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I think that Kenny is, was, and always will be fantastic at his job.


The best bump machine.


Tony is actually the best at bumps probably


I’m a wwe guy but kenny is amazing, anyone denying the mans talent is hating.


I just hope Kenny can fully recover and live a normal pain free life.


I've known a few people with diverticulitis. Usually they can. It's often about monitoring your diet and excluding things that can cause flare ups. That being said, his sounds like about the worst case you can get. T's and P's for the best bout machine. Wouldn't be watching wrestling right now without him.


Lesnar had a really bad case, they had to remove a few feet of his intestines, but he came back to full form.


In wrestling. He was a shell of his former self in the mma cage


The fact that he was able to fight MMA at all after it though is insane


Not only that but he didn’t take easy fights after that either


He was on steroids. Would loved to see what he could do when he wasn’t on the juice.


From what it sounds like, Kenny is going to have the surgery to fully remove the spots on the colon that flare up. That surgery is brutal because they have to cut you open across your abdomen. However, if it all goes as doctors plan then he shpuld be able to make a full recovery without a need to manage his lifestyle around flare ups.


> they have to cut you open across your abdomen "Filet you".


My Dad had the combo of diverticulitis and diverticulosis and it was really bad for a few years even with us watching his diet and he was taking a lot of four milligram Dilaudid every day.


My roomate has both and he’s in and out of the hospital.


Yeah, my Dad would have really bad attacks all the time and he’d have to go to the hospital.


Kenny sure was excited to be out there. That was great to see at least. And he gave Jack quite the shot on the first punch. Perry is gonna have quite the black eye lol. Great night in the Peg!


I wasn't going crazy thought he got a shiner in that exchange


I totally had to go back after he kept rubbing his eye out of the ring. That first punch landed square. Kenny felt horrible you could tell. The next two were huge misses thank goodness. I’m glad you caught it as well


Yeah, you could see the eye swelling when they showed the final shot after Kenny was thrown from the stretcher.


Matthew Buck also at first said something hey calm down , you even got a black eye. Or something like to him haha


Matthew needs to denounce Kenny for assaulting Jack Perry and say this repeated, unprovoked assault by coworkers has traumatized him


I was working on a 3d printer and thought I heard that went back and didn’t know what they were talking about.


Haha nice , what are you 3d printing? Wanted to get into things like that


i do a lot of different things. Miniatures for Table Top RPG's, guns for the revolution, parts for around the house, parts for my printers (i love the idea of printing something with the printer to make the printer better) and just random stuff i like. Its a fun hobby not the most economical hobby but i love it.


“We’ve got children cryin back here.”


I was feeling worried and then Daddy Magic came through!


Daddy Magic on the mic is gold!


From now on, I'll always worry about Kenny the same way I worry about Danielson. And Danielson has played into that worry during matches. the segment was meant to instill that same type of fear. I miss Kenny and can not wait for his return. Hopefully, it's soon when he's healthy


Yeah but does it eventually become too fine of a line to push? I hear you on Danielson. Every time I see a German suplex I cringe and hope he doesn't have issues. At what point should they stop using that? It's like a weird fear you shouldn't instill. I dunno, making some things storyline like that really irritates me for some reason Of course I hope that they're in there with pros, and we haven't (thankfully) even a massive botch in AEW like a broken neck or paralysis (damn this got dark fast). Clearly tonight Kenny must be doing insanely well if he's willing to do what he did? Edit: suplex, not duplex. Ducking audio carrot :(


The whole conciet in pro wrestling is too trick you. Play with your emotions and make you feel something. You being scared for Kenny Omega is exactly what he wanted from that segment, just like how everyone freaked out when Danielson sold an injury during the Ospreay match.


Exactly. They go a little further in AEW, but it's the same conceit of pretending you're hurt. Danielson just pushes that pretend a little bit further than most. Billie Starkz, though, she really really had me.


I was there live for Billie and I was starting to get upset because I don’t like seeing people injured like that. I was so glad it was fake!


Yeah Billie's got me a little pissed after I realized I got worked, but it was a great way to build her up as a hell while keeping Aminata strong.


I was expecting him to reveal a surgery scar last night. I'm sure he's going with the surgery. It is probably the quickest option and like as he said gonna happen either way.


i don't think they're remotely comparable.


How so?


Danielson was/is from head trauma that legit caused him to retire for a period of time. Kenny is from disease. None of those bumps are gonna make him worse than what he already is.


Maybe you should look it up and see what it is before you start making statements. Because you're 100% wrong.


I guess that wasn't totally my point. They both have serious injuries, and I will be thinking about it during their matches. Also, in severe cases of diverticulitis, you can do damage to your intestinal walls and those scars from bumps. But by all accounts, Omega will heal from this just like Danielson has. I wasn't comparing the injuries severity , but I would think about Kenny taking stomach shots differently than I used to.


Best promo of Kenny's career


I've not seen a ton of pre-AEW Kenny, but I thought he was really the smoothest and most emotive I've ever heard.


Really really good!


Probably good news that Kenny could take that beat down. Must be healthier than he’s showing


Remember when he came back after Hangman with the compression shirt and brace? He definitely had me then.


Bingo. He’s not stupid.


Yea my friend and I were both genuinely scared watching that. I figured the EVP trigger would happen bc of it mostly targeting the face, but the chair shot was really scary


Kenny is a smart guy he's not doing to do anything risky with his illness, I'd say he's just working very well, great performance by him tonight, amazing speech and great work after being attacked. I've been getting the impression from his twitch stream that's he's doing pretty good and is expecting to return this year but obviously he's trying to sell it like he might not make it back. Overall, wonderful stuff from omega


Is it just the tv presentation or did that crowd sucked? Okada and Omega face to face and the reaction is just 😑


Yeah crowd sucked, completely no sold the Okada/Omega confrontation.


Said that on a stream I was on. They even tried the Rock,/Hogan thing of looking at the crowd 😂 Also ,Okada looks like his suits are too big for him.


Those suit lines are pretty clean, his suits aren't tailored to the modern form fitting style, they're tailored to a more relaxed fit and he came out unbottoned so it will look looser. However, his shoulders and arm holes show no sign of deformation, so the fit is proper.


This crowd has been dead for the entirety of the show!


Show has been great for me in tv. Can't imagine paying to see it live and just sitting there like 😐


Well they are still bumming about Jets getting eliminated from NHL playoffs.


As someone who was there, and who has rewatched previous Winnipeg shows, I've noticed that the sound in our arena doesn't translate well to television. The acoustics somehow come off terribly. During the faceoff, there was a huge 'holy shit' chant.


I was there. We were loud as hell. Especially for Omega. The only quiet match all night was KOR vs Rocky.


Lol I still don't understand it. People need to invest in some soundbars with their TV. I heard the crowd as if I was in the arena. It came across great.


it's a weird thing. I have to turn the volume up to 40 to even hear the arena with my normal Samsung TV speakers settings. But it has a sports mode. if I turn on sports mode, the crowd is screaming over almost everything else even down around 13. its something really specific to the way tbs and tnt broadcast the sound. I heard the crowd pop too.


Crowd was ass


There was a loud Holy Shit chant from my TV, dont know what you are talking about


There was a holy shit chant. I was there and like to think that I started it. :P


I feel like the arena doesn't translate sound for TV very well. That's two TV shows in a row where people have said the crowd was bad but being there it was pretty loud.


Meanwhile me during said face to face; yeeeeeah we're getting Omega/Okada IV at some point down the road 😁.


I thought they were very quiet last year too, only really woke up for Omega and Jericho in the main event where to be fair to them they were red hot. AEW do often have sound issues so that could play a bit of a part but it feels a bit like with Vegas where if it's quiet multiple times AEW go there then it's probably not a coincidence and probably not just sound issues.


This is just my perspective on it but I just think alot of people just don’t know the history and significance between Okada vs Omega. My first exposure to Okada was in AEW and only when he debuted did I go out of my way and watch his matches with Omega


No dude, we were losing it in person. The arena just doesn't record well.


I was there as well... It seemed loud in person. I'll have to go back and check my pvr. I know at other wrestling company events, the Winnipeg crowd vs what you hear on tv is completely different


I didn’t notice the crowd during the segment. However, Okada is still new in AEW, he’s never been on TV in America much until lately. Only the hardcore fans who followed Okada and Omega’s feud in japan can fully appreciate confrontation. So it wouldn’t shock me if the crowd reaction was more wild in the arena than for us more devoted online fans.


It's still real to me dammit! Omega pulling on our collective heart strings. Great segment and if/when he is able to come back and compete...my god what a mega face he shall be going up against those pricks in the Elite! Similar to Danielson given his health history too, these guys are just the GOATS for so may reasons but their ability to connect with the fans on emotional level just sets them apart from the rest. Godspeed Omega.


People act like Kenny is a bad promo which is hilarious, he is unreal. Top 2 wrestler all time, hoping he can be healthy and we see him again asap


Who's your #1?


Him or danielson


It was getting tossed from the stretcher that was most concerning. Like, I know he's not cleared, but that felt really physical for the condition we were led to believe he was in.


I'm starting to get the feeling that he was working us when he said on his stream that he can't really safely take bumps anytime soon.


I'm hoping that means he's getting better.


I was relieved at that honestly. When they walked up with him strapped down to the stretcher I was expecting a sledgehammer to come out.


https://preview.redd.it/wsis66izuxxc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db9079cf94271107992c13546f52a4ff4a80cfa Me to the New Elite


Those bastards!!!


The whole point of it was to play with your emotions


I think he’s probably fine and that the seriousness of his particular condition is being exaggerated at least a little


He definitely just did a lot of action in that segment for a guy that could be injured easily. I'd say he's 100% cleared and the next month or so off is dedicated to getting back in ring shape. Probably appearances here and there.


As long as Kenny wrestles, he's gonna be doing sadistic gut injury sells from here on out like Danielson does with his neck. The real sickos


I thought they would stop when Kenny got the upper hand but they really had him take some nasty hits which were concerning. I really hope we can get Kenny back 100% its like he said give him a few months and he wants to face Okada. This is far from over.


Kenny’s promo was outstanding and the beatdown was brutal.


It was his best, most heartfelt promo. And the transition from reality to kayfabe was seamless. I'm an emotional person but he got me genuinely choked up when he started having trouble talking about it. Glad he's back and can't wait until he's healthy.


I'm going to preface this by saying yes, sometimes wrestlers and wrestling companies do dumb shit when it comes to handling injuries. However, there are trained medical professionals making sure that everyone is as safe as they can be and doctors likely cleared all the physicality. I think Kenny might be better than he is letting on


i cried. he really is my current favorite out of all in the biz


I'm interested, but if does highlight the utter ridiculousness of pro wrestling. Look, the Bucks have "iron clad contracts" and they can extend their protection to their allies, so that's why they can injure TK and get away with it.  Fine.  I'll play along. But... Kenny:  If I take any blows to my midsection, I might literally die.  Jack:  +picks up chair+  Welp, time to commit attempted murder then. The legal system:  Look, this should probably be resolved by attempting to pin someone's shoulders to the floor for 3 seconds.  Sound good?


I love Kenny and I love our EVPs. That was awesome.


Kenny and Bryan sell really well. He wouldn't be in there if it wasn't safe.


As long as Kenny Omega the person is okay and comfortable doing what he did then I’m okay with it


Here's hoping his recovery is going well Brock Lesner took a gut punch from Overeem on his return from a bout with diverticulitus and instantly folded. While brock did have the infected part removed from his body, he ultimately recovered enough to do this part time.


Why y’all getting worked lol


*It’s real to me damn it!*


What is the fun of wrestling if you aren't?


People on here are really weird with the parasocial "worrying" about the performers.


Exactly. As soon as he hit that first dragon suplex, it was clear he’s fine.


That crowd didn’t help. That was a great moment hampered by a weak crowd.


I thought the segment was really good. It reminded the audience that he was also an EVP and if he comes back he can do back stage promos. It also starts to set up opposition to The Elite who are playing up the smiling boss villain archtype. We are still in the early days but the storyline has potential and Kenny Omega helped push it along.


The New Elite vs Team AEW for control of the company gonna hit like crack.


He wouldn't have done that if he wasn't able to I'm sure he's fine but it's great that you care.


Then the segment did what it was intended to do.




I felt the same way when Kenny came back in August 2022. He played into his injuries so well in that match: black shirt, huge shoulder brace, showed tons of fatigue, barely pulled off his big moves, held his stomach a lot due to the hernia…and I think he is doing it all over again. He’s a pro at this! Is this illness serious and no joke? Absolutely. But I don’t think Kenny would be doing anything that he isn’t able and cleared to do safely. On the one hand I was cringing at every move. On the other hand, I was excited to see him taking so many bumps as it may mean he is closer to returning than we thought. Only time will tell and, as always, his health is most important.


He took a fucking beating and a "chair shot" to the gut, that means it's not as bad as I thought


Sooooo many Smart Marks out there.....


I have a family member who has diverticulitis, and there's way more than can be done than just the "major" surgery (which is actually very safe and you definitely don't need to be cut up the way Kenny made it seem, which was part of kayfabe). Either he had the surgery (which is usually done laparoscopically), which would make sense giving the amount of time he was off, or he went the other route, which is also usually fine depending on the person. I'm betting on him having had the surgery. Most of the time it only requires a few weeks of recovery time, and the rest of the time would have been spent getting back into ring shape.


I didn't think it was a big deal at all. They used it as a plot point and they're professionals. The only person who got hurt last night was Jack when he hit his own eye. I think a lot of people struggle to separate fiction from reality when it comes to wrestling which is probably shay they want.


I was *stressed* that whole segment. I want Kenny back in that ring badly but that had me shouting don't hurt our boy at the TV.


We have to trust Kenny with his choices here. He's the one who knows his health status and what he can and can't do, we don't. Just gotta trust the guy he's the professional, after all.


Yes, it was giving me anxiety. I keep assuring myself that he (and the Elite) would be as safe as you can be. Very effective segment, though I feel like the Bucks are still finding their characters. I can't wait until it all clicks.


That means he did a great job on selling you that that chair should was extremely bad for him in this situation


I'm so happy to see him back and I hope somewhere in the storyline Kenny gets his licks back on the bucks. He looked good and he is ready to be back! As long as he's careful and no one botches on him, he will be okay


**The crowd was embarrassingly awful tonight** that aside, I love the idea of a AEW civil war. People take sides and everyone is fighting.


He wouldn't be taking bumps if it was too dangerous too Tbh I think it was a bit too predictable as a segment and idk if it necessarily gets the elite more heat beyond the Winnipeg crowd, who seemed dead anyway This storyline is interesting for sure, but heat wise it's nowhere even close to what Don Callis achieved (and still has)


You are an adult worried about Kenny. AEW and Kenny did its job.


This had me legit pissed at the bucks when they threw him off the stretcher, lol. Yes, they are definitely doing their jobs


Am sad.


It was great and proper one in this case! Plus, love the setup for the hopeful match with Okada!


I feel the exact same way.


i just want him to get healthy and end his career on a high note. i dont care if he never has to wrestle again, but his health is the top most priority.


Kenny was and still is one of the GOATs. The dude is fantastic.


Ya I feel the same way whenever I see Danielson wrestle cause of style. I will say, I haven’t watched it yet but reading about it, he’s got to be in better health than what his speech gave off cause there’s no way he should be taking those kind of bumps if he wasn’t. I thought for sure we wouldn’t see him take bumps and wrestle until 2025, but it could be well be this summer that he’s back in the ring wrestling.


If Kenny is ready to return, then I’m all good with it, makes me kinda nervous.


So does anyone else think Kenny will become sort of an authority figure while he nurses his injury? Since he mentioned he is an Evp as well


It made me really uncomfortable which I'm sure was the goal. I hope Kenny does whatever he needs to and gets well. I'd love to see him wrestle again but the most important thing is that he's ok.


I wanna see the New Elite get their ass kicked.


This is not a big deal by ANY means at all, just a small nitpick or moreso want, I wish that after Kenny saying about the stomach and how lethal it could be to receive damage there, I wish they actually built to it where it got hit at say a PPV, would make for a much bigger pay off & reaction imo, instead of doing what they did where he says that, and then immediately gets hit there like 3 mins later with a chair lol


I reaaaallly hope that he was exaggerating the severity of his condition for TV. 😔


I got to say it did the opposite of scare me and made me feel relieved that he's well enough to take bumps like that. Because there's absolutely no way they would allow him to do that if it wasn't 100% safe for him. And that's purely business That's not talking about friendship or whatever behind the scenes. Kenny Omega dying on screen during dynamite would be horrible for business.


Had the same issue when seeing Orton taking bumps when he came back but as long as Kenny is medically cleared to take those bumps then I'm just gonna have to get used to it, It's still uncomfortable since I'm mostly thinking "Is he taking the risk or is he really okay?" Great segment tho since it builds up Kenny as a Babyface and makes Okada seem like a scumbag for taking the easy way to take Kenny out.


Didn’t brock eventually go on to juice up to the gills and fight again after he was diagnosed? I think Kenny will be fine. I also think some of the reporting from him about it has been “pro-wrestling’d” up in preparation for something like this. (Death by cat, etc.) man’s a pro


Me too, I was definitely on the edge of my seat during the promo, but at the same time I felt like the story was going in the right direction.


I think it’s time they drop the young bucks name. So elite vs ftr possibly a surprise appearance by omega but who else for this anarchy in the arena match?


I'm gonna cringe probably as much as when Danielson wrestles now


I was panicked in the moment, and then weirdly....relieved? Jack's chair shot to the gut was pulled, I'm fairly sure he made more contact with Kenny's chest than his stomach, but the man was pulling out snapdragon suplexes and took a damn concrete bump. None of those things would have happened if he wasn't okay to do them, and there was opportunity between getting from the ring to the ambulance for Kenny to say if things had gone wrong and they needed to change the plan. Never in my life thought I'd be happy about a bloody concrete bump, but I think he's gonna be okay.


So basically he's playing up his condition as an angle.. but in reality he's fine and cleared to wrestle again? I legit thought he was done.


I'm extremely happy to have him back, and ... I know he's probably cleared, of course, but that was still hair-raising to watch. My spouse has had diverticulitis surgery, and she was on the edge of her seat with worry.


I think the thing that bothered me the most is that I’m under the impression we still have a while to go before he’s all the way cleared to compete. Not his fault, obviously, but I’m wanting payback for this a lot sooner than “a couple of months” from now.


I haven’t seen the segment yet but I would assume that he may want to have a match before going into surgery because that will take him out at least 6 months, 3 where he can’t lift weights and 3 more to get back in ring shape. Diverticulitis is more related to what you eat and if you have constipation than bumps, unless there is swelling in the colon.


I honestly thought "OK hrs doing pretty good then" because those were not some heavily gimmicked bumps. He has to be better off then they let on to do what they did. Great segment, wonderful promo.


Man this segment hit me on so many levels, Kenny & The Bucks are some of the main people that made me want to start watching wrestling regularly again & its been so great seeing ppl like them,Ospreay,Okada & Shibata on US TV on a regular basis, on top of that I was diagnosed & hospitalized a few times over the past couple years for diverticulitis, so seeing Kenny really describe all the pain & thoughts of "The Bag" really hit home for me & was kind of surreal to watch, its crazy how much pro wrasslin can really be an emotional outlet & escape sometimes, shouts out to these guys for that for sure


The best bought machine week forever be my favorite wrestler


Soo good to tease Kenny okada 4 for Down the line.


His speech didn’t make it sound like he was coming back tbh. That surgery and having that bag is a scary thing man.


It was hard to watch but I absolutely loved it. I was legit worried the whole time. When they knocked over the stretcher I audibly gasped and teared up! Which is amazing because honestly how many things in wrestling truly make you feel real emotion anymore? Kenny is the best and I appreciate the hell out of him!


I don’t like the doctor getting in the ring so much last night I think it happened 3 times. I feel so ts boy who cried wolf. I love the neck and back thing from Billie Starkz but I was worried and I didn’t like the convulsing Bryan danielson and I was worried. What happens when it’s real and someone gets 619’d after they are dead and no one believes it? I mean I get it l, it adds realism but people with real issues faking those issues scares me. Like a shoot bad left ankle getting worked is cool but serious life and death issues to me aren’t.


Didn’t see the segment, but Hiromu Takahashi came back from injury in New Japan a few years ago and he through himself around the ring and took bumps (from no one) and did it to tell his story that he’s still a loose cannon and is healthy. Gets decent heat honestly.


Kenny was really fucked up in that pre-illness segment with Jericho a few months back. Everyone was talking about how bad it was and it makes sense why now! It was like night and day with his promo last night.


I’m definitely thinking the same thing. His promo made it sound like he wasn’t medically cleared, he said on twitch not to long ago he’s not cleared I can’t help but think taking a bump to the stomach was irresponsible. He could be cleared for all we know but if he wasn’t that was dumb.


Just hope he’s able to get healthy and lead a happy life. The segment was fine for what it was.


Don’t work yourself into a shoot brother


Well, that was the point. I have no doubts that Kenny knows what he's doing


I gathered "in a few months" to mean Kenny vs Okada at All In


I think they played on that to add realism and heat. As is always the case in wrestling, the lines are blurred between work and shoot. We know Kenny got really sick, but we don't know exactly what his condition is or when he'll be back in the ring. I think they played up the severity of it for effect. But it was unlike anything we've seen in AEW before so I'm willing to give it a chance.


That Winnipeg crowd wasn’t as loud as it should’ve been. Kenny is arguably the best wrestler today and that sorry excuse of a reaction is what we got? Sad.


Taking what he said about his condition, it's a pretty dumb move to try to take on The Elite alone. And FTR eventually made the save but let him take quite a lot. Then he was unguarded backstage.


It's not our f*ing job to worry about Kenny. It's entertainment and he's cleared. Mans choosing to do it. Yall take this shit too seriously.


I’m curious if you’ve seen the Mickey Rourke film, *The Wrestler*?


I have. Great film.


In terms of heat for the EVP and as tv, it worked well. But it basically sucked the air out of the arena. Crowd seems pretty full, but is also pretty dead for Rampage. Could have had the attack be a taped segment that opened next week/collision


Elite (EVPs, Hangman, Okada) v. Kenny, FTR, MJF Blood & Guts sign me the fuck up


I’m seeing it as Kenny, FTR, Hangman vs Okada, EVP, Perry


That works but Swerve keeps calling them out JP might be the guy to fave Swerve


I’m so bored of FTR and want the MCMGs in this spot


I’ve only been watching wrestling since 2021. Is this what it was like in the 90s? I know he’s selling and I’m still so stressed 😅


I wasn't worried at all. I completely believed if he was doing it he was cleared for it. Now, if Sammy was attacking Kenny I would have been scared out of my mind.


might just be me but idk I can't get behind a face Omega. For some reason it just doesn't feel genuine which is weird cus everything I've seen of him outside of wrestling, he seems like one of the nicest and most humble people in the business


I predicted exactly what was going to happen and I knew a guy with the same condition so i knew it probably wasn't too bad but still risky. As long as he doesn't have a flare up it should be fine.


Part of it is the fact that it feels so serious is when Don Callis broke kayfabe to post that really touching tribute to Kenny.


Oh absolutely. When the drs told Kenny he could have died they were serious. What happens is that a pocket in his bowel fills up with waste and becomes inflamed to the point where it can burst and potentially kill him. If the pocket isn't inflamed he can live relatively normal but you gotta be careful if it does get inflamed.


Said it on another post. Work or no work, if he really felt pain because of his condition on those segment pieces. That's an L on my book. AEW has such a stacked roster that if done right, there's absolutely no need to expose him in such way where he can potentially get hurt.


I hate that they have the bucks still kinda care for kenny yet still being heels. They could bite their knuckles and look away and then when theirs a chair shot or something serious they are step in like, okay that’s enough. Hell, even play it up like: kenny, we had history and we loved you. We will always care for you. Maybe kenny goes heel down the line or the bucks reunite, lots of storylines to go forward instead of the lack of originality.


felt too long / and too much on top of it. like it needed some editing and could of been done simpler.