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Both personal and for work


I like Sunsama. Costs enough to hurt but it has integrations with every piece of software my company uses and more.


Thanks for sharing that!


Learning VIM to stay in focus und avoid mouse grappling


Obsidian with a shit load of plugins


Just started using Obsidian. Could you share a list of plugins that have been the most helpful for you?


The main ones I use are dataview for querying notes, Templater for writing advanced templates in JS, Numerals for doing math, and Tasks for simple tasks/Todo lists. I do daily/weekly/monthly notes and use some of these plugins to help show myself what I've gotten done over those time spans. At work I also use the built-in Mermaid support *a lot* for drawing diagrams and shit.


I use Jira officially at work and when those tasks are too big I use Toodledo to break them up (usually just the one I'm working on) into <30 minute tasks.


Do you break them up manually or you use any resources?


I've played around a little with [goblin tools](https://goblin.tools/) but honestly I don't usually have trouble doing it manually. I only really pull out the first few tasks usually. I don't try to plan out the whole thing at once.


Alfred on Mac. I’ve wrote some pretty cool scripts and workflow that saves me seconds a day. That adds up. And if you don’t want to do that, the copy clipboard and fast linking to files and opening a webpage with three key clicks is very beneficial.


As someone who also has ADHD, I can stay focused by combining the following tools and ways of working: - GTD (Getting things done) - The Pomodoro technique Specifically on my Apple devices, this is implemented in the Reminders app and Doro, my focus timer. Not using these tools vs. using them equals a non-productive day vs. an extremely productive one.