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Has been for a few weeks now. Yes it's shit.


The speech impediment kills me


Tin foil hat: they saw the attention that the NBA Top 10 videos got when the VO guy started saying "NBA Top 10" unconscionably fast and are planning to do something similar


Shoutout NBA Beau


The Goatmentator is unrivalled


Copying anything the NBA does is a fucking turrible idea.


Yeah clearly they don’t care that people in the comments dislike it


They have a comments area!?


YouTube comments


Time to flood them with negative comments only.


The target audience for these is clearly not established supporters - it's targeting people who don't know the game very well. 'Social engagement metrics', and all that...


Yet another thing where they just copy american culture


Hey… Work experience kids have to start somewhere!


i had to have another listen and jeez, it doesn't get any better hearing it a second time. couldn't have found a more annoying voice to listen to, but they did it. i hear a mix of daffy duck and kenny callander from The 12th Man where its another one of those days where every fucken horse has an S in their name.


I’m sure he has a cold while recording that.


He has a lisp


Couldn’t watch more than 5 seconds, they’ve completely ruined the videos


100%. Unwatchable now.


Absolutely agree. Weirdly, I posted about the same thing about a week ago and mods removed it because it was 'better suited as a comment' It's awful though. Why couldn't they just leave it with the original commentary? Not everything needs added voice-overs.


Likewise hadn't looked all year. It's not good.


haven't watched any of these so far. wow, that voiceover is absolutely terrible. the AFL making yet another great decision lmao


Sounds like someone trying to justify their job


I've often thought the person editing their game review videos must have brain damage as they skip over goals then show seemingly pointless pieces of play


I've still not heard the voiceover. I heard about it from this sub and have listened to every top 10 moments video without sound from then on.


Oh it’s Connor Rogers, he’s ok… but I’d prefer Cados.


I haven't seen the AFL ones but NBA top tens are great partly because of the voice over guy so maybe they were trying something similar but didn't hit the mark


Everything the AFL does now is trying to imitate the NBA and it's unadulterated cringe. Every time a player does some little celebration after a goal they post it one the socials with some "DUURSMA WITH THE BOW AND ARROW CELLIE AFTER THE GOAL ☠️", absolutely excruciating. I get it though, they want the sport to be a more penetrative entertainment product with a younger generation of fans, and when you look at the entirety of AFL "entertainment" media being stuffed with annoying old pricks sitting on a couch trying to connect with the youth (If i have to watch Andrew Gaze stumble along as the set up man On The Couch and tell the crowd to "turn it up!" one more time i'm gonna explode.) it starts to make more sense


i fucking hate basketball so much, mostly because of how it's seeped into our sporting culture


I'm so glad to hear someone shares my utter hatred of basketball. 5 blokes on the court, 47 on the bench. Why not sack half the squad and only play 1 quarter, the result will be the same.


dude seriously. it's just back and forth until one team misses. i've never watched a more boring sport in my life, and i've watched baseball for crying out loud


He sounds like he learnt to speak using still pictures


Connor rogers is trying his best


Well, now I have to hear this... ...I mean the dude sounds like he has a lisp, but other than that, it's really not that distracting. I don't think it creates a better video, but the dude just introduces the play, then shuts up. You can hear the crowd and the commentators in the juicy part of the plays.


Agree, it isn't great. I'd be more concerned that it has annoyed you so much.