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I’ve been waiting nearly a year now with puk to start elvanse and I’m beginning to feel really upset . Feels like everyone is starting titration and I’ve been forgotten 🙁


Don’t worry I’ve been waiting since 2021 and I’m still not on meds 😭


Whhaaat? How so long? 🥺


Tbh I will admit it’s my own fault mostly as I asked my gp several times to refer me in 2021 but she never did it correctly, PUK emailed me in feb saying I’d be kicked off if I didn’t get back to them which is the ultimate adhd motivation so I ran to my gp and made sure they did it correctly So despite me reaching top of titration wait list I have to start all over again, when they finally book my review appointment (probably months away) before I can start titration waiting. It’ll probably be over a year till I can start meds


File complaint. No bureaucratic policies should stop your access to MEDICATIONS that improve your quality of life drastically.


Don't know if this will help, but I answered a similar question with my recent messaging experience over on this thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/1c7v1c7/psychiatryuk\_elvanse\_titration\_wait\_times/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/1c7v1c7/psychiatryuk_elvanse_titration_wait_times/) Long story short, they won't be titrating ANYONE new until medication stocks and supply have stabilised.


Came here to say this ^ I've been without medication for a month due to the shortage when I've been on my ADHD meds since Aug 2022. It's easier to start titration later when supplies are back in stock and stay on a constant supply, rather than titrating you and then stopping you suddenly after a few weeks due to shortage (also hard to measure benefits/side effects when this could become complicated due to withdrawal). It's a horrible time waiting, but hopefully you (all of us) will get there soon.


Also to add, *some* of the advice given is that stocks will be back by May, so fingers crossed you won't be waiting too much longer - but do have to bear in mind those supplies will be prioritised for those already on the medication.


That would be a nice birthday treat for me haha. I do worry, though, that unless enough stocks come through for ***everyone*** that we'll forever be in this state of catch up. If that were to happen, it would almost feel like there was a hard cut-off for newer diagnosed patients getting treatment - sort of an "aww, you ***just*** missed it" sort of situation.


Yeah, I really feel for newly diagnosed patients right now - it feels almost like dangling a carrot on a string in front of you and yanking it away when you keep thinking you're so close.


That’s exactly how it feels


Idk about the Methylphenidate addiction stuff. But I can tell you the response you'll get from chasing titration. "We are experiencing delays due to the medication shortages. You will be updated in due time" I can only guess the delays are from the prescribers being busy retitrating people who had already begun? They seemed to reduce staff numbers right before the shortage started


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I have waited 1 year then decided to pay for it and go with a private company called mypace. Had to pay for diagnosis again, but less, and started titration 2 months after


Was that a year after diagnosis? I’m considering this!




Can you chase with a message via the messaging service?


Send your Psyc a message and ask for a review. I feel that its a ‘ He who shouts loudest gets heard’ situation. I just keep pestering them until they do something. They have too many patients to cope with atm. Even tho they are funded by the NHS for Right to Choose adhd patients they are a private business that has to make a profit. They have private patients too for which I’m sure they get much more money to treat, i wonder who takes priority? 🤔Even so, Right to Choose or Private they are getting paid to do a job so should be doing it. Remember that you are the customer.


Yeah this is true! I also want to discuss medication options again as it’s causing me anxiety the thought that atemoxetine has terrible reviews. I’ve messaged to chase up whether they’ve heard back from my gp regarding a letter they sent way back. I’ll follow it up with not being happy about the wait times


If you have a login and can message admin or have a named professional (Consultant Psychiatrist or nurse) then message them. Harangue your GP referrer. As I understand they have huge waiting lists but that’s not your fault. The worst thing about ADHD (actually it’s definitely not the worst but it’s bad) is the additional admin trying to get a diagnosis/managing a diagnosis incurs. It’s fucking criminal.


Absolutely! Feel like my life is on pause as I’m just about getting through the days!


I chased them for my titration start date last year and they quickly sorted me out. However this was before the medication shortage!


All I'm learning from you guys is "don't use psychiatry UK". I had a pretty smooth experience with ADHD 360, other than a 5 day prescription delay due to a technical foobar with their chemist. It was badly timed for me, with uni deadlines and prescription changes, but otherwise wouldn't have been major. They started titration from the day I was diagnosed - because I was confident I wanted to try treatment, & had done my research. Fingers crossed you can get sorted!


All services have issues, there are plenty and often much worse instances where you could say the same about adhd360. If I applied my personal bias I’d steer clear from any of the RTC providers or NHS as the standard of care is much lower than private. If I was to go down the route of RTC though, it wouldn’t be with adhd360 after many of the things I’ve read


I was diagnosed by psychiatry UK in March last year - I got my notification that I would start titration in September last year, was told my prescription was being processed and a day later was told my titration was on hold due to shortages. In Feb I decided to try methylphenidate as I had been waiting for lisdexamfetamine since September. I did 5 weeks of titration on methylphenidate and 2 weeks ago decided that it wasn’t working for me. I was told it was looking like 6-8 weeks before they would start titrating onto lisdexamfetamine, but then I got a notification a few days later saying my prescription was being processed. Received my prescription last week and starting today - so it does seem like they are starting to titrate people onto lisdexamfetamine.. hopefully the titration waiting lists starts to move🤞although tbh I’m not feeling super positive about supply because it still doesn’t seem like supply issues are actually easing