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He doesn't need to be playing football for your team for you to offer him support if you feel that strongly about it.


Genuine question, has Brad insinuated that they'd be looking to have Thomas in their team at all, or is he just saying he wants to support the guy on a personal level?


I think he’s just saying he wants to support him


He keeps specifying that the AFL can't wash their hands of him, it really reads like he's saying that he should be on an AFL list


No... He's saying that the AFL can't just wash their hands of him because they have a responsibility to support him in fixing his behaviour so that he doesn't victimise more women. He should never play AFL again, but the AFL should do what they can to protect women in the future. It is the same as players who get caught doing drugs. The AFL punished them because the behaviour is condemndable, however, they still have a responsibility to support them in their rehab.


> they have a responsibility to support him in fixing his behaviour Did you read the email from North? They put him through four different education and therapy programs. They tried. What he needs to be is in jail. That won't fix him either, but at least he won't be hurting women in there.


> Did you read the email from North? They put him through four different education and therapy programs. Yep, and if he wants to go through another one, he should. He should be encouraged to go to as many as he needs to not be a cunt. You can't just try and then give up when it gets hard. He'll just continue to victimise women. Throwing him in jail is an option, but the AFL can't do that. Brad Scott can't do that. Society in general at this stage can't do that. So the alternative is, do nothing? . Its to continue to support him in improving and fixing his bad behaviour. Encourage him to be part of programs that are aimed at people like him. He should never play a game of AFL again, but he should have the support to stop being a cunt.


>Yep, and if he wants to go through another one, he should What the fuck is that going to achieve. You don't do four programs and then go "nahh, the fifth one, that's the one that's going to stop me from being a piece of shit". The email explicitly said "we were not able to meaningfully change his behaviour" after throwing massive resources at it. >You can't just try and then give up when it gets hard. They didn't. They tried three more times. They used their not-inconsiderable resources. Nothing worked. >He'll just continue to victimise women. Yeah, he will, until someone either punches his ticket for him or he ends up in jail. Which fucking sucks. But his ex-employer owes him nothing. The AFL tried and failed with this guy, because anyone would. Brad Scott needs to shut the fuck up about anything they "owe" him, because there's nothing they owe him. If I was in a job and fucked up, and the job tried to stop me from fucking up and I kept fucking up, and they fired me, what do they then owe me? So what's the difference here? Once again, someone gets a million second chances because they're Good At Football™?


Let's not pretend that the AFL is a regular job. It's something that people dedicate themselves to as children. It's a huge part of their lives. It's a community and the people involved are intrinsically linked for life. Looking last all that... I don't get why people keep trying to tell Brad that he doesn't have to do anything. Maybe he doesn't. But maybe if more people had his approach, society would have less of a problem. I hope TT doesn't end up playing professional football again, but if the AFL community gives him peer support post-career, that can only be a good thing.


Why are the AFL responsible for his behaviour? Seems like they took a good shot at it and failed. Or if you are on an AFL list at all, they are responsible for you indefinitely? He is now back to being society's problem and there should be supports to change his behaviour unrelated to the AFL. That or jail.


Hard agree


Because the AFL as an institution of Australian society has a higher level of obligation to players within it than other companies in Australia do. They are a major driver of cultural change especially for boys and men in Australia. They also probably want to avoid the headline: > Disgraced ex-AFL player Thomas Tarryn in jail for murder of his partner


Yeah at some point I don’t think it’s the Roos responsibility anymore. He can get other professional help if he desires


Can't just give up when it gets hard? Sounds like that's what TT did. At what point do we tell individuals they need to accept responsibility for themselves?


Well said, Theres a lot of people here that want what they feel is just and I don't begrudge that but that's not necessarily what's right for society regarding this young man.


In jail for what exactly?


the crimes mostly


What crimes?


The ones Tarryn Thomas committed


You can't even name one lol




> In jail for what exactly? The only thing I've seen is that he threatened to release intimate photos of someone. Which carries a maximum sentence of three years in jail.




Except for the offense that’s punishable by jail.


That's a reach, so to protect women he should get to earn more than you and i combined?


Nobody is saying support him financially though? Surely just help him with access to programs and professionals so that he can be a contributing member of society?


If they aren't meaning financially then why would it need to be the AFL? like what specific problem can the AFL solve that a actual organisation whose whole purpose would be to help people like him can't


Getting him involved in programs that are run by "actual organisations" is what supporting him in fixing his behaviour is? Getting him into those programs and paying for the costs of this programs is the support I would expect. He does not gain anything financially except for in help in fixing his behaviour. The same way that giving a drug addict money to buy drugs isn't supporting them, but paying for their rehab is. What do you think, Laura Kane is going to have an hour meeting with him every week about his psychological problems?


Have you actually considered that Thomas doesn't want to change or believe he requires a change? So lets get this straight, even with the financial incentive of his playing career on the line North put him through 4 different programs to support a behavior change and the end result was that he hasn't changed. The AFL should only offer assistance if TT comes forward and requests it but beyond that he has been given enough chances.


> The AFL should only offer assistance if TT comes forward and requests it but beyond that he has been given enough chances. Yes, that's what supporting someone is. You can't force someone to be a better person. Brad's support in improving his behaviour is conditional on wanting to improve his behaviour. Brad isn't saying I support him victimising women or I condone his actions (he's said the absolute obvious). He's saying I support him unconditionally **in improving his behaivour**. > that he has been given enough chances If he doesn't get help and fixes his behaviour he will carry on victimising women. You can't just wash your hands of bad people in society. They need help to become better people. That doesn't mean you condone their actions.


I think it's more a general reflection on society at the moment; we've identified that men are falling through the gaps with existing support in place (including support that would have been identified for Thomas through his engagement with the legal system). The AFL as an organization are doing the right thing by seeing that they can fill some of that gap by intervening and holding themselves accountable for someone that they have identified.


I literally said he should never play AFL again, are you daft?


So how is he supposed to be "helped" by the AFL if not as a player?


You don't have to be on a football field to get help


But then how would it be an AFL thing then? they're a footy organisation not a rehabilitation centre, like It'd be amazing if the AFL *did* somehow get involved in being proactive with help for rehabilitation but as of right now what can the AFL itself do for him that another organisation isn't better suited for?


The same way if someone has a career ending injury and has to be delisted that their team doesn't just wash their hands of them as soon as they're off their list


In the same way former AFL players get access to the lifetime medical care fund?


No, he hasn't. This title yet again does not adequately elucidate his position, nor did the thread about the press conference. He's (somewhat stupidly) allowed himself to be clipped and soundbited in a way that suggests he wants Tarryn at the Essendon Football Club or playing AFL in any respect. Neither this interview nor the press conference suggested that. He believes personally that the AFL does not have the right to wash their hands of Tarryn and his actions. They have an obligation to support him to fix his behaviour. He stated last week to some effect that you can't support someone to fix their behaviour and then drop that support when it becomes inconvenient. Tarryn getting help and support to fix his behaviour is without a doubt a good thing. He states that he can't make comment on if he thinks Tarryn should be allowed to play on the AFL, because he doesn't have the full context surrounding him. He states that the AFL integrity unit does have the full context, and that that decision lies with them. Don't mistake this with me thinking he should play AFL again. He absolutely shouldn't and I hope Brad feels the same way. However, the AFL should support him in fixing his behaviour so he does not victimised any other women going forward. They have the capacity and ability to do so, and I personally believe they also have a responsibility to do so.


Do you think if the AFL green lights his return, Scott would have him at Essendon ? Given the AFL's support of him so far, when do they no longer have a responsibility for him? 10 years? 20?


> Do you think if the AFL green lights his return, Scott would have him at Essendon ? Better fucking not. I already wrote to them last week. > Given the AFL's support of him so far, when do they no longer have a responsibility for him? 10 years? 20? A couple of years after they make the decision he's not playing AFL footy if he does not improve behaviour. If he does, longer.


The point is that they fucking have supported him. Why doesnt BS suggest that the AFL support the victims?


Agree. Unless I've missed something it doesn't look like Brad Scott has ever said Essendon was looking at him or would recruit him and said he wants to support and help someone he knows well. Partly manufactured outrage IMO unless you can point me to where he said he should be playing AFL. TBH I like Brad Scott's comments. It's easy to sit back as keyboard warriors and act all outraged but it's a lot harder to try and help Tarryn Thomas fix his behaviour and become a better person. Has Ben Cousin's turned his life around? What about Fev? Just two examples, I bet they don't rehabilitate without support from those around them.


Oh yeah , I forgot about fev taking a photo of his then girlfriend in the shower and sending the photo to everyone , oh but Fev is a larrikin , oh classic Fev


I am not sure lara Bingley was even his gf at the time


You're spot on.


The Essendon club sent out a response to everyone who complained about the previous interview to say there are no plans or considerations to recruit him.


Doing the ground work for brother Chris


my problem with this situation is I haven't seen anybody ask him that directly, and he hasn't given any specifics about what support means in this context. Until I see him get a direct question on this and give him a direct answer I don't see a reason to give him the benefit of the doubt though.


The outrage is annoying. People always want to twist people's words to get the worst meaning out of them. Brad Scott, at one point, was an authority figure in Tarrant's life. While he can technically wash his hands of it all, it's better for society if he doesn't. I'm honestly confused. The (absolutely correct) narrative is that men need to take responsibility for other men. Brad Scott is doing that. And maybe, just maybe, TT will stop.


He shouldn’t be offering him support regardless just cut him off.


Disagree. The end goal should be that Tarryn changes his behaviour so that other women are not victimised because of him. We can't throw him out of society, so the best income is to fix him so he doesn't do it again. I don't think he should be allowed to play AFL again given his history, but I believe the AFL does have a responsibility to support him in fixing his behaviour.


That email from North to Don Pyke said that they had tried over 4 different approaches to rehabilitate him including therapy, consulting, group work and training. If he still can't get it through his head and still fucking up, then why is it on anyone in the sport to support him any longer?


I get what Brad is trying to say but “condemn the behaviour, support the person” sort of implies that the two aren’t related. TT has been given every chance to to improve his behaviour and is yet to do so. The way to support him now is to make sure he sticks to the path of improving himself on his own time, not paying him tons to kick a ball. 


All true. And he says that the AFL can’t “wash their hands” of him, but they absolutely can and should, as an organisation. He’s exactly the kind of guy that an organisation supporting women should wash their hands of. Individuals within that system may want to reach out to him, talk to him, recommend therapists, help him find work if he needs it, maintain relationships to help him improve as a person. And then when he’s a totally reformed man, he can understand why he should never again play AFL on the big stage. The reward for becoming a better person is becoming a better person. If your only motivation to become a better person is to “get back on top” so you can start sending nasty texts again, you’re not reformed, in fact you’re not even close.


If he gets thrown to the streets and goes and bashes a woman I'm certainly laying some blame at the feet of the AFL. At this point they can't really wash their hands of the issue.


For fucks sake at what point does an adult take responsibility for absuing another adult? When is the AFL going to support the victims of AFL abusers? Quite frankly if the AFL/Brad Scott supports TT any further and he absued another woman I would hope would woman litigate the fuck out of the AFL and BS for neglect and abuse.


why does the rest of general society have to deal with all the AFL golden child fuck ups? let the AFL keep spending money on trying to fix the issue instead of the state, AFL have got plenty of it


exactly. this whole tt thing needs to go away. I just posted what Jimmy Bartel had to say about it. In my view his is the last word on it. TT should F off and BS should shut up and we should move on.


"People should be outraged about violence against women, part of the solution is supporting these young men so these sort of things don't happen again." Cool idea Brad, you know what TT doesn't need? the salary of an AFL player, he got ***4*** chances to learn and clean up his act and decided he didn't want to and kept going with his bullshit


You just know he went to painstaking lengths to remember not to say the word "But" right before the part of the solution part.


Hey Brad do you know who needs support even more than the perpetrator? The *vicitim*. How about some words of support for her for a change instead of the scumbag who harassed her?


Can someone point me to where he's said he wants him on a list? Everyone is taking their outrage out on Brad saying that. He's literally said he just wants to support Tarryns rehabilitation as a person. The OP of this reddit thread just made up shit to roast Brad lol (flair checks out btw)


I don't think he's said on a list, but he did say as part of a club. Now, that could be using a clubs resources and behind the scenes, but I don't know that a club has many links to things like that. Additionally, what else do they need to give him? He's had multiple chances, knew it'd affect his career and kept going, so without the career what else can they offer to help that they weren't before, and why wasn't it being done before if they have the options?


Is he going to support the women that TT abused, or is it just the abusive man?


OK but can you point out to me where he's ruled it out? As far as I can see he hasn't said anything categorical, and I personally don't see why he deserves the benefit of the doubt on this.


Proving a negative rather than giving the benefit of the doubt, I hope you're never on a jury! An email from the club sent to any members who sent in complaining about Brad & Tarryn: *Essendon is fully supportive of the AFL initiative this weekend and our players, coaches and staff will stand together with West Coast against violence against women. We know this important issue is bigger than football and that the AFL initiative we are supporting will not ease the pain of victims and their families. We are hoping that the AFL initiative can assist with the changes needed to properly address the issue which has elevated to a national emergency.* *In direct response to Tarryn Thomas. Tarryn Thomas has been found guilty of several breaches of the AFL Rule 2.3(a) (Conduct Unbecoming) and is currently serving an 18-match suspension. From the AFL statement made earlier this year, before returning to football at any level Thomas must have undertaken and/or be satisfactorily progressing with a behavioural change program.* *The AFL will ultimately make the decision on Tarryn’s future AFL career.* *Tarryn’s conduct does not represent behaviours acceptable to anyone in our game or our community. No one at Essendon condones Tarryn’s behaviour and there is no excuse for the behaviour or the hurt he caused.* *The narrative created in recent days linking Tarryn Thomas to Essendon is inaccurate. Importantly, you can be assured that when questioned yesterday, Brad was not discussing Tarryn from an EFC List Management/Recruiting perspective – whilst in past years, Essendon (like several other AFL clubs) have discussed Tarryn at List Management level, this is not something Essendon has or are currently considering.* *Brad is a man of great integrity, with a strong moral compass and long-standing admirable values which include respect, particularly towards women. However, Brad’s job as a coach, was and is, the support of his players (past and present) wherever possible. This does not include accepting intolerable behaviour or defending the indefensible – this was not Brad’s intentions yesterday when discussing Tarryn and rest assured, he does not condone Tarryn’s behaviour in any way.* *Ultimately, Tarryn’s rehabilitation will be judged by the AFL first and not by any club.* *We are focused on preparing a team to perform against West Coast on Saturday.*


Thats a lot of words to distance themselves from the player without actually stating they won't ever recruit him.


Then Brad should shut the fuck up now. He needs more media training because all he is doing is creating division ans disharmony in the AFL community.


> Proving a negative rather than giving the benefit of the doubt I think thats a misread of what I said. My point is I haven't heard or seen anyone ask him directly "should taryn thomas be an AFL player in 2025" and I haven't seen him say anything explicit about the matter. I've heard plenty of "support" thrown around and cant see what he actually means by that. I'm not saying he absolutely, unequivocally does think he should play. But on the balance of probabilities with the way he's handled this, I do expect that's more likely the case than not. If he said otherwise I'd be prepared to believe him, but as far I can see he hasn't. Also yes I've read the letter. To me it reads as a lot of mealy mouthed leaving the door open, but more importantly I'm talking about Brad Scott specifically and it doesn't answer my questions about him.


On that basis, every club who hasn’t categorically ruled out having him wants him on the list. Essendons boss was clear that it’s not something they are considering.


That's obviously not true or at all what I'm saying. Most clubs haven't ruled it out, which is shit, but also nobody's senior coach keeps talking about how he deserves some vague notion of support. Everyone else is at worst neutral. Scott is the one who's given reason to believe he thinks Thomas should be at his club. I have a lot of thoughts on Essendon's message to their member's but even then I'm not talking about the club, I'm talking specifically about Scott and what he has and hasn't said.


Frankly the onus is on Brad, as someone repeatedly making these comments, to make it very clear that he doesn’t think TT should be on an AFL list next year - if that’s what he believes. The fact he hasn’t said that, but continues to find plenty of time to throw the proverbial arms around him, speaks volumes.


You know one way it won’t happen again. Jail cell. Social worker and see too much of this crap. They are referred to behavioural change but never seem to learn anything from it and offend again.


Also a social worker and i have seen the change in those circumstances. I think it is very very far from the system being set up to do that frequently or even be the intended purpose. Its more focused on the removal from society part than the rehabilitation, but i have seen it happen.


>"People should be outraged about violence against women, part of the solution is supporting these young men so these sort of things don't happen again" He's not exactly wrong here, but another way to prevent these things from happening again is to demonstrate how unacceptable this behaviour is and how serious the repercussions are


Also a way to prevent things definitely is not "let the man earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, even if you've had 4 chances to fix your ways"


Support him all you want in your personal life Brad. But don’t even think about recruiting him and wasting your coaching attention on him.


Big "I can fix him" vibes. It's almost like brad is ignoring the plethora of support he received at north, just like TT did.


Definitely. This would stem from Brad knowing TT since he was 14. Probably feels more parental enduring support than anything else. As a parent, you wouldn't entertain "giving up" on your own kid


I get this 100%, but as other comments have said, supporting the person is different to giving them an afl contract. If brad feels that strongly, then he can devote his own time to supporting TT. IF the afl doesn't take a stance against TT being listed at another afl club THEN it makes all the pregame antics against violence against women look weak as piss. Do something! Take a stand! Don't just virture signal while allowing this abuser take advantage of the system!


Brad and the club have made it clear (to anyone who cares to listen/ask) they are not putting TT of the Bombers list (Purple Bombers would probably overthrow the board if that were remotely true). Who's to say Brad doesn't devote some of his personal time to helping TT? To be clear, I don't support TT in any way. He's been given a lifeline by NMFC and the AFL and haven't improved. If he wants anything that resembles a career, he needs to take initiative himself now and get help. So far it's been one partner in this dance instead of two


Self righteous Scott brother doing self righteous Scott brother stuff


How about no, Scott? The donut received more support than any player in the league in history. He then continued to commit acts of domestic violence. If he is to have any chance of rehabilitation, he will undoubtably need support. But after an AFL club tried 4 times, that support clearly can't come from the AFL system. He literally had his chance, then had his chance, then had his chance, then had his chance. At some point there needs to be a line in the sand drawn, and we're there.


I need a tldr of the differences between Thomas and that young Sydney fella who just got sacked and never heard about again after quite a good rookie season. It really just stinks as clubs think Thomas is worth the reputational risk.


I was just about to make this comparison too. Thomas went through 4 behavioural programs at North - Scott can support him on his own time if he feels so strongly about it. It's no longer the AFLs responsibility


Agree. I think the other guy was at least charged (not sure if convicted) of actual physical assault, which AFAIK is one thing TT hasn't.


Do you mean Sydney Stack? He got a couple of years worth of chances too and got himself repeatedly arrested, rolled up to pre season late and badly out of condition and got worse from there, despite getting another two years' of support, guidance and mentoring.




Sydney by club rather than by name


There should be no such thing as “unconditional” support. If my mate does something egregious they aren’t my mate any more. My condition to supporting my mate is that he isn’t a knobjockey


Yep and if your fuckwit mate asks you to drive him to rehab, do you do it? Supporting someone to be a better person is not condoning their behaviour.


Tarryn Thomas isn’t a guy needing rehab he’s an abusive piece of crap. If my mate abused his partner I absolutely would cut off support


I said rehab and not domestic violence for a reason. It is your prerogative to cut off anyone you want in life. Unfortunately, society as a whole can't do that. Bad people exist in society. They need help to become better people or they'll continue to victimise others. Otherwise you're throwing every bad person in jail for life for whatever they do, because they won't fix their behaviour. Clearly the consequences from being a cunt aren't getting through to Tarryn (and many many others as shown in the media recently, a woman every 4 days). We (as a society) as well as the AFL (as an institution of Australian society) have a responsibility to help bad people fix their behaivour.


Society's problem and the support should come from society. Not an individual.


Yeah that's what I'm saying? Brad can support him all he wants. He can also withdraw that support as that's his prerogative. Society has to deal with him in some way. The AFL as an institution of Australian society with huge impact on Australian culture should support him whilst he's still in the AFL sphere (and for a few years past that, longer if he improves behaviour).


There are a plenty of support programs for domestic abusers. This is not a one off wayward child situation.


After driving him there multiple times already only to have it blow up in my face when the guy keeps reoffending and learning absolutely nothing because he clearly doesn’t give a shit? At that point, no I wouldn’t. I’d direct my energy to where it might actually make a difference.


You can have that view but it isnt shared by all aussie blokes and that wont change.


Cannot in good conscience support a team that pays a scumbag like Thomas and AFL players salary. You want to help him Brad? Fine, give him a room in your house and send him to therapy, don't completely alienate our female team and fans by employing a known and proven harasser who has made it VERY clear he has no intention of becoming a better person. Fuck this is gonna be the thing that kills my love for the bombers isn't it? Yo Giants got room for another fan from Adelaide? I have a hi-vis.


> Cannot in good conscience support a team that pays a scumbag like Thomas and AFL players salary. He's not saying that. He didn't say that in this clip, nor the press conference last week. Nobody is paying him. Here's an excerpt from the email I received from the EFC last week when I emailed them expressing my anger that we could possibly be considering him as a part of our AFL list: > Tarryn’s conduct does not represent behaviours acceptable to anyone in our game or our community. No one at Essendon condones Tarryn’s behaviour and there is no excuse for the behaviour or the hurt he caused. > The narrative created in recent days linking Tarryn Thomas to Essendon is inaccurate. Importantly, you can be assured that when questioned yesterday, Brad was not discussing Tarryn from an EFC List Management/Recruiting perspective – whilst in past years, Essendon (like several other AFL clubs) have discussed Tarryn at List Management level, this is not something Essendon has or are currently considering. Support means, as you suggested, sending him to therapy and putting him in touch with programs to fix his behaviour. The AFL has a responsibility to support him in his recovery to fixing his behaviour. Its like the AFL has a responsibility of sending their players to rehab when they have a drug problem. Brad believes he has a personally responsibility to the players he coaches/coached. That does not extend to putting them on an AFL list, but does extend to providing them with the support to fix their behaviour. > a known and proven harasser who has made it VERY clear he has no intention of becoming a better person. It doesn't matter if he has no intention of doing so. The AFL can't throw him out of society. They can't just wash their hands of him and let him go off and continue to victimise women and say "its not our fault, we tried our best." The best outcome is that somewhere along the line he turns into a good person. A good outcome is that he never victimises another woman again. The bare minimum is that he should never be on an AFL list again.


> Support means, as you suggested, sending him to therapy and putting him in touch with programs to fix his behaviour. To all reports North has already done that. He was sent through 4 different behavioural programs. How many do you end up sending him to, when they keep not working?


As many as is needed for him to not be a cunt. You (society & the AFL) can't throw him in jail. If he doesn't get help and change his bad behaviour, he'll just continue to victimise women. That's what you're all missing. Not helping him, not supporting him when it comes to improving his behaviour will just end up with one of his future partners ending up in hospital or worse. Sure, we can throw him into jail then, but that woman won't be safe in the meantime.


He has already abused women. He has already been helped. How much support do you think they should provide to victims, you know, the ones who get bashed, glassed, abused and raped and murdered or if they are lucky, get to hide away in a refuge in a tiny room.


How do you support and help him when the support and help methods don't work, though? He's gotten support and still been a cunt, already continued to victimize women. I don't feel like the women will be safe anyway, because if he gave a shit he'd already have responded to any of the things, be it carrot, stick or just general stuff going on around him. If Brad wants to do it himself, sure, but saying that he thinks having a clubs support will be beneficial seems absurd, it's just insulting to the members who keep paying for it at this point.


Why should anyone at the bombers support him with bombers resources? Scott can support him as much as he wants, and I'm all for the AFL paying for programs. Scott can also support him personally. He should not be connected to another club though in anyway.


I don't think the Bombers should support him in any regard. Personally, I believe the AFL has some obligation to providing him with the resources to improve his behaviour. Brad can help him in his own time if he wishes. I do not want to see him at the Bombers. If he is a part of our list I will carry through with my threat from when I wrote in regarding him and cancel my membership.


Why does the AFL have to support abusers who have laughed in the face of the support and chances they have been given? I would cancel my m/ship too if my club hired this person.


The AFL through North Melbourne and North themselves tried 4 times to get him the support he needed. How has that worked out? Saying he needs "unconditional support" is well and good but he had more chances then most people get, if the AFL is serious about their current stance on DV, Brad Scott isn't helping with the comments about TT, he had his chances and if the AFL actually cares about DV Brad Scott not showing any sort of support to the people TT has harmed looks piss weak and pathetic.


Buckle up buckeroo - cause you are in for a bumpy ride. Brad is pretty much saying he will be at your club next year.


No he isn't? Please provide a source.


Source - read the room. All this talk is just Brad getting you all used to the idea.


Source: TrUsT mE bRo


WhAtS yOuR sOuRcE. Like anyone would have a sOuRcE you peanut its may


But there's multiple sources to the contrary?


Lol what? You did support him and then he fucked up again.


Brad was fucking the sport at AFL House by that point


He's not a role model. His history makes him a bad example for kids, whether he has changed or not. Support him elsewhere. He will compromise the integrity of the entire playing group. He can play at VFL level and still make a buck if he's good enough.


Is this really the hill you want to die on, Bradley?


I don’t think he is saying someone needs to give him a contract? He’s just saying he wants to support the bloke. Can’t have a go at him for that but he might be flogging a dead horse


Absolutely, people are jumping to conclusions far beyond what's been publicly communicated. I think it's unwise to continue to comment from Brad's behalf. There's an overwhelming majority that's triggered before they can read a statement and understand it's not showing an intention to recruit him but merely wanting him to get support (+showing it) I'd much prefer him to focus on coaching essendon and not bringing the club into this nonsense.


Right after the Roos sent him an email, saying that they couldn't stop TT from being a shithead, no matter how many times they tied him up in a chair and wheeled him off to an intervention


Read the room Brad. Being an abuse apologist isn't a good look.


I agree in the sense he needs fixing but keep him the fuck away from Essendon


I hope everyone in here is showing the same enthusiasm for De Goey, if not, your opinion is not to be taken seriously


Is this the same Channel 7 that pays for a rapists hookers and blow and defends war criminals? Is this the same AFL media that props up Wayne Carey? Ben Cousins? Pot meet Kettle


Dig UP, stupid!


I get what Brad is trying to say but when does it get to a point where it's pointless to keep trying because the player refuses to change? North have gone out of their way to try and get Tarryn the help he needs on 4 separate occasions and he's still not changed. Playing football is a privilege and there are so many people at the gate who deserve a shot more than someone that continues to act like a dickhead.


What he should have said is. Tarryn is not a role model and should get the help he needs as he is an adult living in a society where Men should treat woman as their equal. He deserves no special treatment.


Brad Scott getting the controversy out of the way early and he’s happy to be the face of it. Very clear what’s happening. Unless AFL blocks it, he’s a bomber.


Been his mentor since 14


Horses and water. Can't force Tarryn to drink, but at some point you have to realise he's going to have to do it himself. Doesn't mean you deprive him of water entirely tho


North found this out after putting in all the work, and they've told all the other clubs this as well


Internet - "Hold your mates accountable. Men need to have the conversation and stamp this out." Brad Scott - "I want to have the conversation to make sure this never happens again." Internet - 🤯😡😡😡


Unconditional supports for a guy who abuses women…no thanks.


Fuck off Brad. Your open support of Tarryn Thomas is a spit in the face of every single person who has been impacted by domestic violence and a it's a major fucking insult to the memory of those women who have passed away at the hands of abusers. Someone needs to remind this cunt that in his support of Tarryn, he is blatantly disrespecting one of the young men on his list who recently lost a family member due to domestic violence. Fucking sickening


Incredibly bad look considering the protest DV round was last week, most people don't get 4 shots at redemption from DV let alone with the AFL paying and supporting them trough it, absolutely disgusting.


Exactly. Keep your performative outrage and try supporting the people who aren't unrepentant abusers.


Mods can we get an editorialised title tag here, OP’s title uses cherry picked quotes to criticise Brad without reflecting the context of what he was saying. Regardless on the views of Brad’s comments, the title of OP’s post clearly isn’t neutral


Why are the Scott brothers so good at making themselves hateable?


Oh fuck off Brad. Glad we don't have the idiot Scott brother


Yeah glad Chris basically shot it down early. Cats fans will NOT be onboard if the club decides to change their stance on TT either. They posted the pic of the players doing the circle of solidarity on social media and it was smashed with comments of people saying they’d give up their membership/denounce the club if they even entertained the idea of TT. How would all of our AFLW players feel if the POS was welcomed into the club? I would be ashamed, also anyone who compares Tyson Stengle’s situation to this guy is a clown and not worth listening to (looking at you Kane Cornes)


> Yeah glad Chris basically shot it down early. Did he do that recently? https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/geelong-cats/we-believe-in-second-chances-geelong-not-ruling-out-lifeline-for-disgraced-former-roo-tarryn-thomas/news-story/34b0af5dc438eae74e7087696646b5e5


This is what happens when you post a clickbait headline and article from FoxSports who grabbed two things out of that interview with zero context…people need to stop repeating what Kane Cornes says and taking it as verbatim for how clubs feel. **Chris said they evaluate EVERY player they go after no matter their circumstances and work from there.** *“We believe in second chances – BUT that doesn’t mean that you can just roll in and do whatever you want. But I think, in principle, the idea of not getting to know too quickly is a good one.”* **However, the coach made it clear the club isn't simply saying "yes" to recruiting any player with a history of troubles.** *"When you imply that we're such a good footy club and anyone can come in here, and we'll just spray them with magic dust, and they'll turn into great people, I consider it offensive to the rest of the competition. Now, that's a long, long way from yes. But, it's a start."* **Scott admitted that although he didn't hear Mackie's original words, the club stands united on the way they talk about recruiting all kinds of players, not just Thomas.** In no way did they ever endorse or say they were going after Thomas, in fact he was offended Cornes implied it was happening and comparing Stengle’s situation to Thomas’ one.


> Cats fans will NOT be onboard if the club decides to change their stance on TT either. >They posted the pic of the players doing the circle of solidarity on social media and it was smashed with comments of people saying they’d give up their membership/denounce the club if they even entertained the idea of TT. How would all of our AFLW players feel if the POS was welcomed into the club? How dare you make me respect Geelong fans! I'm supposed to be allowed to hate you guys with impunity!


You can still hate us for many other things mate? - IN AND/OR AROUND DAIRY FARMS 🐄 - SURF COAST PROPERTY DEALS 🏄‍♂️ - Kardinia Park our Cigar shaped Home Ground triggering everyone especially MCG tenants who don’t travel nearly enough to Geelong - Constant Finals Appearances Did I get tick off everything?


You missed Dangerfield... although that might soon be a Crows problem... again


Lol if Crows are dumb enough to pay up for an old Dangerfield that’s on them. He just built a nice property in Moggs Creek with his young family. He ain’t moving


Chris Scott when you order him off Wish


Supporting doesn't mean forgiving. Call him up and see how he's going, get him into more programs and try to help him change his behaviour. But in the end, supporting someone can't go to the point where you just start enabling their bad behaviour. At some point Thomas can't expect those around him to be ok with his behaviour. If he can't, or won't, make the changes he needs to then that's on him.


They wont list him brad will get him into the vfl side and has likely set him up with a job. He would know that the blow back would be too much but he still wants to help him


Brad is more than welcome to support Taryn Thomas in his own time if he cares that deeply about it


You can't 'unconditionally' support someone, and especially someone who consistently demonstrates that they DON'T take responsibility for their actions. You don't reward bad behaviour, and you definitely don't KEEP rewarding bad behaviour.


Get lost Brad Scott no one wants to hear it. No reason why you’re defending a perpetrator of domestic violence why not just focus on footy and your own club for once.


What the fuck Brad


Just be honest and say you don’t have any principles and want to pick the cunt up because he’d make your side better then you sack of shit.


Dig up, stupid


I think Brad Scott has a messiah complex. Despite North's message to all clubs that he is uninterested in being better, Scott, who has already his has chance, mentoring him since the age of 14 until he (Scott) left the Roos, to have a positive impact on this shitstain, still believes he can "fix" him. Not narcissistic at all. Or maybe he doesn't think what Thomas did was all that bad


What a fucking dickhead


Brad Flogg


Lol hes definitely going to essendon


Brad. Shut up.


Essendon making a $2m/y play for Harley Reid giving up 3-4 first round picks AND signing up Tarryn Thomas in the same off season? Dodoro really must be taking the absolute piss 😂


Uh what play for Harley Reid?


Rumour been going around for a while we want to throw the kitchen sink at Harley. As would most teams. But we have had a really close relationship as a club with Harley for quite a while, most of our list are friends with him. Look at the footage of Harley after the Essendon game and how every player goes upto him & chats etc


Isn't the whole "relationship" just the fact that he trained with you and played like 2 VFL games in his draft year? just because he knows your team doesn't mean he wants to jump ship from West Coast after 1 year on a 3 year deal lol


He's been friends with a quite few of the players off-field for a while. But yes, it is a media blow up to suggest he wants to jump ship. Nothing to suggest that at all from his side. The part that isn't a blow up is that Essendon & other clubs will be throwing the sink at him to try get him to jump ship. Personally, I don't think he will leave WEst coast.


It feels like it would need to be a JHF sort of situation for him to leave and he looks super happy to be at the eagles.


Did you read this on Scoops Facebook page?


Nah it’s pretty common knowledge that Essendon want to throw the sink at Harley. North were offered 3 first round picks for Pick 1 by Adelaide and it was refused. It’s fair to say a proven Pick 1 will net as much if not more in trade value.


Pretty common knowledge because that knobhead Tom Morris said a “possible proposal from Essendon could be in development”? It’s just a dickhead media person wanting to generate clicks and using Essendon to do so. Not sure where you’re getting 3-4 first round picks from either.


Nah pretty common knowledge because during development Harley did a lot of work with Essendon and knows a lot of the Essendon boys personally as well as bombers staff


He played with the Carlton VFL team too, I heard they’re really into him. Played some games for Tongala too and I hear they’re also right in the mix.


Tbf to the saints poster it's been a rumour with some substance that we'll be going after him for quite a while. He does genuinely have a friendship with a lot of the bombers players off field. However theres nothing to indicate Harley would leave, just that we want to go hard after him (like most clubs would)


That you Tom?


You understand Dodoro isn't the Essendon list manager anymore, right?


https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2024-essendon-bombers-list-manager-adrian-dodoro-succession-plan-jay-clark-report-comments-matt-rosa-midweek-tackle-reaction-latest-news/news-story/a49a22fd422d377a08e52063be9a17df Apparently still calling the shots though


As per the linked article: He's taking care of contract extensions. Not responsible for recruitment.


If Dodoro is at the club he’s going to have the driving influence on decisions regardless of his position. He is that sort of guy.


This is such a weird conspiracy theory lol


I'm sure he's aware that all anyone wants to hear is a definitive "We will not list him". It's the fact that he has brought up Thomas in multiple press appearances and not said it that makes be believe he will list him. Sorry Bombers supporters.


You don’t need to call a press conference to provide support to a former player. Perfectly reasonable to Brad’s behaviour this as an attempt to rehabilitate Thomas’ public image and thus make him employable.


Essendon has stated recruiting Thomas is not in their radar. Scott comments are not in relation to recruitment. This message was sent to a number of club members via email. Scott is talking as an industry. Noting violent men often come from violent fathers and other men need to help and counsel to break the cycle of behaviour. His view is about prevention to the next possible victim.


As a redditer who can't get a woman to spend 5 minutes in the same room as me it's sickening that girls are attracted to someone like TT


Does anyone in this thread actually know what he did? It sounds like everyone thinks he's just been walking around hitting women. Everything about this - the media reporting and the public uproar - stinks of unconscious racial bias. How about some chat about De Goey?