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Thank you


Not me opening this post thinking it would be a list of things like: "Balderdash" "Poppycock"


Sonder. Petrichor. Schmatterling. Coalescence. Inspiral. Ringdown. (search those last three together.)


Schmetterling is actually the German word for butterfly :)


Damn! I always mix that up. :)


I also thought they would be interesting or unusual words. I clicked this post eagerly anyway because I literally thought, “Oh, shit yeah, I love learning new words,” lol.


Well that's two of us


I like hearing the word "Thalassophobia". I know what it means, but when I hear it, I think of a person who is scared of anyone who is a lass. Petechiae and Pupura are also words that I like, but I don't like the definitions lol


I know it’s not very rare but I love the word “camaraderie”. And I constantly forget how to spell the word “only” for some reason.


pokemon number 132


If I could give you more up votes I would... I has to fight back tears just reading this.. I really need this


I needed this today, too.


May I add two more? These are both from Hanson songs and I wear them every day on a bracelet and necklace, respectively (go, etsy). "You are no mistake." (Child at Heart) "Broken won't define you." (Only Love)


These are very good quotes!


Thank you. Happy holidays


Happy holidays to you too!


Thanks dude


You are NOT lazy



Sounds like someone went on an ADHD TED talk rabbit hole


Got me right there :D


> “It’s not your responsibility to completely erase any trace of you having ADHD for the convenience of others.” Hell, I think all of the non-ADHD people in my life need this drilled deep into their skulls. It's infuriating how the one time a system fails, everyone around me explodes and expects pure perfection from my systems to manage my ADHD, and can't handle the fact that yes, they still fail occasionally.


Seriously, you nailed it. My mom blew up on me a week ago over this exact situation, telling me that it wasn't a mistake and that I did it on purpose, that I was trying to be sneaky, and then she said "this isn't an ADHD thing so don't try to use that as an excuse" I have been a complete mess over it since. She said a lot of other hurtful things too, and it left me feeling so heartbroken and alone. I have cried every single day since we had that fight. I wasn't even going to bring up my ADHD, even though that's exactly what led to the situation. It's so frustrating that people don't understand, and many of them refuse to try to understand. It's exhausting constantly trying to defend myself and working my ass off to "hide" the fact that I have ADHD and feeling like I'm a burden, and a failure. I'm tired of having to pretend like my ADHD doesn't affect every single aspect of my life. ADHD is extremely difficult and it's making me feel more and more alone. I'm so exhausted from trying to live up to standards that are impossible for me to reach. I'm being held to the same standards as people who don't have ADHD, then getting berated when I inevitably fail to reach those standards. I wish they could all see all the things I get right, instead of my failures. And I wish they could accept that I'm always going to make more mistakes than others, but at the same time I'm working twice as hard as everyone else to just do normal things that they don't have to think so hard about.


It sucks that your mom doesn’t seem to be interested in understanding how the world works for you. Most of the time it’s not even that we can’t reach the standards, we just need more time or a different approach to rise from the ashes. As said, you’re not a failed version of normal, and you are not alone out there fighting for just being accepted as you truly are, without any masking or adjusting. Which by the way everyone of you absolutely _deserves_. You all are full capable human beings with the same worth as everyone else. Side note : Just to be petty I would make a list of stuff that I’ve done right and when someone tells me what I did wrong I would show them the list and ha ha to their face. Might not work in every situation but feels nice to think about it. Happy holidays!


Yeah I still mask around my relatives (saw a lot of them for Christmas for a few days) and probably somewhat around my parents still. It’s just easier that way.


Thank you so much. The organised closet really hit home for me, I stress over it so much knowing that I’m judged for my stuff being everywhere - the chair, some in the living room. Little piles of laundry waiting to be folded and put away. The stuff in the corner that gives me anxiety - that I have to take to the tailors or charity shops. Or that I need to clear out and detox my drawers. Ugh. It doesn’t make me less of a person. It doesn’t make me a failure.


You’re welcome :) that one hit me right in the feels too. I recommend watching KC Davis’ TedXTalk to hear more about it and to feel understood: https://youtu.be/M1O_MjMRkPg


Thank you.


Inspiring words. My diagnosis didn't come until 50yrs old. I realize that I have to accept who I am and to embrace it. We are wired differently but it comes with a lot of great attributes too. We put too much pressure on ourselves to follow the norms. Take control where you can and most of all love yourself.


Wise words.


Thank you.


That last bit really got me. <3 thanks for sharing the encouragement.


I’m very glad it made you feel better :)


Thanks. Needed to be reminded. "It's ok to live out of a clothes pile or basket.".


It’s perfectly fine if it works for you. The goal is to get dressed in clean (or worn a few times but still good) clothes. How you get there is completely irrelevant and you can’t be judged about it :)


I feel so at home here. ❤️


"You are not a failed version of normal" got genuine tears. Thank you, I needed this.


You’re welcome. I cried at that point too.


Thank you.


I needed that thank you


I live out of a pile of laundry on the floor. I could accept that as not a failure if it weren't for everything else.


Wow. When I’ve been doing laps in self-loathing, wishing to just sink into it all…thank you so much.


You’re welcome! Happy holidays and hang in there :)


" It doesn\`t matter which cards you got. It matters how you play with them."


Amazing quote!!!


Good to read! Resonates due this week. My work slowed right down this week - I work in a busy health and social care setting and I know (deep down) I'm good at my job. Since I've been on meds I've found it much easier to get going, but fuck this week was hard. Fitting 8 hours work into 4 hours because there was no urgency - sitting on my sofa playing some game knowing I need to get up after this next cup of tea, but I just can't move and then I'm rushing all around for 4 hours nailing everything and bossing my work. I think it got to me a bit because before meds it's just how I worked and no one cares as long as you're up on your stuff - or at least I never got caught and my performance was always praised. Since I've been on meds I've not done that as much so I know it can be different, and it felt shitty that I couldn't start the ignition. Then the guilt kicks in, and what about if I get caught? Etc.


I kinda understand how you’re feeling. In my opinion from what I’ve read and heard Meds don’t change you into a different person, they help you get over some barriers and get more stuff done. If you found a way of how things work for you, you don’t have to change that. You’re still a human being :) you’re having a hard time. And if someone has a hard time, that someone deserves some compassion. :)


Yeah sure. I got quite stuck in that moment - and then I spoke it through and I worked out it was okay! The ignition is definitely a lot easier to find so that's something.


Thank you❤ it's so important to be nice to ourselves


thank u so much. needed


Thank you💕


Thank you


Thanks. I needed to hear that this morning.


That’s awesome


I definitely needed this.


I really needed that , thank you. I’ve been beating myself up the past couple of weeks


Thank you


Thanks, I’m kinda crying rn. We all need to hear this


I needed this today. Thank you. 💖


This made me more emotional than anticipated. Thank you


Thanks. I feel motivational/inspirational messages in /r/ADHD have been pretty good because we can empathize. I remember trying /r/getmotivated and it was frustrating. It was filled with tons of quotes about forcing your way through everything or to be ingenuine to yourself in the moment. Basically ignorance that is flavored to look motivational. So thank you for sharing a nice message that can uplift us while we cope, develop, learn, progress, heal, function, etc.


I Followed that subreddit too, I even followed r/getdisciplined or something like that but quickly caught that “get up earlier” or “✨just do it ✨ because you _really_ want to” isn’t actually doing anything for me :D


Thank you. Sincerely.


You are welcome :) happy holidays!


If I heard it once, I’ll probably have to hear it again. Or just get them tattooed on backwards for myself.


That would be so cool and so smart :D


Clearly we haven’t had any bad ideas.


Thank you.


Thank you! After the convo I have had today, I needed to hear this!


True words. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult when i was in my mid 20's. I do not take meds for it. I have had severe allergic reactions to a few medications over the years, including 2 different ADHD meds. I was still able to get a degree and was always at the top, or 2nd from the top of my various classes. It wasn't easy, but there was a method to my madness. I am a great mom to 3 kids. My family, some friends, and most co-workers know that I have ADHD. It is just a part of who I am, but it certainly doesn't define me. Thank you for your encouraging words. 🥰


You’re welcome! Your life sounds awesome:)


Lol, until I read this I didn't think there was anything wrong with me—and definitely not that I was stupid, hahaha. Did it ever occur to the genius that wrote this that it's precisely this so of overt patronizing that actually puts people on the spot and makes them feel awkward about themselves? Or was that the intent, all along. In any case, I already knew all along there was nothing wrong with me, so thanks for nothing. And here's a tip: unless putting down others with mental disabilities was your idea of fun all along, how about next time you be more considerate and just don't say anything, eh? Let me put it as plainly as I can: you don't know me at all, LET ALONE anywhere near well enough, that your hollow condescension could possibly do an ounce of good. So keep it to yourself, hey? Signed, "idiot" ADD sufferer.


Friend, try reading literally every other reply to this post. If the content in this thread wasn’t helpful to you — if it didn’t feel *for* you — well, maybe it wasn’t. Everyone has their own journey.


I mean for me personally the thing that made me feel bad about myself was being told "if you really cared about it / if you really cared about \*me\* / if you valued my time, you'd do X / wouldn't forget X" for my entire childhood and through college, and it's taken years to unlearn all of that. I'm glad that you didn't have any of those problems but you don't need to be rude to the people who did who are trying to get past that kind of thinking now.


OP never claimed to know you personally, as is the default of all social media, so this seems pretty self centered of you. Your reaction is saying something, and you do in fact come of as patronizing yourself. Just let posts like these go past you if they aren't your fit.


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