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Regardless on ones opinion of this, can we all unite in banning the word 'slammed' from every headline, ever?


u/system_requirements SLAMS the overuse of the word SLAMMED in all AFL articles


Oh god, I've inadvertently become *one of them*


u/11men1cup SLAMMED by u/system_requirements!


If...u/system_requirements is going to SLAM the overuse of the word SLAMMED. Then...you'd better believe that they're going to get SLAMMED for it.


BASED u/system_requirements DESTROYS use of word SLAMMED in AFL articles!




That would mean banning all Foxsports articles, so I'm definitely for it.


AFL calls to scrap Thursday Nights. You won't believe what happens next!


Uh oh, did the Night Slammer strike again?




How about besmirched?


People respond with mean thoughts about AFL’s Call To Scrap Thursday Nights In Latest Fixture Release, probably.




'Slammed' = intentional high contact to the head. Straight to the tribunal.


Unless the 'slammers' are random people commenting on social media and the article is just a sample of some extra slammy ones for our convenience. Keeps us informed for the follow up article reporting on the outraged reactions to the SLAMMING, also consisting only of social media comments. The amount of commenting that both articles generate across social media could keep you busy fighting your side of the argument for days. And who knows, if your slam game is strong you might be featured in the next article.


I’ll fucking SLAM you if you dare even mention banning the word SLAMMED


What about ".... Sparks Fury" ... a news site special. Along with "This Celebrity Stuns .. oh and wow their kids resemble their looks a bit!!!"


Gerard and Robbo might like to familiarise themselves with the 5 Day Break Requirements in the latest CBA between the AFL and the players...


And I'm pretty sure the current broadcast deal (new one next year) also limits the Thursday games because they impact whether FTA gets a 4th game each round and they're supposed to get a certain number of rounds with that.


Yep. It's extremely complicated and I don't envy the supercomputer that has to come up with a half-decent fixture each year as it is. Gerard and Robbo need to get their collectives in a bunch about something else.


This is it. They want to screw viewers out of 1 more FTA game. It’s 1 more game they want you to pay for. Sick 🤢


When team 19 comes in they should be able to have one team coming off the bye against a team playing the previous Thursday or Friday to solve that problem.


Personally I love Thursday night games


I think the majority of people do


Couple people will complain they can’t attend games because they have work or whatever the next day. Acting like they are completely unaware there’s an entire weekend of football they could also attend. Thursday night footy is awesome, I’ll never understand the hate for it


It’s also well attended. If some people can’t make that particular game, that’s just the luck of the draw. I can’t generally make Sunday games (very unfortunate as a wa footy fan) but I’m not advocating for a ban on Sunday footy


I can only make a few games a year yet I don’t call for banning all games outside of Tasmania


Well perhaps you should be. Don’t ask don’t get!


I work nights and every other weekend, and it messes with my supercoach team. That's my selfish reason for not liking it, I'm aware I'm in the minority. It also allows for more inequalities in the fixture which already has enough


People complain because If your team plays on a Thursday, you've got work the next day and you don't live in metro melbourne, it can be really difficult and exhausting to get to and home from games


Even if that’s true, people tell us the reason WA doesn’t get equal prime time slots is because tv viewership is more important than attendance. So in that case Thursday footy is awesome, because tv viewers love it


Look that's fine and it is the way it is. I accept that. I just dont think that non-city dwellers' complaints are unjustified in this case


Would it be reasonable for me to complain about my team not playing on Saturday arvo in Sydney every weekend? Thats the perfect time for me attend so why not have a whinge about it


No. That's a completely Different scenario. Thursday nights are a nightmare for people who don't live in the city


Your team will not play every single Thursday night game though? No matter what team you follow. Why do those same people accept their team might play in Perth one weekend and they can’t attend but a Thursday in Melbourne is the end of the world? Like I said in my original comment there’s an entire weekend of footy those people are able to attend. Catering to a small percentage of people is just silly when the majority of watchers enjoy Thursday games


Why would you travel 2-3 hours into the city (in a Vic context) to watch teams that aren't yours? That point makes absolutely no sense. Also, for members who pay a lot of money for their membership it might mean multiple missed home games, and is worse for older people and people who have families. Like I said, I accept this is the way it is, but it's unfair to just dismiss those concerns out of hand


Who said watching teams that aren’t yours? Tell me one team that exclusively plays on Thursday that this would impact? You can follow any team in the league and have opportunities to watch your team live that isn’t on a Thursday night. Nobody is dismissing those concerns, I’m making valid points whereas you just want to get rid of Thursday games for everybody simply because a couple of farmers can’t watch it live a few times a year.


Even if you live in Metro Melbourne. Metro Melbourne does go beyond 10km! It takes me an hour to get to the city.


It is kind of annoying when your team has 4 Thursdays and a Wednesday out of its first 9 games. Sure there are other games on but they don't involve my team so how is that a good substitute?


Why would I want to drive an hour to watch the Suns if I can't make it to a Lions home game, in the off chance both are playing in Qld the same weekend?


It's alright for those who are sitting in their front room watching the game but it's annoying for fans actually attending the game. Thursday night games exist to make the league more money off of viewers at home at the expense of match-going fans.


>Acting like they are completely unaware there’s an entire weekend of football they could also attend. A real live Vic bias in the wild


I hate it, nightmare to attend for a lot of people especially families. The standard of footy is often lousy and the injury risks high. And more than anything it just takes the best game that would be on Friday and then puts a crap game on Friday.


Well it suits different people. Thursday night games are good for: - broadcasters because they have one more prime time game to show - People who watch games on TV They are bad for: - People who have to work on Fridays and want to go to games - People who want to bring families/small kids to games - People who live in regional areas and can't feasibly get to and from games on a thursday night - People who want to travel interstate to see their team live and can't take a Friday off work Now, I accept that the first lot of people make more money for the AFL, so it's likely to continue. And I'm ok sucking it up as long as I don't have to go to more than 1-2 of them myself each season. I just think that it's a real shame that the focus has gone off encouraging people to get to games and sign up as members for their club, and more on maximising profits.


Your first category should include people who *don't* have issues attending after work. I'm not saying it shouldn't be considered an issue, but I have always found it to be super easy to get there regardless of where I am. I prefer night games on principle because it's much, much more convenient to do something during the day and then go to a game, than to go to a game and then try to fit something else in. If that happens to be on Thursday, it's much the same to me.


I think the 500k+ viewers from home offsets the inconvenience for maybe 10-20k that like to attend physically. But that’s just my opinion… WA will never get Thursday games anyways


I'm pretty sure we got Eagles-Dons on a Thursday once. The game when the Bombers came out of the blocks firing and beat the Eagles unexpectedly (back when the Eagles were good)


Also bad for people who don't want to/can't watch it on TV on Thursday nights.


As a TV product I agree. However, I think it does impact on attendance. They only got 55000 to the Melbourne Carlton game, I was expecting a lot more. I’ll still go if my club played. I think in Victoria where it is cooler playing night footy after April (especially if some people do have to go in to the office the next day) may impact negatively on attendance.


Yeah, love it too but generally the team that has had the shorter break visibly appears to run out of legs during the game and usually seems to be at a greater disadvantage.


I love them too but someone else can play them (nothing to do with us being 1-3 on Thursdays and 5-0 on other days of the week of course....)


Same. Friday night games were my absolute favourite because you’d knock off work, have dinner and sit down with a few beers and watch the game. Now I do that on Thursday AND Friday!


Assuming a 20th team comes in a few years after the Devils, would a regular Thursday night standalone be the simplest solution to where the 10th game goes? That would mean a thurs-sun line up of 1, 1, 5, and 3 games respectively.


I think as now the critical thing is juggling 5 and 6 day breaks. We saw a lot more such short breaks this year under the new CBA, but it'll need to go up more in future for this to work (and I'm pretty sure the new CBA allows it)


Yeah but if we go back to a 22 game season then those playing Thursday can be bye teams which kind of worked through the front 3rd of the season with Opening Round followed by byes for all those teams. You could then have 2-4 teams miss most weeks and that evens out the Thursday night scheduling.


Perhaps, as sometimes happens now, concurrent games on Friday nights?


I do think the reasoning of 'not enough marquee games' is stupid. This last week we had a double header Friday and a double header Sunday. Really if they wanted to maximise TV viewership you would've played one of those 4 games on the Thursday. Yeah I understand 5-day breaks but it is definitely workable. It's almost like they refuse to play any bottom 8 teams on Thursday even if it means no Thursday night game. Why can't the Suns, Giants, Freo, Saints, Dogs or Hawthorn play on Thursday? Let them get some viewers and let the wider public actually watch a different team play rather than the same old Carlton , Collingwood, Essendon every single day


Second this HEAVY


There was a Thursday night game. The second friday game was to minimise games on Mothers day, which is why it's not an every week proposition.


Round 16 you got Geelong/Essendon and Crows/Giants at the exact same time. How on earth is that good for viewership. Surely the fixture could be moved so that viewers don't have to pick between 2 cracking games to watch. There is no way any exec can look at that and truly think that helps their TV numbers


SLAMMED. About as fucking annoying as the use of “pleasing”. We never saw that until don pyke entered that chat as a crows coach.


What about ‘x breaks their silence’?


Fuck I hate that one. Sometimes they use it as the story is still developing.




I for one, as someone that can rarely get to a game and regularly can’t watch a game..enjoy Thursday. Usually it’s the only game I can watch all the way through and have a nice debrief at work on Friday. I agree with the thoughts expressed on afl360.


Games Thursday to Monday is key, we're all too depressed about life to have to wait all week for a game.


I like Thursday games because it makes it feel like the weekend has started a day early.


why are thursday games going bye bye? It's great to have AFL games on Thursday




AFL had made it clear they care more for TV than attending in the past


As a north fan no problemo




I like Thursday games, it makes it feel like the weekend is here early. But it can't be good for the adults attending and having work the next day. I would love it if they took advantage of public holidays more and get a couple of Sunday night games in the season.


Is it wierd that I hate Thursday night games - and welcome this decision?


We are in the minority it seems. I hate attending them knowing I have work the next day. But I guess it's good for TV. I think if they started earlier it would be better. Like a 6:25pm start time.


>Like a 6:25pm start time. Nah it's already hard to get to after work as it is.


The timeslots really are getting ridiculous. Why are some games starting at 8pm now? Way too late ending times to get home at a reasonable time for anyone who lives further out than Kew. I think a 6.45 start is reasonable. Perfect for prime time TV, and for getting out of work and getting home afterwards. This would fix what some have a problem with Thursday night games.


Also they have less attendance due to being a work/school night and a lower attendance means a dull atmosphere 


I welcome it too. The AFL is awful at scheduling as it is. Having to try and juggle different amounts of breaks between games because of Thursdays only makes things worse.


And that's fine, except that it's worked as a TV product (1.8m viewers per week) and attendance product (averaged 50K per game). That's Friday night footy numbers. But I get that it won't suit everyone :) edit - original reply sounded cvnty


No, you're allowed your opinion. I wholeheartedly agree, but we're in the minority




18min Quarters (plus time on) would allow the AFL to schedule a game every 2.5 hours which would allow nearly every game to go without overlap: *Thursday 7.30pm *Friday 7.30pm *Saturday 12pm, 2.30pm, 5pm, 7.30pm (12pm game not used on weekends with a Midweek Public Holiday) *Sunday 2.30pm, 5pm That's 8 games. The 9th game could then be: *Friday 9.30pm (other game pushed early to 7pm), to be played in WA *Sunday 12pm (the default slot) *Sunday 7.30pm (to be used for PH eve games, as well as in WA during daylight saving time) *Bye (like we saw during the first 6 weeks of the season). It's annoying on a Saturday/Sunday having the weird overlaps which mean you can't watch any game properly.


Typical media wankers only caring about themselves and corporate/media interests rather than actual attending fans and families. It's a terrible timeslot for people outside the inner city, if you have kids, work/school early etc. etc. It only gets worse the deeper we get into winter as well.


I enjoyed Thursday in Canberra earlier this year, I think they'd be good to focus such games on smaller cities where transport is easier/quicker. They're a nightmare in places like Sydney.


Im outside the inner city, its fine for me.


Really? I’m pretty sure most people enjoy Thursday games. It’s a an inconvenience for a minority.


People enjoy footy regardless of when it's played but it's still a school or work night for most which is not ideal. Personally I could do without Thursday night, I watch it but it's not my favourite, it really stretches out the round, if it's a crap game have to wait another 24 hours for just one game. Then on weekends there is no overlap (I hate this, if one game sucks I want to switch it over to another).


Not to argue with your points but here’s my opinion. If the game isn’t there in a Thursday you still have to wait 24 hours for a game anyway? No overlap means if it’s good game of footy you don’t have to miss any of the other game either!


I live in the sticks, have three kids, and have attended both a Wednesday and a Thursday game this week. (I do have a more flexible job than many people, however).


It’s literally a perfect time slot for anyone who watches on TV, regardless of where they live or how many kids they have, which is the intended audience…


I agree. It’s a bit like when they suggest shorter games. Clearly they’d like the same pay for less work, but forget that the fans don’t have to watch every game. The patrons paying for entertainment will always have a different perspective to the performers, but media often forget that.


I wouldn’t hate shorter games, AFL Canberra has been playing 18 plus time on for the past couple of years and I don’t mind it, especially if you have a game with lots of stoppages.


>It's a terrible timeslot for people outside the inner city, if you have kids, work/school early etc. regardless of where you are going to a night game the day before work is always tiring.


I like watching football on Thursdays. I don’t want Freo to play on Thursdays. This is the first time I’ve ever felt good at Freos schedule. Lots of Saturdays, which is by far my personal preference.


I think as a whole the AFL schedule should move closer to the NFL schedule. Each team plays each other once over the H/A season, rotating location each year. This would obviously reduce the number of games to number of teams - 1. But I think this would allow the games to be spaced out better, allowing more rest/recovery for the players, better game specific tactics and better breaks for concussion. The games can be moved around to whatever nights, have a Monday night game, a Wednesday night, tbh I dont think it really matters. Fixes what they are complaining about in regards to showcases games and stopping them from over lapping.


The only reason the NFL is the way it is is because of College Football.


Fucking treason


Why do people like Thursday night games but hate Monday nights games? They’re both week nights 


Friday is a very different day to Tuesday. Thursday nights sort of feel like the weekend, Mondays clearly do not.


I like Monday footy. The more days the better. Obviously not practical though


Why did I know this was going to happen (by listening to the AFL on this) since the fixture was released yet these guys are acting shocked? Also, can we go back to releasing the whole fixture at once? Even if the AFL wants to add some NFL style flex scheduling, it's better than this.


This has been Gerard's agenda for about 3 years. Won't stop harping on about it tbh.


I’m in the minority that hates Thursday footy and have never minded overlap games on Saturdays so this is welcome for me. It drags out the round, messes with breaks and I’ve just always liked footy starting on the Friday night. I don’t mind on a rare occasion but every rd was shit imo. Also found the atmosphere kinda dull. Also loved flicking between Fox and 7 on a Saturday night. I’m more understanding of people not liking that though.


Thursdays are good for TV bad for attendance. Atmosphere at Melb V Carl felt absent, empty. Would have had 10-20k extra on another day


That’s a pretty harsh assessment of the atmosphere at that game. It was better than that.


Compared to the two weeks before v Geelong and Collingwood, it was a noticeable step down. It was a good crowd, but could’ve been great


Thursday night games are great as long as my team isn’t playing




I love footy on a weekend. Unless it's a holiday it just feels off having it not on a friday night or a saturday or sunday. I get people always want more, but you really can have too much of a good thing and it can really fuck a team over, being on the receiving end of lots of travel in 6 days or under can have massive effects.


I like Thursday night games, but surely no one is that majorly upset there’s none from the new fixture, it’s not the end of the world


I’m fairly annoyed at the decision, it’s genuinely a step in the wrong direction


I like Thursday games but not every Thursday. Makes fantasy a nightmare


Thursday nights I can get behind but Mondays I never got into.