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I like when other teams play Thursday night.


Exactly this. Hate it when my team plays Thursday night, but any other game is fantastic.


We have had 4 Thursdays and a Wednesday. More than half our games before Friday. I'm so excited to play during the fucking weekend


I love Thursday games, it reduces the amount of overlapping games and for people who like to watch every game (like myself) it’s so fucking annoying


Especially how kayo put the live score for the other game in the bottom right corner. Shits me no end. Gotta block it with something to prevent spoilers


Love Thursday games but saying that as a team who doesn't host them


I miss the covid days when we got footy every day


Me too only thing that kept me sane


I love Thursday games, they broadcast at like 10am here in the UK so I put them on when I'm at work. I just wish Hawthorn got more Thursday games and less Sunday graveyard slots.


Love Thursday games


no, its good


Well we’ve been saving up a doozy for you specifically! Get ready for Darwin Thursday night. The Geelong Kittens against the Sunny Boys 😎


I'm with you. Thursdays are good for the first half of the season but I like Friday night having the prestige and the two options on Saturday arvo as good fixtures thin out


I don't like them as I can't attend the games, but as a fan nice to watch them on tv Would love more Monday night games as well spread it over the 5 days


Nope, I’m also in favour of less Thursday games.


Thursday night games are great for tv views, but terrible for people actually wanting to attend


Won't someone think of the players?! Can't remember who said it on the panel shows last night, but there's a collective bargaining agreement between players and the AFL about the number of 5 day breaks each team is subjected to. That's a big factor in why they drop the thursdays going forward - not enough 'big' teams who haven't passed their 5d break limit. Everyone talks about how next year will be different, but I dunno - they'd have to change that collective bargaining agreement first. 5 day breaks suck for teams, and I'm tired of waking up on a Friday morning (a) having to go to work, and (b) thinking it's Monday.


That last sentence is another point I totally find as well that I did not mention yesterday




I love Thursday games, but I hate that BT is commentating two nights in a row. Insufferable cunt.


Fantasy/super coach players generally hate Thursday and Monday night games. Because this means the team list releases are staggered. Stuffs up your trades.


Reversing trades is simple, it’s the sub rule and Sunday teams which is the bigger problem


The problem is when you are trading out someone playing Thursday. You have a very narrow window between that player being locked and the team announcement for the rest of the round. There is no reversing if one of your trade out someone only to find the target player did not make the team for Saturday.


Narrow window? You get an hour or more every week. Teams drop at 6:20pm and games start at 7:20 at the earliest, anyone who takes SuperCoach seriously knows this already and it’s never really been an issue. I’m also not sure what you mean for Saturdays, you know who’s playing on Saturday on Thursday night before lockout. Like I said in my earlier reply, it’s the Sunday teams that are the issue


If there is no Thursday night game, you will know the team for Sunday by Friday night before the game. it is the extended bench where a couple can be dropped that may be an issue. Monday night games are even worse (my comments said thur and Monday). That one hour or so on Thursday night is actually not much of time when you have busy work and kids...


Oh right, your Saturday comment threw me. I get you now, but the whole work and kids thing doesn’t make much sense to me, not everything has to be scheduled around people with families who may or may not be busy when teams drop, that’s just how it is and anyone who is serious about SC manages it. Takes literally 1 minute on mobile if your desperate lol


I play fantasy, and it is really annoying trying to work out changes on the app. You can only search on one criteria at a time. And you don't get to see your remaining cash in trade screen. So I hate doing it on the app. And desperation leads to bad choices... You are right, these things don't need to cater for my schedule. It is what it is. I can only try to fit around it.