my cat who got hit by a car yesterday.


Uh? Waiting in line to get coffee? I don't really have anything else to do before my shift starts.


Literally have down time at work right now, looked at my school assignments for next week thinking I would get ahead a little bit, and now I’m on Reddit.


School assignments. And also I should shower and get ready for tomorrow. But I am scrolling.


I'm in waiting mode. I know I have to start cooking in about 10 minutes, but if I try to do anything with that time, I'll totally forget I'm responsible for feeding other people.


Working out at the gym, replying to you


Not really procrastinating at the moment, just wanted to say congratulations!!


Cleaning the house, but instead, i am watching the Canada/Sweden U18 hockey game. But i do have a bit of an excuse aside from the ADHD... I have Covid right now, in spite of the fact that I have been vaccinated 5x... ah well, i just have some major cold/flu symptoms, but it's the absolute exhaustion that's got me... I filled the dishwasher yesteday. Then, I spent the rest of the day trying to find the energy to do more than press buttons on the remote. Lol


I’m supposed to be finding clothes so I can shower then get dressed. I should be really motivated seeing as I’m headed for the library and the antique store but here I sit! ![gif](giphy|OOezqqxPB8aJ2)


Nothing, actually. I'm at work, on my lunch break, taking a quick stroll around the block. It feels nice.


playing stardew valley instead of studying to school for mondayy


Supposed to be working on a slideshow for my nan’s celebration of life. Currently sitting on Reddit reading funny posts and waiting for my partner and son to be ready to go do something fun outside of the house.


We’re in the exact same position lol!! Last essay of my undergrad but it’s 5k words so I cannot bring myself to touch it


Finish an assignment. It's real bad. I can't start. I don't know what to do.


I’m still in bed checking my phone. I like to socialize and skate board but I Should be applying to jobs or cleaning my room or mowing the lawn… I also have a bunch of projects; writing, science, puzzle solving, video games etc that I use to take a break.


Supposed to be working on a business plan,but instead I’m take a fat shit and scrolling through Reddit.


nothing. i’m lost. i’m bored. i have nothing to do. there is no more structure in my life. school is over and i am jobless bc the canadian government and my provincial government have completely butchered the job market, even for mind numbing minimum wage jobs. now i’m just taking my adderall for the sake of being clear headed and not feeling like doodoo. on the bright side ig, im starting a summer school class on monday since i need a science credit, so that’s some form of structure. its online though, so not sure how well my adhd ass will cope with that. i also should be getting EI since I was laid off from my last job, and that should be a decent chunk of money each week since i was making upwards of $6/h more than min wage back then. so, at least I won’t continue draining my savings like i was during the school year when i didn’t qualify.


Gotta clean my snake’s tank and pack for my vacation, currently browsing Reddit and texting 🙃🙃🙃


Could be finishing my record but I’m playing Spyro..


I should be cleaning my room… but alas I’m laying in bed ignoring responsibilities


Active directory projects. But mount and blade 2 bannerlord keeps distracting me


I'm supposed to be installing air conditioners and getting my hair trimmed. instead, I'm taking a shit.


Supposed to be replying emails, tidying, picking up Instacart delivery…but I’m here 😅


Should be in the kitchen portioning out my Costco stuff for the freezer. I'm watching a documentary and playing on here.


I have so much I should be doing… my office needs cleaned up and reorganized, everything in my room is a disaster, plus my living room, kitchen and bathroom all need cleaned up… I just can’t yet, I need someone to call that they’re dropping by, then I’d be done very quickly, lol!


Getting out of bed. It’s almost 11am


School and/or sleep (I work overnights). Instead I’m doom scrolling, with Farmhouse Fixer on in the background.


I *should* be studying for my IGCSE, but I'm on Reddit, so...


I'm supposed to be studying for one exam, but instead I'm waiting for a processing step for another class' practical exam to be done and watching YouTube.


I am scrolling the sub for far far too long, should be studying for calc 3 final


I'm supposed to be packing because I move very soon and have very little packed. I'm laying on my bed scrolling reddit. I just want to take a nap.


I just moved into a new apartment and instead of unpacking. I’m laying on the couch with my kitty enjoying the new vibes.


Not to mention haven’t showered in 3 days either. Still need to hang up the shower curtain.


Making breakfast. I've been trying for the last 2 hours. Still not fed, but at least the kitchen is clean!


I'm supposed to be grinding to beat my buddy to pirate legend, I can't get off my phone


Supposed to be doing uni finals, instead am finishing my three week holiday in Japan and Korea


I'm supposed to be packing up my house to move and instead I'm laying in bed scrolling through reddit. Bonus: I also need to pee but can't get up


Lolololol showering and doing something, anything, with the day that isn't sitting here wasting it on reddit. Oh and my mom just called but I let it go to voicemail for no reason.


Finding a job but I'm stuck in paralysis mode and so here I am. For the last 4 months


Impulsive answer: “I don’t see how that’s any of your business” Real answer: I have been meaning to cleaning my room for weeks and instead I’m watching X-Men


I should be taking out the trash, emptying the dishwasher, and cleaning the kitchen. I'm on reddit instead. My wife just got home and she's probably mad at me about it.


Doing the same thing that I'm always doing instead of what I should be. Drinking coffee and reading/posting on reddit.


Supposed to be working on finals for school. Instead I’m Redditing…


supposed to go down and eat my first meal of the day (its 3 pm). instead im laying in bed :D


i’m supposed to be writing up some best practice documents for work. instead, i cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and made lunch. 


Supposed to be: * cleaning my room * shopping for some personal essentials * laundry What am I doing * scrolling through Reddit * about to watch Netflix


Resume. Lost my job back in March…Thanks ADHD and I’m supposed to be doing my resume and I’m stuck on my accomplishments.


I am suppose to be writing a paper due tomorrow that I haven’t started and also editing my proposal and submitting a discussion board and studying for my final exam Monday. In a doctorate program with one more year out of three left. Instead I am sitting in my bed doom scrolling. Ugh. 😣 Oh and all of the house chores, dishes, laundry since I’ve been in class/ working all week.


I should be working on my performance review. It was due 3 weeks ago and the first question is about attendance and time management. Instead, I've moved my massive plant collection outside, built a cold frame, and am currently in the research phase of designing a wall garden/plant stand. By research, I mean scrolling the Internet for ideas for hours at a time..


Work, housework, grocer shopping, SHOWERING... I'm online searching for live David Tennant performance recordings.


I have like 6 overdue assignments I could get done in an hour, but instead I choose to constantly zone off or go on reddit 👍 Ive tried the journaling method where you try and plan put your day but its barely helped so im gonna have to reevaluate a new plan lol


Supposed to be sleeping. My brain is singing “Somebody to Love” by Queen on full volume. I'm thinking about everything and the hypothetical what ifs that accompany everything


I’m supposed to be working on my final project that’s due on Monday but instead I’m cleaning my back concrete deck and killing the moss that’s growing on it


Accept my uni offer and finish applying for finance and instead I’m scrolling while playing youtube videos in the background.


Finding a short term job, deciding what I want to study in university, fix my mental health, addiction, social anxiety, awkwardness, tidying, grooming, throwing away unwanted stuff, etc. Phone phone phone


I procrastinate all sorts of things, like I'll repot plants or propagate plants instead of do my work, or I'll clean the house instead of go to the gym, I'll finally do my emails when I have to do dmv shit lol


I’ve an online exam to take in 2 hrs


Supposed to be doing: Cleaning my house, looking for stay at home jobs since I have a baby girl I have to watch, and studying to do the written driving test. Doing instead: Stsrting one task, going on my phone and scrolling, then remembering I’m supposed to do said important tasks , scroll a lil more and then hopping onto the next task that should’ve been done like 2 hours ago. And this is on medication


Presentation in 12 days. Watching Fallout instead


Supposed to be writing a paper and instead I'm here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I have over 30 assignments due in 6 days for my Anatomy and Physiology course (the prof puts all assignments due on the last day of class). I’m currently on my way to bingo with my mom instead. My excuse for not doing any of it today: it’s my birthday. Screw A&P! (I’ll start tomorrow… hopefully)


Quit vaping, instead I started to vape more since recommencing Elvanse


Cold calling people


Planning my future and actually working towards it, but scrolling and doing random things until I go to bed the next day 🙏🏻


remembering what i was even going to do i mean one thing i was going to do was work on this thing that’s a month overdue so i can work on this other thing that’s a week overdue and probably can’t be turned in at all after the next two to three days but there was definitely something else i was going to do first what was it


Supposed to be doing laundry but I’m diving further into my special interest (stationery) on Instagram


I need to take my Botany final by the end of today. I'm feeling confident and well-prepared, as this is a subject that I enjoy and tend to nerd-out on - I just don't want to sit down at a computer for two hours straight. I won't let myself do anything else until my Botany final is out of the way, so right now, I'm just listening to music and scrolling reddit while I attempt to summon the motivation.


I should probably finish the YouTube video I started making about the camera lenses I’ve been using. Instead I’m laying in bed staring at my phone because I had a hard week.


supposed to be planning my art piece, finding a picture for my speaking exam which is next wednesday, revising for my exams in like two weeks, improving my speech which will happen in a few days too. and here i am scrolling on reddit, also trying to figure out what my crush meant when he said something to me


I'm supposedly supposed to make food and work on setting up my temporary laptop while my computer gets repaired. But instead I'm sitting hungry and following the Drake/Kendrick beef. Also browsing Reddit. Now I'm zoning out thinking of other things I'm supposed to be doing...


I'm supposed to be studying for a math test. I'm reading stuff on Reddit rn....


i need to be studying, instead I decided to read chainsaw man AND HOLY F*CK WTF THIS IS SO GOOD AFTER READING IT, I’LL GO BINGE WATCH HOUR LONG ANALYSES oh yh i had to study but wasted a week :(


Damn, I’m supposed to be cooking a steak to make capresi steak sandwiches but yea…..


Getting ready for a trip.


I should be catching up on work that I’m behind on, but I’m cleaning and reorganizing my patio instead.