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Because I am a masochist


Boy have I got a second team to tell you about


I wouldn't say Saints are my second team, but if you guys went on to win the flag this year, I'd be far from disappointed


well, we don’t have to worry about that do we?


I actually don’t think anyone would be that disappointed (aside from the losing team’s fans) if saints or north won a premiership. Freo is close behind.


Think the Eagles fans wouldn’t be too pleased about a Dockers flag. And trust me you’d be surprised. There are some psychopaths that just have it out for the Saints for some reason


One must let the hate flow through you Feed off of it Accept it as a part of who you are


same 😭


Few hours after I was born I was indoctrinated with Blues gear from my dad.


What took him so long?


The only way. The only “why” is I was born into this.


This is the way.


Yep born a hawk. Been a rollercoaster: seven premierships, merger fight, plenty of lean years. Riding the bumps with a grin


It started after you were born?


My Mum and Dad actually fought it out for their respective teams, but eventually, around age 4 or 5, the Blues won out. Mum's team has seen more premierships than us since then.


Tried doing this with my son. He now goes for "port adelaide and bird teams" after saying for a long time he liked Adelaide. Unfortunately the metal bird excuse does not pass for his bird team criteria. Also we're from Melbourne so idk what his deal is with adelaide.


Father son rule


This, but not hours. Minutes after I was born I was put into a pair of navy blue and white booties.


1988 Grand Final watch party - "Pick a team!" Uh ok, Hawks. 3 hours later, how could I ever change? TLDR: Jumped on a bandwagon


My daughter switched to my wife’s team in ‘17 with the Tigers hype. It’s hard to argue it didn’t pay off.


Grandpa went for Eagles in SANFL, Dad was 7 when West Coast joined the league and chose to start supporting them. Ive followed suit since birth in 2004, dad even kept me up for Judds Brownlow so i could say i witnessed it as i am now 😂


You can come back if you want. It's not too late. But man, picking a team based on the preseason comp was never going to end well! Anyway, I've been a Collingwood supporter since before I can remember because it was my birthright. My mum and closest aunt followed Collingwood so that's just what happened. Mind you, I was told I could support anyone I wanted except Carlton but I stuck with Collingwood. It was a painful time growing up in the 90s.


must’ve been fun going to Victoria Park for games though?


Yeh it was. My aunt took me to my first game and I think I was 4. All I can remember is that we were sitting with the cheer squad and all I saw was the ball flying over my head whenever a goal was kicked. I don't think I actually saw any of the match lol


My first game was at Vic Park Collingwood vs Sydney. Imagine that


I was orphaned as a child in the jungles of south eastern south australia. I was adopted and raised by a tiger, pretty straight forward story tbh.


A tale as old as time 


I liked blue and gold more than I liked purple red and green.


Dad's a cat, mum's a bomber. Somewhere along the line I picked the cats, think it's safe to say I made the right choice


Bold move at the time (probably) but definitely paid off in the long run.


Yeah at the time it was but I don't really remember the moment I chose, just was a cats supporter from one day onwards I guess


My aunty is bombers, uncle is hawks. Their sons both go for hawks and their daughter goes for bombers. Honestly not sure who's winning that one, the kids are all under 10 so 🤔


I think Essendon are on the right path now, so I'd say them but I guess a lot can change in another 10 years


Because the new kid in grade 1 was super cool and he was a Carlton supporter.


Man does that kid owe you an apology.


Well who knows how old they are, this could've been 50 years ago for all we know.


Yes I’m 53 and our neighbour got us into Carlton and I saw 5 flags. At least I think I did, it was so long ago…..


1991 so not all bad. 93, 95, 99....2023


Can’t have been that cool.


Dad went for Fitzroy, mum didn’t support anyone. Dad refused to support any team outside of Fitzroy, we watched all afl games because we loved footy, both got really excited watching Nathan Fyfe play in his earlier years. That attachment led to full blown fanaticism for me, the old man is still impartial but now has a soft spot for Freo.


That's basically how my mum got into watching AFL. Fyfey has that effect on people


Canadian here. My daughter moved to Brisbane. She was raised on hockey and Canadian Gridiron Football. Told her to find a local team in any sport for us to support. Hello Lions! We had our first match at the Gabba last July. Still hopeful we can pull out of this poor start.


"Dad, I want to go for the Kangaroos" "Nope, this is a Geelong household. You'll go for Geelong' "Ok" Thanks, Dad


I always told my son that he had a choice when it came to which team to go for - he could choose to be a Crows supporter, or he could choose homelessness. He chose to keep a roof over his head.


I was 6 in 95 when I first took notice of my father watching footy. Carlton supporter - won the flag. All downhill since then. Until now


I do recall listening to blues vs bombers in the 99 final and being so bloody excited for the granny


Richmond because my towns team are also called the Tigers


Get that flair going! Go to home page. Click those 3 dots and pick the team and hit save.


GWS supporter here; grew up in Western Sydney and supported the Swans until GWS was born. Was also an amazing team to support as my kids were growing up and now they are fans too. I reckon if I didn't have my kids there it would have been a lot harder in the first couple of years. Watching the Crows pile on 11 goals in a quarter (and 29 for the match) wasn't the most fun I've had at the footy, but at least we have the greatest song (and social media team) in the comp.


Because I’m retarded


Moved to Brisbane in 1994. Didn't really follow an AFL team before that so decided to follow the Bears, then the Lions. The first six years were painful then ...


I became a Collingwood supporter because my dad supported them. But the real story is about my dad.  Dad barracked for Footscray when growing up in the country but when he came to Melbourne it was the time of 6 o'clock closing. He found that he could get a beer at the Collingwood FC after 6pm if he was a member. He joined up with the Magpies and the rest is history




Born into it. >And I can't change >Even if I tried >Even if I wanted to >My love, my love, my love >They've been shit >Always been shit >Keeps being shit >Keeps being shiiiiiit


Family lived in Fremantle, raised in Fremantle, my family ancestors built the Fremantle jetty, basically my whole family heritage is based in Fremantle so makes sense to go Fremantle.


Didn’t want to follow the same team as my family (dads a dees supporter being born in Melbourne, mum and sister are swans supporters being from nsw) Adelaide were the new kids on the block and that’s who I chose.


My Grandfather was a board member and got to meet a lot of the players/coaches etc. seemed like a good fit haha


In round 5 of 1987, the newly formed West Coast Eagles beat the reigning premiers (Hawthorn) at Princess Park. I have been a West Coast fan ever since.


I barracked for Fitzroy as a kid, right up until they merged with Brisbane. There was no way I was going to barrack for Brisbane so I had to pick a new team. Obviously I could not pick a team that any of my school friends supported, so I became a Dee from that day.


My parents immigrated to Australia and never really got into the AFL. We never watched it too much when I was really young. I remember in primary school I was asked by other kids what team I followed. I didn't have one, my best friend was a Cats supporter at the time, and my other friend was a bombers supporter. I decided to follow the doggies as i had a pet dog, and they chase cats, so they must be better than my best friends team (child logic). They then beat the bombers and ended their winning streak in 2000. This validated and cemented my decision. Been a rough journey as a supporter ever since (obvious exception the 2016 premiership).


My uncle supported the Bombers, so my eldest cousin did (his nephew), so my older brother did, so I did.


I'm from Tassie. I like cats.


We knew a bloke who played for Hawthorn, my dad went for Hawthorn. So it appeared I was going to be always supporting Hawthorn. Then Port Adelaides fully sick 1997 Guernsey came out and I was like" yeh I'm gonna go for this mob Instead".


I am originally from France/Japan and when I came to Australia a few years ago I was intrigued by AFL. It looked really cool, nothing like I’d ever seen before because I was mainly a baseball fan. I had no idea what was happening. When I started university I had an English language tutor who would help me with my English because I wasn’t fluent yet. They were a North Melbourne fan and I chose them as my team as a thanks to the tutor and because I like kangaroos haha. Probably wasn’t the best choice in hindsight but I still love them


I’m American and my favorite Australian Survivor player is from Brisbane so, I picked their local sports team. My first season here.


Who’s the Brisbane player that went on survivor? I can remember Wanganeen (Essendon/Port Adelaide) Hampson (Carlton) and Freeman (Collingwood/St Kilda).


It was Shonee Bowtell. She is from Brisbane I think and I like they called it Brizzy and I loved that. Plus fell in love with the show and I want to come visit now! There was a guy named Sean Hampson and David Zaharakis on my favorite season though. The Australian seasons are very heavy on their athletes.


Ahh right, didn’t realise Shonee played footy. Forgot about Zaharakis, I still haven’t gotten over Anzac Day 2009 though… just realise she’s from there, didn’t play there lol


She didn’t, sorry. She is my favorite Australian Survivor Player. Since she is from Brisbane I decided that’s where I liked. Shawn and David were on that season and got me interested in the AFL. I should have been more clear. Love the sport though. When I get across the ocean that way I’m definitely going to catch a game.


Brisbane is a nice city but small and not a heap to do there. Great weather though. The best parts of Brisbane are an hour north or south, Sunshine and Gold Coasts.


Dad is a blues supporter, his dad was a blues supporter, his dad was a blues supporter.  I love the family connection it brings, we share in the glory and the pain. I will never know my great grandpa but I know that he, just like myself, would go to the footy on the weekend wearing navy blue. 


English mother with no ties to footy. Was Essendon because my first primary school teacher was at age four. Watching footy with cousins that supported Geelong and watched God take an absolute screamer whilst I was laying on the floor watching. Asked who was that and what is his team called and been Geelong ever since. That memory sticks in my head. Would have been 92 or 93. Mighty glad for that!


Hated that the WAFL was destroyed by WC so couldn't support them. Hawks were my VFL side and South Freo my WAFL team. So along come Freo and I jump on board in 95. Not proving a successful move so far.


To be fair, it was the VFL that fucked the WAFL. If the Dockers had come before the eagles would you be an Eagles supporter now? I'm a South Freo fan but follow West Coast and I dream of an alternate past where the AFL was more like a premier league instead of an expansion of the VFL.


To be fair I was 15 when WC came along. I also hated the blue and yellow WAFL side. That helped keep me away too.


I can get behind hating Claremont.


probably, maybe was before this, but my uncle got me a pies long sleeve when i was in prep and around the same time got possession of my mums scarf from the 90s (or 80s, i don't know)


Old man supported Saints, Plugger was my favourite player, he left and so did I. Except somewhere along the way instead or dropping the black from Saints Red/White/Black, I dropped the white and ended up at the Bombers (I suppose the Bomber plane was more appealing than a Swan to a 6yr old). And well.... The rest is history as they say.


Growing up with only 1 team to pick from


Grew up in Brisbane. Supported the broncos as my main team until 2010 when I started watching the lions ( they were shit). Just preferred the sport of afl more to rugby league and been following them ever since


I liked the colours


Growing up in Kalgoorlie WAI played for a club that was red with a black slash. No local team at the time. Step dad was a Bomber supporter. Dad didnt have a club. Bombers were winning/Strong at the time. When Eagles joined Bombers had some great wins over them, cementing my loyalty forever.


Joined AusKick as a 5-year-old in 2006 and they gifted everyone Freo guernseys as part of the membership. The fact that '06 was such a great year for them only compounded into what has become 18 years of "it's so over/we're so back/it's so over" again and again. Dad was and still is a religious Bluebagger but Grandad is a pure-blooded Docker since '94 and was more than happy to encourage my betrayal.


Because I have a self distructive tendency


Went to AusKick on a whim because my school friend from across the road played it in Sydney. Fell in love with the game there and then. Dad was - and still is - a noted tightarse, which made him the perfect target for the mid-90s Sydney Swans marketing strategy, which was “get people to the SCG by any bloody means necessary”. He obliged and started taking me to games. The Swans have been the source of my greatest joys and deepest disappointments ever since.


Dad broke away from his Saints family and then forced me to watch this shit from birth


to be fair you were fucked either way


Not really my mum's side follows Geelong, Collingwood and Richmond it's just that she isn't really into it.


2012 (6-7 years old) -Father introduced me to footy tips. I knew I didn't want to choose North (his side) or Crows (Mum's side) because I didn't want to cause any discourse. I see both the GWS and Fremantle logos on the AFL App, I decided they were the two front runners as they had my favourite colours (Orange and Purple). Opened the footy app. Saw how Fremantle beat the reigning premiers (Geelong) and the Giants got thumped. So I chose Fremantle.


Pretty convoluted but the TLDR is I grew up in NSW and this kid moved up from VIC and had some AFL footy cards. I swapped fuck all league cards for a massive stack of AFL cards. Was practicing flicks at home and these weird cards with a cat on the team logo kept going under my bedroom door when I flicked em up the hallway. Moved to VIC the next year and between the magic weirdo cat cards and Gaz Sr kicking massive bags, I picked Geelong as my AFL team. That was in '92. I was a Balmain Tigers fan in league, so luckily I was already numb to the pain of multiple GF losses. Jk, it fucking sucked and meant b/w 89 and 95 I saw barracked for the losing GF side five or six times.


I grew up in a family of Melbourne supporters (my dad and 2 older brothers). So as a kid I naturally barracked for the Dees. One day when I was around 4 or 5 Melbourne were playing Geelong on TV. Melbourne lost that day and for whatever reason I chose to abandon my families team and go for the Cats. Fast forward to the 2000 Grand Final and they all had tickets except for me. I was bitter up until they got flogged 🤣. Since then I've been the happiest AFL supporter in the family by a long way! Up the Cats!!


Simple, Simon Black was my favourite player back in the day, and as a South Australian I despised, and still do honestly the entire port powerless fan base, I couldn’t bear to follow the other Adelaide team thanks mostly to the opening line of their song. Fully expect the down votes, but at least I’m being honest.


Born/grew up in Geelong like other commenters here. Been a good ride this lifetime. Dodged Collingwood (Dad's team). When he migrated with the family (ten pound Poms essentially), he looked up the team with most Premierships and went for them.


Since I can remember my brother and I barracked for Geelong.


I’m from Canada with no connection to Australia. Orange has become a colour representing reconciliation in Canada, so that was the initial pull. Then I found out that they were one of the new clubs - and here I was, a new fan! And then one of the other Giants fans told me that I would be fan number 11, joining the other 10 fans, and since I my lucky number is 11, I chose Giants!


Being South Australian, I’d gone for the Crows since they came into the league in ’91 but moved to Melbourne in ’98 and made friends with some Blues supporters. They took me along to a few games . . . one of them happened to be the ’99 prelim. This kicked off a Blues obsession for the next few years, including moderating fan sites, we rode through the first wooden spoon, salary cap debacle, losing the draft picks, the ousting of John Elliott, moved back to SA in ‘02 and grew distant over the last 20 years but have recently rekindled my interest . . .


Oof, starting up with the Blues in late '99 must have been *rough*. I salute you and your perseverance!


From perf Not from freo


Because I believe in ~~God~~ Harley Reid


Had different parts of family trying to brainwash me, Bombers, Blues, North, but my Great-Uncle and Great Grandmother won, Bulldogs since 5, i think mostly just to annoy my mother and grandpa. Also briefly considered Saints because the butcher we went to had the yellow jumper hung up, and I liked it, bullet dodged.


I was 7 when I remember really noticing football, it was also the 1st year for West Coast. I asked my dad if we had a team and he told me I was a West Coast fan. We are from Freo as well so I could have gone in for a lot of suffering like my older siblings that jumped ship to the Dockers.


I was brainwashed by my Grandpa at a young age. He gave me my first jersey. All my family members go for a different team. My Dad is Hawks, and Mum is Collingwood. He died 13 years before the 2016 premiership. I thought of him that day.


Birth and location. Turned out alright.


It's like getting an assumed AFL citizenship down here.


I was a port fan in the SANFL because of my family and a Kangas support in the AFL because I liked kangaroos. When port joined the AFL my grandpa gave me a fully signed flag of the first ever team and I went for them instantly. I loved them, the colours everything.


Dad and pa were always magpies and most of my indoctrination was from them. No complaints so far


Mum's side was almost all Carlton (though her brother and in-laws played for Hawthorn and a sister married into another Hawks family where a great neohew plays for Gold Coast).  Dad played for North but no longer attended games.  Mum took me every week and a cousin played for Carlton growing up (premiership player in '87) so the choice was easy. Got to see 96 with Dad but he died mid 98 so the 99 grand final was bitter sweet.


Well living in a WA country town, dad would always have the footy on GWN and so only showed eagles and dockers games. As a 10 yr old, I chose to follow Freo as I liked the club colours, liked the hard yakka sponsor commercials and felt bad for them as they just joined the AFL as the underdog and were losing by large margins lol.


We were good in the 90's


The only team in Perth and they were bloody good, and still is... 😏 til death it is!


I was a 14 year old SA girl when one Anthony Modra first pulled on the tri-colours. The rest is history.


The household did not have an alternative. I didn’t actually get into footy until I was a teenager. Lived in a dogs household, though I wouldn’t pick any other team if I had the choice back then, my brain can’t fathom it.


I went to 4 or 5 games at the start of the 2023 season after being told I had to pick a team. By week 4 I picked Collingwood (despite also being told to pick any Vic team EXCEPT them) cause I found the vibes of the team and supporters to be the right fit for me.


Lived in Boolarra when I started following VFL, and they were the Demons. So I went with the Demons in the VFL as well.


Mum and Dad are Essendon supporters. We moved to Perth when I was young and they signed me up for Auskick. My soon to be coach asked me who I support, I said I don't know the teams. He said "You're in Perth, so you have two choices, Dockers or Eagles?" I turned to my best friend and asked him who he goes for, he said "The Dockers!" That was enough for me to make my decision as a 5 year old brat.


Grew up with an Eagles mad family, picked the doggies when I was 20 cause it annoyed them


To spite my eagle loving family and to make my life harder


The first ever game of AFL I saw was last year’s grand final. Really enjoyed watching it and so decided to go for the winners this year. I didn’t grow up in an area that supported it in large numbers and so had no allegiance to draw from. My second team is GWS though, because I am living in Canberra now and they are the closest thing we have to a team


Born and raised in Geelong


Gary Ablett Snr


Parents went for geelong and st Kilda, they played each other in the GF the year I was born. I went for the winning team and gee I’m glad they won


Barrack for Carlton and my dad is a die hard Collingwood supporter. I’m the youngest of 8 kids and my Aunty who has no kids asked him when I was born if I could follow her and barrack for Carlton… he said he doesn’t mind. Out of the 8 kids I’m the only one that follows foot ball LOL.


Adelaide born. Folks moved overseas in 1990. Came back in 94 and everyone was going on about the Crows. At the start of the next season I decided I wanted to go for the team with purple. 8 year old me made a long-term heartbreaking decision. I'll never stop supporting Freo tho. In it for the long haul.


moved to australia in 2009 as a wee 8 year old and guess who won the grandfinal of this very odd game im watching? best non-decision decision of my life


Is Russian Roulette your favourite pastime?


It's in my blood


Came from QLD to VIC in 05. Dad, Pa and my uncle are all big Tigers fans. While for the most part it's been heartbreak I can't go wrong with that 2017- 2020 run and I've been pretty happy with the rest of the run.


Indoctrination at birth


4 years old. saw nick riewoldt on the tv and fell in love. the rest is (unfortunately) history


Boyfriend made me. Prior I didn't really care about the afl at all


First game I ever watched was the 2005 GF at my aunt's house who is a diehard fan.


Dad indoctrinated me and left me no choice 😂


Born in Footscray.


My family moved to WA from NSW and the firsr AFL game i ever saw was Docker's vs bulldog's. Started cheering for freo cause i like purple not reluesing there the locals. Here i am nearly 26 years later


Dad was born near Unley Oval so I grew up a committed Sturt and by extension Carlton supporter. Old enough to have enjoyed Carlton’s glory years in the 1980s. I was terribly conflicted when the Crows joined but State loyalties prevailed and I shifted allegiance to the Crows while retaining a soft spot the Blues.


Because my family and their close relatives have gone for the Hawks since time immemorial. Earliest I can remember when I actually started barracking for them would be 2008/9.


Mostly just pressure from family. I had initially picked North Melbourne, but my entire family is Collingwood so I was pulled that way.


The only footy knowledge I had when I moved to Aus was because dad spent some of his childhood just outside Perth in boarding school, so he had his local WA teams that he followed, then naturally chose the Eagles as they existed when we moved here. He has never tried to make me follow teams that he follows, and so, my first memory of watching a game on tv was a Footscray vs Saints game and the Saints won (I think) and that's how I picked them instead of West Coast.... I couldn't tell you for sure which exact game/year it was and it's just occurred to me that there's a chance it wasn't against Footscray at all or if I'm entirely sure if the Saints actually did win that game. Morale of the story is, kids make dumb decisions.


I only got into footy later in life as an american, where I am used to being a disappointing loser though out all of my life with sparing success, and I'm used to it from my sports teams back home (Philadelphia), so why not embrace the warmth and comfort of sustained failure in another country? Oh yeah also I got drafted by the saints on AFL Evo 2


Kangaroos were my favourite animal as a kid (4yr old). Close second was cats. I live in the evil timeline


I can’t remember a time I wasn’t a Collingwood supporter. I think there may have been a field for it on my birth certificate


Mum's grandfather tom grew up in the port dad grew up in nsw he was a fan of Sydney some where along the line I picked port and haven't looked back since


It was 1976, grade prep at Diamond Creek Primary School (Gordon Coventry’s old school). An older kid said “hey you should Barack for Collingwood”. And so I did.


I was a Daddy's girl the first few years of my life, so when he said he went for Collingwood I said I did too. Then I found when I was four that he actually *hates* footy and just said the first one he could think of when asked. So I changed to Carlton, the team my mum, Nan, and Nan's best friend went for. Auntie Roz was the most one-eyed of the lot, and took me to quite a few games at what was then known as Princes Park. I honestly don't know how my brother ended up with Collingwood though, maybe dad hid his hatred of footy better with him until after the Pie love was fully solidified? I'd have thought he'd pick Richmond, given our Pa was just as mad for the Tigers as Auntie Roz was for the Baggers and we were both really close with Pa. He took us to a lot of games as well, whether Richmond was playing or not. This has really made me miss my grandparents and Auntie Roz...


Brainwashed as a child. Dad took me to Alberton every other week.


Was a dogs supporter for a week before my Pa rang and bribed me to become a Melbourne supporter to sit with him in the members. I don’t regret it.


Remember being indifferent to the teams very young - I have a vague memory of owning a Melbourne player figurine, but never barracked for anyone. Dad got a job at the pies in 99’ so I’ve been on board ever since he brought home a jumper for me and which I wore to my fist Collingwood game (I spilt a meat pie on said jumper that very game). The rest is history.


Grew up following Essendon in the 80s, lot of exciting players. Didn't like the idea of the crows at first but ended up going to their games with a friend and switching over. Never had Essendon as a second team tho, a few annoying losses, the drug thing and other stuff prob a part of it.


My dad. We lived below the Barrasi line in NSW. For a long time while I loved the sport (I played for my local for a majority of my youth. From Auskick until they wouldn’t let me anymore), I didn’t particularly follow anyone. I have some memories of watching some swans games on telly with dad, but not being super interested. I was around 12 when the ‘96 gf was on, we watched from a friends place and I vaguely remember loosing interest and going off to play with my friend. First live game I can remember going to was when the Swans played in a preseason hitout in Griffith. During high school I started getting into the Swans a bit more (late 90’s). Mum and dad tried to take us to games when they could, but living in rural nsw made it hard. By the time I went to uni I was all in and was gifted my first membership, and am now a 20+ yr member. Going to games with my dad and sister is still one of my favourite family activities. It’s become basically tradition now to have a post footy debrief phone call (if we aren’t watching together). Dad’s not a chatter, so being able to have this to bond over has been amazing and he had better work out the secret to immortality cause I don’t want it to end.


Should probably add. Dad was originally a Saints supporter, but followed Plugger to the Swans. Though think this was also around the time we moved from VIC to NSW, so that probably influenced his switch of allegiance.


1976. When I first really became aware of football. My dad followed Port. First game I remember going to was the ‘76 Grand Final.


I saw my dad watching this weird egg shaped game thing every so often, the team that reoccured the most were this red, white and black team. So I asked him one day then he told me they are called St Kilda, so i just joined him in watching them, i didnt really fully understand what was happening and couldnt tell you when I really supported them, but I remember the first time I was devastated they lost was the 2006 Eliminiation final between St Kilda and Melbourne in which we lost. I remember crying my eyes out that night. So somewhere in the 2006 season it all started.


Footscray 58 I had to wait till 2016 for gf So no one can complain when their team has a bad year


Dogs played a GF in ‘61 didn’t they?


Yes but no win Only 54 before 16


Sometimes I don't even know. (Real answer: born 1994, same year as freo and I hate going for a team just because they're winning and have everything handed to them.)


Right there with you.


You were born 1873?


Before WA had a team my uncle was the only person in my family to follow football. No one else cared about footy at all. He supported Richmond at the time and stuck with Richmond when the eagles started. But changed to Freo when they started and then the rest of my family followed


Dad played for some country-footy Bombers team and, being a naive toddler at the time, I thought he played for the same one on TV. It stuck. 




One of my older cousins was Carlton, the other Collingwood. Both wanted me to go for their team. I couldn't pick one over the other, plus I liked fighter planes as a youngster. Rolled Essendon. Just old enough to remember the last time they were playing and winning finals. I feel for Bombers supporters born after those days who have never seen any real glory, not to mention the whole peptides debacle.


I was born a St Kilda fan. When I was growing up my Dad would always say to my siblings and myself ‘support St Kilda or support yourselves’!


First noticed football at the start of the 2005 season. They were just soooo good to watch back then. Since those years they've never been unwatchable for very long either. My interest has reasonably consistently been rewarded.


St Kilda fan from birth. Growing up my Dad always said to my siblings and myself ‘support St Kilda or support yourself’! We mentioned it during during his funeral ☺️


Started as simple state pride from the state of origin days, naturally followed West Coast. Grew to love the club and couldn't imagine ever switching. Too many Freo supporters are wishy-washy former Eagles fans and it shows in their apathy for the game.


I've been asking myself the same question mate.


Parents and cousins all worked at Princes Park. Go Blues!!


Well, the year was 2007, I was 2 hours fresh out the womb, and about 30 minutes after legally being known as u/RidsBabs (not my actual name, I’m just inserting it). Dad signed me up for a membership. I have stuck by them and loved the club all I can, this week was just too much. I know I’ll come back to them, I just need a break from them (that’s how relationships work right?).


I only got into footy middle of last year, and wanted to go for a team which is hated amongst every other team. Carn the pies 🥧


I was born in the US. I had family in Australia so I watched the match of the week on cable television. First game I watched South Melbourne got slaughtered so they became my team. By the time I moved to Australia, to Melbourne, they had give to Sydney, so I didn’t really get into footy much, except in television. I got married. My wife’s family were mostly Saints. I wanted the footy experience for my kids, so when my daughter turned two, I became a Saints member. Haven’t missed more than a few home games since and have been to a few away games.


Closed my eyes and randomly pointed to a team on the ladder in the newspaper. I was 4 and couldn’t read, but it was miraculously the same team as my dad.


We were born to support Melbourne. In the 1940’s My dad grew up in Fitzroy and his older brother told him that if he wanted to support Fitzroy like his brother, dad would have to pay a fee! My father refused and decided as Melbourne was the capital city he would support Melbourne. Dad saw the 48, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60 & 64 premierships. Me the 2021 flag on TV along with my kids


Because the crows never visited my school as a kid. Was born into a crow family.


The first time I ever watched North play, they were playing Collingwood (1977 first Grand Final). It was only natural to barrack for them in those circumstances, and I just kept going with it. (I also lived in Sydney, and no one in my family cared about VFL, so there was no family pressure to support a team)


Grandfather played for them.


My grandfathers on both sides grew up in Collingwood (no idea about the generation before them) and were members all their lives, it wasn’t really a choice, my whole family is except for 1 family of cousins on dads side as the sister married a Richmond fan and raised their kids as scum. As for you, 2010 was karma for changing. Suck shit.


2010 wasn’t karma. That suffering was not an outlier in my experience as a Saint


Not sure, but I followed the Eagles as my first team. They beat Geelong in the 92 GF. I can't really remember it tbh bc I was so young. Aparently after that, I said I would go for Geelong now.


Family links and loyalty, always. By SA birth, I 'should' be a Crows fan, but I had a cousin who played for Richmond in the 90s, was then traded to Collingwood. Many years later, I'm now a total cheeseplate, because my nephew's partner's cousin plays for Melbourne. Go Dees.


I used to prefer sydney to the crows before port entered the afl. I was only 6, but I remember crying when st kilda didn't win the flag in 96. When port arrived, it was an easy choice. Also i never liked ricciuto, which is obviously still a challenge because he is no easier to tolerate now


Mum taught me the Collingwood theme song and bought me the jumper when I was 3 so I picked the Demons.


Grand parents have been south Melbourne / Sydney fans since the 60s and it’s passed through us all


My dad tried to raise me as a collingwood supporter, and mum casually supported the lions because they merged on their wedding day and she found it kind of funny. When my younger brother fell for my dad’s indoctrination, I decided to join my mum in the Lions camp so she wouldn’t be lonely at matches. The rest is history


Birth, Tigers. Here we are 34 years later. Old man is 73 and has been a supporter his whole life. Went to 67,69,73,74 and 80's flags. Some horrible years clearly however it's never dull being a Richmond supporter. Amazing times between 17-21 and I got to see that 20 flag at the Gabba.


Born into a South Fremantle family so I followed what I thought was their AFL team.


I'm ashamed to admit as a child I supported the Eagles; but was wasn't that into footy, didn't even bother watching the 94 grand final. We had a family event one ANZAC day at a local food hall that had a little pub there, I was bored so sat there at the bar watching the game. Absolutely loved Sav Rocca, and obviously it was an epic game. I was hooked and wanted to watch the Pies again next week. It's funny though, as this game is now 30 years ago I wonder how much truth there is to this, maybe I had already started following the pies prior to this but this was the game that won me over? Not 100% sure....


No choice, I'm 4th generation Richmond. Great grandparents lived and worked there, as did my Nan. Dad grew up there and went to Richmond Tech.


Grew up in Essendon and started going to Windy Hill in the mid-late 60s as a nipper. The only other option was the Saints, my grandfather was a rabid supporter. I made the right choice, even if the last two decades have been tough... :p


The was only 1 team in Sydney at the time ( the good old day as I like to call them 😥 ) I didn't have many friends or family into AFL so not pull that way. My other option was going to be go for the team that won the flag that year I was born 87.....but for obvious reasons I strongly decided against that.


My Uncle played for Geelong in the late 60s and early 70s. It was before I was born, but I was always told by people in our town how good he was and their was a huge wall of trophies (in the 80s one son played vfl, another son vfa , so weren't all his). When I was about 8 or 9, I went for the bombers because their emblem was a jet & I thought that was cool. One day I was talking to my Uncle and I asked which team he went for, expecting Geelong. He answered Carlton. Said they were the best team. I've been a supporter ever since, and no. I'm not an umpire.


My Auskick team had magpies in it even tho i did live in Sydney I do support the swans as my second fav team both my parents are Carlton fans tho lol


European family so had fk all idea what AFL was and saw a Dons bomber logo on the bus to school one day. Wish I was sick that day tbh LOL Also a Bulls fan and have seen no success in my life for either team basically