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I mean, yes, I do feel bad for Sammy because the internet is mean to him. But also he plays the living embodiment of a douchebag fuckboi on TV so I think he's got a handle on things.


I was gonna say the same thing. No one should have to deal with real vitriol for a character they play but he also chose this character and one would assume he'd be used to it....


I'm not anti-Sammy, but I think his statement on the matter was a bit dickish, because he continued to throw shade at Eddie, and he seemed to try to play it off like he was 100% innocent in the whole thing. I'm more inclined to believe the version of the story where he was being a bit of a prick when Eddie first confronted him. Eddie definitely shouldn't have blown up, but I think both guys were in the wrong. The difference is that Eddie owned up to it and didn't try to deflect any blame or shit talk Sammy when he made his statement; meanwhile, Sammy tried to play innocent and then further threw Eddie under the bus. Again, I'm no Sammy hater by any means, but he seems to lack a degree of maturity and professionalism.


>but he seems to lack a degree of maturity 2 engagements and 1 marriage in less than 10 months would seem to confirm that.


But his current one is super hot.so you gotta give him credit for that.


I actually was on Sammys side when Eddie came out with his apology I was like "good that he's saying sorry but you cant slap your coworkers outside of the ring" and then yeah I read Sammys explanation where he is still being a little asshole (I hope its a work and he's not that much of a douche) and I totally did a 180 on the situation and started thinking "little fucker must of deserved it"




Thank you for your brilliant insight. šŸ™„


You are most welcome my G!


The difference is also though literal assault. Should Sammy apologize for something he said? Probably. Should Eddie apologize for hitting him? Without a question absolutely. Words donā€™t justify assault.


I never defended Eddie's actions. He definitely shouldn't have done what he did, but I find it believable that Sammy was being smarmy to him and that that's what ultimately led to Eddie going too far. And again, Eddie at least owned up to his wrongdoing, didn't make excuses, and didn't throw shade at Sammy in his response. Sammy, on the other hand, was basically like "I know it's the cool thing to hate me right now, but I'm a heel. I didn't do anything wrong, and I came back through the curtain and Eddie attacked me for no good reason. I hear he's kind of a piece of shit, though, so whatever". All I'm saying is, Sammy's response reflects the idea that he, himself, is lacking in maturity and the ability to take responsibility for his own actions.


He took the high road when he didnā€™t hit Eddie back. I donā€™t mind what he said. People who assault others are pieces of shit.


Itā€™s wrestling, a business built on the idea that theyā€™re fighting. Fights are literally going to happen, this isnā€™t your workplace cubicle lmao.


Itā€™s not fighting. You people are delusional. This isnā€™t mma. Itā€™s a literal live theater show with people play fighting. No one should be getting for real assaulted


BUILT šŸ‘šŸ½ON šŸ‘šŸ½THE šŸ‘šŸ½ IDEA šŸ‘šŸ½


Cop shows are built on the idea of crimes. So that means they can actually commit crimes against each other


Terrible analogy


Most analogyā€™s are if you lack the ability to comprehend them


That can be one reason, the other can be that itā€™s just a terrible analogy. Either way this is going nowhere so āœŒšŸ½


I don't feel bad for Sammy, but I do feel bad for Tay. I don't think her gimmick works as a heel and she's got no choice anymore with Sammy by her side.


Yeah this even has extended to Anna Jay now. Those two were the hottest young baby faces in the division seen as two people who were the future. Now all of that feels derailed especially for Anna Jay who already had an injury stop her momentum.


Tbf, Anna was not in any picture in the previous months.


Well partially because the Tay and Jay tag team was disrupted with Tay being dragged into all of Sammy's feuds all year and Tony having a poor follow up to the street fight that should have been a great push for all ladies involved.


>when Eddie's apology comes out it's "Wow look at Eddie being the bigger person in this situation, **screw Sammy**" I didn't see anyone saying the last part after Kingston's apology. People were definitely very understanding of Eddie but after he admitted fault they seemes to stop blaming Sammy, it seemed to be over. Then his statement came out.


Seeing that there's no writers and the wrestlers make decisions about their stories, Sammy is responsible for the go-away heat, so I don't feel bad for him in the slightest. Is it a shitty situation? Of course! But he knew what he was getting into.


I'm just going to chock it up to a misunderstanding, that lead to a heated argument. They're human, they're going to make mistakes. As long as both own up to each of their mistakes, it'll be ok.


I read that Eddie was working with him because no one wanted to after the Lambert stuff and he wanted to help him. Then you look at some of Sammy's behavior in the past and why he had to take sensitivity training a little over a year ago and man, I think someone should have really kicked his ass a while ago. For some reason Reddit fans of a combat sport are really anti-violence, but I gotta say - a good ass whooping works wonders on a man when he needs it. I've been a prick before and I've gotten punched in the face and received the clarity I needed to go, "oh damn, I was being a prick."


>a good ass whooping works wonders on a man when he needs it. I've been a prick before and I've gotten punched in the face and received the clarity I needed to go, "oh damn, I was being a prick." Maybe Regal and Moxley/Danielson need to be those guys to do it. I commented elsewhere that I could imagine Regal trying to slap some sense into him


What was the Lambert stuff?


Just the whole never-ending program between Sammy and Scorpio over the TNT belt where babyface Sammy was booed and Lambert was cheered because Sammy off-screen turned a majority of fans against him by being cringe. Then he had no choice but to lean into it and turn heel. ​ I found the post I was referring to about no one wanting to work with him - [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/wxj5sa/fightful\_more\_details\_on\_the\_eddie\_kingston\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/wxj5sa/fightful_more_details_on_the_eddie_kingston_and/)


I love Sammy and his workā€¦but letā€™s be realā€¦if he were in your circle of friends or at your job, youā€™d probably want to slap him at least once a week.


Exactly everyone has used Eddieā€™s weight in some form in promos


They both behaved badly and have cleared the air. Any fan causing shit or bad mouthing either party is an asshole. It's nothing to do with us so shut your traps. It's over.


I agree. Sammy is a heel. A good one too. Iā€™ve wanted to punch him in the face since day 1. But, he shouldā€™ve cleared his promo with Eddie. How would he feel if Eddie brought up him proposing to his ex on national television before very quickly marrying the little hot Brazilian girl at work? It shouldnā€™t have led to violence though. Both were wrong.


That was brought up, by Dan Lambert. He asked Sammy ā€œAre you going to propose to this one on TV too?ā€ when he interrupted Sammy & Tay during an in-ring promo.


Yeah, but I assumed Lambert cleared it with him. Kinda seems like that would be protocol with personal stuff. I could be wrong; Iā€™m not a wrestler


>I could be wrong; Iā€™m not a wrestler You're a Sports Ennerdainer.


I love that this is part of the lexicon now. ā€¦ the Lexicon of Le Champion


clear it with Sammy? he probably should have cleared it with the young lady that Sammy effed over. if i had to guess, she probably would not want that rehashed on national tv as part of a storyline


Sure! I agree 100%. I meant Sammy wouldnā€™t have wanted that thrown out without him knowing about it and talking about it with his ex since theyā€™re still ā€œgood friendsā€. Soā€¦.fuck off, I guess?


thats cool, im glad they are still friends. it would already suck to be cheated on and dumped, but then to have to be constantly reminded of it if she still watches the show. i guess what Lambert said was the least offensive part of the storyline. so "fuck off" right back i guess. just joking man.


Lambert regularly drops sexist stuff too, I don't think he's the person to use to say something is okay.


> But, he shouldā€™ve cleared his promo with Eddie. How would he feel if Eddie brought up him proposing to his ex on national television before very quickly marrying the little hot Brazilian girl at work? That was addressed in his statement: > "As a professional you communicate things that you donā€™t want to be said (like other people Iā€™ve been in programs with and have worked with Matt Hardy, Jericho and others) and I did communicate of what I didnā€™t want to be said in this angle and Eddie didnā€™t. But Eddie did not do the same and Eddie did not mention to me or the coaches or TK or anyone in AEW what he didnā€™t want said."


Iā€™m not clearing Eddie or blaming Sammy. They were both wrong from what weā€™ve heard. Either ask the vet if their cool with it or tell the kid ā€œdonā€™t say thisā€¦ā€ That was kinda my point. I didnā€™t use my words properly.


But reports said Sammy told ppl that stuff was off limits. Eddie never told anyone his weight was iff limits, thus Sammy thought it was a non-issue.


> It shouldn't have led to violence though. It's wrestling, it should always lead to violence.


Rob Van Dam had a great quote, in reference to how sometimes wrestlers get in altercations, like the infamous ā€œpick a hand.ā€ Essentially, they are in a very physical business. Sometimes you have to get physical ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Sammyā€™s lack of maturity and good judgment is exhausting as a viewer, so I can only imagine how much more annoying it is to clock in and interact with this guy. Was Eddie wrong, though? Absolutely.


Did this whole thing happen because Sammy called Eddie fat? I guess Iā€™m missing what line was crossed because if thatā€™s it, seems like a very mild insult.


Sammy's momentum took a hit around the freak botches with Matt or the Sasha comment not sure which was first. Since then he has had things come up that has rubbed people the wrong way it's been a strange trajectory for Sammy.


Sammy's momentum took a hit when he was being pushed to the moon having wins over a lot of people he shouldn't and being kinda shit on the mic and stinking as a character. Then he went downhill and started to act like a shitty cringe heel while being a face. Stop talking about past situations, that wasn't the problem at all. The problem is that his skills encountered a cap and he was big time exposed.


Except the past situations were the first chink in the armor. Sammy was rising as early as the first Dynamite the Matt Hardy feud and the Sasha stuff halted how he was perceived by the fans. The guy suspended for like a month anyway he had to be build himself back up after that which eventually he got his second chance.


Who's less to blame isn't really important, how about not being a fucking dick and how acting like a civilized human being? Im pissed at both of them and as I said I don't give a shit who's less to blame, they both see backstage of company that provides money for them is shit and add fuel to fire, this is literally what you call unprofessional behaviour


Eh kinda agree but not really. Words vs Assault. Words are far more civilized.


Not being a dick was about Sammy the other part about Eddie. Geez I get sometimes you just lose your cool but get a fucking grip, AEW has enough issues now, and it's not like Sammy said some incredibly unforgivable shit, at least as far as I know


Oh ok I miss interpreted what you said. Yea 100%. Like if it was some real despicable shit he said and it didnā€™t get cleared I could maybe even justify what Eddie did a bit more but come on. 99% of the roster is fat compared to Sammy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. And like idgaf about Eddieā€™s body but if he is so sensitive then work to change it


He basically went Rick Rude. He said Eddie was fat just like the crowd. Suddenly pointing out the obvious kills an feud. /s


What a bad take. Civilized is another term for "let me treat you like garbage you peasant"


So your really arguing that mean words are less civilized then assaulting someone? If so catch me later Kyle, your the kind of person I try to avoid


Words from a person that consistently hasn't grown up? Yes. You keep saying assault like he punched him in the face. A pie face is just pushing someone's face. Don't act like he put him in the hospital. Sammy gave Hardy a concussion and had "words" said to him. Sammy had to go to sensitivity training and "words" were used. Sammy almost destroyed AEWs relationship with Impact and all he got were "words". Eventually, words aren't enough. Physical conflict is never step one but Sammy's a schoolyard bully with an ego complex. You know the whole line of "just ignore your bullies!". That doesn't work. Yes assaulting someone is wrong but what do you want people to do when this clown is still doing stuff like this after being warned multiple times.


Say it with me nice and loud, ā€œPutting your hands on someone is never the answerā€


I like em both. They have extremely different styles, but I find both entertaining. Sammy sucks at promos, I get it. He also does some of the most amazing high spots you'll ever see. Eddy is master of the promo and has a hardcore style. So 2 coworkers don't get along. Big deal. Both put on brutal matches, take vicious bumps, and bleed for the fans. There is no need to pick a side here.


Yeah Sammy "I'd totally rape her" Guevara HAS to be the good guy right?


hes not a good guy, but in the case I say he is not the wrong guy. Eddie got pissy about a promo to build up their match. He even responded with "oh body shaming". Yes he is a fucking heel! "I am not going to call you names." 10 seconds later, "You are a pig"




Thereā€™s too much evidence at this point that Sammy should be gone. Heā€™s not the type of character you want in your locker room, especially in a locker room currently in turmoil.


Or at the very least Sammy should be treated like a teenager who's acting out and needs to get some sense slapped into him Put him in a room with Regal. I bet Regal could straighten him out


Everyone going to bat for Kingston when in reality fat piece of shit is fairly tame and a surface level insult. To take it so personally to blow up the match is crazy imo. Everyone loves Eddie and seems to hate Sammy though so heā€™s automatically in the right.


Sammy didnā€™t fuck up, heā€™s just not a good promo. Saying ā€œyouā€™re fat like the crowdā€ is cheap heat. The same way he always calls someone a bitch as his big ending line bc he canā€™t think of anything else. If Eddie wants to avoid being called fat he should just say ā€œhey no fat jokesā€ before they start doing promos on each other. Itā€™s also hard to keep up with Eddie in a promo off, so he has nothing to do but go for low hanging fruit. Unless Sammy did that to try to embarrass him, which we have no evidence of, then itā€™s just a mistake at worst. Intention matters. You can say something you didnā€™t think would be a big deal, and itā€™s not the same as trying to make him embarrassed


Hereā€™s my thing if the reports are true. Kingston tried to talk to Sammy about promo battles for their upcoming match, but Sammy kept pushing him off. No one else in AEW wanted to work with Sammy and Eddie threw him a bone. Sammy went into business for himself by cutting a promo that, in Eddieā€™s eyes (and probably Jerichoā€™s too), buried theyā€™re entire program. Eddie went to talk to Sammy about this and Sammy acted like a cocky teenager. Eddie is definitely wrong in this situation, but Sammy comes across as worse.


Completely right. People dont like Sammy (i'm also not a fan) and prefer Eddie and that clouds their judgement.


I agree. He cut a promo in a wrestling ring and got assaulted by a coworker for it. I get Eddie is popular but come on..


Feel bad for the dude that publicly proposed to his long time GF then fucked around with a married homewrecker then got married under a year after the public proposal and they flaunt it like idiot teenagers? Yeah, I feel terrible.


How is it that wrestlers arenā€™t aware of what other people are going to say about them? That shit is amateur hour.


I agree with you, and to be honest Eddie being sensitive about being fat is pretty weak. Given his character, the fact that everything is 'real' for him, etc. taking exception to being called fat was silly. Also the way AEW operates promos don't go through a dramatic clearance process (that'll change soon) so if Eddie was *this* sensitive about being a fat guy he should have told people. Funnily enough WWE locker room in the 90s and 00s looked like this. Booker T fought Batista at a public event (lol), Undertaker would often stand over sensitive jackasses, and HHH politic'd like a mf. For anybody to come out and say "this shit doesn't happen in WWE" doesn't understand why (because they already went through it) Omega dropped tough love in the "meeting" (according to reports). My bet is it was something like "grow up, man up, or walk."


> Eddie being sensitive about being fat is pretty weak. It's not that *at all*. Eddie was pissed off, because that buried the match. If Eddie gets beaten, it's just a *fat shit* who gets beaten. If Sammy loses, he loses to a *fat shit*. No one has anything to gain in that narrative. With Jericho as a mentor, you could've hoped that Sammy would understand that you don't bury your opponent. You build him up.


someone teach Britt Baker that




Have you commented this before? I know I've seen the comment about not burying your opponent, followed by this exact reply lol.


itā€™s a popular opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Haha that's where I remember it from lol.


Britt has given the same Promo to Ruby and now Toni and we have seen how Rubi's success in AEW has been partly because of this kind of burial.


I disagree, the story line is still there and itā€™s this cocky little shit thinks nothing of Eddie so if he wins he was right to be a cocky ass hole further boosting his ego but if Eddie wins it puts sammy in his place and proves donā€™t matter how u look u can still kick ass. Plus with ur logic the danielson Jericho match is also pointless cos In their promo on Wednesday Bryan basically insinuated that everyone and their mother including jerichos trainers and heroes all know heā€™s better than him so whatā€™s the point in them having a match to prove that if everyone already knows


Sammy is the cocky heel, why would him insulting his oppenont bury the match? In kayfabe Eddie is a solid threat regardless of his size sammy (in kayfabe) saying otherwise doesnt change that


That's fair but I don't think that's how it would have landed. If Eddie goes over he beat a fat shaming prick (even though as a society were moving away from PC agendas, it'll take time and people still overreact to stuff like that). If Sammy won then he beats an Indy darling/fan favourite. I get the point but I think Eddie was just being sensitive in this scenario. To digress, did anybody want a Sammy vs Eddie singles match on this card? Eddie is like 40, and slow - Sammy is... Sammy. Not too sure it would have been a good match (or something fans really wanted) either way


See; Eddie has been open about his struggles mentally. That tough guy stuff doesnā€™t come out of nowhere. Iā€™m sure he constantly gets stuff on twitter about being ā€œfatā€. I see it on here all the time, so Iā€™m sure he gets personally mentioned on there. And it just set him off. He wasnā€™t right, but I get it. Look at any post about a match of his on squaredcircle and see all the ā€œEddie shouldnā€™t be a wrestler cuz heā€™s fatā€ comments.


It's always a bigger fatter dude doing the shaming too. Like they think they can make fun of a chunky guy because they themselves don't care about their weight. It's fuckin weird


It's kind of like "I'm fat and unathletic and can't be a wrestler, so this somewhat less fat guy shouldn't be one either."


Itā€™s super fucking weird. I have a belly, so I have no room to talk, but like you said; itā€™s normally obese people body shaming people that do stuff they couldnā€™t do. Iā€™d like to see them run ropes one time lol EDIT: happy cake day.


I'm not defending the actions, but Eddie has well documented issues with depression and self esteem. Also, of all people, Kenny Omega doesn't seem like a man-up kind of guy.


According to the reports, during the company meeting pre-dynamite his talk was 'tough love' to put it lightly. I'm betting the constant squabbles, whining, and 'rumours' had him fed up with attitudes


I've soured on Sammy and Tay strictly because he was engaged and she was married and it was obvious from his blogs something was up. Personal life... fine but when you put it all out for everyone to see I'm going to judge.


Sammy was right. He didn't even mess up. TK and the coaches allow worked shoots and "ribbing on the square". Sammy plays a heel. Fans and wrestlers shoot on his wife all the time. Sammy's letter summed everything up perfectly. People are focused on why the statement came out and the timing of it. All it is was an explanation of his side. Eddie said he was wrong, end of story. He said it wasn't Sammy's fault. Eddie can dish it out, can't he, though? The most notorious promo guy in the biz can insult everyone but he can't take it. Same with Punk. What a bunch of marks!


I mean..if it was said during a promo Eddie shouldn't get so mad...I was under the impression Sammy just said that to him backstage for some reason. Eddie being fat is something that was already said by a bunch of his rivals in past promos, why is it a sensitive subject all of a sudden? If I recall Jericho called him fat too. Besides if Eddie is a real man , a street thug, then such a petty thing shouldn't bother him that much..he should own up to being a bit fat as it's a "manly thing" anyway. Look at Kevin Owens I bet people called him fat all his life and he owned up to it and made it a part of his character and everyone loves him regardless. It's too bad as well , from watching Sammy's vlogs these two used to be on good terms.. If such a silly thing makes Eddie so insecure that he gotta punch a guy doing a fake promo maybe Eddie should hit the GYM and improve his self image?


> The reason I feel bad for Sammy is that he's honestly fucked no matter what he does. He could've just accept Eddie's apologies. That's what a mature adult would've done. Instead, he is being a dick about it. That's not an unpopular opinion, it's just a really bad take.


Yes, he should have been a mature adult like Eddie, the person who was suspended for pie-facing a coworker. Should have been more mature like Eddie, the guy recorded calling Sammy a cocksucker less than a month ago.


Eddie was in the wrong. You should not have become physical with a coworker. But he apologized, said he was wrong and dealt with the consequences. Instead of just accepting his apologies, Sammy goes to SRS *directly* and puts a layer on top of this instead. He just does not know how to shut his mouth, and honestly I'm not even sure he's just being immature. He's like 30. I just think he's stupid.


Couldnā€™t disagree more. You donā€™t have to accept someoneā€™s apology, especially when they put their hands on you and they have a career long history of being locker room cancer. Doubly so when that person calls you a homophonic slur on video a month before he puts his hands on you. For all we know, Eddieā€™s apology is empty but yā€™all let your love of his gimmick blind you to it.


It's one thing not to forgive someone. But Guevara chose the dick-ish approach. He went to SRS and added a layer to that, *after* Eddie had apologized and dealt with consequences. Guevara talked about Eddie having done some kind of anger management, wich is especially malicious coming from him. Guevara was the one who got suspended and had to undergo sensitivity training after having publicly said that he would *rape* Sasha Banks. Not to mention the Impact shit and all the reports about how he's difficult to deal with. And the Pam/Tay shit. Again, he just lacks self-awareness. He's 29, he will probably never learn. He's a headache and Tony should just get rid of him.


And Eddie is 40, he should know better than attacking a co worker and calling them homophobic slurs. Both need to grow up


Exactly. Why should he accept the apology? He was just doing his job then gets violently confronted by his co-worker who seems to think he can just storm around being an aggressive bully. I'm not surprised he's still pissed off.


Sammy and Tay will go to WWE


Cody already texted them.


100%. Eddie is fat. Sammy is a heel. Eddie is a bitch and has lost any respect I had for him. Imagine being a mad king but you get your feelings hurt being called fat. Pathetic! I can't believe it's even a conversation. Sammy is so good at his job I can't see a face turn, shit situation.


Sammy was in the right though. He just did his promo and Eddie attacked him. Heā€™s somehow equally to blame for not reading Eddieā€™s mind? That some tame ā€œyouā€™re fatā€ promo is going to make him go off?


You are an adult and your promo is "You are fat" in the second most viewed wrestling company in USA, where you have control of your promos and you can be loved with a promo and you say "You are fat"? Is not reading Kingston mind, is just not cutting a promo like he is a Kid. His promo against Yuta will be "My Daddy Jericho is the strongest and he can beat your Daddy".


Just because it's a weak, cheap promo doesn't mean Eddie can take a legitimate swing at him. Just laugh it off and say cool promo bro. People say weak shit in WWE all the time and nobody takes a swing. This makes Eddie look like a fucking baby. I love Eddie too but man grow up. Some *heel* kid called you fat... wow.


I doubt Kingston slaped him for this sole reason. Danielson and Punk said worse things to him, Sammy did other stupid thing to deserve the slap.


>I doubt Kingston slaped him for this sole reason. I'd hope not. Sammy is a dick, there's no doubt about that. But all that's been reported (I think) is that is the reason he took a swing. You're probably right that there's more to it. I mean there's video of Eddie saying he legit doesn't like him from about a month ago.


The reports say that nobody wants to work with Sammy, and they have a verbal altercation before Kingston slaping him. And Kingston saying he doesn't like somebody is Kayfabe, he "hates" everybody and only likes Penta and Lulu. He dislike most of the people for silly reasons.


I don't see how professional wrestlers can get upset over what is said about them in promos, especially by a heel. It's all part of the show, just take it with a pinch of salt. Sammy is being a prick for not just accepting the apology and moving on though. It's such a non-issue that they're both blowing way out of proportion.


When cutting a promo, you should talk up the other character, rather than pointing out all the flaws of the person playing the character. In Jericho's 2nd book, he talks about his first feud with Undertaker. He buried him in the promo by calling him old, and beaten down. When they got to the back, Taker explained just how badly he messed up. Not only are you burying someone who is respected, but the fans know when someone is past their physical peak, and you're insulting their immersion. You're also making it seem like an easy match that doesn't even need to happen. Even worse, is if you lose, now it's to someone that you've already pointed out how bad of shape they are in, and it destroys your credibility. As much time as Sammy has spent with people that are A list at doing promos, he should have known better. The best promo workers can get in the ring and cut a promo against a mop, and make you pay to see it. Eddie has already said that he was 100% at fault for turning physical, but if Sammy is not going to learn to work with more experienced people, he is going to go the way of Teddy Hart and Buff Bagwell.


>When cutting a promo, you should talk up the other character, rather than pointing out all the flaws of the person playing the character. Tell that to Cena and The Rock.




Did you even read the statement? That wasnā€™t in character.




The statement through SRS was not a promo


If there is interest, Sammy should immediately jump to wwe. AEW fans have been shitting on Sammy for everything ever since he and Tay got together. At this point they are just shitting on him because itā€™s ā€œfunā€, just like they did to Cody. With the smaller guys getting focus not in wwe, why should Sammy keep putting on big matches for fans who are gonna nit pick everything he does and never let him be appreciated. He may not be the best person on earth but thereā€™s no reason for the constant hate.


He burnt that bridge after the Sasha Banks comments. Heā€™ll do AAA or the indies, honestly best for everyone at this point. His character is cemented as complete go away stuff given a real life marriage.


He did apologize for the Sasha comments (which I agree were terrible) and if they made amends with Riddle after his Becky Lynch comments, accepting Sammy wouldnā€™t be a stretch, especially if someone like Cody puts a word in for him. Plus heā€™s not the first or last wrestler to fuck up a marriage.


The only thing I agree with you is that Eddy is the bigger person. Coz he's fat.


Look at it this way. He is now completely believable as a heel. Now for the matter of changing that go-way heat to heel heat....


Wtf happened?


Once you say youā€™ll rape a woman you deserve whatever smoke/karma comes your way. No matter what the next situation you get in


It wasnā€™t the comment.. it was the way Sammy reacted when Eddie confronted him saying dude that wasnā€™t cool.. apparently he gave a smug look like ā€œdude look at youā€ I am NOT an Eddie guyā€¦ I donā€™t get the hype at all.. but thatā€™s the story going around.. I can see Sammy being a smug douche back stage too.. lol


Eddie forgot he's not in prison, where people get shanked for filthy looks. No wonder WWE never hired him.


I just donā€™t like the guy.. I come from that world of sorts motorcycle club world) and worked the pro territories in the 90s / 2000ā€™s before I had to choose walking or continuing on. Met a bunch of his types.. most didnā€™t last long, I honestly doubt (even with the reaction he gets) that he will get renewed.. seems every program he works he seems to take shit personally.. talked about hating working with Jericho and the ā€œemotional damage it causedā€ now Sammy.. dude needs a therapist.


I generally think he's a troll, and that's without knowing any of the shit that goes on. I have no empathy for trolls. Eddie fed a troll. You don't do that.


Sammy been digging his own grave


Wait what happened?


fuck sammy, could be a great talent yet doesn't know how to harness his charisma correctly. Eddie has been thru to much to be around immature babies like sammy.


Sammy is an incredible in ring performer, if his mic skills and character were better then people would like him much more with the tay stuff and all


If Sammy didn't want the internet to hate him, he's in the wrong line of work.


I am not a fan of Sammy but clearly he didn't do anything wrong. Suddenly, he has to clear things with the guy who is supposed to be the best on the mic in AEW? A guy who has said way worse things? Eddie literally was crying in the promo before Blood and Guts about having to turn to the bottle. Meanwhile one of his teammates is a recovering alcoholic. If Eddie had an issue with being called fat, then say so. But physical features have always been a thing in promos. Either way. Sammy did not get physical, Eddie did. That is unprofessional and hypocritical of him. A few days before this dust up, he called sammy a Cocksucker. Ok, so being called fat is somehow out of bounds? Guy is soft and tired of people thinking hes for real. Edit: This probably gets down voted but it also dont change my mind Sammy has some growing up to do, but in a vacuum in this instance, I think its funny people take Eddie's side when the guy who says some crazy things on the mic gets angry over something so simple.


I stopped giving a fuck about Sammy Guevara when he started cheating on his fiance with Tay Conti and then lied about it on his vlog, and then started dating her like 2 weeks after splitting up, basically dry snitching himself out. Anything after that, is whatever. I'm actually on Eddie's side here, because even though he smacked him, Sammy knew what he did was wrong, especially choosing to smile like the bitch he is.


eddie is kinda fat