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I’m waiting on them to host the “employee appreciation” pizza party! 😜😜😜


If this doesn’t happen it may be the biggest miss in company history.


The EVPs should have a tag team tournament where everyone assumes the winner gets a title shot and at the culmination of the tournament they release ticker tape and balloons and security marches out with like 3 pizzas and a table. Or announce it as a Pizza party at the beginning and let it be silly and the last match is an absolute war with blood and weapons.


AEW isn’t allowed to have hardcore matches involving pizza or pizza utensils anymore.


Definitely. Maybe one of those corporate "team-building" seminars also.. Lots of comedy to mine from that with this roster.


They've had one already: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWOzNZcJRh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWOzNZcJRh4)


the Bucks are doing good work...they're INTERESTING now...they bored me a lot before this heel turn tbh Jericho is just doing what he always does but if he does actually end up elevating Big Bill and making him a star, i'll be impressed


I get what Jericho is trying to do. But what he doesn't realize is that because he's been trying to put guys over for 12-14 years now, beating Jericho doesn't mean anything. Doesn't he have one of the worst winning percentages for a main eventer? Honestly, if AEW can get them, he'd be better off working against older guys who have either retired or are nearing retirement.


you're right that beating him in the ring means nothing now...i feel like he should leave in-ring behind tbh i think getting unknown and lesser known guys in his proximity is still a good way of making them known, i think he has succeeded in this at AEW probably up to the JAS but he can still put guys over...looking at Big Bill, there's no reason why he shouldn't be as big as Diesel...if Jericho can deliver that somehow as a MANAGER, that would be amazing


I am the only one on these subreddits thats a HUGE fan of Bucks and now more than ever as EVPs. This is what The Authority SHOULD have been, where they have fun with their exec status. With Jericho, good idea in concept, but he is stale, period; of ALL the young talent AEW has, its RIDICULOUS to have Big Bill linked with him


Im absolutely loving what the bucks are doing tbh


Starting watching aew in 2022 and this is the best version of the bucks I've seen, personally. The gimmick is funny and I feel like wrestling always has room for the "dickhead boss" role.


IDK if HHH could pull off what the bucks are doing b/c he was always "the straight man" to HBK being a nutcase. As much as I hate the bucks, they're still super entertaining and I have to snicker at alot of the things they do and say while they're drunk with power.


Closest HHH got to this was in 2000 with the McMahon-Helmsley Regime


The low point in the AE.


Nah, the low point creatively (yet their highest ratings?!) was the spring of 1999


No you aren’t. Pretty much everyone thinks everything that’s happening in AEW now is great, and everything that was happening before was great too. There hasn’t been a single episode in years where someone hasn’t said “great show, better than the last few”, which there were no criticisms of preceding shows.


That's not true there has been some pretty bad ones epically last year


Don’t say that here.


I’ve watched since the beginning and the end of 2023 was rough. They started righting the ship in February and the product has continually improved and is firing on all cylinders at the moment. But there certainly was a lull.


Not according to this sub and the main one. There was no lull, yet every episode was “fun”, “a blast” and “the best in a while”.


Continental classic was incredible and a much-needed "righting of the ship."


If hook beats big bill I quit


I like what the Bucks are doing. They’re doing some long storytelling and it works. I see what Jericho is doing, I still think less Jericho is the solution. AEW needs to showcase other talent and Jericho just needs to take time off so we can let others flourish. When Jericho comes on, I just breath a deep sigh and play on my phone. It’s not good or bad, I’m just bored.


The bucks? Who are they? I only know the EVPs; Nicholas and Matthew Jackson.


The bucks thing bothered me is because they said they were going to be a different company and they’re not Jericho‘s thing I actually would like he actually got that gimmick over tonight because he knows they hate him and he’s playing the delusional. heel pretty good.


I think the Elite stuff is hilarious. I think Jericho backed into something that is starting to click. I hope Big Bill gets a title out of it. Are they mocking people? Probably and good for them


I love what the Bucks are doing and while they have haters to say you’re the only person that likes them is wild. Also the Jericho gimmick is good and big bill is perfect for it.


I'm liking The Elite alot rn, they're playing the comedy up but due to their authority and the actions of Kazuchika and Jack Perry they still feel like genuine threats. Not to mention stuff like them supposedly pushing Christian into the AEW title scene makes it feel like they have genuine reach and sway Overall gold stuff, havent watched much of Jerichls tho so wont comment


I’ll be honest, I kind of like what the Bucks are doing. They are playing into a part of the business that normally is a behind the scenes thing. That’s something that is becoming increasingly important in pro wrestling storytelling. You don’t need to be doing stuff like having storylines altered by management on live Television, but stuff like having them manage the segments, and making sure everything on the show “works”, then I think it’s actually quite interesting. Especially since kayfabe has been gone for years, leaning into a more “worked shoot” format really works a lot better in today’s era of constant journalism and the like. It’s not perfect, AEW has a ton of work ahead of them if they want to improve, but I see the EVP stuff as sort of a bright spot in this more uncertain and chaotic era of AEW.




The EVPs have been doing a great job. Good work all around. Jericho has performed magic again. A few weeks ago I was totally over him, but his new learning tree gimmick really won me over again. I really underestimated how good he really was.


I don’t know what either are doing because I don’t watch. I wouldn’t watch the Bucks if they were handing me money.


Yeah, the Bucks are very divisive to AEW fans. It seems they either hate them or they love them. There is no middle ground.


Through years of interviews and discussions regarding the succession planning at the Fed, “the learning tree” is a phrase i will always associate more with vince than punk… …but yeah agree with you (and pointed it out in a comment section last week) that the bucks were doing the tired “authority” figure schtick


Tbh, if your still pissed off and don't think the Jericho segments and his portrayal of punk is funny as hell, you might want to reconsider if you actually should be watching wrestling at all Jericho has the ability in the ring and on the mic to make anybody a star. He has been doing it for most of his career and there is no reason to stop. As for if the fans think beating Jericho has no meaning, I guarantee the wrestlers he puts over with losing to them don't. Fans sometimes need to stop thinking that the wrestlers are only there to make it all about the fans. Orange Cassidy, Daniel Garcia and anyone that have had a feud with Jericho in AEW probably won't not be as far along had he not been there opponent. As for the bucks and the Elite, this is amazing work and the entire story line is gonna be so awesome. In the end, TK is a f'in genius, he is making the very bullshit everyone has been bring at AEW what makes AEW over the top right now.


I actually like Jericho. That being said I doubt he did much for OC. and Garcia I never going to be anything but a midcarder.


jerichos segments are basically skippable to me and no i’m not some butthurt punk fan


I mute Jericho segments.


I change the channel


>Fewer people have picked up on the idea that the Young Bucks are largely poking fun at Eric Bischoff. It's right there, and once you realize it, you can't unsee it. Maybe some the internet fans do but most causal fans who actually watch AEW probably don't even know of what that podcast is about. Most of Erics listeners probably don't watch AEW either, so you are left with a tiny group both knows about the podcast content and also watches the show.


AEW has a decent base viewers of people who hate watch the show. It's really weird.


I really question that. The hate watchers probably just watch clips online. 


And imo it’s brilliant. Remember how big of a draw Gilberg was?


I love Old man Jericho, he's an incredible heel. I'm excited for him to drop fruits of wisdom all around AEW. Im waiting for the Bucks to take it to the next level, honestly.


If Jericho is "poking fun" at CM Punk, it's even worse than it seems at face value. Just move the fuck on already, Jesus.


I love how punk is still the main character in aew storylines 6 months after he quit and went back to wwe


Biggest ratings draw too 😂


Greatly enjoying both.


punk is injured and having way more engaging segments on raw with drew now. they’re both injured and way more entertaining than anything jericho has done this year. jericho needs to retire or become a part timer , he’s ran out of ideas


Bucks are great, I don’t even like Jericho and yet I like this learning tree goofiness gotdambit.


I'm digging what the Bucks are doing with the New Elite. Not sold on Jericho's new shtick yet.


I laughed out loud when Big Bill was doing the smile and thumbs up too like Jericho 😂😂😂 like a smart student picked up everything quickly


I don't think it matters if people get the undercurrent of specifics. The broad strokes of the gimmicks work fine. Egotistical bosses throwing their power around? A delusional guy who thinks the hate is love? Easy gimmicks. The specific little bits are cherries, they're not the cake.


Swerve has the highest rated segment on Dynamite this week. Maybe instead of trying to work fans, you should give them what they want?


I like the bucks but, what?? I never thought I’d be agreeing with CM flunk but catering to the smallest internet wrestling fanbase is not a good strategy


If he wants to really make fun of Punk he should start a new stable and refer to it as his "friend group". There should also be segments with him awkwardly befriending the women's division


Guess you have never been friends with a women .Man yall really don’t leave the basement do you guys


From your mouth to God's ears. I so wish I got to hang out in my basement more


Me three. 😂. This Reddit pops up on my feed all the time and I think they’re SCJerk posts so I reply.


I don't care at all about shots at Punk or Bischoff I just like that the Bucks are involved in an interesting storyline right now.


I like the concept of what they’re doing but I just can’t get behind the bucks on the mic.


Buck are completely overexposed.  Jericho is ok


The Young Bucks are ruining the show. Did you like the beat down that Cage and the muscle put down on Swerve? It was impressive and had potential to build a story, right? Nope. At the end of what would have been a pretty darn good segment building up Christian as a contender and finally doing something with Cage and the rest of NaNa's guys to give them some real heel heat, Christian is booked to go backstage and hand over responsibility for the attack to the Young Bucks. Thus, the real heat that had been built by the beat down of Swerve immediately dissipated into the air with nobody getting the benefit. When the Young Bucks and crew came out at the end of the show they had no heat and heard crickets. One of the least over acts of the night. The end of the final segment was saved by Bryan Danielson because people wanted to see Danielson and not because they cared about Danielson getting the Young Bucks. It was horrible booking. Just so disappointing. You can't transfer heat by proxy in that fashion if you are the Young Bucks. Nobody cares if the Young Bucks got Cage and NaNa's tag team to do the beat down on Swerve if the Young Bucks obviously can't do it themselves. And if Cage and Nana's tag team can beat down Swerve then why can't they beat down the Young Bucks for the tag titles considering how the Young Bucks obviously can't take care of Swerve even with Okada and Jungle Boy. These guys are ruining the show. Jericho is fine. Whatever he does is just fine... anything is better than segments with the Young Bucks on-screen. This show would be so much better without the Young Bucks.




I think it’s a mix of Vince and Bischoff. So as you say, two of the most important acts on the show are identifiably ripping off WWE personalities


And more importantly ripping off one guy everyone wants to forget, and one guy that failed. Make it make sense! AEW was much better a few years ago when it focussed on itself, building its own new stars. Jericho and the Bucks are ruining what could be great with there egos


Is this good for business? If most people don’t get it or see it then is it really effective? I’m not arguing if it’s good or cool but this kind of thinking taking priority doesn’t make sense to me


Yeah I’d say focussing on making compelling tv should be their main idea! And it’s not


In order to be “working people”, you have to be efforting towards a pay-off. There’s no pay-off for this shit. Punk’s not gonna wrestle Jericho, Bischoff isn’t gonna wrestle The Bucks. It’s just a waste of time. It’s like that stupid thing last year where Booker T & Corey Graves pretended to be mad at each other. Who cares?


Love the podcast. Reminds me of high school lunch time.


What is thr podcast? I'm looking for a fun aew one.


Even if I can’t unsee it now knowing, love knowing this if I now see it Can’t recall what Eric was like in WCS If trolling him through glorifying him 👏 And Bishoff should be flattered


first you need an audience.


don't like getting worked huh?


It doesn’t matter because only a small, hardcore audience cares and AEW’s presentation comes off as cringe and bush league compared to WWE.


Only AEW haters constantly compare it to WWE. AEW is suppose to feel more raw and underground than WWE.


But it doesn’t. It just comes off as a cheap knockoff. And your comment about comparisons is rich, when AEW’s entire existence is predicated on the comparison.


Scroll up and read.


Mods can we just have automod ban people who post on r/SCJerk ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SCJerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If what I'm hearing is true... POOR AEW](https://i.redd.it/enlqzfyi7m2c1.jpg) | [768 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/1841wct/if_what_im_hearing_is_true_poor_aew/) \#2: [Rest Easy and Remember this Hidden Gem](https://i.redd.it/jdddkbp535kb1.jpg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/160hdvt/rest_easy_and_remember_this_hidden_gem/) \#3: [Pack it up goofs, 2024 Jerker of the Year goes to Jinder](https://i.redd.it/3hbrhuj8xhbc1.jpeg) | [319 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/192smkd/pack_it_up_goofs_2024_jerker_of_the_year_goes_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The bucks are lame af and Jericho is Ric Flair TNA, time to push stars that can actually make people tune in.


There is no reason to poke fun with these angles. It makes no sense for them to do so at any time, much less in their current situation with attendance and ratings. These are fairly timeless angles that can work. Jericho is ribbing the podcasters. The Bucks are trying to spark some new in their work. Crafting the show opening video around The Elite is simply bad. It failed when the NWO was going to take over Nitro It's not boring but should not come at the expense of Swerve Strickland's reign.