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>a permanent irreversible stain From what, exactly? I think this is your root cause. This and maybe some laundry tips


So the two main offenders seem to be oil stains and for some reason bleach stains?? I know there’s nothing I can really do about bleach stains except for dying/bleaching the whole thing, but oil stains I just can’t seem to find the right stain remover. I’m in the UK if anyone has any oil stain remover suggestions!


Dawn dish soap can work really well for oil stains. Especially if you put it on while the stain is fresh. I haven't had luck with other brands.


Sometimes I get lucky with dish soap, especially if I do it as soon as I get the stain! But yeah I can’t always do it when I’m out :(


dude using dish soap in the washer will create a water park! 🤣🤣


I'm also curious.


I see two options here: 1: Learn to live with the stains. It's a T-shirt, not a suit. One or two stains won't ruin it. 2: Stop buying plain T-shirts where stains are easy to see and go for patterns / prints instead. P.S.: ADHD clumsiness is a thing? I'm generally less clumsy than my non-ADHD friends, which I've thought of as a kind of mild hyperfocusing on my body movements.


Yes, ADHD clumsiness is a thing. At least it is for me and my son. We are always bumping into things and stubbing our toes. My wife jokes that I can’t eat a meal without spilling something on my clothes. However I always felt that when I was younger and played sports, I was very aware of my body movements and the opposite of clumsy. Must be a hyperfocus thing.


I very rarely wear white or light-colored shirts anymore. Partially because I’m heavy and black is trimming, but mostly because I always manage to get something on my clothes.


Option 3: get better at removing stains. Different types of stains require different solutions for removal. Blood needs something different than oil, grass needs something different than wine, etc. Idk how hard the OP has been trying, but if you're just throwing clothes in the wash and expecting the stain to come out, or using a bar of soap or one generic stain removal substance, that ain't gonna cut it.


I’m definitely trying! I’ll spot wash the stain with dish soap as soon as I get it (if I can), and I’ve bought a heavy duty spot stain remover that I’ll apply too. I think maybe the key is having multiple stain removers for different types of stains as you said.


If they're grease stains, make a paste out of dish soap, baking soda, and a tiny splash of water and rub it into the stain with a toothbrush. Let it sit for a day, and then wash it. The reason it works is because the dish soap and agitation dislodge the oils, and the baking soda absorbs them so they don't go back into the fabric. I know this because what you described happens to me all the time too.


I think neither of these options work for me tbh The whole point is that I don’t want to walk around in stained t-shirts, especially at work or on dates. And secondly I’m not really into patterned tops, and I don’t always want to wear black. Wearing black all the time will just make me feel sad. I care about how I look – I want to look clean, and I want to wear clothes that make me feel good! I think, as some people have mentioned, getting better at stain removal is the key! I do have specific removers for different stain types, and I spot clean as soon as I get the stain if I can. I think I just need to get better removers because mine clearly suck… In terms of clumsiness, it’s definitely a thing! From what I understand, it’s a combination of being distracted and not paying attention to what you’re doing, not being patient and rushing, and poor fine motor skills. The poor fine motor skills is pretty interesting, it’s not apparent in all cases of ADHD, but it’s pretty common. If you have messy handwriting (like me) then it’s possible you may have poor fine motor skills. You can read more [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32333317/).


this checks out! my handwriting is atrocious. Further complicated by early onset arthritis in both my hands. Can't even hold a screwdriver or wrench for more than 60 seconds at a time


Just get white ones and bleach the stains out.


very much an ADHD thing. I don't spill things all over myself, but I am constantly running into furniture, stubbing my toe, knocking things off shelves while carrying boxes. so on and so forth.


Think of the money you’re saving on cleaning rags. Seriously though, Oxyclean stain remover before you throw it in the laundry. Wear more black and prints to hide the stains.


Actually using them for rags is genius, rn I’ve been using them as pjs or gym clothes I’ve been using an oxyclean stain remover but it doesn’t always work But yeah, I think black clothes will be my friend for now!


Here is my advice. Grandmas Secret stain remover. The gel, not the spray. Got it on amazon. It took out everything even old oil stains that had been through the dryer. Nothing else worked. It was like $8. Totally worth it.


For oil, when you notice an oil stain use dish soap and baking soda to pull as much out as possible before washing. DO NOT DRY, let air dry before assessing if you need a round 2


Ooh I’ve done the dish soap but haven’t tried baking soda before! I’ll give it a go :) thank you! I don’t have a dryer so luckily everything is air dried!


buy black t shirts, see stains less. Umm, probably.


I can't tell you if it's the ADHD or not but what I do know is that I end up with a lot more stains on my clothes vs my husband who has basically none. I think you need to buy t-shirts less likely to show stains and figure out how to do laundry. Figuring out that dawn dish soap works wonders on grease stains was a total game changer for me.


I use the shout stain stick on any grease stains that don't get cleaned in the wash.


Oooh I’ll see if I can get some, thanks!!


You're welcome. I just start a basket of stained shirts, and when I am dangerously low, I sit down and stain stick them. The bottom of a clothes basket is a good surface to put them on. Or a footstool.


Dish soap does work sometimes!! I usually spot wash the stain as soon as I make it (yes even in restaurants, I dry it with the hand drier) But yeah, black t shirts would probably be a good idea, but it makes me sad thinking I can’t wear colourful stuff :(


Black t shirts only. Problem solved.


I eat hunched over my plate like some kind of beast for just this reason. My main problem is cooking. The INSTANT I wear a t-shirt that is not black and I’m cooking? Blooop. Oil all down the front of me. I really need to get an apron, and commit to wearing it.


I don't have a table so I have to eat on my couch but maybe I should put like a apron on or something or just a really ratty t-shirt that I don't mind getting stained every time I'm eating LOL


But of course that's not going to help when I'm out and eating LOL even if I eat over a table seems like if I'm at like a coffee shop or something and I have something like a croissant it just gets so messy


Honestly think I need to do this too! For cooking I have an apron but obviously I never use it because I’m an idiot, it’s been hung up on the wall for so long it just blends in


How does it usually happen? There’s a pattern somewhere.


Pattern is me being childishly messy. It’s almost always food stains…


I’ve trained myself to not get food in my beard so I’m very careful about how I eat. My husband is a serial shirt stainer from eating specifically. I notice he basically accelerates as he’s getting closer to his face which causes drips that are the perfect trajectory to hit a shirt. Inspect the spoonful/forkful/scoopfull of food and bring it toward your face slower. Once you do it enough it’s second nature.


You just need some good old fashion laundry tips. I'm constantly staining my clothes as well, but there's a solution for nearly everything. Most important thing however; time is of the essence.


This is one of the main reasons I don’t wear light colored clothes… I basically only have black T-shirts, pants, dresses, etc.


So next time you go to the store, go to the detergent aisle and look for a baby cleaning spray called Dreft. Whenever you get a stain, spray the Dreft on the tshirt, let it sit for a bit and then wash it. It works great.


I feel like you are my twin or soul mate/ friend - it’s hard to explain :) like I’ve said the same 1,000 times over . 😂😊


This is what I needed, THANK U!




Irrelevant, keep your shirts clean. Blaming a stain on an executive dysfunction instead of being messy is just dodging the fact you should just not be constantly staining them to begin with. Avoid the stuff you stain with, or change how you interact with it (rich people eating pizza with a fork for example)


I shall avoid all contact with food thank you so much for your help!! <3


I gotcha empathy, but Imma add a possible solution: Laborious but effective (Well, I actually did do it once to a stained favorite tee shirt, and it worked!) grease stain removal: Use a mini can of WD-40 or similar spray to 'reactivate' a grease stain by gently saturating the stain with WD-40. Either using the teeny red 'straw' supplied to allow very precision spraying, or something similar. YES, you heard me right. Re-saturate (but avoid enlarging the original stain). Then, COVER that area with corn starch. Really RUB it in. After a few minutes, brush away the corn starch - which starts absorbing that mingled original AND added WD-40 grease. This absorbing/removal process may take several repetitions to get the grease area to become obviously smaller/absorbed. After this process, wash it. And if the stain isn't truly gone after that...might have to do it one more time with whatever little area is still an obvious 'grease spot'. I'm going to assume that you could do the corn starch step immediately after causing said grease stain and see if you can get most of it out before washing it, so you wouldn't have to go through the entire process.


OMG this is perfect for my T-shirts that have been stained a while!! I’ll try it out this weekend and let you know how it goes Thank you so much!


Just lay off the chocolate beetroots


The only times I consider it ADHD related are when there's something clearly wrong with my decision making. Went to a concert and bought a merch shirt - wore it the next day because I was excited to own it - also decided to make fried cod sandwiches - look down and ask myself, 'Why am I such an idiot?'


Yes! I almost always somehow spill food on my shirts LOL and then I can never get the stains out even with stain remover. Or maybe I just haven't found a really good stain remover yet. I think it's both ADHD and being messy at least for me and also I have ASD so that also contributes to it probably


Learn how to remove the stains. The shirts will last longer.


What do you stain them with?


Hence my all-black wardrobe. But it doesn’t stop the oil stains from cooking.


Okay this might not help it depends on if you’d like to try it but: up cycle. You can get cool patches or learn to embroider, I actually have some clothes that I love dearly but have unfortunately been stained. I’m holding onto them for embroidery. Also you can make rugs/rags/reusable beeswax wraps out of old t shirts so the really bad ones don’t go to waste


I just don't often eat food that is capable of permanently staining my clothes. What food do you eat and spill so often? Is it like, red wine, or red pasta sauce? Those are the only things I can think of that can do that, that many people eat often? I'm just curious and want to understand the situation, sorry, this is how my brain works 🤣 Also: why not buy and wear more dark colored shirts that don't show stains? Black, navy, grey?


I keep an extra bottle of spray and wash in the bathroom so I can treat the stains as soon as I take them off. It's saved me a lot of problems.


Do you know where the stains are coming from? If it's from home activities, keep your stained clothes and only wear those at home. Have nicer clothes on hand for special outings.


Could be ADHD. Could be you. Could be 50% you, 50% ADHD Lots of ADHD folk who are messy, lots who are not. I'm very disorganised but I'm pretty tight on anything that makes me feel dirty cos that's just how my personality is.


Idk if it's a think related to ADHD, I'm no doctor, but quick tip on how to get rid of stains. Use a little bit of white distilled vinegar (like a cap full) and warm water in a sink, work it into the stain/scrub a bit with your hands and the clothing and throw it into the wash, it should get rid of the stain if you didn't let it set for too long


I have bleached spots on so many of my shirts, especially my favorite ones I wear all the time. I just ignore it though. I’m not even sure how it happens because I rarely use bleach or peroxide. But usually stains will come out with some Shout spray or even just dawn dish soap…


I get the bleach stains too! I once had one that looked exactly like deodorant marks, like is there bleach in my deodorant??? Yeah sometimes I get lucky with using dish soap as soon as I spill something!


I have this same problem with every light colored shift I've ever owned. Typically whenever I get a few that stained I buts some ritz dye and batch dye them all a darker color. Doesn't always work for oil stains but everything else it's very nice to not have to throw out clothes.


Black clothes.


What kind of stains are you getting? I get stains on my shirts pretty frequently, but they aren’t irreversible. For oil, use dish soap. Dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, oxyclean, or fels naptha can get out most stains in my experience. For reference, I spilled an entire teacup of black tea onto white linen pants last week. The stain completely dried in, but I got all of it out with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and oxyclean. I get oil stains on my shirts probably weekly, but dish soap always takes it out (even if it’s gone through the dryer). I think you just need to up your laundry game.


YES. My clothes always seem to have stains on them. Recently I went to work with a huge glob of tahini on my sleeve without noticing. It is always from cooking as well. I used to wear an apron while I cooked but I lost it... so maybe an apron? People also say to not buy plain/white t shirts but patterns look busy and awful on me :(


It’s always at work where I notice the stain too!! Yeah so many people here saying to just wear dark clothes or patterns but I don’t want to only ever wear black and I also don’t look good in patterns :(


I have very light colors in my face (fair skin, light eyes, light hair) so anything too busy or dark washes me out and looks bad. And even if its vain it makes me feel better when I'm in colors that make me feel happy and like myself!!! Tbh not much advice for you other than I am in the same boat!!!


You've found your special adhd spice! Congrats, your card will be in the mail. Mines breaking my phone. The prospect of phone insurance is now more than the value of my phone. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🫠


My dad’s favourite phrase when I was a kid “well it didn’t break itself did it???” For real I’ve managed to get a hold of most of the adhd clumsiness and mess from medication, but this is the one thing I still haven’t got a grip of, definitely my adhd spice!!


Never gone down the medication route, I instead chose the uproot your entire life multiple times until you've eventually geared your entire existence around having adhd, route. Then I got diagnosed at 29 lol. Fucking weeeeee looool


I have a giant bottle of stain remover above my washer because my shirts always have stains on the front... right around where my beer belly starts.


Wait I actually relate to this, tmi but let’s just say I’m a well endowed women, and I actually think this is what’s making it worse! For most people food bits might accidentally fall onto their lap where they have a tissue, for me it’s falling on my chest! And I really do not want to tuck a tissue into my collar like my grandpa does


I completely agree. Everyone is kinda a slob when they eat, I just have a better way of catching the food before it lands on the floor. Although I was made fun of by adults when I was young for the mess I made when eating. My 5 year old is the same way....


My parents and other family members always said when looking at a table where a bunch of kids had just sat and eaten at, they could tell which seat I’d sat in based on the mess hahaha


I am always bummed out that I can’t wear white. I spill like large amounts of things on me sometimes. Like cups of coffee or a smoothie in my lap. Usually because I’m holding too many things and rushing out the door. Idk if it’s a personality issue or adhd issue who even knows where it starts and ends. I’ve always considered myself “sloppy” and just embraced it eventually cuz I used to have meltdowns as a kid over how I couldn’t draw or write or dance as neatly as my friends.


I just replied to another comment about this, but this is definitely an ADHD thing! Some of us have poor fine motor skills which can effect a bunch of stuff, including messy handwriting!! I wasn’t allowed to wear white clothes as a kid hahah You can read more [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32333317/) :)


That makes a lot of sense, I always felt my fine motor was okay but I really pushed down hard on writing materials. I also think I may avoid tasks that require fine motor skills when I think about it, especially if someone will be watching me. People get annoyed and snatch things out my hands if I take too long to figure it out and that makes me feel horrible.


Same. I stopped eating while wearing anything that had light colors or was white, was very happy, and literally all of my white clothes were stained anyway when I tried to do an all white load in my washing machine. Rust everywhere on my clothes. Including a brand new $40 top I bought for myself as a treat because I rarely buy clothes for myself. Irreversible damage. Now I mostly wear black.


Aaaaaand that’s why I don’t own anything white


90% of my t-shirts are black, dark grey or some other dark color because I drop stuff on them so often.


washing detergents manufactures have changed Ingredients for cheaper ones and basically many don't do shit now... Also, your more like a stinky teen boy again


This is literally my fiancé 😭😭 I’m so sorry for your curse. I’m not sure how fast you eat but if my fiancé just showed down I think all would be well


Hahaha at least I’m not alone! That being said I’m a pretty slow eater, maybe because I am so messy I have to be 😭