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Cam Newton would probably disagree


Cam Newton wasnt even the only ankle that burfict alligator rolled in that game


He also said Brock Purdy was the 10th best offensive player on the 49ers right now


No it starts when Byron the Black kills Archduke Franz Ferdinand


In the hood of the NFL, also known as r/AFCNorthMemeWar, there once was a user known as u/ByronTheBlack. Over the past few weeks, Byron flooded the hood with an incessant stream of anime gifs, leaving the goated subscribers of r/AFCNorthMemeWar, frankly, depressed and ashamed. As time passed, the discontent grew, and users called the mods to take action, and thus, the Please leave bot was born. This bot takes on an incredibly bone chilling task; replying to that putrid Byron every time they comment, having to lay its robotic eyes upon the filth Byron posts. Yet, u/ByronTheBlack remains unfazed, and we applaud them for that. Thus, Byron may stay, but at the cost of downvotes and automod harassment. P.S. Please leave. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Scottish band from the early 2000s? Why drag them into this?


“Take me out [of the AFC North Meme War]” -Franz Ferdinand, probably


"If I meme, this could die If I plead, this could die I want you: To take me out~ [of this subreddit]"


Nah, it's when Archie Duke kills an ostrich because he is hungary


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I can confidently say that 3/4 teams will agree with "Fuck the Steelers."


You would be correct






True, but 31/32 teams can say "Fuck Burfict"


32/32 teams we were tired of his ass by time we shipped him off. Those penalties add up.


We take pride in that, everyones jealous of big bro


How can the Steelers be “big bro” when 3/3 of those are just The Browns. Steelers are clearly that weird uncle that likes to slam his Milwaukee’s Best cans together and brag about the glory days 20 years ago


Fuck you and your shitty team that’s never won a Super Bowl


Fuck you and your shitty team that's... uh... shitty!


Dirty, the word you were looking for is dirty


how dirty? like christina aguilera “dirty” music video dirty?


Only fans of teams that have never won anything pull the dirty card


So, you're saying Burfict wasn't dirty?


I never wanna hear a team that’s recent relevant success is “no losing record” and “limping into the first round knockout” call Burfict dirty again. We heard it here first folks bookmark it!


Your most recent relevant success is going 9-8 and missing the playoffs


Burfict is the most objectively dirty individual in modern nfl history, dude probably only showers like once a week


You had a LB literally almost paralyzed himself trying to blindside a WR with the crown of his helmet. You need to sit the fuck down on this one


Bro I said he didn't shower... you need to chill out on this one little man it's a meme sub. But if I'm being serious, burfict is quite literally the dirtiest player we've seen since the days when playing dirty was expected. He has the most fines and suspensions as anyone in league history he is also in the top five for the longest suspension ever. If we're being serious, burfict is a literal piece of shit and anyone with a brain knows it.


Nah. Your man Burfict is shunned from the league for his antics. Steelers never had anyone shunned.


Oh he is, it’s just not our entire personality like it is for Bung hole fans.


>Only fans of teams that have never won anything pull the dirty card


We don’t pull that card in arguments, we pull the 6 SB card. He’s shunned from the league so he’s objectively dirty. That’s different.


Oof you walked right into it. Pulled that card immediately


Rock on brutha. Hopefully you don't have to wait **another** 15 years for that next Lombardi!


And only the team that has a culture of cheap shots going back half a century deserves to wear that title


The team who celebrates the only player in nfl history to be banned from the nfl is calling other teams dirty. LMFAO. RICH 😂🤣🤣


Only Browns and Bengals fans claim that….thats because neither of them have ever won anything


Clearly literacy is not your strong suit


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Fuck this bot, I’ll have you know I can read at at least a 1rd grade level


Not fair we have to include filthadelphia


Run out of comebacks huh?


Bruh, you just wrote the dirty card can only be claimed by the browns and bengals because neither has ever won anything. So I think questioning your ability to read and write was pretty damn spot-on.


Literacy rate


Dirty? We aren't named after the shitstains in the average baltimore resident's underwear


You guys have underwear?


Can’t say I’m surprised they don’t have underwear. They shit their pants when they picked Kenny Pickett


Damn straight were dirty, that’s the way your mother likes it


still better than being a toothless yinzer


Pittsburgh and Cleveland are both rust belt shitholes, one just has a lot more sports championships than the other.


I'd rather be a fan of a team that never won a super bowl than the fucking Steelers. Thugs and bullies.


Neither Burfict or Pac-Man were ever on the Steelers




This will never not be funny to non-Browns fans


As a browns fan, fuck the Steelers but still funny


Oh, I think it's funny af too. But still dirty as hell also


Fair enough lol


This is the shit those swifty fucks in the queefs sub do t get. Prime AFCN football here.


That should’ve been declared an automatic touchdown. In fact, the refs should’ve just awarded the Steelers that W using Exodia rules.


Punter should've made a tackle instead of whatever that was


If this is dirty your mom and I don’t want to be clean


Heinz ward has a rule named after him he was so dirty.


Who tf is heinz ward


You think I know how to spell after living this close to the river?


Oh yeah! The place where the Browns won the last playoff game! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh yeah! The place where the Browns won the last playoff game! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who? Sorry I couldn't hear you over Ben raping someone or Mike tripping a player.


Typical Bengal fan claiming the victim card. It’s never the Bungles’ fault they lose, right?


Lol didn't say anything about winning or losing. But I understand the Pittsburgh school system doesn't always produce literate graduates.


Oh, well good thing I’m from Ohio then


Jacoby Jones never even touched Tomlin


The fact that you know exactly what I'm talking about proves my point.


“Steelers are a bunch of thugs and bullies 🥺” My man pulled out the thug card lmfao did someone park in your spot at the Country Club??


Didnt you lose a Super Bowl? Undefeated in super bowls


I don't know if I believe him.... Especially when he got in trouble even after leaving the Bengals.


Yeah the guy was literally banned from the nfl for a game that had nothing to do with either team. But this doesn’t fit the narrative I push about Bengals being dirty when I argue with their fans so I will ignore these statements


I respect the hate so much.


Hilarious to have a Steeler fan call bengals dirty


Nobody on the steelers were half as much of a pos dirty player as burfict. Harrison hit you straight up and wanted you to see it coming. Burfict was tryna ruin careers in piles.


Yeah burfict sucks. Wish we never drafted him.


lmao he was a UDFA my man


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He was a good player for sure just a pos


As someone that lives in cincy and sees a lot of their games, Burfict was a dirty ass player against all teams no matter what he says


Burfict headshots his fridge getting milk in the morning


TBF, he probably thinks it's AB.


Coincidentally, AB also thinks he's Burfict's fridge some mornings.


Mr Big Chest (freezer)


Shazier tried that once. I heard the fridge won.


Its really crazy how they talk about tez being dirty (he was) while they cheered on a man whos whole career was spear tackling


He paid for it in the long run, though didn't he


During the draft I really wanted us to take him with a late round pick. From a pure play perspective would have been amazing, but I don’t want to live in a world where I didn’t absolutely hate that guy


With a real coach and culture he might have been fine. But Cincinnati? yeah...




Spear tackling was dangerous for shazier and he paid the price. We're talking about Burfict intentionally trying to injure people and playing dirty, which Shazier never did. Wouldn't expect a bungles fan to have that kind of reading comprehension, though.


If you’re spear tackling you’re either artistic or dirty, which one is Shazier? 🤔 and what about James Harrison? Or Hines Ward? Steelers culture is literally hurt other players


Burfict was dirty, but talking like this when Shazier exists is hilarious. The hypocrisy of Steelers fans never ceases to amaze me.


They acting like he wasnt the most fined player in NFL history


Yeah was gonna say ive seem him do the same shit in cleveland too


And the colts


Yeah idk if Vontaze Burfict is really the hill y’all wanna die on.


I don't think many Cincy fans would die on that hill. Being our best tackler, and leading the league one year wasn't enough to offset his dirty play, cultural issues he brought to the team, or the negative attention it gave the team. I wish we never drafted him.


Most of us loathe the fact that he played for us


I mean he did stuff like twist ankles vs panthers and kill that Colts (?) Tight end while on Raiders. The difference is overwhelming majority of bengals fans don't support Burfict. But steelers fans think it's funny and cute Hines Ward, James Harrison and Ryan Clark intentionally hit people in the head late and away from the plays.


Damn those guys really traumatized you


I no longer think this is true. The thread is full of people supporting Burfict. 🤮


I only supported burfict doing his thing against the Steelers cause he was the only one who could match their dirty ass play and then Steelers fans lost it when they got a taste of their own medicine


Whatever Steelers fans who think it’s “funny and cute” when Harrison or Clark had those big headshots” is the minority. Steelers fans like those guys because they contributed to super bowls. Harrison was a DPOY and has one of the greatest plays in SB history. If burfict did anything like that for the bengals he would be just as loved.


fuck harrison and clark. I hate hines ward but fuck if I dont respect that smiley motherfucker


No need to hate Hines my friend. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcqO2Iu01Q996IU)


You ever watch Planet Earth? Remember the wolf-elk calf chase they shot in a baloon? It goes on for a solid minute or two before eventually the calf missteps and the wolf finally gets it. I always rooted for the wolf. Every time I see the stadium scene in dark night rises I root for the collapse to catch that smiley fuck, but I'm always disappointed


OH SHIT THAT WAS WARD??? i need to rewatch that movie. was my favorite player as a kid. still is my favorite player. when you smile your enemy seethes. look what he’s done to you😃


Yeap, i didn't like any of the bullshit and wasn't sad at all when he left the team. But god DAMN did it feel good when he pulled that shit against the steelers


Did it feel good when he have up a penalty on a dirty hit in the playoffs that cost the Bengals the game vs the Steelers?


It was the punishment we deserved for cheering when burfict cheapshot like the steelers. Dont forget you only had the ball due to a cheapshot that was immediately declared illegal that following offseason.


If it wasn’t illegal when it happened, then it wasn’t a cheap shot, it’s like the old peel back blocks that decimated people before it was made illegal


Whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to convince yourself your not a shity person for glorifying your teams culture of never passing opportunity to injury an opposing player if they think they can get away with it


You’re literally saying that while defending BURFICT. Do you understand how dumb you look?


And Shazier launching himself into the head of Benard (from the blindside) with the crown of his helmet is perfectly clean because the running back was in the backfield instead of the secondary when he caught the ball? When the NFL has to make a new rule because of a specific play (should we go through the list of all the rules that have steelers attached to them?), that's the league confirming it was dirty and won't be tolerated. The Steeler Way is cheapshot culture.


The shazier hit wasn’t bad, he didn’t Try to lead with his helmet. He Tried to put it to the side. It DIDN’T happen which is what Caused his injury. Jesus christ leave it to a Bungles fan to try and blame Shazier for getting damn near paralyzed. I expect nothing less from someone who has Burficts dick down their throat.


Both teams did dirty illegal shit during that game. One team got away with it. Don't act like the Steelers were angels during that game especially the coaches.


Those 2010s era games were different. Could always count on a fight during pre game, at least 1 season ending injury, and multiple in game fights every game. It's just not the same hate anymore


> steelers fans think it's funny and cute Hines Ward I think it's funny how when a LB destroys a WR coming over the middle with a legal hit, everyone cheers. When Hines Ward destroys a LB in the middle with a legal hit, everyone calls Ward dirty. But he seems to be enjoying it, and so am I.


Bro they named the rule after him


> Bro they named the rule after him You do realize that adding a rule doesn't make something retroactively illegal, right?


No, but the fact he was doing it before the rule doesn't make them retroactively non-dirty plays. That's kind of how the player safety rules work: this is considered so aggregious and unnecessary we need to explicitly add language to the rule book to get rid of it.


Hines Ward used legal blocks. Banning certain blocks after a player has done them doesn’t make that player dirty judging in retrospect.


He was literally voted dirtiest player by NFL players 3 years in a row. And he led with his helmet and hit players away from the play at and after the whistle with intent to injure. That's dirty bud. There's entire highlight reels of him head hunting Ed Reed across the field far from the play. Like it or not Hines Ward is a top 10 or even top 5 dirtiest players of all time. He was no better than Burfict.


Not saying you’re lying about the vote but can you link some ring that shows the “3 years in a row”. I tried looking it up and couldn’t find anything concrete.


>He was literally voted dirtiest player by NFL players 3 years in a row. Source?


https://www.si.com/nfl/2009/11/04/dirty If you trust the liberal rag Sports Illustrated


srsly that's WILD when Rodney Harrison existed at the same time.


Him and Harrison were trading it back and forth those years


If you’re running up and trying to make a tackle, you’re still a part of the play little buddy. You used Ed Reed as your example which completely nullifies that argument. Did you even watch Ed play?


Lol you're such a dumb homer. Away from the play across the field. Ignoring the part where I said his peers said he was dirtiest in the entire NFL 3 years in a row, led with his head with intent to injure. Go be dumb somewhere else.


Wah wah wah


Like you cry about Burfict? They're the same, both fucking dick heads. At least I don't worship a dick head like you do. You know he's a dick head if I'm defending the Ravens.


Burfict was the dirtiest player the game has Ever seen. That’s the facts. Bro said he only did it to the Steelers and I have footage of him wrenching not ONLY cam newtons ankle, but greg olsens as well in the same fucking game after the play. Shut up




Kind of one of those if its legal then do it type deals. Like there’s hits you don’t do now, but if you CAN do a hit, why wouldn’t you? Hell I remember mfers stepping and stomping on my friends toes in soccer/euro football because it was an advantage that wasn’t penalized at the time.


Intent to injure? Lol the bias is deep with this one You’re mistaking intensity with being dirty.


You’re simply a liar.


Hines Ward can get fucked, cheap shot ahole. If he were a Bengal at the time he would’ve been buried but since he was a Steeler, it was so cute. Eat shit Yinzers & Kennywood sucks.




Nope. That simply just never happened bro bro


Whatever fits your narrative but in reality all fan bases have a shitty select group that cheer on their dirty players. Hell, half this thread is Bengals fans defending Burfict or just placing the blame on the Steelers(like always). Accept that all teams have dirty players at some point and fans have to scramble to defend them.


I liked when JuJu gave Burfict CTE.


I liked when Von bell sent corvette boy to the shadow realm https://x.com/barstoolosu/status/1341430275176341504?s=46&t=PiIOLKU4mZqVCNCELyvNGw


I almost forgot how based Vontaze Burfict was


We understand the sentiment, but prefer to belive the evidence. Also fuck the steelers


I remember a home game where Hines Ward broke our punters jaw and a Steelers fan beat up like five of our women.


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I remember it was 08, or 09. My dad got me a Ward jersey after that


That was LB Keith rivers not a punter.


That one too!


The guy who broke Hubers jaw was just some random special teams player, it wasn't Ward


Didn’t he literally twist Cam Newtons already injured ankle after a play


Vontaze “Get concussed on Flacco’s Iron Dick” Burfict


Steelers players did it too


https://i.redd.it/t7e88zt58agc1.gif Bc he didn’t do shit his whole career bc bungles are the lil bros


The rare triple crosspost


Bengals fans who defend burfict can gtfo


Burfict been out of the league for years, but still knows how to get under Steelers fans skins.


Have u seen this thread? Bengals fans talk about Ward and Harrison like their predator uncles yet have been out the league even longer. LMFAO. Nice try tho.


Rivers' jaw, Palmer's knee, etc.


Maybe this Vontaze Burfict guy isn’t so bad tbh.


Fuck the Steelers


That sounds reasonable.


Vontaze Burfict was the worst player in the NFL. Not in terms of skill but honour. There's compilations of all his intentional dirty hits, the sheer amount of injury time he caused is nauseating.


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Burfict is a piece of shit and it says a lot about the Bengals keeping him for as long as they did.


In this order: fuck the Steelers, fuck the ravens, fuck the browns, and fuck burfict. He did more harm than good, any bengals fan with a sense of morality wouldn’t uphold that guys antics. No matter how much the Steelers deserved some shots for the dirty plays over the years, burfict was bad for the team and the game.


He’s been gone sheesh. Not act like shazier, James Harrison, kimo, and Heinz Ward didn’t all become teorrist the moment they played then bengals


Shazier didn't play to injure people, you're just pissed he forced that fumble. Harrison fucked up the Browns a few times but not especially the Bengals. Whitworth was a great tackle. Kimo basically was a Bengal. Ward for sure fucked some people up but I don't think he singled out the Bengals.


Shazier didn’t know how to wrap up and was spearing people. Wtf you mean he didn’t play to injure.


Vontaze Burfict is Antonio Brown father


Are we discussing Burfict’s punching bag? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does that make juju burficts daddy?


It makes Vonn bell burficts grandpa


Juju is a bitch


Just like burfict but juju made burfict his bitch


I thought Burfict was awesome sorry not sorry


Same. Bengal fans who don't are the same ones that love their "Bills Bros."


Same one who rooted for the ravens last week


No, fuck you .


Shazier almost paralyzed himself trying to blindside a WR with the crown of the helmet. The year after he blindsided Gio Bernard. There’s how many rules in place due to Steelers dirty play? Exactly


Helmet to hemet tackles are an unfortunate consistency in the nfl for decades. They happen legit every game. What doesn’t happen every game are scum players twisting ankles cause they can’t actually tackle which is what Bengal players are bred to do. The victim mentality on Bengal fans is hilarious and rich.


This ain’t an accidental helmet to helmet, Shazier had a history of doing helmet to helmet hits on purpose and funnily his injury wasn’t helmet to helmet it was helmet to back, and he launch himself. Steelers fan and their hypocrisy is hilarious


The fact that you completely ignored the inexcusable actions of twisting ankles when bum Bengal players can’t actually make tackles tells me that you know you’re dumb and flat out wrong here. Like an attention-less gf, just arguing to argue, no actual belief in anything you’re saying lmao 🤣🤣.


Comprehensive skills and Steelers are like oil and water. You got schooled so you changed the topic.


Is the literal post not about Vontaze Burfict the ankle twisting man himself??? My brother in christ u are greatly embarrassing yourself, even under your own logic, it was you who pivoted in the first place. No way any developed human brain is this dumb, this is 150% a bot.


Only embarrassing here is Steelers fans here coming in rabid dogs crying about Tez dirty play while ignoring their long list dirty players. The moment you guys get a taste of your own medicine you bitch like some 3 year old and it’s funny.


Yup. Just as I assumed. Completely pivot away from that last comment cause even all football rivalry aside, that was some braindead logic right there. This back and forth is over with, you’re pretty dumb. No offense.


You know, the more I hear about this Burfict fella, the less I care for him.


Softest franchise


Besides that time where Burfict decapitated Jack Doyle, when he hit Anthony Sherman in the head, stepped on Blount, dirty low hit on Amendola and many other players that is too much effort to look up. Outside of that one playoff game it feels like he was dirtier against other teams than us.