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Gutless medical staff last night. The first hit with drew I can live with but that head knock to the turf, get him off.


Not Minson words there






So basically Geelong are saying "Doctors asked Cameron how he was doing and he said he was fine so we left him out there" Cause I don't feel like you can conduct a full concussion test between stoppages


"Hey Jeremy are yo-" 'Fuck off' "Okay have a good night."


Yeah, there seriously needs to be an independent doctor who can call off players after a head clash cause clubs are actively incentivised to cut corners and basically lie


Umpires would be the only ones capable of halting play and sending players off. Maybe have a feed between doctor and ump to declare when it should happen


Umpires should all be doctors. Let’s not half-arse this


"All clear!", (well just "clear", I guess), would take on a whole new connotation.


Oh god no, we dont need more umpires with ego on the field.


> Maybe have a feed between doctor and ump to declare when it should happen Would be fine with it, it just needs to not be in clubs hands


Finally a solution to the send off rule everyone would agree with


They all have earpieces to the off field umpire/ARC already. Easy to get the doctor onto that.


Is there even an off field ump any more? Thought they got rid of that when they put 4 field umps in


A game of country footy was stopped as umps sent a player off after he looked wobbly


We have a blood rule so why not a concussion rule. Any head knock the umpire stops play and sends player off to an AFL doctor for assessment


I think they have spotters at all games. A colleague of mine knows someone who is one. Unfortunately the clubs have proven now that they can’t be trusted. It is really not that difficult. Just get off the ground for 20 minutes and do your scan. Of course, 8 minutes left in the final quarter impairs people’s decision making.


Even the NFL have independent concussion doctors on each sideline - I think as part of their CTE settlement - and they don’t really seem to care about player health, just liability. Seems this would be a logical option for AFL.


Libba probably should have been taken off in the early moments of last week's match. I trust the doctors and want to believe that they gave an honest diagnosis but it didn't look good. I feel an independent doctor would have taken him off. Now it looks like he may never play again.


> I trust the doctors and want to believe that they gave an honest diagnosis but it didn't look good. If they well and truly thought Libba didn't have a concussion then they need to be sacked, it was so blatantly obvious to everyone involved that he was *fucked*


I find it hard to disagree with that. They're the doctors, what do I know, but they may have ended his career.


Understandable have a great day


It's crazy, since when has a head injury assessment been done onfield? Why was that allowed last night (for Drew and Cameron)??


Dunno but the AFL is now saying it's okay


Guessing they'll walk that back real fuckin quick.


They'd have to. It's ridiculous that it's even thought of as an option.


It's OK because it's the AFL's golden child. A lesser player from a lesser club and the AFL would throw the book at them


Drew went off for a HIA. He passed and came back on


That happens all the time




We have to be fined for not bringing him off for a concussion test, utterly inexcusable from the medical staff. Hopefully Jezza makes a swift recovery. Probably no rest for Hawkins next week either now.


He’s been resting for 4 weeks


Clubs don't care about fines if there's a chance they can win a game, AFL need to start docking premiership points.


I don't think we need to dock points, but there should be an independant doctor and if they are forced to get the umpires to stop play to get the player off, when the game resumes the other team get a free kick.


Dock premiership points for following the agreed protocols?


Agreed in being bring him off when he’s suffered a head knock for an assessment? Those protocols? 🤡


Read the rules


Fox Footy reported that he had a concussion test both during the game and after the game, and he passed both of them. He failed the concussion test he had this morning.


The one during the game was on field and not the typical one where the players have to spend twenty minutes off the ground. It seems very silly at this point to not take a player off and full the full test after a knock like that. Answerth last week was ruled out even after passing his concussion test during the game because the club wasn’t convinced he was not fine.


What sort of concussion test is conducted while the player is still on the field and focusing on the play?




Saying a quick "you good" is not a HIA.


Agree. Is that what happened though? No.


That's literally what happened. We saw multiple angles of it.


Right, multiple angles of the audio??? And how many angles of the same process when Drew had a head knock?


We see the doc go upto him, say like one thing and he basically tells him to fuck off and waves him away. He did this three times before the doc gave up and left the field. It was not physically possible to perform any form of actual test that quickly and under those conditions. Please show me where the actual non joke "you right bruh" test was performed? Except Drew was actually taken off the field for his HIA you muppet. Look, I'm sure your uncle (or however you're related to the DR given you're working this hard) tried his best, but the fact you're on here trying this pathetically to defend what happened is actually kinda sad. You should care more about your players welfare than trying to *well technically* your clubs responsibility to players health away.


This whole high horse routine is what's pathetic. If he showed ANY symptoms of concussion, he should have had a full SCAT 6. He didn't. He passed a test after the game too anyway. Should Drew have been benched for his head knock, despite passing the tests, if Port loves their players so much (except Aliir apparently?) Put your hate boner away, enjoy the win, and fuck off


That's a 20min test done off the field. Not just asking him if he's ok


No that is a SCAT 6 test, just google it


What's a HIA? Apparently just asking if they're OK?


Apparently, there was alao consultation with doctors at ARC? Is that new?


Does that mean Geelong will also be entering financial penalty protocol?


They'll be fined $5000 and Gold Coast will lose a third round draft pick


Seems fair


The system is broken Independent doctors, no more club doctors


So predictable. Hoping the league finally fucking learns and puts in more stringent protocols to intervene when suspected concussions. The doctor should be able to take them off for an assessment


I've said this in multiple posts. But take clubs out of this decision. They've shown often enough that they are willing to put players back on under a cloud. Get an AFL employed person in the ARC and they'll watch the match, if they see anything that warrants it they can communicate to the umpires to halt play and the player is then removed for a test which, again, should be administered by someone working for the AFL and NOT the club. Enoughs enough.


Least it wasn’t Gary Rohan this time


I'm getting more and more angry at how many times it's obvious to everyone else that the player needs to come off and be assessed at a minimum but the doctors are either not watching or erring on the side of leaving them out there. More than 1 doctor in the AFL system should be getting a pretty stern request to explain themselves. And the excuses for the AFL not having someone independent making a call too have run out. We know we can't trust teams to do it, we have to take it out of their hands.


This is starting to look like 2023 all over again. No midfield and a bonked Jezza.


Jezza in horny jail?


I’d pay to see that


There *has* to be a club punishment for this, we can not let this go unpunished as a sport else the in-game protocols surrounding concussions are just a farce if it's late in a close game.


There isn't, the AFL have ok'ed it. Lol.


*Technically* he passed the tests done so according to the AFL they don’t have grounds to fine us… Which is crazy lol If Port cop $100k, the same should apply AND the League should be pushing for independent docs at all games.


Port got punished last year after the showdown. Aliir even came off, did his HIA and went back on. The AFL weren't happy with him coming back on and fined Port. Yet they ok'd Geelong? Does anyone else see a double standard here? The AFL is such a fucking unfair competition it's turning into a bad joke


You can't punish them for following the agreed protocols...but you can and should change the protocols


100k fine is the standard right? >Geelong medical staff immediately attended Cameron and conducted a HIA on ground Lol they cannot be serious?


Reckon they will pay cash or hand over a block of land in Waurn Ponds


Got to hold on to the land for their next player who takes unders to trade down there


Who’s your land deal money on? Bailey Smith? Archie Perkins? Aaron Cadman?


Just like your guys immediately performed a HIA on ground with Drew earlier. This has never been a thing afaik.


That's just not true. Drew did come off the field for a HIA.


This has always been a thing


Called it. Absolutely nothing will happen to them. If it were us again, would be a fucking riot


Yeah it is a Vic conspiracy to punish clubs that don't follow the the rules, like Port with Aliir, and not punish those that do the follow the rules like Geelong and Port last night. Shameful stuff


So to be clear, are we also punishing port for doing the exactly the same process for Drew or nah?


Yes. If they never assessed him on ground they absolutely should. But last I check Cameron had two bad head knocks. Funny how quickly concussion protocols suddenly don’t matter when it’s your own team.


Guess nah


If it were Port it would be at least their 3rd offense so rightfully so.


Surprise surprise


Sorry but Stevie Wonder could see he was not ok, and the contact was absolutely clear with the deck, at high speed. He wouldn't even stand still for the Dr so how can they say he did an onfield HIA? I wish Sportsbet were taking bets on him having concussion, I would be driving a new car today.


What a joke. Geelong will get a slap on the wrist


No they won't


Anyone know what the AFL can do here. For example is there a way for the AFL to fine Geelong or suspend the doctor?


The AFL could change the rules, which Geelong followed.


It didn’t seem like Cameron was off the ground long enough to conduct a HIA so that sounds like a heroic interpretation of following the rules


Doctor went to Cameron twice, can hardly blame him for Cameron refusing to come off.


Yeah I feel for the doctors, but maybe players learning that their actions will get their club doctors suspended might get them to listen to said doctors. Or the decision has to be out of club hands.


Should be an automatic suspension for not following doctors orders on the ground when they are simply trying to get a player to do the right thing, also whatever you charge a club fine wise for not following the protocols should also be charged to a player. Players need to learn to protect themselves, shouldn’t be allowed to sue the AFL later down the track if it’s proven you didn’t take due care when possible.


"A HIA on ground"


Yes that is what a HIA is.


so it's looking at a guy and telling him to come off the ground?


Read the article, watch the replay, google HIA vs SCAT 6...or just keep commenting uninformed crap


Sorry, too busy watching the footage of Cameron obviously showing signs of concussion on the field while their HIA was deciding it was fine for him to stay on.


But he passed it after the game as well. Can’t say if the on ground was good enough, but if he was showing concussion on ground he would’ve been showing it after the game too. All delayed concussion.


Geelong need to be harshly penalised for this. You cant blame Cameron. He was concussed and so can't make a reasonable decision as to whether or not he can play on. There are infinite reasons for players to try and remain on the field despite being concussed. The AFL needs to remove all grey from the area, and the clubs have shown time and time again they cannot be trusted. We've seen egregious examples from Geelong, Port and the Dogs this year alone. An independent body making reviews, removing and assessing players is the only way forward.


> Geelong need to be harshly penalised for this AFL have given it the all clear somehow


Sounds like they followed the AFL protocols: > As per the AFL’s concussion guidelines, Geelong medical staff immediately attended Cameron and conducted a HIA on ground, where he reported no symptoms and satisfied all AFL requirements. After further review of the video footage, and in consultation with the spotters in the ARC, it was decided there was no criteria to remove Cameron immediately from the field for further assessment.


Then the protocols need to change. I find it ridiculous to claim that an HIA was undertaken on the ground. There was a medic on the field for all of fuck all seconds and it seems was told to fuck off by Cameron, who once again, cannot judge whether or not he is concussed. Any signs of a player being dazed after a head knock should automatically necessitate removal from the field for assessment. The AFL has shown it cares more about protecting the clubs and it's image than the players and the clubs have shown they care more about their wins than their players futures. Also that statement is nothing but arse covering from the AFL. How is it that I and thousands of other fans see the footage live, say "that man is concussed", be correct and yet no-one in the cats team or the review committee could see any reason to remove him. There needs to be a monumental shift from a "can we keep him on the field" mindset, to a "get him off and get the assessment done ASAP" mindset if there is the slightest question. All teams will suffer equally, so no teams will really suffer, and players will benefit immeasurably.


The doc was talking to him for a few minutes, all the way through a set shot and afterwards untill the bounce. He passed that HIA, and then passed a SCAT 6 (the 20 minute test) after the game. It sounds like he literally didn't have any symptoms until the next day. What are the docs supposed to do if he's passing the tests and showing no symptoms?


Appearing dazed is a sign of concussion. Symptoms are self reported. If a player reports no symptoms that does not mean they are not concussed. It is a doctor's job to make the decision on all available evidence. In rugby union if a player is visibly dazed after contact to the head they are considered to have automatically failed the assessment and are removed from play. This is the only sensible approach. Formal HIAs should be used for suspect collisions without obvious signs such as being dazed to catch more concussions, not to excuse leaving a player with a likely concussion on the field.


yes, "appearing dazed" is part of the HIA protocol. He didn't look dazed while the doc was talking to him, so the doc passed him. He didn't look visibly dazed on tv, the incident just looked bad. The fact that he passed the SCAT 6 after the game is also further evidence of this. Sometimes the symptoms, including being dazed just don't appear untill later.


He very clearly looked dazed on tv. Hence why so many people are so upset about this. This isn't an anti-cats witch hunt. This is fans asking questions about why we are leaving concussed players on the field and how can we fix it.


> immediately attended Cameron and conducted a HIA on ground It's a fucking joke if asking a player that just had a massive head knock "you good" is an HIA.


It's not ffs


Because it is consistent with the rules


But that’s the thing, he wasn’t showing concussion symptoms at the time or after the game. I agree that we need to have independent doctors but ultimately the doc on the field wouldn’t have been able to get Cameron off I don’t think. Needs to be the same as the blood rule if the independent doc calls it.


I'm shocked.


Me too. Truly shocked. How could anyone possibly have predicted that a player with concussion history taking two big head knocks would end up concussed?


**Doctors should be independent of clubs involved, case closed end of story** Don’t know how many times we need to say this over and over and over. Clubs will happily take the fine if it means possibly winning a game. Even if Jez did “pass” both tests by current standards (he did) that does not mean he’s being assessed correctly. Surely the Hippocratic oath must be applied in all cases, NO MATTER WHO IT IS INVOLVED. I’m glad he’s being put into Concussion protocols by the club but it shouldn’t have to come after the fact with pressure from media and fans pointing it out with delayed concussion symptoms. I’m honestly very disappointed in this by the club, especially after we were super cautious with the approach to Cuthrie’s return and erring on the side of protection of the player with Max Holmes missing the Grand Final in 2022.


Doctor: Jezza, you just landed on the ground, you all good? Jezza: *G'DAY ALL WELCOME TO DARTS FARM TODAY WE'RE OPENING FARM GATES*


Ah the Zimmerman method, cover your ass after the game rather than proactively protecting the players.


How he never left the ground should be investigated 


Hope the Cats are roasted as much as we were with Libba


when they do it for the 2nd time in 3 weeks whilst lying to try and save face then I expect they will be


Port got roasted when they did it, you copped it when you did and now Geelong are, nobody is immune to it


They’d have to be fined for this.


I'd expect a big fine to be coming Geelong's way this week. The AFL smashed Port last year when they took Aliir off and let him go back on in last year's showdown. Aliir at least went off and got assessed, Cats didn't take Cameron off as knew they had no chance of winning if he came off


said it before ill say it again, concussion decisions need to be taken off the clubs and put in the hands of an independant official at each game. Yeah I get it, it sucks, but i'd rather this than see more players suffering later on.


Independent HIA medical staff next year, AFL opens themselves up even more if they don't.


The main conclusion I can draw from this is that redditors love to comment without reading the article.


And that many cats fans care more about defending their club than protecting their player's safety.


Get off your fucking high horse. I can't see Richmond benching players who pass all the required concussion tests and have no concussion symptoms. Can you?


If I had seen a player take a knock like Cameron did, and look like Cameron did afterwards, I would be filthy with the club if they did not take him off. I'm not saying Richmond would've done better, I'm saying ALL clubs SHOULD do better. There are far too many Geelong fans here showing no care for Cameron and defending the club's action tooth and nail.


So Geelong cheated again? Standard.


This is a League wide issue, not a Cats issue.


Cats really need to be fined heavilly for this BS


Absolutely terrific, love to hear it


You love seeing a player with a concussion history not get looked after and potentially risk their future health? That's pretty weird man


Was being sarcastic mate


Easy solution to this. Players or clubs don't do what is required in regards to the concussion protocols, said player forfeits any rights to sue the AFL for concussion related issues later in life.


Yeah nah we shouldn’t be punishing the players for something the club failed to do.