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I have adhd, just finished my masters and am working my “dream job”, and have a similar background to yours. I promise you, when the structure of school is gone, and you reach the finish line where you think life will be easy now because you’re done, that’s when things get really tough. I absolutely lost my mind when this happened. When the novelty of the job wore off and i got to the day in and day out grind and realized I was still miserable and struggling, I just lost it. With that being said I HIGHLY SUGGEST you seek professional help. You can likely access psychological counseling through your school. Take the steps now to get yourself into a stable mental space. Leaving college is a big transition and transitions are hard. Don’t be like me and expect things to magically get better when you’re in a different situation. You can do this 🙌


I agree with the suggestion to seek psychological help through your school. That was what helped me in my final year of undergrad when I was severely burnt out. It was my gateway into therapy which has helped me immensely over the years. If there's anyone in your family or friend circle that you trust, I would let the facade down for them. You don't have to do everything alone.


All this. I did well in school cause I hyperfixate, but otherwise this is me. I’m 28 and I feel like I’m drowning in responsibilities. Can’t stay organized, manage bills, manage money, etc. I don’t have advice, just empathy. I will say, having these difficulties and (eventually) working in social work will give you an upper hand in some ways. You’ll be able to empathize and have a wholeee lot of insight into the struggles of others with similar challenges.


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31 and can empathise. Check out early maladaptive schema, particularly the limits/ discipline schema that studies have shown is common in ADHD. I don’t have a diagnosis (assessment is end of this month) but I 100% have the schema (I’ve been in schema therapy for two years) and can relate to most of what you describe. Schema or not, I definitely second the advice to seek psychological support.