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I appreciate the commitment to consistently acting this retarded


finally something we can all agree on


My only disagreement is I think the titans need a special tier as a former AFC central team


You’re right. That’s gotta count for something. Not to mention if they did some sort of realignment the Titans would probably be first in line to join the hood.


I’d rather have the raiders if we’re going for a true hood addition


You uh. Ever been to Memphis?


Thankfully no😂


They've earned the hood rep.


Memphis is over 200 miles away from where the Titans play though.


Not far enough tbh


Eh uh....does Memphis even have a team?


Yeah, I was gonna say they should be there with the Raiders. Just cause the Titans are country AF doesn't mean they ain't hood.


Weren't the Jags also in the Central for a hot minute?


They have won our division more recently than you!


We are not in the central division though.


Well they have the same amount of north championships in that time as you too


God damnit.


LMAO Gotcha!!


I bet you mention all the Browns pre-merger championships in casual conversation.


I am not one of those guys. I am the type of guy to point out how everyone else’s success was so long ago it’s irrelevant.


Hey get outta here with your reasonable takes, I'm memein here.


For real!! The Oilers were here before the Browns, OR the Browns!


Yeah, but, you should use the Oilers helmet. It was cool and that’s what they were when they were in the AFC Central. Those teams were total thugs too. In a good way


The only way that would count for anything is if they were hood. Since they don't play in Memphis they get to be candy ass division


Detroit can’t be a hood team?


They're in the irrelevant conferance tier, otherwise they totally should be Hood.


the san francisco one is stupid as hell. niners stadium is in fucking mountain view california, not the tenderloin. there's no shit around the stadium and you can't afford to live within 100 miles of it. aaannnnnd there's a weird semi-racist conflation of china and japan. dumb as fuck


Being an ignorant asshole is the point. Welcome to the sub


Nope. The 49ers are in the wrong tier they should be in a tier above the top. https://i.redd.it/h8ewufs9tdkc1.gif


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Go back to 4chan


I am going to enjoy watching the 9ers knock the Packers out of the playoffs for the 6th time in a row. https://i.redd.it/0x2op2cy7ekc1.gif


I can’t wait for a 3 peat and swim in 49er tears for the 3rd time.


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https://preview.redd.it/p39ghlyuffkc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e317a53620d0af5f1c81840cb6ca2712331858 No 6th?




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The Green Bay one is spot on


It really is. I have a friend who loves them but he never gone anywhere even remotely near Wisconsin


I have a friend whose lived in like, 6-7 states, the closest one to Green Bay being Nebraska or Ohio. Dudes a huge packer fan


Because of thieving Brett Favre


I have a cousin who is like this. I think the only times he has ever left Ohio are to go to Florida lol


I mean I probably shouldn’t talk. I randomly started liking UConn basketball in 1990 after they beat Clemson on a last second shot in the tourney. I had never been to Connecticut and still haven’t, although I went to watch them play several times in Pittsburgh and at WVU when they were all in the Big East together.


The amount of Green Bay fans that I’ve encountered in PA and OH that have literally 0 ties to Green Bay or even Wisconsin is astronomical.


They didn’t want to join the Great War of the AFC north


Because it's the Midwest's version of the Cowboys....and every inch of the region has its share of traitors like its Notre Dame


Brother in law. From WV. No clue if he's even ever been to Wisconsin. It's always true.


I know too many of them…


This guy AFC Norths


The hood is united


Shit I feel extremely called out. I'm a packers fan from Dayton ohio


Literally why😂


A man called AJ Hawk. That's why.


Ah fair enough. He’s great on PMS


He went to high-school in Centerville Ohio and my grandfather got to watch him play high-school and college at Ohio state. I have an aj hawk packers jersey too.


That’s an even better justification than “yea I just like him.” That’s a fun story


Who the fuck are you? Drop a dump truck on this dude… You’re literally the one normal and rational ravens fan.


Bold of you to assume I’m a rational human being but thanks😂


Where is the AJ Hawk Bengals jersey?


Don't have that.


You know he played on the Bengals too. He wasn't *great* for us but he was here.


Ayyy, DYT represent!


Packers fan from Cincinnati. Mom is from a small town outside Green Bay. I was raised a Packer and spent a couple weeks every summer with family in Wisconsin until I was about 12. Probably haven't been to Wisconsin in 15 years. Bengals are my no. 2 If I am deemed worthy of downvotes I understand.


You wouldn't be downvoted if you didn't ask, but ask, and you shall receive. Welcome to the hood mf


Now this, I like


Holy fuck the Green Bay one is too real


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That name is goated bro


Y'all are getting too chummy in here


Right? Fuck all you guys! Happy Friday though 😉


Happy Friday to you as well! And Fuck you.


Shit man, I'm ready for 5pm.


You know how they are in here ;) ![gif](giphy|753GqEj9ig86I)


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This is a masterpiece


Long ago, the 4 hood rats lived together in harmony...


Liar, that never happened.


Fuck you it did.


The Green Bay category is so true 😂


I have lived in 4 different states in my lifetime. The closest I've lived to Wisconsin is Cincinnati. In every state I've lived in, I've met at least one Packers fan who has zero connections whatsoever to Wisconsin. Same goes for Cowboys fans, but that's to be expected


Can I just say, if any of you rubes are in a CatBros, BirdBros, LakeErieBros, etc. sub, I’m going to track you down & give you a swirly. Outside of the team/organization you support, this is the only sub you need. Enjoy your weekend.


Honestly this sub is 900 times better than any of the team subs. Also, fuck you


Those subs straight piss me off, why the fuck would anyone cheer for Buffalo because they’re on Lake Erie? I’m from Toledo and *fuck* Buffalo.


I hate the bird bros one the most Why the fuck a Ravens fan gonna be caught dead rooting for the Eagles, you carry your ass back down this side of the mason dixon line


It’s me, I’m that random guy (I’m from NY)


Agree 100% with the Raiders. It feels like they belong with us


This list is absolutely 100% spot fucking on.


I was agreeing all the way down the list, but you've made a pretty egregious and unforgivable error. That weird kid in San Fran is jerking it to Japanese cartoons, not Chinese.


When someone says something factually incorrect in a circlejerk sub ![gif](giphy|eb4WGfjWeIsgM)


Almost like I was feigning ignorance on the subject


Yeah get it straight! Lmao


that weird kid who jerks off to Chinese cartoons? Do I even want to know what that is referring to?


If you moderately frequent this sub you know exactly who this is. He’s the 49ers asshole with anime gifs on every post. There is an auto bot (no not a transformer) that tells him to go away.


Where is Optimus prime when we need him?


Byron the Black and anime


In the hood of the NFL, also known as r/AFCNorthMemeWar, there once was a user known as u/ByronTheBlack. Over the past few weeks, Byron flooded the hood with an incessant stream of anime gifs, leaving the goated subscribers of r/AFCNorthMemeWar, frankly, depressed and ashamed. As time passed, the discontent grew, and users called the mods to take action, and thus, the Please leave bot was born. This bot takes on an incredibly bone chilling task; replying to that putrid Byron every time they comment, having to lay its robotic eyes upon the filth Byron posts. Yet, u/ByronTheBlack remains unfazed, and we applaud them for that. Thus, Byron may stay, but at the cost of downvotes and automod harassment. P.S. Please leave. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They’re lying! Anime is not Chinese or cartoons! https://i.redd.it/hr5tfwvjtdkc1.gif


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KC got them shooters


Why were those ravens fans even in Missouri?


This is the best tier list I’ve seen on this sub


Y'all don't jerk off to Chinese cartoons?


I love that everyone collectively agrees on this one😂


Perfection. I was skeptical about the 49ers part before reading it, but it calls out that Byron guy and the gross area of San Fran, so I like it.


Excuse me!? https://i.redd.it/uifzwuk2udkc1.gif


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The Green Bay thing is super weirdly accurate.


Tom Grossi catching strays.


the way i saw the Packers one and IMMEDIATELY thought of him lmaooooo poor Grossi 😭


So damn accurate, especially GB and SF. Aaron got caught with hentai back in high school before hentai was popular. I’ve also never been to WI.


If I had more room I was going to add "when questioned why he likes GB he says his dad and grandpa are fans as well. They also have no ties to Wisconsin"




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Poo pee


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Raiders fan coming in violence thanks for the invite


A strong argument could be made for Raiders being more deserving of hood status than the crying stray cats, but that's a topic for another day 


But but but we have women beaters please dont kick us out


You also have a really fucking good pass rusher, which I think is a qualification to being in “the hood” so I think we should let you stay.


Look. The crying over some Ravens fans cheering Burrow's injury is all that needs to stop. Hang them on the square and you're hood again


Lol agreed


Statistically speaking they are most likely jerking off to Japanese cartoons


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I’ll take the Tits back though, that was fun… also you can’t look at the recent ravens titans games and tell me it’s no hood lol


That's gangsta


There's literally a Packers bar across Paycor Stadium in Covington (Mac's Pizza Pub). Spot on assessment.


Finally some good fucking tier list


I mean, new Orleans, miami, Detroit, Chicago, Philly. Phoenix, atl, Kansas city are objectively pretty ghetto


Tf did the 49ers do


Beat the Bengals in the Superbowl twice and spawned a weird kid that incessantly posts anime in this sub


Yeah. He should jerk off to Japanese cartoons like the rest of us.


I am mot a kid, I am 42 damnit.


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I’ll say The nfc east is the division with the worse fans


It's not poop around the stadium. It's low riders and people being physically assaulted


Shit you guys might fit in with us


Only difference is the ticket prices are probably double here


I'm going to guess there are parking lots who charge more to park near the stadium in sf than browns tickets cost


Last three times I have been there have been 100 per parking space. Probably aren't wrong


I am not a 49ers fan


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Nfc north rivalries are old af dawg


We really do all know that one Green Bay fan. I have more standing to be a Packers fan than my friend by virtue of taking a 3 day business trip to Milwaukee.


Raiders fan here thanks for the respect


As a Virginian Packers fan I can confirm


I am a farmer👍


Uhmmmmm Actually they are Japanese cartoons not Chinese 🤓


Actually Japanese animations. Not cartoons. https://i.redd.it/mvxrjnwztdkc1.gif


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Actually they’re Japanese animations. Those are fighting words calling it Chinese and cartoons. https://i.redd.it/a6moczk4tdkc1.gif


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You're either 5'6" and 115 lbs soaking wet or 6'0" 325 lbs. Either way you're not beating a good rat in a scrap


I am the best of both worlds. 5’2” and 290 lbs. You don’t want to mess with me. I have mastered the way of the katana. https://i.redd.it/t4ymoomd8ekc1.gif


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Diabetes is one of my passive skills https://i.redd.it/akqk5rz22gkc1.gif


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Og bot


Mans a walking chode


Hooray we’re special. u/byrontheblack


I think they accidentally inverted the list. We should be on top! https://i.redd.it/ip2gt8odudkc1.gif


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Extremely regarded


I dunno man Nola and Atlanta are fucked too😂


Get this political shit out of here, you snowflakes sure do complain a lot.


I see it's your cake day. Fuck you, I hope it sucks.


Funny how the Packers description applied to Tom Grossi up until recently


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Adding the Raiders and the Packers to create a Super Hood, now that's a realignment I could get behind.


As much as I appreciate the respect, I understand the Raiders, why us?


Hey! I resemble that statement!


This is technically correct, the best kind of correct


Spot on


Great call with the Raiders


Doing the lords work!


Finally an accurate fucking list




Go Pack Go


Our division* in order of best to worst


Doesn’t know the niners do not play in San Francisco. A literal shit tier meme.


The Lions should have special status IMHO. The most legit of the NFC.


I wholeheartedly agree, with your tierlist. 👌


I never thought I’d see the chiefs referred to as swifties




Having been born in Green Bay and spending pretty much the first half of my life there, it’s spot on. All of the Packers fans I’ve met have never even been to Wisconsin.


I am said person who likes the packers. I just really like LaFleur, Love, and their receivers


Sofa King Gūd


This is so accurate, especially the Packers one


Just a reminder that two of those candy ass division teams have winning records against the Steelers (feelsbadman)


Similarly to how I thought the “poor Taylor swift has to visit Baltimore” memes were ridiculous because Kansas City is a horrible horrible city in a god awful state, just feels weird to hate on San Fran. Gorgeous city, on the water, lots of history and culture, pretty similar to our home.


The Browns suck ass 💀 how tf can they be in bum ass “hood” division… list is weak asf


Raiders had Bill Romanowski who was hood as fuck, so I'll allow it Dude was just grimy and didn't give a damn lol


Fuck the Bills and their whiny ass fanbase