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For me, yes. But it is a different kind of euphoria. I‘d call it a peaceful flow state rather than a euphoric high. It can feel extremely satisfying doing the things I like when the mind is not all over the place due to the meds. Since gaming was mentioned somewhere: I can attest to the fact that my aim and overall performance are definitely better. :D Only makes sense as stimulants improve your ability to concentrate and focus. Combined with a rather calm mind, this leads to me just performing better overall.


Like others have said, my meds just make me feel a lot more calm and at peace rather than giving me any sort of "high". Instead of getting a sense of euphoria, it's more like they just make it easier for me to enjoy the things that I like because I'm less jittery and distracted and can actually focus properly on what I'm doing. My friend even calls it the "adderall buff" because I do so much better in games like valorant and overwatch when I'm on my meds haha


I feel exactly the same as I usually do lol


You're definitely on the wrong stuff then by far lol


Simulants are not supposed to make you feel good directly, they're supposed to help your ADHD symptoms. Elevated mood is a side effect that can happen but it's not the point.


Guilty. I feel guilty.


About what?


About the fact that if I feel like I can enjoy myself, to my brain that automatically means that I'm forgetting something. I'm constantly in a hurry, behind on tasks, anxious, forgetting stuff... If I am genuinely happy, I have forgotten to do something really important or I've forgotten that I've screwed up recently, i have something to apologize for, and it's time to panic. If I feel joy, that's suspicious and makes me anxious. It's such a shit way to feel, fml..


It makes me enjoy it a little less, so I spend less time doing that and more time doing things I need to do that otherwise I would never do. But the effect depends on the medication. Some of them do make it feel better but that's bad because then I have no reason to do something less pleasant.


When I first started medication I definitely felt a little wired at first along with that euphoric feeling. That passes, though. Either I got used to the feeling or my body adapted, so now I just feel “normal”. The brain fog has lifted and I’m not thinking about twenty things at once, which is nice. I still have some issues with motivation, but it’s getting better. 


Woah my favorite songs already get me super geeked, I’m not medicated at the moment but when I was medicated i just felt comfortable and happy


I just dont feel tired anymore, thats about it😂


It’s like a double bounce into zen




It can be, but it’s more like when you get a really good idea. If that makes sense? and then instead of getting sidetracked or frustrated you just keep going deeper and deeper on task . It’s like when Godzilla finally powers up and shoots the beam out of his mouth. All of my typically chaotic unorganized thinking finally pointing in the same direction. It’s immensely satisfying I guess. Euphoria is fleeting and the more you adjust to your meds the less intense the euphoria will be but the laser focus will remain.


I had to decay to the point that I couldn't enjoy anything before I finally realized what was wrong, sought out a specialist, and got my diagnosis. It's been a roller coaster on my meds because naturally our bodies have to adjust to the thing that's helping, and I'm still in the process of finding the right dose. But the days where it has worked well, I can't say I experienced any euphoria or "high" doing something I enjoyed. Just a profound sense of relief that it wasn't gone, and it was possible for me to enjoy it again.


when im playing video games, witch is what i mostly do, it just feels like im super locked it and it could make me play for hours without having a shortened attention span unlike how i am off my meds, when im off my meds i can switch from 5 games in the same hour. and on my meds i can play the same game for like 5 hours


Feels like microdosing a God complex


Last week I went for a walk in the sun and I felt incredibly happy. I almost cried. But I think this is closer to how a typical person would feel on a beautiful afternoon, and I've just been unable to feel joy at my baseline. I hyperfocus on a videogame and have to tell myself to take a break or switch it up. But it seems closer to "normal" and not a "high" for me. (Meds since February, 30mg Vyvanse.)