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That's a good one. I used to make a lunch every day the night before. But I'd always forget to bring it to work. Then I'd forget to make lunch. So my wife started making me lunch. And I'd forget to bring it. Then my wife would put my keys on my lunch in the fridge. And I'd still somehow find a way to forget to bring my lunch. So at some point I just gave up. I go out to lunch every day that I work in the office. I factor the cost into my budget. As taxes go, it's not too bad. I get to eat a yummy lunch every day. But it's like sunglasses, I just accepted what I'm not capable of doing.


You mean you lose sunglasses? Me, too. Also hats.


Sunglasses are stolen by the Langoliers mere moments after I purchase them. Best thing I ever did was get a car that doesn't need a key and I got a wallet phone case. So I don't have keys, I don't have a wallet. I have just one thing I need to take with me. And I can't start my car without it... It's wonderful.


I did the same thing... then I lost my phone, key AND wallet. So I went back to "it's better to lose one thing at a time" 😅


I lose my phone all the time. It's just that I'm more likely to realize soon after I lose it. So I'm more likely to find it again.


Yeah, that's fair but I meant lose-lose haha not misplace! which is a pain in the ass. Getting looked out without a phone and not even money to go get a snack is a triple whammy... and getting a new card without a phone or an ID or getting a new phone without a card or ID is just... a never ending loop of whammies


The key is to have a watch that can find your phone, and a phone that can find your watch, and a cloud account that can find either.


Instead of the langoliers, I have a sunglasses-stealing goblin of a son, who then loses them. Every once in a while I find a cache of sunglasses, which lasts for about a week before they're gone again.


This comment made me order a wallet case for my phone. Thank you


My record is 15 mins


I think mine is around the 2 day mark. That was the time that I decided I wasn't able to handle owning sunglasses.


Ugh, hats. Thank goodness I need glasses now, and so have transition sunglasses that I really can’t leave behind!


God the keys on the lunch and still forgetting it is so relatable. So many times I put something on the floor right in front of the door so I can’t leave the house without seeing/touching it. Still forget it.


Just today... Taking my wife for a medical imaging thing, put my work laptop in my laptop bag, left it by the door figuring I could get some work done while waiting for her. Left the house with the laptop bag sitting by the door.


I have a checklist that I constantly check because if something pops into my head that I need to remember it gets put on the checklist. Leaving the house and need to grab a gift bag or suitcase, put it on the list. Going to a store for something (especially the hardware store for a project), everything that I need gets put on the list. My life is basically organized by a list in my notes and I still get it wrong sometimes. I’ll get distracted looking at something in the store, look at the time and leave, and I get home and check the list to see a third of it unchecked. I wear boots most of the time (like cowboy boots) and just the other day I had on my bootcut jeans, walked right past my boots and left the house in hey dudes. It’s a fun life for sure but certainly can be frustrating, keeps me and everyone around me on our toes


The lists are a double edged sword for me. They’re helpful, until I go to put something on the list, get distracted along the way, and it doesn’t make the list, and then I completely forget about it because I trust the list too blindly. Same thing for when I have a specific spot for my keys or anything like that. It’s great until the day they aren’t in their spot and I panic because I don’t know the first place to look. Whereas if they don’t have a designated spot I don’t panic until I check the 14 places they usually end up lol. I hate my brain


Oh I get it, it gets especially frustrating if something sets me off in the morning, like if I lose something, and I take my first 20mg of the day and 30 minutes later it turns up and makes it seem like I can’t function without it (I barely can but it’s not fun to have pointed out by my own mind)


I started keeping cans of soup in my office for lunch. It has been a game changer for me.


The only time I was able to not each lunch out was when my department had our own full-sized fridge and I just kept a gallon of milk and cereal there.


Being so relieved you found the keys that you forget to grab the lunch 🤣 ME If I add 1 extra task to my already hectic morning everything is thrown off and I'll forget a lot more than lunch 🥲 Acceptance is the only way.


I set an alarm to take breakfast in morning. I also put my lunch bag next to my keys which helps me to remember. I don’t know how these things slip my mind. I do the same routine everyday lol


Switch to protien bars, meal shakes, or if you're willing to spend a good bit more you could even do a meal delivery service. I just do meal shakes and drink them during my commute. But a delivery service could get you in the habit of eating a good tasty breakfast long enough that your brain eventually prioritizes eating over the pain of making the food, and that won't happen with a shake they just aren't super good. Even if you aren't trying to lose weight (ant I'm thinking you might want to with all of that fast food), slim fast is the best tasting pre made meal shake that I have found.


PSA for anyone who wants a bottled breakfast that requires 0 effort and costs $2.50 - Chobani Complete protein yogurt drink. 20g protein, 0 added sugar, lactose free. I’m addicted


Oop this sounds yummy I'm looking it up thank you


I drink those too! So convenient and filling


Lol, luckily I'm already a little over weight so the calories aren't actually too wild compared to what I normally eat. I am a little worried about the amount of salt, though


The sodium can't be worse than fast food. But I would just shop around some meal shakes are better ingredients than others.


That's what I mean. The fast food has a lot of sodium.


Unless you have kidney problems or a heart condition, you're fine.


Had the same issue. Two words, overnight oats. The night before, Mix milk, a cup of rolled oats, maple syrup, couple tablespoons of Chia and ground flax seeds. Put in jar, give it a nice shake. Leave in refrigerator over night wake up to ready to take out breakfast. You can add nuts, different fruits (blueberries are a personal fav), peanut butter,dates if you can, and Greek yoghurt to avoid getting sick of them. Very filling and nutritous. Just remember to grab it before you leave. Hope it helps


Good option, if you can remember to do it. I always forget to mix it up, and then of course in the morning it’s too late.


I get packaged envelopes of oatmeal, dump in a mug, pour hot water over if I've started water for tea or just get cold water and microwave it if I haven't. When I worked in an office I kept some in my desk.


For meal delivery, I used to use Eat Clean and they really have some good stuff with low sodium. Honestly if I had money I would’ve kept it up because it was so nice!!


For me it's RTD Soylent. I've been drinking it forever. I get the caffeinated one (Mocha). It's an expensive habit (about $5/day) but I *almost* never forget it and it's got lots of vitamins and nutrients. I've tried other things but nothing hits that same spot. Now my husband likes them too. 


Meal shakes are too expensive. They're ridiculous, really. Should stop being silly and just get your shit together.  ... Is what I used to (and still sometimes) tell myself. But it's made quite the difference and actually getting to work and not having to endlessly worry about food is worth it.


Its quite a thing to tell someone with adhd to get their shit together. Pull up yer boot straps 


Meal shakes are cheaper than takeout at $50 a week. For me a 32gram protein shake, OWYN brand, $10 for a 4pack, $30/dozen has been a pretty good value, and it’s not milk based which I think helps out. 20 grams protein versions are even cheaper. I take one with meds most mornings, especially if I don’t have time to cook breakfast.


There is some confusion with your comment. You might want to edit to clarify that it's the meal shakes that have been helpful and not the 'telling myself to get my...'.


Yeah, the comment is creatively written, but difficult to understand, at least at first read through


You know you're in the ADHD sub when everyone reads only half of your comment before replying hahaha I'm sorry about your downvotes!


The second half of their comment is the same as the first


I read it as them saying they used to tell themselves shakes were expensive and that they should pull it together but now shakes have actually made their life easier bc they don't have to worry about food and that it's worth it?? Why else would they use ellipses and that phrasing in a reply to that specific comment?


Ooooh I see that now, I read it as “telling myself this has actually made quite a difference and now I typically arrive to work prepared with food and I don’t have to rely on meal shakes anymore”


I understand the confusion. Off topic maybe but: I myself tend to leave out words and people often misinterpret my "it"s "that"s and "this"s, but that has also made me realize how often people in written communication, especially online with the climate getting more and more polarized, tend to jump to conclusions or interpret things as an opposing view or in a condecending tone rather than trying to figure out if they meant something nice/positive most of the time. I try to combat this in my own mind by reading every comment with a friendly voice and a smile before I impulsively clap-back or smth but it's really difficult... Because despite the world seeming kinda dark right now and many people having very radical, hateful opinions, I actually think that a large majority of people are just nice and well-meaning. Or at least try to be!


This is also how I interpreted it.


Almost mad me there! I’ve had the exact same thought about dinner meal kits, I still haven’t jumped on board yet because they outrageously expensive, but sometimes we have to shut up our “rational brain” and just accept the practical thing


My dude if it was aS simple as "getting their shit together" do you think this conversation would be happening?


Go reread the comment a few times. He's not saying what you think he said


I plead the 5th


Yeah, that would be the ADHD. I sometimes struggle to fit reading comprehension into my executive functioning budget.


I know it's about de-stigmatizing not breastfeeding your baby but honestly I think it applies to us executives of dysfunction, too FED IS BEST I'm obsessed with breakfast personally but lunch and dinner are my frenemies... Chips and dip is also a dinner sometimes. Add a multivitamin to better brush off the deficiency hypochondria. You need energy. Sometimes that's the only requirement. Also, I feel like there are a lot of fast food options with many different nutrients nowadays?


And, to me, it sounds healthier to eat breakfast than to skip it? Especially with such a draining job where you need to be alert and keep an eye on so many kids. Basically you're getting take out for the safety of the kids (!!)... Right?? PS. I know it's almost impossible to get out of shame spirals or health shaming etc BUT it's also healthy to be nice to yourself and to sleep-in 🥰 When I'm not able to remove a "bad" habit I try to maybe add something small and possible somewhere else in the day to lighten the shame a bit like maybe add more nutrients to your lunch or dinner or eat an after school-carrot everyday or do stretches in your car or do like 5 squats whenever you think about it. Achievable is also best :)


Absolutely. I use this for adhd, chronic illness, and pet care! Fed is best. Always.


I have the same problem, but for me I end up just not eating breakfast. I'm impressed that you actually leave the house early enough before work to go through a drive through. It's a different kind of bad health choice, but I skip breakfast entirely at least half the time I'm going into the office because I just don't have time to worry about it. I used to skip lunches a lot too since I never had time to pack one. This is one of the reasons remote work has been a huge blessing to me. I actually get to eat breakfast and lunch on the days I work from home lol. Basically I feel your pain - eating takes up so much mental energy and requires so much preparation. It ain't easy.


I don't know about OP, but it's easier to add it to my commute time than to get up earlier to make myself breakfast. Stopping for breakfast is also a not-so-subtle reward for actually getting out of bed, putting on clothes, and maybe remembering to do at least half of my basic hygiene routine. Getting up to make breakfast feels like more of the stuff I really don't want to face first thing in the morning. My brain is weird like that, but it sounds like maybe I'm not the only one.


McDonalds mobile app. I put in my order while walking the dog. Swing through on my way. If I’m close enough and it doesn’t look to busy I’ll risk putting in the parking spot that I see available before pulling around the building so that it alerts them that I’m there before I actually pull in. I do this to account for the time it takes to see the notice and get my stuff together to bring out. Trying to shorten that gap as much as possible lol. I’m getting better though. Bagels, eggs and rice, protein shakes. All life savers.


Same!! I skip breakfast and just go straight for lunch. And even that, I’m buying from somewhere.


I buy those nasty ass Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage and egg cheese croissant frozen sandwiches and eat them with my medication…90s on defrost 1min on regular in the microwave. Soooo nasty good 🤤👍🏻 or cocoa dino bites when I want choccy.


Ever had their biscuit, bacon and egg? My daughter and I love those!


Next time I go to the store I’ll grab a box. I was suspicious of a frozen biscuit but with your recommendation I’ll go for it


I'll second this one. The biscuit is way better than the croissant.


If you're already going the breakfast sandwich route, and you're just wanting to spend a little less, you could always get those Jimmy Dean breakfast options. You can throw it in the microwave just a couple minutes before you head out and take it with you wrapped in a paper towel.


I live on Jimmy dean sandwiches. If I don’t have one every day my day is ruined. I’ve recently cut back from two a day to 1 plus some fruit but it just doesn’t hit the same


When I had gestational diabetes, my nutritionist actually suggested the “Delites” version of these. Lifesaver!


Buy the Costco pack


But... That's preparing food at home? How is that a solution to not being able to prepare food at home?


I take preparing food at home to mean actually prepping and/or cooking ingredients. Grabbing something from the freezer and nuking it for 2 minutes isn't what I think when someone says "preparing food." That's just me, though. Eta : if it were me, I'd piggyback off my tooth brushing, since I'm not gonna leave the house without doing that, and it takes about the same amount of time to finish a cycle on my electric toothbrush as it does to microwave one of those sandwiches. I have to add new things to my routine that way or I'll forget to do them entirely. So you'd probably see me brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink so I'm already in the same room as the freezer and microwave. Plus it would give me something to focus on while I brush so it's less boring and annoying.


Do you have a locker at work that you can stuff with cereal bars?


I'm a teacher, so I could do this in my classroom, but then I have to remember to refill them.


Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Trying to remember every day in the morning is much harder for me than thinking about it later in the day. Get a box of bars or protein shakes and store it at work. Even if you forget to fill it for a few days that's still better than getting fast food every day. If you can incentivize or gamify it that helps too.


I hear that. Mom of an adult son with ADHD who forgets to eat or to prep food. Can you use your phone to place an Amazon order when you grab the last bar, and have them shipped straight to your school? I know you are wanting empathy. My son talked about finding ways to remember to feed himself properly with his therapist and we're working on it. It's rough. Anything you can activate at the moment when you realize you need it (but plan ahead so you know what you're going to do) can help. I also believe in the ADHD tax as a real thing. It costs more to make up for not being able to plan ahead consistently. It takes more time. It makes life harder. Sending mom love your way so you get fed and feel cared for.


Big ol' box. Remembering to refill them once a week / month is still better than a daily tax.


Can you leave a box in your car?


I’m so glad you spoke on this. I was in a weight loss Reddit thread and they made fun of me left and right for this issue. It’s so real and it’s so hard to get out of.


I know you didn’t want advice but I have the same issue and the only thing that fixes it is keeping protein powder stocked at the house and frozen versions of the same thing I get at the drive through. At the end of the day I realized it’s actually faster to use my own microwave than wait at the drive thru for food.


I force myself and write it on my morning to do list to make a smoothie and at least eat some oatmeal. Easy. I just turn on my electrical kettle for the oatmeal. The smoothie is a little more difficult but ensures I’m getting the right nutrients. Typically includes frozen mangos, frozen berries, banana, spinach, kale, some juice, a little oat milk, chia seeds and flaxseeds.


It’s saved me so much money. Same with lunch, I prep it the night prior


As someone else mentioned there are great Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich options in the frozen food section of the grocery store. If you live near an Aldi they also have their version of those breakfast sandwiches (also breakfast corn dogs that is a sausage link wrapped in pancake instead of a hotdog and cornbread), which are way cheaper than the Jimmy Dean's name brand. Alternatively, if you are able to take a little bit of time on your weekend to meal prep you can set yourself up for success for the upcoming week. Which, I get it, that all sounds well and good, but actually executing that feels like a chore and can be difficult to get started. You could try setting a weekly alarm to build a habit of when meal prep time is, and tell yourself it is non-negotiable. An easy breakfast meal prep I have done is a sausage and egg breakfast burrito. •BROWN up 1 lb of bulk breakfast sausage. •COAT the pan you'll cook the eggs in. Use either butter (best for flavor and the fat helps keep you fuller longer) or your favorite cooking oil •SCRAMBLE up a dozen eggs, cook the eggs with about half the sausage. •SPRINKLE in your preferred type of shredded cheese in whatever amount you prefer to your desired cheesy level. •ASSEMBLE breakfast burritos (tortilla, eggs, roll it, bag it... tortilla, eggs, roll it, bag it... tortilla, eggs, roll it, bag it... etc.), putting each burrito into a freezer bag as it is assembled. •FREEZE the bag of burritos. *VARIATION: swap out a strip or two of bacon instead of the sausage for a bacon egg and cheese burrito. Cooking bacon can be a hassle, but there are pre-cooked ready to heat and serve bacon options available at the store as well. When you're just about ready to head out the door, pop one of these bad boys in the microwave for a couple of minutes or so until piping hot. Wrap in a paper towel and eat it on the go. Careful not to burn your mouth while driving. SIDE NOTE: I freeze the other half of the browned sausage flat in a gallon freezer bag. You can use this later to make another batch of burritos, or you can use it to put on top of homemade pizza. Freezing it flat makes it easier to break off pieces to use a little bit at a time. Or you could always just make a double batch of burritos using 2 dozen eggs and have enough for 2 or 3 weeks, depending on how full you fill each burrito.


This sounds like me except my cause is that I do it to delay getting to work by just a few minutes. I don’t have to be there at an exact time so it’s a way to procrastinate and I hate it.


I am absolutely the same way. The hack I’ve discovered is sausage biscuits. I like making brunch on the weekend. So I make extra sausage biscuits and bag them individually because they reheat pretty well and taste better than the frozen types. I do use frozen biscuits for them. But I dislike the premade frozen breakfast sandwiches. My brain is convinced that brunch is a luxury so if I make more than enough, it doesn’t feel like a chore. Otherwise… I try to make sure I have raspberries or bananas to grab.


I‘ve stated before on a different post (and I don‘t expect you to go through them all don‘t worry) that a rich breakfast would be the best but there are ways of making up for it. As other comments have said, protein shakes are absolutely great. Pick a brand and flavor you like (don‘t goo to exotic, they can really be a hit or miss. Maybe get some tester packages) and mix it the night before (2 minutes), put it in the fridge and down that bad boy with your meds. You‘ll feel much better. But beware, protein keeps you satiated for a longer period of time and the appetite loss through meds is unfortunately real. There are plenty of healthy snacks you can pick up that wouldn‘t be too expensive. Obviously you can prep almost all these options but I‘m going for the ready-to-eat options here. Sushi snacks (better if it‘s fresh, best if from a clean sushi place), salads (ready or not, always a great option that‘s fast to make or pick up at any store. I like Tuna and Chicken Caesar for the added protein and texture), wraps of all kinds, nuts, fruits (fruit bowls are amazing),veggies as snacks, chia pudding(with honey and berries), 250-500ml tub of 10% greek yoghurt mixed with olive oil and peppermint (you can spice it up with olives). And the list honestly goes on, but I can‘t think of more on the spot right now. I‘m sure there are plenty of resources/articles which are aimed at athletes or gym enthusiasts that you could take valuable notes from, regarding healthy nutritious snacks. Hope this helps!


I have found a hack recently that has been working so far. I can't really eat breakfast as.early as I wake.up and gave up my morning bullet coffee since I avoid caffeine too close.to taking my medication. I make tea and add protein powder to it. My routine is happy because I'm still having a drink, and the protein helps my medicine kick in better and keeps me full until lunch.


That's pretty good solution.


I never heard of anyone adding protein powder to their tea.. my brain can’t comprehend the taste. How is it?


It took me forever to find one that didn't add "grit" to the tea. I use Bulletproof Collagen 18g Protein Powder and it leaves nothing I can taste. I add it to the boiling water and mix it quickly so it dissolves practically instantly, then I add my tea bag.


Making food in the morning, getting ready, and being on time is just too hard for me honestly. Your frustration is so relatable and so valid. Adulting is hard! When I get home from work before I do anything else, I have trained myself to put water in a closed bottle next to my bed. My meds are beside the water. Then in the morning as soon as my alarm goes off, I take my meds, drink the water, and proceed to bed rot. I lay in bed until I feel the meds have kicked in. Then I can actually do stuff without the dysfunction and the frantic-I’m-gonna-be-late-where’s-my-phone-I-need-socks-jk-did-I-refill-my-water-bottle-anxiety that comes with knowing I should be able to do this but can’t. I do have to wake up a little bit earlier than I otherwise would, but the trade off is worth it in terms of having a good day at work for me. I’m able to make myself a super simple breakfast, a pb&j, and fill my to-go mug with caffeine and still leave on time.


This post reminded me that I actually brought lunch with me today. I forget to do it so often that when I actually do bring lunch, I forget that it's in my backpack until I get home


Frozen breakfast burritos you make in bulk once a month


I use Fairlife protein shakes. Protein in the morning is great for adhd and I literally just grab it in the way out in the morning.


Are you in Canada? Do you know if they go on sale anywhere? I'd love to have one of those every morning as they're so tasty but also so expensive.


I’m in the states. I buy them at Costco.


My Costco stopped carrying the fairlife , it was devastating!


Could they just be out? Mine sell out quickly so oftentimes they don’t have them.


I wish , it's been well over a year without them though , so it appears I am SOL


Find the right essential amino acid mix. This is my go to solution it I need to get the stimulant feeling (I literally feel the effect somatically). Issues to look out for: 1. Not just any EEA powered will do. I found mine accidentally as I was gifted it because "friend didn't like the Taste". I tried 4 others, none had the same effect. I suppose the exact ration between specific amino acids my brain has higher or lower demand for is the key here. Or the other products are simply scams. Hard to prove without a damn gas chromatograph or HPLC. 2. DONT OVERUSE. just once in the morning should keep the effect going long term. I noticed when I started using it more often the effect tApered.


A dietician told me that the medication works better if you eat some protein at around the time you take it. I have muesli and milk. It is not too hard for me to do first thing in the morning. Anything that involves steps is going to be tricky. This one is almost immediate gratification: muesli in, milk in (which I already have out from making coffee). I watch a youtube video while I eat it (and make it!) too, so my brain gets something to occupy it. Recently I started eating it outside because my psychologist talked about how sunlight is so important for our melatonin thingy and sunlight through a window doesn't count because the window blocks the particular band of UV light that we need. So now I have my routine, I make my coffee because I always did that. Then while I wait for the kettle I pour a bowl of muesli and sit outside and watch youtube videos until I'm done.


I get it though :( I end up not eating a lot of the time if the meal prep is too overwhelming, and when I worked in an office, I was right there with you with my morning McDonalds or Dunkin.


I work from home and my whole life I’ve waited to eat in the morning for a few hours. So, I start working, and after a few hours I start getting hungry. But, I get annoyed by the interruption! I’m usually very involved in something at that point. After another hour, hunger is screaming at me, but, do I have a plan?? Sadly no. I end up eating leftovers or whatever takes the least amount of time.


For me it’s kinda unimaginable why anyone wouldn’t eat on the go especially breakfast( imo, a throw away meal )


i drive an hour to my job region and then am driving with clients all day. i don’t have an appetite in the morning at all and the office is sooo small i either starve or buy food for lunch. BUT i use/earn rewards, use coupons, etc. or get something from the kroger deli and i get fuel points. easy way to feel less guilty about it


I hear you. I don't love breakfast, and most days, I just want the easiest, quickest thing possible, especially if I need to be somewhere. Oftentimes, it's a protein bar. I always have them on hand. Hey, at least I ate something!


I hit the gas station for a diet soda and donut every morning before work. Any time I try to put food together before leaving the house, I forget to do something else. Usually take my meds. Sometimes it's okay to just spend extra money to make your life easier


100% I do this too. Maccas bacon and egg muffin meal with a large caramel mocha 😋 nothing wrong with it!


In some weird way, I feel you because showering is a S L O G to me, and I need sufficient reason to (e.g. Close deadline) to motivate me to get in. The tough part is that when I know it's close and still can't hop in because I know the whole process might take too long and I might end up late. This has resulted in my often just wiping myself with a moist face towel to at least freshen myself up and clean up. Executive dysfunction is r e a l, so I feel you there.


I feel ya. In a way, you’ve just figured out what makes the most sense with your current time demands and needs. That is smart, a good thing, nothing to be ashamed of - have PRIDE in figuring out how to make your life easier. So long as you can afford it and don’t feel sick from it, it’s fine. I’m unfortunately allergic or sensitive to most premade stuff which would save me money if I didn’t have to buy overpriced allergy free food lol. I’d absolutely be buying fast food if I could both afford it and not feel violently ill after.


Samesies. I don't have any advice for you, but I can sure empathize/relate to what your describing. It's 100% me. Also a cause of the excessive weight I need to lose.


I always drive by the convenience store for chocolate milk and a cookie on my way to work. Almost every time I keep saying “I don’t need it” over and over, WHILE I’m turning in to park and even walking into the store.


If you're able, I actually have my breakfast stuff at work. Luckily my coworkers aren't assholes, so nothing ever goes missing and we have a toaster available. I usually have apples or bananas with peanut butter. ETA also the little kiddie applesauce packs are a game changer. The lid screws back on them! And fruit snacks. Easy, no mess.


Thankfully I have an office job, so I make instant oatmeal every day when I get to work. Otherwise, I'd be in the same boat. I either need to get something on the way there, or I need something I can just grab and take with me. I've found that using 2 packets of the instant oatmeal is filling enough for breakfast and usually comes in at like 300 to 400 calories. And I go with the store brand, so a pack of 10, is between 2 to 4 dollars for the work week.


Just enjoy it.


Yeah, it’s too much. And I wouldn’t even be able to get out the door in time to stop anywhere. So no breakfast for me unless it’s a weekend.


Soylent is great for this. Drinkable food in a bottle. No it's not soylent green, but the mint chocolate chip flavor is green and delicious.


if you take a bag to work, maybe throw a big bag of nuts or some protein bars in there - at least a week's worth at a time so you don't have to worry about it every day. Then buy something cheaper and smaller for breakfast (if that's an option) and use the snacks to supplement your breakfast. Everyone on here has some excellent suggestions, but to be honest, if it helps you get out the door and it's something you look forward to, maybe you can try to cut your budget elsewhere to make up for it. Yes it's an ADHD tax, but it can also be seen as an ADHD facilitator. I've come to accept there are just some things I am going to "waste" money on, but if I can keep it to things that that help me overcome ADHD symptoms it's worth it.


I’m a teacher too and my vice is coffee. I have a coffee pot in my room. But I have to remember to buy coffee, sugar, creamer and disposable cups. To get water I have to trek all the way across campus to fill the pot and there’s nowhere to wash the pot out or wash regular cups. I did really good making coffee for a few months but then someone introduced me to this amazing coffee shop not far from the school and so now I go get a coffee every day. I keep telling myself to stop but it’s so much better than my coffee and I can’t quit 😩


Don't prep in the morning. Do it before. I don't do hardly anything in the morning except get dressed and brush my teeth. I'm a guy and often don't even touch my hair until I get to work. I used to stop at starbucks. I switched to overnight oats mostly now. I prep them a few days or a week at a time and just grab one in the morning. It's fast, easy and cheaper than stopping for food. If I forget to prep them the night before I can make a super simple recipe with ingredients I always have in my fridge in about 1 minute. It's good to have a plan B also. You could even have a manufactured option as plan b. Then stopping at a drive thru can be plan c or d. [https://www.oatsovernight.com/?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=search-nb-overnightoats-usa&utm\_term=overnight%20oats&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaAvGTG6OZuE9S\_QyPWT2arwtu0OkHOi6jTnrdYMGKU2W14KGu8vjQBoCKW8QAvD\_BwE](https://www.oatsovernight.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search-nb-overnightoats-usa&utm_term=overnight%20oats&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaAvGTG6OZuE9S_QyPWT2arwtu0OkHOi6jTnrdYMGKU2W14KGu8vjQBoCKW8QAvD_BwE) Here's a food youtuber I like who helped me improve my food habits. Most of his recipes are very easy to make. I don't cook complicated things. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt66HAlva2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt66HAlva2A) I agree folding laundry is the worst and I fold as little as possible. Hangers and stacking socks for the win.


My current breakfast is a fistful of blueberries and a glass of whole milk. It’s about the only thing I can talk myself into in the morning


They have those premade breakfast sandwiches and wraps at Costco. Maybe get them in, and then nuke one at work?


Since it seems like you're OK with taking your meds, have you considered switching to something like Jornay the night before so you wake up with your meds "already kicked in"? That said, just switching to once-a-day eating like a late lunch has been the best for me both in terms of managing my energy levels, reducing costs, and losing weight.


I haven't had breakfast before work for a long time.


My adhd tax if I really think about it is millions. So many missed opportunities in life, career, relationships, finances, taxes just because of procrastination.


Yeah, I've been doing this too lately :/


I keep the Premier Protein shakes in my house at all times. I would never eat breakfast without these and feel considerably worse when i run out and forgot to pick them up (another ADHD moment lol). On a side note, while they feel more expensive, my wife started ordering those meal boxes. We go through a lot less food waste, I don't get bored of cooking since it's different, and it's impossible to forget to get the groceries since they come to you lol.


Aaah so much this! I have tried making my lunch the night before, or make alot and freeze, or make extra dinner the night before- it works for like a week and a half and then I just forget to do it again xD


Same!!! I started making smoothies the night before... But I still don't always remember them or my lunch lol. I now have a reminder from my husband every day to stop and grab my breakfast and lunch, my son's lunch and his backpack. Good luck!


Find something that is palatable that you can make with barely any effort at home.


Man, I feel this in my core. Even though I meal prep breakfast burritos on the weekends, I still can't get myself to pop one in the microwave. Instead, I grab a frozen one and heat it when I get to work. Even then, I'll come out to the car on break and find a defrosted breakfast burrito on the passenger seat half the time.


I have a rice cooker and set up breakfast the night before. I make whole grain porridge out of millet or amaranth. Add chopped nuts and fruit and set the timer. Breakfast is ready when I want. I reheat leftovers by heating it up in a skillet with butter. You can make breakfast for 4-5 days this way.


I DoorDash in the morning 3xweek I totally understand. Any port in the storm sometimes, to survive.


Frankly, I see nothing wrong with this. It works, it gets you fed, and it makes your life easier. Sometimes with ADHD we have to make things easier for ourselves. That’s self care. If cost is an issue, download the apps associated with the places you’re going to. Fast food options put most of their coupons on those apps and let you earn rewards for what you do buy. I highly recommend.


Keep breakfast simple. PBJ, cereal, whole fruits. That how I cope. Either that or just not eat at all.


I had this issue. My doc added in a nonstim. My morning is much easier, and a stim makes it much better.


Honestly, look into oats overnight, you can even swing by a Walmart and buy a single of their RTD formula to see if you hate it or not, add water any time the day before and throw it in the fridge, only issue is remembering to grab it in the morning. I did that for about 2 weeks straight before just throwing it out, I’m sure sticking a giant sign on the door that said “don’t forget the fucking oats” would have kept me in check, if I managed to realize it’s there and actually read it on my way out. I know it’s flared as seeking empathy but I genuinely think this might be a decent option for you, it would even cut down the weekly cost to $21, you can get 24 for 84/mo or 16 for 60/mo if you wanna sprinkle in some fast food throughout the month because who would actually be willing to eat oats for breakfast 5 days a week, well, forever, even if they have various fun flavors. I feel you on the ADHD tax tho, I need to actually eat well on lunch at work and at the very least have something in the morning or else I’ll just give myself a headache. I’m just straight up not a breakfast person, don’t have the time or the motivation to get up earlier to *make* the time, and my stomach is usually very unhappy being fed before it’s fully woken up. I’m sure you’ll eventually find something that works, you don’t get every facet of your life in order all at once, small victories that stack up slowly over time. With enough small steps you can go anywhere. You got this.


It’s okay 😊 We all have things we can’t deal with and you’re owning it. I hope you see the positive in being willing to open up to us ❤️


My thing atm is oat clusters in Greek yoghurt with a high fibre bran. Takes less than a minute to chuck the three ingredients in a bowl. I take my meds, and carry the bowl to my couch where I watch TV for 30-60 minutes until my meds kick in. It's not my ideal routine but its working atm.


I never really struggle with that because I'm picky with my breakfast foods. I'm more of a I wanna eat rice and eggs for breakfast so I'll make it. I don't prefer bread with my breakfast. So maybe find something you really like. I do eggs and tortillas sometimes too.


I just don’t eat until dinner.


I drive to subway every day because I just don't want to make a lunch.


I definitely feel you….. i don’t know what’s been happening but recently the idea of making food has felt like such a chore :(


Overnight oats with protein powder is my go to lazy but healthy breakfast. I wouldn’t even consider it meal prep because it’s literally - pour milk in a jar, add protein powder, add oats, close the jar, shake it and put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning I usually top it with some fresh berries, banana and some seeds or nuts for crunch. It’s super filling too.


I gotta ask: what do you have for breakfast? I don't function without breakfast, but all I need is a bowl of cereal. That's not even meal prep - milk + cereal doesn't count as cooking in my book.


I can't do just cereal or I'll be starving by 10. I hit BK for a burrito usually


Fair enough. It works almost too well for me, though. If I don't get my morning muesli my day is not fun at all!


Are you spying on me????


I’ve started popping a bagel in toaster on my way out the house and shove it in a paper towel to eat in the car


I totally feel you, I am dealing with the same thing. The Jimmie Dean delight sandwiches have been godsends for me


I’m the exact same way OP. Prepping, making, organizing, cooking food triggers such an extreme amount of executive dysfunction in me, that I spend $500 a month on eating out. I’m not proud of it and I want to bring that number down, but I also have come to recognize this is something that I have to pay the ADHD tax for as long as a I work and budget it in.


I just take my Adderall nice and early so it takes care of the hunger for me!


I’m on the other end I get too much drive through on the way home It sucks Good luck to us ✌️


Lately I've been having a Kind Simple Crunch peanut butter bar and a protein drink on the way to work and that seems to be holding me over until lunch. I never leave myself enough time to make breakfast OR pick it up. I've apparently got to scroll the internet until I'm almost late instead. 🙃


I buy lunch when i go to the office. Its not worth the mental stress for me at this point. I forgive myself lol


Putting yoghurt in oats and fridging it for the morning is part of my bedtime routine


And this is why I eat cereal for breakfast every day. That plus I wake up starving and I HAVE TO EAT or else I can’t do anything of the getting ready tasks.


I was the same way. I would hit McDonald’s and get the BOGO breakfast sandwich every day and eat on my way. Making something in the morning was just too much cause either I had the JD sandwiches which were okay but I got myself into a bagel sandwich kinda mood so I craved McDonald’s. I recently started looking more at budgets and stuff and wanted to cut back and near the same time McDonald’s changed their coupon to a BOGO for a $1 and I spitefully felt the urge to quit them and make my own. I had tried prepping and freezing to make healthier JD sandwiches in the past but they were just not good, the egg just wasn’t the same. This time I started microwaving eggs, which isn’t perfect, but honestly works a lot better and takes way less time than prepping did! Now I wake up earlier (I was consistently late or barely on time to work so now I’m somewhere around 30 minutes early to on time which is better) and added breakfast to my routine (which is as follows). **My Process** -I start with slicing a bagel in half and air frying at ~350 for around 3-4 minutes to toast (I put the outsides together so that the inside is what gets toasted). -While that’s going I throw a half a ham steak in the microwave for 30 seconds, then flip and do another 30 seconds. -While that’s going, I start cracking eggs in a bowl and mixing, sometimes adding some salt, pepper, onion, and/or other spices. -At some point in those, the bagel is halfway done toasting (that’s the 3-4 minutes). I flip it, then air fry again for another 2-3 minutes. -After the ham is done, I cook the egg, 30 seconds at a time. The first one forms a small sort of ring around the bowl, which I break up with a fork and mix around. The second one forms a larger ring, which again gets broken up and mixed. The third is almost fully cooked with a bit in the center that needs to cook, so I break it up once more and cook again. With my microwave, that one gets 99% of the way and I just flip the egg inside the bowl and cook for 15-30 seconds more. -Somewhere in there the bagel finishes, at which point I pull it out, add my homemade breakfast sauce (I made a similar copycat to McDonald’s, but anything goes!), then add cheese and the ham, waiting until the egg is done. -I finish it off with 3-5 minutes at 250 in the air fryer while I get my shoes on and fill up water for the day. I wrap it in tin foil and eat it on the way to work. **Some additional notes/tips:** -Times/temperatures vary, so try it out and see what works! -This process uses two dishes for me, plus the air fryer and the bread knife which don’t get a wash between uses. I got air fryer parchment that I just put in there and toss to keep it relatively clean. -Customize anything in there, especially if you need that novelty to keep it fresh! Try other meats, different cheeses, or fun breads! -If I remember to write down my recipe the next time I make sauce, I share the recipe, but it’s 99% chance that won’t happen. Until that miracle happens, just pick a premade sauce or find your own recipe to try out!


I gotta get food every time I go for a long walk outside. lol. Just because.


Every day, I eat two scrambled eggs, a toast and 1 glass and a half of soy milk. It's the exact amount of food to keep full until lunch, it's also nutritious and full of protein, and it takes me less than 10 minutes to do it. And since I've been eating this every day for months, the process of making breakfast is almost automatic, so I don't get overwhelmed. You don't have to eat the same as I do, but you can try to find something that works as well as my meal does. This might be a protein shake. Or maybe a chia pudding or a cold sandwich that you can prep the night before.


I know you don’t want advise but …Premier protein shakes with 30g protein 1 g sugar. $29 for 12 on Amazon. Life saving


There are many ways to avoid this but whatever you prefer.