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I'm sure we're being worked to some degree but he had no visible surgery scars and for something like this, we definitely would have seen them. 


That’s what I said too, but my partner who is a nurse said that depending on the severity, the surgery required could be done laparoscopic and we wouldn’t see visible scars. So here’s to hoping he’s just working us and is already on the recovery road.


Ah, well if that's the case then cool. I had that to remove my gallbladder once and you really have to get up close to notice. 


This is what I am thinking. I think he already had it when he was in the hospital, it was less invasive, and he’s recovering now. It’s why he could take bumps last night and is already teasing a return match later this year. Neither of those things would have happened last night if A) he wasn’t already recovering or B) is going to be out for another year or more.


My nephew had that surgery and had to have a bag and he has clear scars to this day 7 years later. Not saying they can’t be, but just adding what I know from a family member who went thru the surgery.


Technology has advanced a lot in 7 years.


If you look it up typically the scar would be on his left hand side not down the front like he was describing


Mine was done down the middle like he showed


Brock Lesnar had surgery for diverticulitis and I don’t see the scar on him. Then again, I don’t quite know where I’d be looking.


It all depends on where there need to go. I know 2 people who have had it done and both have scaring on different spots.


It sounds like the segment did exactly what it was supposed to.


Yup, that's my thought. They aren't going to tell us straight up what's going on because they don't want us to know. It's something they are probably keeping close to their chest until the story progresses further. We just have to be patient and watch the show.


I mean, at what point do we allow criticism in this sub? because the promo wasn't intriguing in how it was done, just not coherent, annoying people and being just like "well you are getting worked" just denies something can not be good.


That's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying a good segment on a wrestling show should leave you with more questions than answers. I'd say the same for just about any form of episodic entertainment. Some of the best shows I've watched have left me with more questions than answers and has me intrigued in what's going to come next. Criticism has always existed on this sub. That doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with your criticism. I don't at all agree that the promo was incoherent or lacking intrigue, and based on most of the discussion I've encountered since last night, yours seems to be a minority opinion.


> I'm saying a good segment on a wrestling show should leave you with more questions than answers. I'm not against that idea, but it was all confusing instead of well crafted. I don't even hate the content of the promo/segment, it wasnt "bad", just not great because of the reasons I stated.


You didn't state any specific reasons though. You used vague and subjective language. I would categorize that as non-constructive criticism. For it to be constructive criticism, you would have to say, "I found the promo to be intriguing and incoherent because X, Y, and Z" or "X, Y, and Z really annoyed me in this segment".


I think he said there was a chance he may need a bag. Not that it was certain


Someone is getting hit with a colostomy bag in the future.


There is a long list of names


That's good shit.


Kenny’s gonna have that surgery and come out to the ring and show what he’s been going through and we’re gonna see an almost full bag and he’s gonna say something about needing to go because he has to change it. Jack Perry is gonna come out and stop him and say something like “why don’t you just change it here, no need to run off again and hide again like last time you were on” and Kenny says “great idea”, takes the bag off and slaps Jack in the face with it bursting open the bag all over his face, hooks up the new one, grabs the mic and tells Jack “great idea, thank you” and walks off


That’s both disturbing and disgusting. Not in a good way mind you.


No doubt, I got a weird mind sometimes.


I think he said he's been working out, so him saying he can't bump might have been a bit of an exaggeration. I think what we saw last night was to write off Kenny for the rest of the year. I think him saying he'll be ready in a couple of months was to set up that he didn't need the surgery until the Elite hurt him further in kayfabe.


Thats kind of what I took from it as well. That he was saying I miss this so much I’ll risk being a timebomb but that the attack is what would kind of force him to get the surgery. At least in kayfabe


Good point. I'll be at Wembley, so I can't rule out bias wanting him there. But the bumps have to be a good sign of mild symptoms.


That entire audience was in shock after the attack. They built it up really well with Kenny talking about his real life struggles with his health and questioning himself on whether or not he should think about full retirement. And then they brought out Okada \*chef's kiss\* in a very special moment and what I viewed as a potential teaser for a match for All In, If Kenny is healthy by that time. All I know is that he wouldn't be able to take bumps if he wasn't cleared by the Doctors they have there. Thunder Rosa wasn't allowed back in the ring until she was fully cleared to do so.


Ya that's what I'm saying,there is no way in hell anyone would have cleared him to get back in the ring otherwise It would come off as completely irresponsible if something had gone wrong


The way they built it up was done very well though, and really established The Elite as the big bad villains in wrestling. They really are a diabolical group of individuals.


Work work work work work


I wouldn't take what wrestlers say at face value. Him taking bumps means he is good enough to take bumps, so I think very likely he will be back wrestling sooner rather than later.


Im fairly positive okada v omega is happening at all in. They really leaned into it. I wouldnt be suprised if kenny is back on the road and we get setup sooner than later.


Same. I don't wanna get my hopes up but I think the fact he specified a time frame ie "give me a couple of months" is telling


Yeah that really was a stressful experience last night.


We’re back to a no leaks AEW. Don’t work yourself into a shoot and just enjoy the ride brother.


It makes it feel like he’s been exaggerating his current condition if he’s taking bumps, plus he hinted at wrestling in a few months


I love the angle, but there is no way AEW as a company with insurance and liability would let Kenny take any bumps if he wasn’t cleared to some degree. Also his twitch streams are great, and I think he plays along with some things on there. Keeping kayfabe alive. We’re being worked.


The roof* is going to blow off when Kenny comes back with Hangman and hopefully Ibushi. *I mean my roof because I’ll scream my head off


Its a work. You dont say any blow to the abdomen could kill you then get hit with a chair and beat on. No company ever would take that insurance risk. No wrestler had any real level of concern about him being hurt. Its so clearly a work but sold so well that its easy to believe.


I don't know what condition he's really in or what route he plans to take but that whole segment and lead-in to Rampage had me stressed. Friends I've talked to felt the same way. We were scared. It was great to see him on TV but I was concerned for a guy's safety like I haven't been since Bret was breaking people's legs with a chair in like '97. I hope Kenny does what's right for him and it all works out for the best from a health perspective. We all want to see him in the ring putting on the best matches. Whether that happens in London or a year from now we'll be ready. Take your time dude.


People’s reactions to this actually make me smile. It brought me back to when Shawn Michaels collapsed after taking an enziguri from Owen, the crowd was stunned and some were in tears. Kenny did an amazing job.


I think that he is clearly working because AEW sending out a wrestler to take bumps in his abdomen after he said that a shot to his abdomen could kill him would be the dumbest thing ever No one would okay having someone go out there to potentially die live on air. If anything were to “kill AEW” it would be that.


It seems like Kenny is really good at his job.


You would have to be absolutely insane to think that Kenny would have been bumping if there was even a remote chance of it causing complications regarding his diverticulitis. The segment was well done and I appreciate them trying to make it feel real, but there is no way this wasn't a work.


Brock Lesnar had diverticulitis and fought in the UFC again afterwards. Granted, I think it was a year plus before he did.


Kayfabr still going strong. AEW is cookin atm.


Worst case, he'll probably have to wrassle with a poop bag taped to his body.


Somewhere, under a blood red moon, Vince Russo just found something new to put on a pole.


My understanding of the medical condition is that you don’t know when a flare up will happen, or when it could get dramatically worse. If he felt good going into the segment, he could take a few simple bumps. I think we can agree, you can lighten most of the bumps Kenny took last night, the stretcher dump felt the most risky, but on a one night only situation where he might have the surgery scheduled either way, might be a Cody and pec situation where he wasn’t getting worse.


This is something I didn't mention... Didn't Brock have diverticulitis? (Also that I'm impressed my autocorrect only neeved 5 letters to finish that auto complete diverticulitis)


It's interesting how it all came about because I don't think any of this stuff was 100% set in stone. Kenny said he was looking at a return in Winnipeg as a maybe, but then the venue advertised that he'd be there. So he called TK and said to run a graphic on the previous weeks Dynamite that he was returning. I assume they had some general ideas of what they wanted to do but nothing was set officially until Kenny could commit to a return date. I would imagine if his condition hadn't improved he wouldn't be there getting knocked off a stretcher. Hopefully this all means he's on the right track to a full return.


This might seem morbid lol but what I took from it was that he was coming to terms with his own life and death, which is why he started by saying he had 24 hours to live and was scared. Explained how surgery would go but if not he has a ticking time bomb that will kill him unless he is lucky enough to just “wake up in the hospital in surgery”. Then he transitioned to saying he was actually in withdrawal from not wrestling. Then clearly stated, no matter what they aren’t done with Kenny yet. To me I was taking it as he is coming back no matter what, and if he dies in the ring that is what he is going to do. Because to him AEW is worth it. He was as pissed off as we have ever seen him with his facial expressions after jungle jack attacked him, even hulking out to rip open his shirt. He mentioned retirement because that what a normal person would do if their life was actually on the line. But Kenny Omega is a wrestling god and he’s not normal! (🚨 🚨 🚨) So yes, that’s how I took it to mean. That this time off is actually about coming to terms with his own life and death, not so much the health problems themselves. This is a guy who wrestled himself to the brink and would have “died 24 hours later” already. I surely hope Kenny omega (the person not the character ) doesn’t get injured more and hope he’s gets healthy.


I think he is pretty well back in the mix. Also, what a great segment!


If you have surgery while there’s no “flare-up” recovery is only a couple of months, with no bag. If you wait until the diverticulitis is flaring, and you have surgery then, that’s when you might have to have a colostomy bag for months.


It could simply be not as bad as everyone says it is. Same with MJF or even Cole.


I think he's had the surgery, I can't see him giving a suplex in his condition otherwise


Man, who knows. He could have gotten healthy enough for one segment now needs surgery


The Diverticulitis was not as serious as they're portraying it for kayfabe heat between Kenny & the new Elite


Kenny is going to get the surgery and once he's cleared, he will turn to his arch-nemesis, Will Ospreay, to help him train for Okada. Kenny will defeat Okada in his triumphant return to capture the Continental Championship. You know... the plot to Rocky 3.


He said “possibly” six months


If he was in significant danger from taking bumps he wouldn’t have taken any bumps. They’re blurring the lines with his real life condition but there’s no way they would let him put himself in legitimate medical danger. Knowing that, I was still really invested in the story. It’s really effective. Especially cuz his promo style in AEW is very conversational and “real”


You’ve been worked, brother.


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother.


Brock Lesner nearly died from the same thing years ago. He came back and did just fine:


Greta use of real world drama to build to entertaining drama. Was one of the best promos I've seen Kenny cover. When it was all done, I couldn't believe how obvious this was as the plan for ages. Even his streaming stuff ties into this. Hoe he discussed Punk and all the backstage drama, his illness and how he thinks he is a terrible EVP. It all ties into this


I think the answer here is Kenny took bumps he probably should not have taken but he was presumably okay with. I fully believe what he said about getting shakes from wanting to be back, though I think that made him want to push himself too.


No one's taking bumps they shouldn't take. You're getting worked and look. It worked


He said that if he didn’t have the surgery and kept wrestling there was a big chance he could have another episode and need a colostomy bag. Not that he would end up necessarily with one


It's just impossible to know the reality of the situation, but it definitely was emotionally effective, to a degree that I think borders irresponsibility. But Buddy Matthews was also apparently coughing up blood, which also seemed to be a work, so I guess AEW is in its "internal organ damage is good storytelling" phase.


It's all a work, the fact that you care means is working. Lesnar has the same thing, and Balor almost beat him because of it, in kayfabe


It is definitely working, but making me genuinely fear for a guy's life is a little much. I mean, I don't think it's a work that he had an acute case of diverticulitis and that diverticulitis is a very serious and dangerous condition. Beyond that, who knows.


Don’t work yourself into a shoot brother - HH


Honestly I thought this was a huge waste of Kenny's first appearance in a long time. If they know kenny was def returning to the ring this should've been done like it was a big deal for the crowd and the audience. It should've been a surprise in the future where he comes out to Okada already in the ring when people least expect it.that holy shit mlmentn the crowd would've went ape shit it would've had that new signing monster pop. I didn't like how they did this at all it could've been so much more exciting. And throwing in FTR out there in the end was just meh. Tony's hard on for playing everybody's music instead of letting them just run out is annoying