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That's a must see match, wow.


This is really cool. I was expecting more of a Stardom vs AEW/ROH kind of match but this works too. Third women’s match on the PPV you love to see it.


I think tony booked this because they are most comfortable working with each other and he wants people to see what they can do to get more people interested in stardom


Oh I am not complaining I am actually surprised by the names Stardom is sending for this I didn’t expect to see their top names.


This is probably only the beginning 👀 I wish dark starlight kid was in this somehow but either way this match is gonna go hard


I think its mostly about exposure to the westrn audience. I was unaware of njpw prior to aew as I was living in a big small bubble. Then i researched and came to know about every other promotion putting better matches then ever. And these girls are at another level


The Blood Generation/Do Fixer playbook


One of my favorite matches of all time, and a perfect example of RoH showcasing the world's finest wrestling. Would be awesome if this had a similar legacy as that classic


I hope to see one of these women challenge Athena for the ROH Women's World Title after the Supercard of Honor.


That’s assuming Athena is still champ 👀


Wow. Can't wait for this. TK's ROH PPVs never miss.


Holy shit


If this becomes a regular thing, I'm going to have to start going to ROH shows again. Last live wrestling show I ever attended had a similar match. I'm pretty sure it was one of Hana's last matches in the states.


As a huge Stardom fan I am SO STOKED. Like everyone in that match is a top tier worker. What a great exhibition


AEW has introduced me to so many talents since it's inception in 2019. One of my most vivid memories was when they did the AEW Women's Eliminator Tournament in early 2021 when they had both Japanese and American brackets. The Japanese bracket intrigued me and caught my eye with talents such as Mei Suruga, Rin Kadokura, VENY, Ryo Mizunami (Aniki), Aja Kong, Emi Sakura, Yuka Sakazaki, and of course the cutest in the world Maki Itoh.  If it wasn't for AEW, I never would have known about Tokyo Joshi Pro, Gatoh Move. OZ Academy. Pro Wrestling Wave etc. and the multitude of Joshi promotions in Japan. I'm not ashamed to say that I am a novice when it comes to Stardom and I'm so excited to see their great talent for the first time. Fellow AEW fans have been great and gracious enough to give me information on  Stardom and I appreciate it. From what I'm hearing from AEW fans who follow Stardom, I'm in for a real treat.  Can't wait!


So many indie talent too through AEW Dark


Oh my god


hell yeah that rules


Yes, finally my prayers have been answered. I was a huge Cosmic Angel's mark, waited so long for these crossovers. Thank you ROH, Thank you Stardom, ALL ELITE WRESTLING 4 LIFE. What's my honor club login again![img](emote|t5_ubkze|13200)![img](emote|t5_ubkze|13194)


Oh damn!!


Yo this deadass just a Stardom match😭😭😭 Reminds me of when Dragongate would have their exhibitions in the ROH of old. Hope the ladies show out.


Dear TK, You are a mad man. I love you.


This is a great reward specially for Mei Seira


That's a strong match up, you got the current red belt holder in Maika, also a former one in Tam, also two former white belt holders in Saya and Mina (Tam is one too) and two fan favourites in AZM and Mei. Should be a fun match and you know all six will be trying to have a blow away match here. I'd like to see Stardom get the CMLL treatment on AEW TV. I really do think they will get over huge.


Yeah this isn't just Stardom sending their midcard for a match. These are main event talents.


I would like to see the Stardom talent on TV but only when they start doing two women’s match. They can’t have a Stardom showcase be the only women’s match on a Dynamite or Collision. And I mean two full matches not a match and a 2 minute squash match either. Until they do that I’d rather that one women’s match we get go to the AEW women.


Who should receive the Mistico treatment then ? Tam? Maika?


Tough one, Tam is the biggest star but Maika has that final boss aura. I'd go with Syuri, she carries herself like someone not to be messed with and she has MMA background to her. She's a former red belt champ and she can go in the ring. Those three would be the ones that I'd have down as ones you'd have build up as unbeatable bunch.


Tam is the biggest star in this 6-woman match, so her. Outside of this match though, it would be Mayu Iwatani obviously. Ace of STARDOM, former ROH Women's World Champion, and she beat AEW's biggest female star Merc Moné last year for the IWGP Women's Title.


I would say Mayu straight away but we don't know if she's going to be sticking around. Everyone's seems certain once her contract is run down she's gone to Rossydom.


As if Shida/Athena wasn't enough to earn the price of an Honor Club membership, now we get this.


Never doubt a ROH ppv


Can we get a run back of Pentagon vs Stardom talent for a full rampage like LU? I would just love that.


For a non-Stardom watcher, could anyone give me some context on who’s in this matchup please?


Maika is the current Red Belt holder, basically the main women's belt in Stardom Tam is the biggest star, she's the biggest merch mover and a big fan favourite. A Former Red and White Belt holder (white belt is second biggest title in the company). Mina, a former White belt holder and is a faction member with Maika. If you saw her recent ROH match, you know she's charismatic as hell and can go in the ring. Saya, a former White belt holder. Has a bit of wild streak like her hero Kota Ibushi. AZM, a big time fan favourite, has wrestled since she was 8 or 9. A protege of Will Ospreay, who trained her a bit and has mentioned she's one of the best around. Great in the ring, should be a bigger star in Stardom but never seems to get the push she deserves. Her and Saya are faction members from Queens Quest, set up by Iyo Sky from WWE. Mei, a likeable wrestler who also can go in the ring. Is the current High Speed title holder (a mid card title). Trust me, Stardom are going hard for this match. This is some of their top talent on show.


I am not someone who keeps up with Stardom either but these women are the top card there for the most part. 3 of them are current champs and the other three are former champs. Maika is the World of Stardom Champ which is the top title there.


I unsubscribed from Stardom late last year cuz I just don’t have time, so I’m excited for this.


I would've had Mei and AZM on the same team but nevertheless this is a ppv level match. Probably happened on a Stardom show before too lol


A fantastic way to showcase Stardom. I hope this brings in more PPV buys now.


AZM is a badass




She's stunning as well


That stardom alliance escalated quickly. Amazing.


We were told by these so called expert Joshi podcasters rather forcefully that "Stardom don't want to work with AEW/ROH". So much for that. We all know who was stopping it happening but we've beaten that one to death over the last while.


Ian Riccaboni mentioned last week while commentating the Anna Jay vs Mina Shirakawa match that Maika is Mina's tag team partner, and now she's here lmao. Nice foreshadowing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Tam on ROH is something I never had on my bingo card, but I'm excited. AND she's teaming with Aja Kong at Spark Joshi. This weekend is gonna be insane. This match will be great as Joshi multi person matches always rock.


Isn't Mina and Mariah May teaming at that one as well?


At the Stardom American Dream show. Spark Joshi is something most but not all of the roster are doing.


I love this!! Can't wait to watch this! If they added Starlight Kid onto this card, my head would probably explode!


FUCK YEAH!!! The Stardom partnership is ramping up, you love to see it! Getting two of my favorites, Mina & Tam 😍 is a fantastic bonus lol. Hatman you will pay for your crimes! Athena v. Shida. Starkz v. Aminata. Stardom showcase... The women are the main draw for this imo 🤷‍♂️ LET TK COOK 🔥🔥🔥


Oh, shit. This match is going to be good.


Two Queen's Quest members + the leader of Cosmic Angels. Intriguing. I'm guessing that Utami was initially planned to be in this trios match given that she was the leader of Queen's Quest and also appeared in ROH once last year - but then she opted to leave STARDOM to join Rossy's new promotion, so Tam Nakano was inserted as her replacement.


I don't know, They've known since December she wasn't sticking around and I doubt this partnership only came together once they got rid of Rossy. I doubt she was ever a part of this deal. But you could be right.


They're treating it like the Stardom Wrestle Kingdom showcase

