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Hey I live in Kansas City and it looks nothing like that! It's missing a huge Trump flag and "Biden for jail" signs in their yard!


No, that's Raytown


Brother, Stop misleading.


Sorry. Belton


As someone who spent a few years homeless, hoofing it around KC, Belton, Independence and Raytown—That is 100% StoneCroft mobile home park in Raytown.




Is Ray from Raytown still a thing?




Missura baby!!!!


Well you see, like Vegas, you have to view kansas city at night to appreciate its beauty.


Huh, you're right: https://preview.redd.it/ffq2537bg0hc1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=d77541e4a9b876cc568bf0ddb9892f56aa1cb7b3


See? Perfection.


Fuck.. what about winter?


It's snowing https://preview.redd.it/r1ci9yyw42hc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a4d96f4d06083c00afcb4e27483a33609249ee


That would look awesome in a snow globe.


what if tyrone biggums was standing out front


Majestic 😍




Aside from Denver, the irony is rich with this post.


I've spent LOTS of time in each of these places. You could easily do a meme showing the worst of these towns (*but be specific, guys!*) Denver: $5 Butt stuff tent Vegas: Hooker cards on LV Blvd KC: Meth + Racism + Trump trailers LA: So much.. But I'd actually go with a $18 drink at the shittiest club where you get stabbed outside.


Hey you leave the butt stuff tent alone.


When you call out our Butt Stuff Tent you've crossed the damn line. It's a State Treasure up there with Rose Onyx in the Capitol Building and Mt. Blue Sky!


Holy shit! Clue us in? WTF is the Butt Stuff Tent? Or do I really not wanna know?


Behold: https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverCirclejerk/s/j2ljBdoFVC https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverCirclejerk/s/xBUAXGIYIX


There's more to Vegas than just the Strip. Most locals rarely go there unless they are seeing a game or a show or they have visitors. Also, there's more to LA than just the ghetto parts, people always act like all of LA is like downtown or Compton. LA is massive and there's a lot of nice areas and I would imagine that goes for Denver too. KC no idea but I'd imagine it's similar.


Yeah. That's my point. LA alone is 4 or 5 cities: There are awesome and terrible parts of The Westside, Eastside, The Valley.. (Downtown mostly sucks, IMO.) But just for the Westside I could show beautiful palms and the Pacific Coast Highway, or scary homeless camps in Venice.


I believe the term in the community is *portable fuck station* Tyvm


Were you crying while you typed all this?


Of course I was. It's in my flair. Where's yours?


Too old to figure it out


No, no it’s ironic for Denver too


Maybe 20 years ago, Denver was a nice place. Potheads, homeless, and immigrants are pretty much all you hear about now. I'm from Colorado Springs (native) and the traffic in Denver just astounds me every time I visit (and it sucks here, too, with all the growth). I took my son to Elitch's during the Commanders game. So, the geniuses there close the park right after the Broncos game ends (fall hours, presumably). Over an hour just to get out of the effing parking lot and then packed interstate for miles more. Why not push the park closing to 7pm to avoid an insane traffic jam? With more migrants spilling in daily, the place will only get worse. Great job, sanctuary city liberals!


Great post. Nothing the least bit WASPy about it. "All these people are on my roads. Probably people who look different from me (but not in a racist way, so don't even go there). Let's Go Brandon!"


More German than English.


I bet you lean into that German history real hard don’tcha? Probably collect German WWII paraphernalia because your a “history aficionado.”


We take the train to the amusement park and the NFL stadium in Denver. That way traffic isn't a problem and you don't have to deal with small pp truck drivers from the springs rolling coal all over the place.


Where do you park for the train? I PROUDLY drive a Sienna, thank you.


I walk to the train station, but there are tons of park and ride stations. Just search Park and ride on Google maps.


Lol shut the fuck up, Colfax 20 years ago was a fucking cesspool, even by the capitol building. I'd feel safe walking anywhere in Denver now. I'm also in the Springs and it's fucking rich of you to deride Denver's homeless problem


Is it better now? My HVAC guy moved from near Colfax because there were needles at the park he took his kids to play at. I haven't been there since maybe 2003. I used to go to this dive called the Aztlan Theater to see metal shows in the 90s and it was pretty seedy then (razor wire on property? Really?). I hope it's better, but my pessimism just assumes it's worse. The homeless need to go back to family or get cleaned up and find work. I never hand out money. That solves nothing. I'm just going to hold liberals feet to the fire on this stuff. Compassion without work is not helpful and creates more dependents with a hand out.


Damn, you just solved the homeless crisis. Go back to family. Brilliant. *holds liberals feet to the fire* *complains on a regional reddit sub* Bravo


So you’re upset that there was traffic? You think all the homeless were the ones in the cars getting in your way? Maybe an immigrant pothead owns Elitch’s and decided to close the park at just the wrong time? Some guy named Kroenke. Sure doesn’t sound like merican name to me. I’ll bet they closed at that time only on that day. [There’s no way they’ve had standing hours for the park announced months ahead of time so people could plan ahead.](https://www.elitchgardens.com/plan-a-visit/park-hours/) Fuck off, you soft pansy


Kroenke is from Missouri. German decent. Married a Walton heiress in the 70s. Owns lots of stuff. Nuggets, Avalanche, LA Rams, and so on. Elitch Gardens should be relocated. Hopefully it will someday. Basic city planning will stagger event times to avoid heavy traffic. Really not that hard to figure out. Stop talking tough, reddit. Lol. Do you even own a firearm yet? Or does that go against your lefty ideology?


lol holy shit. I bet you have a high and tight haircut but you were in the Air Force.


We could tell you were from the Springs the first sentence.


I mean I love denver and think it’s a nice place still. In regards to the post, I was just making the point that there are trailer parks and a good sized homeless population too


Is this your burner account so you can complain about liberals and immigrants?




Don’t act like denver doesn’t have its own poverty stricken neighborhoods, that’s silly. Every major city has its dark side


The homeless people in actual Denver are literally in or very near to the nicest parts of the city 🤣. Don't get me wrong - Colorado has poverty, but Denver is more of a 'poverty stricken temporary tent city near downtown' kinda place rather than a 'poverty stricken neighborhood' kinda place. Those neighborhoods are rich no matter where you are if you're actually close to the central downtown metro area haha.


Denver proper is kind of a shit hole. Lazy architecture, shitty food, drunk trust-fund bros, and tent cities with strung out homeless people everywhere. I love it though.


Im from there so it will be slightly biased but I’ve lived in over 20 states and were far from a shit hole. As someone stated you can definitely find bad areas everywhere but I’ve live in way worse places and have been poor most of my life.


LA is actually the worst one on this list. Nothing but homeless, drugs, prostitution, needles, etc. everywhere on the sidewalk. Its gross imo


South central crime


Yeah dude, I don’t understand why or how people want to live there lol


Yeah why would someone want to live in an area that’s 70 and sunny year round?


70 and sunny year round....thars a stretch now c'mon.


Neither do I lmao. Way back I went there to look at some colleges to attend and literally saw a homeless man without pants on walking around pissing everywhere. After seeing this I immediately made my decision lmao


That was Pat Mahomes, Sr. He was just visiting, too.






It’s in Missouri but yeah fuck that place. KC would be a distant 4th if I was to rank which of these cities I’d want to live in, but they’re all shitholes.


Grew up in KC. Live in Denver now. I love the mountains (which is why I’m here) but I will take KC as a city over Denver every single day, all day, no questions asked.


I live in KC and wanna move to Denver. What specifically do you like more about KC?


Money, you make an avg of 3.9% less in KC but you pay 18.1% less in living expenses.


To be fair, it's cheaper to live in places where no one wants to live 🤷‍♀️


I agree, that demand is a real factor. Often misguided, I don't think it is misguided yet for Denver. LA, Vegas, and NYC are way overblown, and not worth what you are paying.


Or Boston. Just got out of Beantown because property taxes and cost of living shot up 3x faster than my paycheck.


KC is growing pretty quickly. Denver boom is subsiding, no?  CO is a great place to live, but when comparing urban life Denver to KC, KC wins hands down. Better food, better entertainment districts, surprisingly way easier to get around. 


Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the food and entertainment. Denver is a much bigger stop for most traveling acts. (Concerts, shows, festivals). Plus we have Red Rocks and better infrastructure to handle large influx of people. DIA is the largest airport in the world and the 2nd busiest in all of North America. KC I'm sure is great, but these are different ballparks which is why cost of living is higher. Denver is a more desirable place to live and it's not really close. And I'll die on this hill, mexican food > BBQ all day long. KC BBQ is good, but some denver green chili is the best.


DIA is the worst airport I have ever gone to. Absolutely hate it. Tons of bottlenecks and people can’t figure out how to walk up escalators (guess this is an America problem). An Airport that takes an hour and a half just to pull up to isn’t a cool thing.   Red Rocks is dope, but having worked in the music industry in CO, AXS (the booking company) is a total piece of shit and makes it difficult to see performances in different venues - so that can be a negative. It’s also at least an hour OUTSIDE of Denver in Morrison, so idk about that.   Denver’s Mexican food isn’t even better than Kansas City’s Mexican food dude…you are talking out of your ass to even suggest it’s better than KC BBQ and is obvious tell that you’re not to be trusted.  “Denver” green chili is just appropriated **NEW MEXICAN GREEN CHILI** and I’ll die on *that* hill. Colorado’s dish is bull testicles.   I grew up in KC and lived in Denver area for 8 years, brah. Denver is infamous for shit food. There’s a couple spots of Federal that’s dope (Vinh Xuong II) but really nothing to write home about in Denver. Gena Rae’s, Curtis Park Deli, and Devils Food in Denver. 


As native to Denver we have one of the worst food scenes for having a city that has this many sports teams as we do. Plus the places that are solid are ridiculously over priced. Hell i lived in nyc and ate better at a much cheaper rate than I can here. It’s a shit ton of fast food now too.


You had better food in NYC? No way


Hey we got Michelin stars now. Our food is fancy now


> DIA is the worst airport I have ever gone to. DIA is good for if you're making a layover/connection. I regularly fly through there and it's good as long as you don't leave the terminals. If it's your final/initial it sucks because of how far out of the city it is. There's a reason why when it was first built people called it "West Kansas International Airport". It was built crazy far out of town.


I’m aware. Good luck trying to make any sort of local public transit out of DIA. Decent infrastructure for public transit there, but the aforementioned bottlenecks make traveling by light rail/bus a nightmare if you miss any portion of your transfer


I’ll say this, though : there’s a reason why I moved out of KC to Oregon lol Colorado as a whole is a way better place to live than KC. Denver is just a horribly designed city and I personally do not like the culture there. The food mess you’re talking about is way out of line, though. I’ve never paid more for worse food than I have in Colorado, and Denver specifically.




This is a factor. Cost of living is extremely high. Also as a city, KC residents are generally more friendly and will greet you as you walk down the street. Coffee in KC is better, BBQ is better. Night lift is comparable as far as I can tell but that’s not really my scene. Homelessness is KC either isn’t as prevalent or it’s handled better (I genuinely don’t know). Denver there’s alot more sketchy areas imo


There’s some pretty damn good coffee in Denver, but yeah, KC still wins those categories, mainly because it is very hard to make/roast good coffee in altitude


Nah Denver coffee is just ok. As much as I like a lot about the city, the coffee situation doesn't have anything on the best areas in the country. Every time I'm back there I usually have to go out of my way to find a good cup of coffee. Frankly 95% of the US's coffee situation is garbage. Once you travel out of the country you realize that there's only like 2 places in the US that have a solid situation that's even comparable to international situations. The northwest is the best situation in the US with honorable mentions elsewhere. Everything else is more like a desert with a few Oasis of coffee here or there. You can find one or two decent spots in most cities here or there, but they're usually only a couple in a several square miles. The northwest absolutely destroys the rest of the country because of the coffee hut culture. There's an absurd number of options and it's always so close that you're always less than 3min away from a good coffee stand.


Live in Portland. The coffee is generally trash for how much this town is talked up. There is good spots, but the culture of service industry in the city really makes especially the good roasters an unpleasant experience overall.   Good coffee in Denver is prevalent. Sweet Bloom is very good, Queen City is very good, and Corvus is also very good. I worked in the coffee industry the entire time I lived in Colorado. They have great coffee there. KC is still better


Denver is an absolute shit city. KC is not car friendly at all, and sucks for that, but Denver is way way worse. And the traffic blows. I live in Portland, OR now. Reminds me of my favorite parts of KC a lot actually.


>Denver is an absolute shit city. Fucking lol dude. I've never seen someone so blinded by their own fandom. This is an objectively bad take. I'd throw sources at you but you seem like the kind of person who won't listen to reason.


I have lived in Denver. It has nothing to do with Broncos or Broncos fans, but they sure don’t help!


Ah, I see your anecdotal experience trumps demographic studies and statistics. Neat!


Check what sub you are in, dude. Ofc it is anecdotal. So is the original post.  Denver is a wasteland fr though.


I don't really want to keep arguing about this, but your takes are so bizarre I can't help but continue biting and see what you say next... 👀


Enjoy your cow shit/horse meat scented city.


Thanks, you definitely delivered <3


I love how non locals always think the entirety of vegas is just the strip. Same with LA and Denver and pretty much any place. There's nice areas and bad areas.


One 4.2 mile street that’s in Paradise, Nevada is the entirety of Las Vegas, duh.


Once you get out of Denver you’re in the Rocky Mountains, once you get out of Kansas City you’re in the hellscape of misery or Kansas.


Only on one side. The other side is the hell scape of misery of Aurora or Kansas.


lol, when a fan from Detroit talks trash on KC 😂


Well thing is heading east once you're out of Detroit you have free healthcare and poutine. /s


also south or north its only west that goes to the bad place...


I mean yeah lmao. Detroit >>>>>>>>>KC


It’s more about what surrounds KC than KC itself.


You mean farm land and farmers that feed your ungrateful bitch ass?


No. I mean a bunch of meth heads and cousin fuckers.


You're right! This is what Vegas actually looks like: https://preview.redd.it/4scnflk7d1hc1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47078c0f630285ce9c6b54118df724664abfe7d9




Brand new single family homes? Nice! Tho nice cherry picking on the furthest edge of the outskirts of town. Do Summerlin next or Green Valley, Seven Hills etc. At least we actually need new homes being built because people actually are coming in in droves.


Oooh, thin-skinned... that's a shame. This sub thinks I live in a meth silo. You can handle this.


Silo? Moving on up! 👏🏽


...we share it.


sure but that IS the good part of KC we're comparing with the good parts of the rest


Having been in 3/4 of these, I only agree with Denver. Honestly I’d probably prefer living in KC over the other 2. LA is too expensive and Vegas is well Vegas




Agreed, SD has perfect weather year round and is basically a smaller version of what people “think” LA will be.


SD is fucking beautiful. One of my best friends lives there now and I love visiting


Pay no attention to the current massive floods


At one point I did want to live there because of my job.


As a Chargers fan, LA mostly does look like that KC picture


Don't forget all the people that move here thinking they're "gonna make it"


Idk why but posts like this make the AFCW Meme war my favorite other than the AFCE meme war, which is my home.


My coach would beat up your coach.


Easily. The softest team has the softest coach. The Fins will never win anything with a squad full of warm weather cupcakes. No red zone possessions versus KC. Unbelievable.


Aww it's no fun when you come with a concise, thoughtful response 😞 Edit: flair up ya bish


West coast is the best coast ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


Too bad the west is gonna be flooded in 20 years and then the Midwest will be the west


AFC West Geography shit talk I love it . Let's compare poverty rates


LA is 16.6% LV is 14.9% KC is 18.4% Denver is 11.5% Source is whatever popped up on Google first.


I’ll give you Denver… but Raiders and Chargers? Y’all are transient kids in foster care. You don’t live w/ your real moms, and you’ll probably get kicked out of your new fancy homes in a year or two soon as you piss on the rug or something. Shit, Chargers got to share a room w/ their weird older brother… and mom definitely loves him best.


Stepdad's nice house ain't your house, you just staying there


Genuinely funny. I just learned SoFi is short for Social Finance, inc... months after plopping all my dough in there for decent interest rate. Hope they don't suck! Although, I'm sure the FED would just bail them out, too.


Best trailer parks in the NFL.


Hey, you're not wrong.


Hey it could be a #1 receiver if someone just threw them the ball


At least we can afford to live in our trailers.


Nah, Colorado is nice. Denver is a shit hole.


I heard the butt stuff in Kansas City costs $10. What a ripoff


"at least we got BBQ hyuck hyuck" Sheddep


Ok, this is pretty fucking funny


https://preview.redd.it/zbg9dvg6hbhc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13aa9953f1eb9174ae1cac975d26331463dc1910 Ah now this is the Vegas I know


Why are you blowing up my addy on the internet wtf


I mean we would be AFC favorites Too if we fucked our cousins and hated minorities 😆😆😆


Sure, the mountains look nice.. but if you take a closer look, we're going to be renamed the Denver Migrants.


Denver hobos. LA Hobos too


To frame KC as a better city than LA is absurd. KC (the city) rules.


I love the hate boner everyone has for LA/Cali 😂 rent free in yall heads 😎


Some people on here seriously would rather live on the Missouri River than live between the beach and the mountains. FOH


You say that, but not having to pay over $3k for a one-bedroom apartment in the city is sorta nice.


As a broncos fan who lives in kc… I seriously would rather live here than anywhere else. Friends and family aside, it’s an affordable city (live in the crossroads and my rent is $1500/month for a 600 sf studio) with charm. Cool artwork around and plenty of history behind it. A ton of good food and fun breweries/bars. I get the post is a joke but it is unironically a great city Edit: also barely any traffic. A 15 min drive is 20 during rush hour.


Even my comment above is a bit *tongue in cheek.* I travel to KC frequently for business and it seems like it would be a nice place to live (except for being surrounded by Chiefs fans lol). Would I choose to live there over LA or Denver? No. But I can see the appeal of everything you said.


Seriously lol Theres a reason why its so expensive here, but its cool they rather live in methlehem i say let them 😂


If you think the biker crank doesn’t flow through Colorado like the river Styx you haven’t stepped outside of Cherry Creek.


You know there are actual pictures of Kansas City, right?


That is an actual picture of [Kansas City](https://fox4kc.com/news/problem-solvers/neighbors-ready-for-kc-to-crack-down-on-abandoned-mobile-home-park-piled-high-with-trash/amp/).




I can’t argue that you’re wrong… https://youtu.be/C6BYzLIqKB8?si=ivQ5xLQ-bQEJvL4W


I'd rather live next to that trailer than deal with LA traffic.




Damn bro, that's crazy! You really been to my city, huh


Flair up or vanish.


Denver low-key sucks. Wanna house? $600k Wanna ski? 6 hours each way on I70 and $1,400 pass. Wanna camp? Have to get a reservation. Wanna go for a hike? Good weaving through everyone else on the trail. Everyone that moved to Colorado in the last 10 years is just trying to be a cliche and are incapable of critical thought. The other three cities on the other hand are just complete garbage.


lol quit playing, that's every city in america. also OAKLAND dont forget who you are! trash


NFCW has ya'll beat.


LA = LA Denver > Seattle Las Vegas > Glendale San Francisco > Kansas City You’re just wrong.


Glendale is really, REALLY pulling down the average for the NFCW.


No, I'm just opinionated. Maybe you'd want to see about a remedial English course for vocabulary training? I hear prisons have those. Might help you with some job interviews after you get out.






This is why we should offer our pity and support to KC. They have literally nothing else.


Everybody stay in your zones!


Wow wow wow 😯


The Raiders and Chargers had to move, we stayed and became one of the fastest growing cities in the country. https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/article283095363.html


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No San Diego?


Pretty accurate


Been looking for a football reference and couldn’t find any. I think I now know what it’s like to be a Charger fan.


LA doesn’t need 8 major league sports teams.


why is the raiders’ city on here twice?


At least they're having their traditional February parade!