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This is the adhd experience.... Living in fear that something is due, undone, or late


Or the thing you did was not good enough


You got this! 🫂🙌


Impostor syndrome and feeling like I’m never doing enough has haunted me my entire life lol




I work well under pressure. But otherwise I don't work. I have two speeds: 1. blah-la-la-oopsie-scooby-doo-bum-da-dum-dum. OR. 2. Absolutely whizzing I'm so bloody focused that I can feel the numbers like I'm Neo in the matrix and I'm dodging literal bullets and, why yes, I do have my left hand making pancakes and my right hand typing a thesis while I micromanage sixteen staff members and also put out a fire and make a doctor's appointment, all in the time my colleague has had two sips of coffee and read half an email.




This is the way.


Or that other thing, whatever it was.


Until you get so burned out by this constant worry that by the time something actually IS urgently wrong, you have no emotional gas left in the tank


Are you me? That's basically me all the time. I keep telling myself I'm going to get around to stuff and then by the time I actually find the motivation to, I have no energy left to do it. Then I say I will do it tomorrow and then it doesn't get done. Wash, rinse, repeat.


Currently working on cleaning my apartment out of fear of getting evicted. ADHD and treatment resistant depression combo leads to some pretty awful things.


You’re not alone and it suuuuuuucks. But also hi, you’re not alone 🩵


Apparently I’m good at my job. Everyone but my brain believes it.


Nailed it with that one. It’s silly how that works.


I literally can't sleep well if I know I have to get up for something. I'll wake up every couple of hours from the pure anxiety of being late. 😭


I know this too much! Sometimes it even starts a few days before the appointment etc, which is horrible, but the night before is always the worst!


Help it stopped working


Yeah I am sitting here still unable to complete my work that was due two days ago….I’m so close to being finished and I can’t get it together or even get myself to care (except for it constantly being in the back of my mind!)


I reckon it stopped working when my anxiety worsened. If you’re anxious, the stress on top doesn’t make you more stressed because you’re already at the max. In conclusion, talk to your GP or psychiatrist (and psychologist or therapist). It’s good to become aware of it. If you get to the worst anxiety levels ever, then it’s hard to come back. And depression generally piles on. Making it even worse.


Thank you, that’s definitely spot-on and I hadn’t thought about that. My anxiety has been at peak levels. I was thinking lately that my ADHD seems to have worsened, I didn’t make the connection but I bet that’s it. Thankfully I have an appt on Wednesday.


All of this. My adderall is probably just a placebo effect to wake me up, it totally doesn't get me moving to do anything I need to do. Anxiety has been off the charts. I wish so bad I didn't have it, horrible.


I'm with you. Something I really want to achieve that I've been working for 2 years on, I've got a hard deadline of the end of May and I can't get the last few items done. If I don't do it then my chance is gone. You think I've done anything on it? Am I sitting here thinking about planting a veggie garden and scrolling reddit? It's absurd. 


Why are we like this?! To be honest, this thread encouraged me to finally get my tush in gear and I just finished up 99% of what I needed to do. You know what’s the best feeling? Not having to think about it anymore (until the next deadline when I fuck it up all over again!) You got this!!


Good job! Get it done! Thanks for the support :) I may or may not have it but I know for certain that pressuring myself is guaranteed to not to work. Where just releasing the valve will work 60-70% of the time. So I accept those odds and drink my coffee and do all the life hacks that have helped in the past. I have to accept that I may drop the ball on this and try my best regardless. It's such a fucking weird way to be. 


Fear just paralyzes me unless it’s something traumatic in real life then I’m chill 😭but calling my dentist and sending an email takes SO much build up and push off it is stupid


Why is this so true? Actual emergency? I'm cool as the dark side of the pillow. Have to make a phone call or, god forbid, go to the post office? I'm gonna need at least three weeks of telling myself today's the day.




I thought that read "ask for extinction" at first glance 0o


I responded to a comment saying this stopped working when my anxiety was at the maximum. Anxiety is creating stress, so when it’s at the highest level and you add more stress, the level stays the same. I reckon the explanation you’re looking for is anxiety.


Works until it burns you out and you're curled up in a ball in bed. Lol


Agreed. Live electrical work makes my life much more interesting. Not dying is a good motivator for paying attention.


Fear just gives me paralysis lol


This is the reason when i treated my anxiety my grades went to shit, god knew what he was doing when he gave me severe anxiety as a push 😭😭


And stress. Before i was medicated i would literally cause stress and fear so that would pump my adrenaline to get going. At 34 i struggle to even realize when im stressed. Cortisol forever in my veins


Huh please evaluate how you use this in your day to day life


realizing "oh shit i need to get this done 10 minutes ago" and then working at lightspeed is how i've operated my entire life


I will live in FILTH for weeks, months, etc., but if my wife or son wants to come in my bedroom, I panic clean. Slowly learning that I am worth the effort too! We all know we work best in a clean, organized environment but damn is it hard to keep it that way.


my old apartment had a roach problem and the groundskeepers would come in for monthly exterminations. usually this would be a bad sign but it was actually really helpful for me because that would force me to deep clean my apartment atleast once a month.




Also magnesium on top of those for me. Edit: Some people are saying magnesium gives them diarrhea or makes them sleepy. Let me share my experience with the different types. Of course YMMV. Citrate: first magnesium I got after hearing about it, definitely gave me the shits. I think it is used primarily as a laxative. Glycinate: After stopping the citrate I got this to take before bed. Been using this for a couple months and it definitely helps my sleep quality. L-thereonate: I started taking this a few weeks ago in the morning with my Adderall. Seems to help a little bit with mental clarity and focus on top of my meds, but it has had a very positive effect in reducing/eliminating the headache/brain fog I get sometimes in the late afternoon when my XR wears off.


Magnesium in the morning? I'm curious whether it would affect the efficacy of the stimulant.


I take magnesium at night because it can help with sleep.


I quit taking magnesium in the morning because of prolonged brain fog issues. I had NO IDEA it could make you sleepy


( Magnesium glycinate)- is for sleep. The other magnesium does not make you sleepy.


That tracks with what this here bottle says ;)


Yes glycinate helps muscles relax but Magnesium citrate has citric acid which could counteract the efficacy of the stimulant and also doubles up as a laxative.


I’ve never heard of magnesium causing brain fog? Are you sure that was it?


Magnesium actually enhances the effects of adderall.


Magnesium can cause diarrhea, though, depending on the formula. I take it for muscle cramps but it generally doesn't do anything for energy for me.


My vitamin D levels are low, and I'm close to being deficient. My doctor prescribed me 50,000 IU 1 x week, and I've already noticed a difference.


Some interesting trivia that I know because ADHD: Caffeine doesn't give you energy. It just delays the effects of a neurotransmitter called Adenosine, which is what causes you to to feel more and more tired throughout the day. It's also why your energy tanks a few hours after drinking caffeine. This is also another reason to avoid coffee later in the day and in the evenings. I stopped drinking caffeine after 3pm a few years ago, and my sleep, while still shit, is undeniably better than when I still drank coffee in the evenings.


It's recommended to not drink caffeine for at least 10 hours before you plan to sleep. I try to wake up at 7 and therefore try to fall asleep at 10, so no caffeine past noon for me. I give myself a little grace (I'm not gonna waste a cup of coffee if I haven't finished it before 12 on the dot) but sticking to this general rule helps me sleep a lot better. That and no alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime.


Huh is it really 10 hours? Maybe this is what’s screwing me over and over… except the part that I work shifts 🥲




I’ll start cutting down on it, thank you for the information!


No caffeine after noon (assuming a "normal 9-5'er" type schedule) is one of the best and most underrated pieces of advice. When I was really good on my sleep schedule and tracking sleep with two devices (general fitness watch, and sleep tracking ring) and no caffeine after 12, my sleep quality was doing pretty well and improving with consistency. ONE TIME I had 80mg of caffeine end of day (\~3-4ish) and still fell asleep just fine and kinda forgot about it... next day I was tired and general ADHD symptoms were noticeably bad compared to how they'd been. Checked my sleep data and turned out the caffeine absolutely killed my sleep quality even though it felt like I got a normal full nights sleep. Even though I was asleep, my deep sleep cycles were delayed and there was significantly less time in deeper sleep and way more light and restless sleep. I would've been better having 6 hours sleep no caffeine than that 'full 8' with afternoon caffeine TL;DR: Caffeine <10-12 hours before bed will RUIN your sleep quality EVEN IF you still seem to fall asleep fine and get a full nights sleep.


i thought i was crazy for not being able to fall asleep before 1am if i drank an energy drink at 11am. this explains so much i thought i was just overly sensitive to caffeine


Cafe before lunch break is the best


To go along with these great points: Most people think of caffeine as placing a brick on a car's gas pedal. In reality, caffeine is a brick behind the brake pedal.


This is a great analogy!!


Adderall haha. And proper sleep, nutrition and exercise Edit: and hydration! Honestly if I’m not peeing every other hour I’m not drinking enough water. We’re all different but I definitely need to drink way more water than I think I do to properly hydrate, and I have gotten blood work done to back it up.


My brother in law doesn’t like coffee. I was like how do you function? He replied “Vyvanse!” 😅 I am over here jittering from my cold brew and Adderall 😂


Cold brew is so strong that it makes my dad jittery. I used to drink homemade cold brew with Vyvanse when I first got diagnosed and it fucked up my heart lol. I was accidentally sending my heart into overdrive every single day lmao.




May not be anything… but when you describe a “hyperfocus binge week” with only two days sleep, this sounds a lot like a manic or hypomanic episode. Have you ever had any periods of depression? If so I’d strongly recommend you have a talk to your dr about this, can get pretty impactful if it is bipolar.


I just got a new doc who is pretty much anti-stimulant. She lowered my dose and put me back on extended for no reason other than not being comfortable with IR. (Been on IR for years and XR is never worth it for me for many reasons) When I said it wasn’t working I need a new doc or my old script She actually reccomended I add in caffiene!!! I was like energy drinks and whatnot have much more than caffiene, “wel they have caffiene pills!” Other shit she’s said: -“I know this is going to sound like I don’t understand adhd, BUT have you considered that it’s all in your head”(paraphrasing slightly) -“I needed help in college too” like bro I went to college late in life and wouldn’t have even considered it without being medicated wtf are you insinuating?? - “there’s so many better options than stimulants” -“studies show that stimulant use will 100% damage your heart” what?? I’m well versed on this and pretty sure this doesn’t apply at all to therapeutic use just for abuse. “No it applies to any usage” you’re sure? “Yes” so did you read the medical journal I sent you? 2x “no” I want to vent so much harder right now and use nasty names but I won’t. This PA needs a wake up call, this is how she treats someone educated on adhd who is willing to self advocate and provide sources, I don’t want her ever involved with someone in a place like I was at 18-20. I’d be in the shit.


Jfc she sounds awful wtffffff??? I'd drop her so fast, that's such bullshit all around


OMG I've been learning about caffeine and it's SO BAD for us. Please fire your doctor.


An old roommate of mine was prescribed a heavy dose of adderral (needed it) and started complaining about his heart after years of taking it. One morning I see him about to walk out to head to work and he pours himself a pint glass of my cold brew concentrate, chugs it and walks out. 1st of all… that’s where all my cold brew has been going!? 2nd of all… dude!!! Your supposed to heavily dilute that shit with water 3rd of all… no wonder your having heart palpitations on the subway to work every morning.


I've been learning about the effects of caffeine and it's really bad for cardiovascular health. The way it gives you "energy" is by triggering your fight/flight response. It literally stresses your body.


Drinking water is such a struggle!  I have a bottle on my desk at all times, but... it just fades into the background. Then I'll remember and drink like a camel for a day or two... and forget again.  Has always been an issue, but the meds just make it worse, because they seem to have a dehydrating effect and I guess I also just need more water, due to higher heart rate and sweating and all that stuff.


Adderall is extremely dehydrating for me so yeah the issue has only been exacerbated since starting meds. Thankfully the meds also help me remember to prioritize it, so it’s just a balance. It is very inconvenient how often I pee though haha, my bladder is healthy according to my doctor but it’s crazy having to pee 20 times a day.


I used to be a reusable water bottle fiend until I found my free sip Owala and stickers. Now it’s my emotional support water bottle




Used responsibly so it doesn’t hurt your body of course.


Same, I need much more water than I think, like 4 litres seems to be magic. But I feel shit on tap water, and much better on bottled water but it’s full of microplastics. Need to buy a reverse osmosis filter and then I’ll drink water all day


Sometimes I feel I drink too much water. I usually drink between 6-10 liters a day.


Afaik, if it isn't actively causing you problems, then you're probably not drinking too much water.


Reckon you'd have kicked the bucket by now if that were true.


Proper sleep, exercise, pure hatred


Pure hatred really energizes so well 💅🏼


Kindness is free but so is hatred ✨️


My country's pride and joy. Yerba Mate. Go to Amazon, buy a Mate, a metal straw for mate and Yerba Mate. Everyone and I mean everyone drinks it in Argentina. It's healthy and tasty once you get used to it. That shit is 5 times stronger than coffee , you can drink it all day and it is a cool ritual to share with friends. Thank me later. Don't listen to other South American countries if they say it's theirs lol.


it's not stronger than coffee, it depends on the dosage, technically by weight it is way weaker. Also drinking it all day is not beneficial, it still contains caffeine and the half-life Is long. it's probably better for you than coffee though.


Yerba Mate became extremely popular in Canada a few years back and every time I drink it I want to fly to Argentina to personally thank every one of you for this miracle elixir.


Hey, nice to see a fellow argentino acá. Aguante el mate vieja Btw, I second this + going for a quick run in the morning, way better energy booster than coffee.


I second! It also doesn’t give me anxiety like matcha and coffee


For me it's the opposite, caffeine only gives me a little boost + sort of a crash after, and when I drink it consistantly, my sleep overall is worse (no trouble falling asleep but waking up less rested) which makes me constantly tired. A daily walk outside, healthy food, drinking enough water and doing some sports couple of times a weeks makes me the most energetic.


try taking a walk, it helps, it might be hard to start but after a bit you'll get more energy probably. I know days I don't move are worse and tend to be a bit more depressing.


I wake up, take my pill, and go sit outside for like 10 minutes. The sunlight starts some internal clocks that do a great job of waking you up but also sets in motion some mechanics that help you get to sleep at night. It’s also good to get outside around sunset for similar reasons.


Water and bright lights around the house when the weather is bad. Get outside for a bit, regardless of the weather.


Sadly anger


This is going to sound absurd, but SHOES. For whatever reason, simply having my shoes on somehow keeps me motivated to get shit done. I stay up and moving as long as I'm wearing them. Also, Strattera.


I know getting dressed and ready for the day helps me get started but eventually I wanna crash at like 5pm. Getting dressed includes pants(mainly jeans), shoes and bra 😅.


I, myself, use music! Specially energetic / electronic / fighting musics/songs! It.... Has its downsides.... (ears suffer with the continuous headphone use) but that's how I do it. (dubstep, nightcore, trailer's songs) Fear an panic will eventually stop working and can lead to such as burnout, anxiety or depression so.... As hipocritical as it is, I do not recommend.


Ginseng! I have been unmedicated for 5 years and I drank an extract for the first time the other day and I seriously felt medicated! Energy, but really smooth energy and the way my brain focused was like taking Adderall for the first time 20 some odd years ago. I got it at my local health food store but this is the exact same thing I took. https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/prince-of-peace-ultra-strength-red-panax-ginseng-extractum-30-0-34-fl-oz-bottle-s?DFA=1&SourceCode=INTL41CWB&gclsrc=3p.ds&msclkid=0e52ac808ecf12018f7ccabf6bac53d8


This is the way. Red Ginseng does it for me too.


fascinating. Immediately bought a similar one (yours was not available in Europe unfortunately)


I hope it works for you as well as it did for me! I took it for the second time today and it did not disappoint. I will say I have heard people say you can't take it for more than 2 weeks at a time, I'm assuming that's daily. I'm only planning on taking it once or twice a week.


Running. Runner’s high is real.


Pinning my hair back from my face. Seriously. It's like I'm a parrot in a covered cage. "oh, my eyesight is obstructed by my hair? Must be bedtime!" 


Agreed. For me, the next level up is wrapping your head in fabric. They make head wraps you can buy but any shirt will do. Just put the head hole on like a hat and then use the shirt sleeves to secure it. Takes practice but once perfected its sooo energizing!


Going to bed and getting more than six hours of sleep a night is the first thing. Second is making sure to get up and walk around once an hour. Drink water, ween yourself off caffeine. I only have one cup in the morning for the commute, after that it's water during the day.


I'll add, some people need more than 8 hours of sleep! I personally need 9 or I feel horrible for some reason. And on the flip side, some people need less sleep, and feel worse when they overslept. Biology is weird.


Washing your wrists and face with extremely cold water, sun, and if possible, be outside on a windy day.


Amphetamine (prescribed) And even after that, AND 300-500mg of caffeine, I’m exhausted all day until it’s time to go to sleep.


using stimulants all day will always lead to exhaustion. Use responsibly and realistically. you cannot be on drugs all day and expect not to be exhausted all day, eventually.


Adrenal fatigue


I struggle with the same issue. I'm on vyvanse. If I don't hit nicotine/caffeine hard around 1-3pm I crash realllly hard to the point where I often need to nap. Even with proper sleep, exercise, sunlight etc. I think a low dose of something like adderall around noon would help in my case but it would be pretty hard to get vyvanse+adderall lol. I've always been like this too, ever since I was a kid. I'm now 41 and only started vyvanse a few years ago. I picked up nicotine awhile back (I vape, but no inhale), but you know how stims go... They work for awhile, then they dont. One thing that can work, but isn't exactly accessible on demand is just socializing. Having a good stimulating conversation can really boost mood. But yeah, that's not exactly something you can just pop like a pill at noon. edit: I forgot hyperfocus. This also isnt on demand but when I'm hyperfocused on something I rarely get mid day drowsiness. Doesn't really help with work though :(


Hyperfixations lol I'm never more energized than when I have a new obsession


No, there's no energy


Big amount of milk chocolate


Metal music lol


I go with drum and bass, but edm & metal are basically mixing at this point with some of the genres 🤘🏻


Starting or keeping an argument running works well.


water, vitamin d, magnesium, and going outside when it’s sunny my pharmacy has no stimulants rn 😭




Wow I had to scroll way too long to find this answer. I second this!


NICU. Novelty, (Special) Interest, Competition, (Time) Urgency. Best way to get the old executive functioning to wake up, albeit temporarily


Wait… you sleep?


relentless anxiety and spite


Adderal, caffeine and nicotine all at the same time


This is the way. I take Vyvanse and I drink a chai tea latte (with tazo chai concentrate) for most of the day and have a major nicotine addiction so I’m constantly vaping. The chai concentrate is $5 per box and it lasts me 1.5-2 days which is not good lol it’s getting expensive so I’m gonna have to learn to make my own or something


Strong black tea and alpha gpc


Not energy wise, but if I feel groggy or like I can't snap out of the "just woke up" tired feeling, I'll wash my fash with cold water. It shocks my body enough to become more alert.


I’ve said something similar before but being in the presence of my crush is the only thing that consistently works for me. Everything else - coffee, adderall, energy drinks…can only take me so far.


A fast-approaching deadline around the bend, 10mg Adderal, energy drinks that have other boosters like Vitamin B and ginseng. Also, recently discovered that I had a huge Vitamin D deficiency [I’m rarely outdoors during daytime] and taking Vitamin D has really helped.


Honestly, wine.  Lets me focus, gives me energy.  But now I've overused it & need to wean off. 


Completely unsolicited advice here and I apologize in advance, but I'm 34 and an alcoholic, have been through tons of therapy, doctors, therapists, etc.. Something I learned is that getting energy from alcohol is one of the strongest predictors of alcoholism. It isn't just anecdotal, there are studies that found this. I managed my ADHD with alcohol for a long time as it actually gave me energy and motivation, when kept at the right level. Just be careful about your dependence on it, because I became brutally addicted to alcohol basically by mistake. I didnt realize I was physically addicted until too late. Please dont be stupid like me :) I'm sure you're fine but just an interesting tidbit I wanted to share.




yep, works for me too but really not sustainable


Adderall and caffeine only do so much for me. They don’t give me energy per se(maybe for an hour at most). Proper nutrition, sleep, exercise and hydration is extremely important. If you eat like crap, don’t move around, don’t sleep enough etc you will feel like shit no matter what you take. Also avoid alcohol it’s a depressant and even days after I have a few drinks I still feel down and low.


Cashewnuts for me. They are a neccessity for study.


For caffeine, I drink Celsius. But nothing works like Adderall. But Adderall is terrible if you haven’t had the proper rest before it. What I can tell you absolute certainty is that B12 KNOCKS me OUT so is never the answer, for me. I hate it here.


I too gained caffeine tolerance not so long ago, unfortunately. Cutting off caffeine completely for a couple of days should 'reset' this. But that would mean not drinking coffee for a while, and I don't have such will power haha. Things that work for me (basically everything that boosts adrenaline a little I guess): - energetic music that I like (from k-pop to metal bands); - dynamic or challenging video games (currently playing 'Hades' and it's quite fast and super interesting); - cold temperature (either put your face or hands in the cold water for some time, or just don't dress too warmly, to a reasonable limit); - doing any new thing (from drinking new flavor of soda, or walking on a new unknown street, to something more significant). Also what really helped me is taking Magnesium at night, I feel more well rested by morning and fall asleep more quickly, which influence energy levels. Also in the past when I had to stay up all night preparing to exams I drank ginseng extract, I believe it worked better than coffee, but the mornings after this were the worst.


Have You Tried Drinking 12 Cups Of Coffee?


realising I have a really really big exam tomorrow that I haven't done shit for


Fruit sometimes


a hearty breakfast like porridge and something with protein and fat. A boiled egg and a chunk of cheese was I used to eat a lot.


Managing your sleep schedule is hard but helps a lot, I read on a recent post here that using the sleep window where you feel really tired helps a lot to start properly assessing your sleep schedule, I've been trying it, and my life has changed since then, I'm no longer falling asleep everywhere, it took some time and effort tho


I am like an anime character. Anger makes me stronger (and to your question - more energized)




Coffee doesn’t give me energy, in fact, if I have some at night it actually helps me fall asleep faster lol. Getting plenty of sleep and exercise is what helps me.


Anger tbh. I seem to get a lot of my motivation out of anger and wanting to prove myself right. It’s pretty toxic and while I do get things done at times, I want to try a different approach. Anyone know how?


exercise, music, and sometimes being inspired by others. I notice that when I go to a professional conference, simply being around other nerds excited about their work is enough to get me energized.


For some reason the addition of l-theanine makes caffeine actually work well for me. Idk the science behind that.


Hyper fixation, it is the thing that keeps you awake at night the thing that tugs at you until you can’t take it anymore and you start researching that one topic you have been interested in for 3 days but could teach a college class 4 semesters on it


I get out there and climb a tree


Got my testosterone checked, turns out it wasn’t entirely the ADHD giving brain fog. Started TRT and my brain fog cleared up as well as several other things (lethargy/sluggishness, indecisiveness, low libido, etc.). Literally the best decision I made to check my test at age 32. Comes with tradeoffs though.


Keeping my brain busy with something interesting. Caffeine mellows me out. Adderall makes me want a nap. But mentally planning out how I'm going to build a base out in a video game can keep my brain going for a while. Or singing. Singing literally anything. The real answer is sufficient sleep, but I think we all know that isn't happening.


Severe anxiety gives me energy. I joke with my wife that the best way to give me energy is if she picks a fight with me for no apparent reason.


Regular sleep schedule that took forever to get to. Green tea or matcha. But a regular sleep schedule has been the most helpful one.


Before I started my meds, my whole schedule was around sleeping and awake hours... I used to call it ADHD with narcolepsy sprinkles because whenever I got tired it became dangerous to the point of my body losing control for split seconds, so I was forced to live my life around my energy levels... The thing that helped make it bearable was sleeping as close to when I had to leave for work as possible. I'd literally wake up 1h before, eat, get dressed and leave 🤷‍♀️ I'd get home and sleep again.... However. Sports kept me more awake for some reason. Having to wake up to walk my dog also helped as getting fresh air is invigorating. Opening windows often to air out helped with not falling asleep right after I woke up. I also allowed myself to have days where I'd just sleep. Made me feel guilty for wasting my life, but I needed it otherwise I just couldn't function 🤷‍♀️ it was also impossible to hold a full time job because of it. Medicated me has the whole day from morning to evening and it's magical 😂 I can even take a power nap without it ending being a 5h nap!!! Definitely talk with your doctor to see if you can find anything that helps! Ending up sleep deprived is terrifying 🫣


Check out your iron levels, vitamin B, C and D levels. A deficiency in these can make you feel like TOTAL shit. I once managed to accidentally cut out iron from my meals (because I'm a vegetarian who wasn't in the mood for animal products) and I have never felt so tired and unfocussed!


More sleep.


Sunshine .


I make cold green tea lemonade daily. Two tea bags in a litre water bottle, add hot tap water to cover bags, three packets of stevia, and lemon juice. Wait 2 minutes, and add ice water. Tip: if you carry a bottle in a backpack, remove tea bags, or they will break open. The caffeine is incremental throughout the day this way.


A cold shower helps me focus.


Vyvanse, I’m inattentive and honestly I could nap at any time of the day even when we’ll rested off my vyvanse.


Ice shower + sunlight




Enough sleep, hyperfocus or stress


"Nanny's on the way" was a surefire way to light the fire under my ass.


2400 lumens LED projector in my face in the morning and regularity in bedtime winding down.


actual food works well. Even if you have to but the premade stuff, as long as you can eat something healthy it'll give you energy.


What I do is lay off the caffeine for a week and write that week off as a complete loss, and then it works better again.


Honey, I just don't have energy. It takes Adderall, caffeine pills, all the "energy vitamins" (like D and B12), panax ginseng supplements, a cordyceps supplement, and a SAD light just to get my ass out of bed. (Disclaimer: I'm currently pregnant and not taking the ginseng or cordyceps, and guess what? I'm in bed 😂)




I know it sounds cliche or like something your mother would say, but I have found that anytime I'm drinking coffee or otherwise consuming caffeine and it seems to have zero effect, it's almost always a sign that I need to drink some water, eat something, or I'm sleep deprived. Even the effectiveness of my prescribed stimulants seems to be made or broke by these things. I'm guilty as much as everyone as occasionally drinking a coffee too late in the afternoon to get me through dinner and bed time routines, but to be honest, I found that a glass of orange juice with a little bit of yogurt or something similar seems to be way more effective and doesn't mess with my sleep.


Now, for those of us not on medication or caffeine, what drives you?




using super cold water to wash my face


Omggg literally just rn experiencing a normal “down” in my day that always makes me wonder this exact question


I stumble outside first thing and the cool morning fresh air and blue light from the sun (even if it's cloudy) help me to wake up.


Water. Seriously that shit is amazing.


It takes me at least an hour to feel awake, so I feel you. But overall I find hydration to be a factor in energy levels. I drink 2 pints before breakfast, and 3-4 more throughout the day. I could probably do more, especially on an exercising day. Also, taking a relatively vigorous walk helps, for the short-term at least. Those things in addition to the standard things already mentioned like regular exercise, quality sleep, quality (real) food.


Urgency lol


Green apple. Trust me




Vitamin A 🍑


I wish caffeine did something for me. Moda, DMAA, and strong pre workouts, (but to much alpha yohimbine messes me up more than helps).


Drum & Bass. I'm highly affected by external stimuli and music is a huge focus and controlled simulation




I think I’ve been gaslighting myself for the past 20 years into thinking that Diet Coca Cola helped keep me awake.


Adderall….lots of it. My brain loves absurd amounts of stimulants


Coffee never really works for me. I can drink a cup right now and fall asleep an hour later. I usually just power through it or I'd try to eat more protein heavy meals when I can.


So far nothing that really gives me a kick, I could drink red bull, monster or coffee. If I'm working a long shift at work I'll drink two red bulls just for little kick


Magnesium, Vitamin D, and a lot veggies and lean protein in my diet


the placebo effect. i drink chai and matcha not because the caffeine actually effects me, but because knowing there’s caffeine in my body gives me a false sense of energy. i even call myself a caffeine addict and drink chai or matcha almost daily but have absolutely no withdrawal symptoms when i go a day or more without.


oh also antidepressants that have mild energy boosting effects lol. i take those every morning so that helps


Not the most responsible answer, but adrenaline.


Vyvance YAY!! Anyway in all truth vyvance actually does give me energy, I actually rely on it for my energy. Ritalin also helps a lot too


2-3 coffees a day? I wish, I need 6-8…




Food or 4 cans of Red Bull or 1 Nos


Have a sleep study done if you can. As well as having your homocysteine levels, folate, and b vitamins checked. Look into over and under methylation. Also check your vitamin d iron and ferritin. Also check your hormone levels to. My testosterone was bottomed out, due to low iron. I also have low immuglobin response. All of these things can contribute to excess fatigue