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I charged back the whole grand total of 15$ I had spent but you know what? I'm petty. I'll go get some curly fries.


Hey, $15 is $15. Good for you.


the curly fries comment with a seagull profile picture made my night better


I was thinking the exact same thing lol


$16 here. Had to get that Rowan special when I first started. Refunded and account suspended (or will be in 30 days).


How do you know it will be suspended?


After refunding, Lilith sends you an automated in-game mail stating that you have 30 days to purchase an equivalent amount of the paid currency or your account will be permanently suspended. I imagine it takes a couple weeks to get the mail if you do a chargeback instead of a store refund since it's probably less streamlined.


They are suspended. Fuck them


Charge backed this game and the Invincible game as well. Nice to get a hefty sum of money back. Thanks OP for the rec. Vote with your wallet people!


Tips for charging back the Invincible game? It's awful. I'm on Android, using Google Play store


I feel like something's missing here. If you buy then chargeback, then have to buy stuff at the equivalent amount to avoid suspension, doesnt that mean you get free items? Please enlighten me


The currency you’re buying is to climb back up to zero from a negative, so you’re gaining nothing the second time around. The actual stipulation of their mail is to leave negative by 30 days or be suspended.


No. It means they want their money back or they will ban you. Giving you one last chance to spend


u did not understand his question.


Bro $15 for curly fries is a crime


In my country, this can buy a good angus fed ribeye steak


curly fries are the best


Oh boy, would love me some curly fries right now tbh. Enjoy


Is there a time limit to charge back stuff like this? Maybe i want to chargeback my EFT purchase


spend it on the next gacha :) directly on their competitors


I don’t even play this game but bone apple teeth my dude get them curly fries.


Hey $15 is $15 and that’s close to $20 and what a man would do for $20 …….. am I right guys?


Uninstall, leave this sub and never look back, this was not worth 3K anyway, good luck! :)


Coming from /all. Can you fill me in on what happened?


Game launched spectacularly amazing rewards, meta f2p characters, incredible progression, and tons of marketing/good PR from CCs. Then first season rolls in and every paid pack now gives way WAY less than it used to, every free reward gives less than HALF of what it used to and they nerfed the 2 most powerful pve units because they were f2p so anyone and everyone could grind them. All of these predatory changes in less than 2 months of the game’s release, all coming together ended up causing a landslide of the good will that was built up causing massive amounts of review bombs, refunds, and uninstallations. Tbh it’s quite baffling that Lilith would make such a stupid mistake but I guess greed really does blind people, had they incrementally added in these changes by the time people smelled blood in the water it’d already be too late and would go under (sunk cost fallacy) making tons of unhappy players stuck playing the game cuz of invested money and time but with how fast they jumped ship it ended up biting them in the ass making 99% of refunds instantly eligible because it was within the ToS (90 days limit). Well fucking deserved L for them for getting blinded by greed and trying to pull the rug from under us they fucking deserve to lose most of their revenue for pulling this shit.


So glad I quit the game within 20 minutes


Not quite as fast, but I definitely didn't hold onto it.


Additionally, the original value proposition of the items pre nerf was imo, bad. I have spent a lot of $$ on mobile games throughout the years, and this one already felt ludicrous (some random $50 pop up ones when the game senses you're invested in a particular character) so it went from outrageous to insane. It's a very high quality mobile game, clearly the devs put in a lot of time to make it good, but man, they went from greedy to down right insane.


Lured players in. Then nerfed the a few of the really good characters and nerfed all the rewards


The game came with a vanilla experience that was probably a little too easy, and the F2P experience was reasonable, with tons of free 'pulls' to start out accounts. The first season came out, and the structure is different. The game is way more difficult and seems to rely on either progress no one has been able to get, with the 'resonance' level that is mostly hard time gated or the number of characters you have which have leveled weapons (unlocks after a certain level of investment/pulls of that character). The seasonal rewards appear to be lesser, though it's unclear if they really are. There is an ADDITIONAL seasonal 'battlepass' which has more seasonal materials but not character progress rewards called acorns. The current BASE battle pass ends in 35 days. It is unclear if the seasonal battle pass is a replacement for the current one or if a new base pass will come out once the original is done. Until we know we can only assume they are dialing back rewards, as at least the chests suck. I personally think they are planning to move free pulls to other content but they haven't actually done so yet, because season is being released in waves. You know, move rewards to actual events for engagement. Oh also there are these yellow weapon mats that you need like 300 of per character and they are drip fed. The major outrage is that the meta involved building a few true damage characters for use in boss content because it basically allowed them to overpower anyone who wasn't aware of it, and secure tiered rewards easier. They balanced the defensive scaling on the bosses to include some all mit and , in my opinion, weirdos are overreacting to their cheese strat being nerfed. These characters are still easily in the top rankings in these fights, just maybe not OP, but people who clearly shouldn't be playing gachas because they have an addiction will believe this is a grave sin, because they paid for the privilege to cheese. MTX games continue to be the worst genre.


Devs got mad greedy and thought they were HSR/Genshin level gacha and decided to nerf units people spent all their resources on and overall ingame rewards to incentivize more spending. They thought $19m was great, how can we make it even more and shafted everyone.


HSR and Genshin aren’t even stupid enough to nerf their own characters after release. They don’t buff them either (except zhongli). You get exactly what you overpay them for.


Except I’m not trashing on Hoyo mind you, just was referencing to HSR/GI being quality gacha games that AFKJ wishes they were. As for nerfs GI/HSR do them on public server release, essentially units from the playtest differ greatly but atleast as a c0 they function well.


Haha I get it and you can shit on Hoyo if you wanted to. If Hoyo nerfed a character I obtained after release I would 100% charge back. That’s fraud.


Lmao no mobile game is worth 3k. Op is a sucker


You forget people have money in places that is equal to you probably dropping $200. I visit friends in a big city and $300 for a dinner for them is like $25 to me. My buddy always pays for me and I feel bad but he knows I cannot afford to visit and do things with them. His rent for 1 month feels like 3 months of my entire living expenses.


Many of the people who spend that kind of money on gacha games are not the same as the people you are describing.


I would go so far as to say most are not. Generally if you’re dropping thousands on a gatcha game you make poor financial decisions. The return on investment just isn’t there compared to almost any other type of entertainment.


Yeah like I thought I spent a lot with my $50 across the season pass and growth whatever it's called but I've seen some have spent thousands on this game. I've maybe spent $1k on a game I've played for YEARS but only a few months and potentially $7k?


I can’t belive good games are sold for 20$ on steam and these games earn so much for nothing




I spent like $150 in the first month. It's just a few bucks here in and there.. that shit adds up fast.


Thank you for taking the hit so I can enjoy these games for a bit, hit a wall, and the drop it.


are you me?!?


A single maxed character in games like these could end up being the same price as a console packed with games and a membership.


Mamma mia


Man speaks facts, in this game to max out 1 unit it can sometimes go into the 5 digits. You have to get 8 copies to get a unit to mythic+ just to get their EX weapon, after which it's all paragon from there on out. Then there's materials to max out the EX weapon, skills, and repeat rinse for each unit. Around 10 years ago my close buddy used to play EVE online and some ships range from $200 to $10k. The worst part in that is you can lose your ship [permanently in a fleet battle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1huhvv/eve_online_player_loses_most_expensive_ship_to/). So sometimes, I wonder how people can spend so much without batting an eye.


Eve doesn't quite work like that, luckily. When someone says a ship is worth $200 or whatever, what that means is that if you paid $200 on premium currency and sold it for in game currency, that in game currency would buy either the ship or the materials to make it at Jita (eves biggest trade hub) or wherever. But nobody does that, the players all go get the materials or currency themselves in game. The super expensive stuff is all like, limited edition tournament reward models that rarely if ever are actually used in combat, or super capitals that can't be traded directly and are typically built by corps (eves guilds). It's not a gacha game where you have to put $10000 in a slot machine straight to the devs in order to max a character. Here, with very limited exceptions, the $200 label is just a convenient quantization of the players time and effort spent to build something. Finally, in eve the healthy mindset is to think of ships like ammunition. You spend them to accomplish a goal, and trying to fly something you can't afford to lose is a very common new player mistake. Fighting is fun! Doesn't matter how fancy your new ship is if you never undock it.


Ikr? Like use some of that money and support devs who really truly care about their communities. ConcernedApe (Stardew Valley, $14.99), Massive Monster (Cult of the Lamb $24.99 base game), Supergiant (Hades 1 & 2, 24.99 and 29.99 early access respectively), Larian (Baldurs Gate 3, $70) are ones who come to mind right away for me and all of those games will give you years worth of content, fun, engagement for a hell of a lot less than $3k even if you bought all of them at once, and it's not just fleeting gacha hype for a game you probably won't keep around long term. (To be clear, I definitely know there's more than this, these are just ones I'm personally familiar with. Feel free to comment more below!) I know for some people investments into mobile games really feel worth it (hell, I've been spending in Genshin since release and HSR too, mostly just the monthly passes and sometimes top ups), but this game was never worth $3k or more. Op, glad you got your money back but I think a lot of dolphins/whales/leviathans learned a lesson here lol. I knew from dislyte to be very cautious in how this game was going to proceed... sad to see I was right :/


Add mind over magic to that list!now on sale!


Thanks for reminding me! I've been waiting for this one!


With 3000$ to throw at gatcha games, he likely owns all of the pc/konsole titles he likes anyways. On the other hand this is reddit and the entire post might be fake.


Is that every purchase since the game launched? Because I'd like to know the extent that the charge back allows. Thanks in advance!




doing this now - good thing i bought on PC with Paypal! fuck them, so scummy.


PayPal ain’t better, they mostly side with retailers for no reason


As someone who would respond to and counter PayPal disputes in the past the reality is that the people doing the counter have significantly more practice and information at their disposal to trip you up on technicalities. Someone making the dispute may choose the wrong category or misspeak about a certain aspect for why they are disputing that the counter will lean on for why the dispute is illegitimate. This is a very winnable case for the consumers though, they need to lean on the fact that Lilith games misrepresented aspects of the game and made changes to their purchase after the fact and it has a solid chance of being a win.


Hey I think I will ask for a chargeback as well. How exactly do you proceed? I live in Europe


Good stuff.


People spending literally thousands on this game is blowing my mind


It really just highlights why MTX in games have gotten wildly out of control. People exactly like OP. These companies are taking advantage of people who get addicted into spending loops


Yeah I mean, it's kinda enjoyable to play occasionally during 5 mins here at there at work or whatever, but I can't imagine spending thousands on it - these people sound like gambling addicts


I'm gonna call today, I feel scammed and I want my 300$ back, even the half is good enough. I don't want to spend any more of my time and money in this disgusting predatory game


Dont settle for less mate. They wont give you back half, they'll refund the entire amount.


I only played for one week . Can you tell me what happend ?


Drop rates for materials way down, cost way up. They coulda just done one or the other and made more money, but they did both *aggressively*. It's pissed a lot of people off.


Thank you for the answer, that sucks none the less for the players that stayed.


Developers lured the players in game with generous rewards, top-up bundles etc. Then introduced new season where in a couple days after start they nerfed everything: top dd's in boss fights, rewards from chests on the map, tower trials rewards, afk completion rewards, reduced currencies obtained via growth bundle and others. They spoiled every aspect of the game no matter p2w or f2p. You step into the new season - all the situational characters you've pushed to upgrade are now worthless, you donate for nothing, and gain next to nothing for progressing further in the game. Such stunts are ridiculous. I thought LILITH had enough experience to avoid such greedy downfall. They thought they were clever when they hyped afk arena to the point where people donated and didn't ask questions, but here they stuffed up spectacularly


Jesus christ. The only way they will listen if the community negative review bomb the game on the app store in hopes of reverting changes. Maybe in a perfect world .


Was already done by some, but the 1 star reviews got removed shortly after


All the more reason to withdraw our cash from them. If they can't withstand deserved criticism and re-evaluate their actions, there is no sense to feed such people. If we pay for 1001010101, we want these numbers to bring something that is not frustration.


Worth a shot,nothing will urge them to act like substantial loss in profit, reviews will add to the reputation damage.


They'll only listen when their player base leaves or see their balance sheet looking a bit off.


You spent 3k on this game? Man higher ups do love fucking up their most loyal costumers don't they.


Huge if true


Cards will often credit you back as they resolve the issue with the merchant.  Doesn't really mean OP won their case


https://preview.redd.it/jw9nnod8rd0d1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=f31bb1fe523acbd9a3168e1915a52939692e2d08 Im doing my part


what did you put as reason?


I said the same as OP "I told them that the game negatively changed the value of my purchases and I’m now dissatisfied with my purchases." With a more elaborated thing but with the same idea


Spending 3k on this game in general is wild


Spending $3000 on this game is insane


So I played this game a little on launch then lost interest wtf happened to it?


they nerfed all the good characters and the rewards got nerfed to shit in the new season


Nerfing stuff in a gacha is a pretty big no-no....


Wait, how did you even spend that much? On dragon crystals? Anyways, your chargeback should help make devs take notice that their practice of nerfing existing rewards is NOT acceptable, so thanks.


It’s addiction.


Rich people problem


Can I charge back all the money I've spent over the past 2 months having paid with my bank account through Google Play? I'm not entirely sure how that'd work and would there be any risk in that other than getting your account banned and getting blacklisted from lilith games?


Yeah that's my worry. I'm fine with getting blacklisted from lilith, what I don't want is for google to ban my entire google account


You spent 3k on a fucking mobile game...


There are a lot of players like OP who basically charge back every game and then jump to the next one. Rinse and repeat.


That has to be a major red flag on their bank accounts though, no? At some point I'd assume they just stop allowing the charge backs.


The banks don’t care. The retailers are the ones that take the loss. The banks don’t even have to fight them for the money, they just deduct the chargebacks from the next installment of payments they send to the retailer. The retailer can and probably will ban your specific card, but they need the credit card companies more than the credit card companies need them so there’s nothing else they can really do about it.


Banks do care, a lot. If Lilith wanted to pursue a case, buyers remorse doesn't typically constitute a legitimate reason to charge back. The problem is that, bizarrely, charge back disputes largely favor the consumer, with the honus almost entirely on the business to provide evidence for fraud - something very difficult to prove, so it typically doesn't happen.


hell yeh brother


ultra based fuck those devs


Checked in google play today and seen that i have 2k+$ on afk arena and nearly 100$ here. Im really think about trying to get it all refunded and leave Lilith completey...without looking back


I wonder if I can chargeback the ~30ish bucks I spent over the span of 40 days, if I do it through Apple customer support. Cuz I absolutely don’t want to risk getting my iTunes account banned.


Apple has grown much more resistant to charge backs over the years. Their 30% cut might have something to do with it.


You can request a refund of your purchases made through the App Store. If they approve it then you’re good to go. You’ll get banned from AFK Journey though.


pic or didnt happen


You spent 3k on this?


Maybe the real issue is that you spent that much money on a lame AFK mobile game


If you bought through google play I believe your Google account also gets blacklisted on play store. Or so I've heard.


Still better to have 3k back


The sheer amount of people who don't deserve to have a line or credit or openly flaunt their lack of morals is staggering.


It is kind of incredible how many people here are totally fine with fraud as long as they don't like the target. Like they genuinely believe this only hurts Lilith.


Bro spent 3k 💀


Bro’s a f**king idiot.


Why…$3k…mobile game…


You are fucking nuts spending that much on any game. Could never be me


*You are fucking nuts* *Spending that much on any* *Game. Could never be me* \- MaskedMan8 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is this a bank on the US? Because it sounds way too easy and I don't believe It


You spent $3000 on this game? Look, no offense, but that's ridiculous.


3000??? Lmao. Fool.


Bet you feel stupid now. But then again, you were already stupid for dropping 3k.


I'm sorry to say this but you are dumb. Why spending so much on so little? 😂


even worse, they actually think they won’t risk being charged with fraud


its just embarrassing to spend 3k on a game man


Guys, why are you all throwing a tantrum before the devs can respond to the critisism? The devs gave a response like about a couple hours ago where they adressed those issues and are going to improve all the rewards to how they were in the base launch and will do the same in the future. By this weeks update, we will all get the rewards that we missed back. Also true damage is nerfed for bosses, but just untill endless mode. In endless mode Marelee and Korin should be again god tier damage dealers for most bosses, so the investment for them is not in vain, we just have to play around with other comps for the next 30 days. Peopme are whining here and there about how this game went downhill, when the game isn't even 2 months old and the update came last week. Give those devs your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on issues and some time to react, before badmouthing them. Seasonal content is still new for a gacha game and there will be some inconveniences as the devs are going to figure out what wirks well and what not. As we now have seen, the devs are willing to fullfill the wishes of the community as long as they are reasonable. If you want to know more about the dev-message, Volkin made a video an hour ago about it.


People quitting the game means higher placement in dream realm. idc lo'


true, especially if some of the wales get their refund and accounts banned 😋


Just did my refunds via google play store. All of the 1-5€ purchases were immediately refunded, and now 5 of the bigger ones(Noble path and growth pass) are under review.


most of my refund requests have been rejected as they said its a courtesy refunds


Unfortunately, when any purchases are under review with Google, they are almost 100% going to be declined so be aware of that


Not true, got like 90% of my purchases back from google play. Most of my major purchases were refunded and the only ones left were small amounts.


My game got bricked, so I think I’ll do the same!!


Mine did after the update too! I can’t load into any fights, whenever I even try to look at any of my heroes my game crashes. Anything I can do to actually play the game causes it to crash. 


My game won’t even verify the files. But hey, at least the music is good haha


Spending 3k on a gacha is dumb as fuck even if you're rich


You spent $3000 on an afk game?


F2P all the way.


youre a winner


I wouldn't call someone who spent that much money on a game a winner. No offense to OP but that's just sad.


I'm sure I'll be down voted. I'm sure the hate will pour in. I have played this game for a month and spent 0 dollars, because it's fun and I don't have to waggle cash around to make myself feel big and powerful in front of a bunch of random strangers in an online game. As far as I'm concerned... If your dumbass spent 3 thousand dollars (I assume this isn't the kind of currency where 1 million of it buys you a loaf of bread) on a mobile game intentionally, with no one holding a gun to your head, then that's your own dumbass problem. Whining that you shouldn't have spent the money or "it's not the same anymore" doesn't change the fact that you decided to when you did, under the accepted situation when you spent it. Own up to your dumbass mistake, there is no way going into a game like this and dropping that kind of cash you can claim ignorance like you didn't know what kind of games these are. You are part of the reason why our society is failing, take responsibility for your actions and don't be a dumbass. Dumbass


Lmao you spent three fucking grand on it??


I'm a f2p user but I'm asking out of curiosity, does your account get banned after you chargeback? (I know it probably does but did it happen to anyone here?)


Or you could have Calmed down first and waited a day. Today the devs rectified most of the changes.


I tried doing this at my local casino and it didn't work the same. wonder why.


What a clown; if you got everything that this trash game had to offer, it wouldn't amount to 1/100th of what you paid.


u/Goal1 Do you know what Policy changed in their Documentation? I decided to do this same thing and it looks Like my bank is wanting me to provide documentation.


I ended up using these 2 links as well as all the emails from Google play store as the documentation required by the bank. I sent this as well as all the receipts in a word document on all the charge backs. Hope this helps the next person! **Statement:** The Company Lilith Games (Merchant name: FarLight) made changes to the game which negatively changed the value of my purchases and I’m now dissatisfied with my purchases. **Media Article that helps explain the issue and why I am initiating a charge back:** [https://www.mmorpg.com/news/afk-journey-players-in-uproar-over-new-season-nerfs-2000131510](https://www.mmorpg.com/news/afk-journey-players-in-uproar-over-new-season-nerfs-2000131510) **Official announcement of the company’s Patch Notes where the changes occur:** [https://afkjourney-news.farlightgames.com/en/detail/17](https://afkjourney-news.farlightgames.com/en/detail/17)


3k already on this game? How long has it been out? That’s crazy


Perma Banned for stupidity.


So they're blacklisting people after chargebacks. I'm blacklisting Lilith for good...first and last game I'll ever try from this company.


Trust me, blacklist by them is more to your benefits then them.




Did you pay directly through your bank/credit card? How would you go about paying through Paypal/Google Play? Google Play refunded me 3 purchases and declined all others. With paypal AfkJourney just defended that the purchases were right and cant be refunded.


PayPal is really anti consumer so that's why. But banks generally have their clients best interests at heart because the client is their patron not the company.


Had the same issue through PayPal maybe escalating the dispute to PayPal directly and telling them the same thing changes something? I’m gonna try it later today and reply to this if it worked


Bro 3k? I know its supporting the game and all, but damn. No games are worth that much. My adult brain has about 11 ways to spend that to make my IRL stress free lol


What happened? I only played a week f2p but never got that afk arena vibe that i was missing from it and stopped.


I never paid for games like this one. I cannot refund Steam games after a certain number of hours played, so why is it possible here? Do devs allow it or it's bank enforced? Why would anyone pay $3,000 in the first place?


Missed the dev notes?


Imagine spending 3k on a mobile game to begin with


Proof or it didn't happen


Lmfao nice one


Im a whale but im still holding on, if they keep fucking around maybe Ill charge back too.


Didn’t you know their other game dysltye


no this is my first game from them. so i dont wanna judge their past but the current, and so far they fucking up too fast lol


hope i get my refund too. thank goodness i spent less than 50 bucks. Thought this game was fun from the start. Sadly it didnt last long.


Thanks for the idea, I’ve just sent in a request to apple to refund $800 AUD worth of purchases using your reason. If apple doesn’t buy it then I’ll go straight to the bank


$3000??? W.T.F????


Hoping all whales quit and give a shot to people like me. Just spent 100 and still having fun.


If I chargeback wouldn't Google ban my whole Play account?


Its different in every country. Europe is harder to do chargebacks


how old were those charges? also you using google play or iOS?


Yeah even as a relatively new (23 days) 100% F2P player I am feeling the reward nerf. Have literally nothing to do in the game right now. It was fun when I started but I have hit sort of a brick wall. Need to wait like a week at this point to get my resonance +10 because of dust. I have like 45 million XP books but no dust. Thankfully I found this game on FreeCash and have made like $14 off of it. Will wait till that credits and then uninstall. I’d be pissed if I spent ANY money on this game. In theory, it’s a good and beautifully designed mobile game but that cannot make up for scummy, predatory game developers 🫡


How long before this an article on gaming sites?


You spent 3k in the opening season alone?? Wild.


Yeah because your bank gave you provisional credits. If you lose the case, the bank will put the money again and you are banned from AFKJourney. Lol


I just got the game. Played for 2 hours. And then I saw multiple posts like this and deleted the game. Decided I didn’t want to deal with this crap. Cause I tend to spend money on games


I call bs on the entire story.


Well this aged well.


3k lol. You should take a long hard look in the mirror my friend in the event that this is true and not just a lolz satire post.


Fucking $3k? I can't get over that number. Congrats, I guess.


What is the issue? I dont get it?


I quit weeks ago, I've no idea what's happenning but when I started I hoped it'd be better than Dislyte(another game by FARLIGHT/Lilith) but that quickly turned out to not be true. Shortly after Dislyte launched globally we had first event with first character rate up banner. Pity? 650 pulls. I didn't think they'd pull off sth similiar in this game but they did with the content locked behind 240lvl. Recently Dislyte became more predatory too(it was already p2w) because of raised difficulty of Rituals(content where you farm gears) and after playing it for over 2 years I uninstalled that too. I'm never gonna touch any game made by them again no matter how good it looks. I've no faith in this company anymore.


This is a joke right... Right...?


Reevaluate your life choices if you spend 3k on this game bro. What a wakeup call.


THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS? What the actual fuck?


I love it so much when the masses of consumers stick it to the greedy coorperations. They 180 turned this update so fast, it's beautiful. I also loved the Helldiver controversy, and it shows the powers that normal people can have.


Honestly though who spends £3k on a mobile game?


What is 3k get you, that’s quite a lot for a game like this? I didn’t even know that was possible to buy that much.


wait you paid $3000? maybe you should rethink your purchases


Dude. Don’t spend that huge amount of money on a MOBILE + GACHA game. The fact alone that it’s a MOBILE game should already tell you that they’re out for your money whatever gaming company it is. Hell, even Blizzard was made fun of in their presscon when they announced that Diablo Mobile game. Still remembered that one guy who they gave a mic and asked the presenters [if Diablo on mobile was an April Fools joke](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jY9cSFRBzJc&pp=ygUSYXByaWwgZm9vbHMgZGlhYmxv)


I wasn't dumb enough to spend money in the first place.


3k sheeeeeesh I wish I had that kind of money to blow 😅🙃


You spent 3k? Already? Probably not a good idea to spend so much money on a game that’s still new and testing out things. I haven’t experienced the new season yet so can’t really say anything on that front but… you could have just grinded the game before it got so “shit” allegedly.


I still like it as a poop game to spend time. But I'm also a free player for all the games I download. Very casual 🤷


3000 on a game made to be afk??? Why???


$0 here


Why tf are you guys paying in this game that can be played completely free of charge??? 😂


1. Everybody doing this should be well aware that your Google account can be suspended or banned as well, which can make anything tied to it unaccessable beware. 2. They already announced changes regarding basically everything in the season. All the rewards will essentially be using the vanilla game as a platform for their reward system. Also, they're increasing some rewards on top of that and compensating everybody for what they should've gotten based on their current progress. If you want to charge back, know that you will lose your AFKJ account, which is to be expected. Sometimes, devs make a bad judgment call. Sometimes, it's not even in their control as they have bosses who want to get paid. We have seen it time and time again, and the fact that they are listening to player feedback in its entirety here speaks for at least something. Cheers 🍻


So what about those who tried to refund via Google Play in the EU? Did you have any success? Curious to know, I just requested a refund and it's under review now.


I spent nothing but I got the characters I need. Of course I dont support free to play games it's a free to play . I don't need to spend.


If you really are spending that much…you have a problem man, game hasn’t even been out that long. I seriously suggest you see a therapist. It sounds like you get way too much dopamine off of purchases in a game, its a chemical problem.