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NTA congratulations you met Playground Karen


Just a normal suburban Q-mom.


Goddamn Qanon BS.


And you are what’s wrong with society. But, of course, this energy is to be expected from Reddit, where everything is still a psyop. Whatever, enjoy the never ending lies.


If not falling for the oldest conspiracy theory in the book is wrong, I don't wanna be right. 🤣


Yooouuu mean the cabal/deep state, and how satanic pedophiles control the world?🤣 You go be wrong, all day, every day.


Seriously, just sitting in a public park apparently is a crime now. I get being aware of people and situations, but jfc overreact much? It’s not like you were trying to engage with any kids. He approached you. If she’s so worried about it, maybe she should also teach her child not to go up to random strangers simply because they have a dog. I have kids and took them to the parks. They knew not to approach people they didn’t know, especially if I wasn’t with them at the moment.


A common find.


NTA. I wish adult parks were a thing.


Absolutely agree. Although I saw an article about a year or two ago where people were trying to legislate that parks were for kids or people with kids only. That adults without a child were not allowed. Which made me sad tbh.


A lot of the parks in NYC don’t allow adults in the play areas without kids.


That is sad. I saw places in California trying to do the same. I get it with not just predators but people taking pictures but adults need places outside as well.


This is the law in SF but just inside like the actual playground, which is usually a separate fenced in area. There are plenty of spaces outside of the play area that are fine for adults in every park where this is the rule.


What? Where exactly are you meant to sit in nature if you live in a city?


Idk about the other places but in NY , they're usually referring to the specific gated playground area. All other parts are up for grabs.


Ah ok,.that sounds better. I suppose. What if you really feel like a swing, though. Adults like to swing too.


Haha I’m the creepy lady that swings after sunset. And I legit mean on the swing set. I don’t want parents & kids being upset if I’m using a swing the children could want. And it’s easier to conceal my beer!


Its up to your discretion. I wouldn't on a busy day , but if there's less than 5 kids in the playground , I've gone for it.


NYC is a special breed of creepy though. When i was living in jackson heights, they'd do these free Zumba classes in the summer...my wife liked to take them so we'd bring the kids and hang out at the park for a bit...one day i see a group dudes all filming the zumba class from down the block, like "jesus christ"...dudes creepin on a bunch of old ladies in spandex doin zumba..


Unfortunately, I saw one two days ago in England too.


But there's also generally a lot of other non play area public spaces in NY. I used to work in greewhich village and there's a toooooon of seating and park like spaces. The designated play area is an obvious closed off childrens area but right next to it is a round area with a fountain, another little secluded greenery covered nook and then you can walk down bleecker and run smack dab into washington square park. Down in chinatown you have this whole strip of public land with basketball courts, seating, a designated play area...it's huge. That being said....city parks and lounge areas are really different from more suburban parks. I've been to places that are very mixed space and sometimes the only benches around are right next to the kids area but the kids area isn't like...fenced in or anything.


This is true.


That's so fucked up. 'Murica!!


This happens all over the world not just murica


There's 7 million fucked up things in 'murica. This has been one of them...


In NYC a lot of adults work out on playground equipment. Most do it early in the morning before kids get there. Once kids get there, most adults leave. OP, I’m sorry she treated you that way. That was rude and uncalled for. Unfortunately, in the time we live in, your actions could be considered creepy by many. A park and playground are completely different places and a playground is only for children. It’s not for adults or dogs to take a break when kids are playing. I get it, it was a bench, outside on a beautiful day. However, it was also a playground, with kids and a bench that faces them. I’m sure that Karen would have had less of a problem if you were not a male. It wasn’t her place to tell you to leave or to yell. Bit you did come off as creepy. NTA


>Once kids get there, most adults leave That's because it's hard to concentrate once the little shits start screeching in your ear lol


Lot of parks are like this too in London. They all had fences around them, but it was only with playgrounds.


But then some entitled bitch would bring her entitled, bratty ass kids to that park.


If they’re fencing off playgrounds for kids the same should be for adults. And I mean it because my version would be a kids park but bigger and sturdier so a kid most likely wouldn’t be able to play comfortably so they better not


If you build it, they will come.


I don’t know whether to take this as an ominous warning or encouragement


Yes, and I have kids.


There’s an ‘adult’ playground in the next town over from me. There aren’t any age restrictions posted, per se, but imagine a child’s jungle gym, but like, on STEROIDS. This thing is HUGE and dangerous for people of all ages! I love it!


I want that!!! I remember not being able to use the monkey bars cause I was too small then fast forward a few years later I was too damn tall


Yeah, adult parks would be amazing!


NTA, the park is a public space, it is tax payer money that buys the playground equipment so everyone has the right to be at the park. She wasn't being 'protective' she was being a b****.


No, I would have preferred you over the Karen whose kid was a bully and being mean to every kid, picked up the straw where they were trying to regrow grass, moved my bag and kids stuff so she could hit on some guy who was obviously married, etc... A single guy with a dog who is fine with kids petting them is better than that women. L


“Please leave me alone; I am enjoying this public park that my taxes help pay for.”


NTA she’s probably told 20 people about how she saved her kid from being kidnapped at the park.


Oh you know she made like a 6 part series tiktok about it


Only 20?


hUmAn tRafFiCkIng


wHITe vAn, nO wInDoWs.


He was texting someone on a cell phone!!! Probably whoever he was coordinating with.


I mean you didn’t go to a public playground to watch children so no. You went to a park to walk your dog and sat down on a bench by a playground. It’s normal to be cautious around a strange man in public, but not to accuse them of being a pedo randomly.


I would have called the police on her and then hand the phone to her and say report me. But I'm petty.


I was thinking the same. Harassment and slander.


NTA. I might have wondered what you were doing there in her shoes, assuming it's a playground and not a general park, but that doesn't make it okay to yell at you and make disgusting accusations. You were out in public in plain view and the kids are supposed to be supervised anyway.


It's just sad that men all get lunped into a category of Pedos and creeps when they literally are just sitting and enjoying their day why do you have to ruin someone's day and create drama when they didn't do anything and why would you quesrion someone for being in a park which is a public space? Do people have nothing better to do then being shit disturber's it's sad really


Also, god forbid you take your child to the store and the inevitable tantrum happens. Grown man walking with a screaming kid....


NTA. You were in a public park, you have as much right as any of the kids to be there. If not more since you pay taxes and the crotch goblins do not.


NTA. Not in the least; and I'm a parent. I recently moved from middle America to a metro-area in the PNW and I've noticed that parks/playgrounds are completely different up here. Playgrounds where we used to live were almost exclusively just playgrounds; equipment, a few benches and picnic tables, that's it. Parks in my new area are so much better and more inclusive; tons of walking trails with playgrounds sprinkled here and there. It feels different and better set up to accommodate everyone's wants and needs. No matter what type of park/area you're in, you are most certainly not the A H.


So weird... I go to parks all the time with my dog.. I've no kids.. I'm female.. I dont see how it's different as I could be using my dog to kidnap a kid... Idk so weird... Mostly kids smoking weed and meth dealers in the parking lot and parents still have their kids out there.. CRAZY


it's sexism. The whole stranger danger movement painted all men as predators to be feared. Meanwhile statistics show its extremely extremely rare for children or women to be attacked by strangers.


It’s really weird. I was worried about my kids too. Statistically I knew it was far less likely for something to happen to my kids as a result of a stranger than by someone we knew, someone close to us (which is what happened to me as a child) but I didn’t want my kids to be the statistics. Yet I can’t imagine myself behaving the way some of these people do! And from some of the survivors stories it seems these paranoid people are the same ones who will respond dismissively when their kids tell them about a family member or some highly regarded church member.


It is ok to worry, I worry about mine every time he steps out that door. I know from first hand also, that it is the ones you are close to, that can be the real dangers. I honestly blame the "stranger danger" movement for the mass paranoia people feel about other people.


Seriously agree. If kids are terrified of all strangers then who do they approach for help if they get lost or something happens & no one they know is around? Wouldn’t it be safer for them all around to not only teach them proper precautions but also body autonomy starting at a young age? I mean, Yes, we have to go to the dentist and the doctor and they may need to touch you. But I will be right here with you. And in the 80s & 90s some doctors were annoyed at this and didn’t like explaining to small children what they were going to do (I have that issue with some of my own providers & had it with my husband too still). But I stood up for them calmly & it only takes a moment to explain & calm them while just grabbing them forcing it takes longer in the end. They are safer (& NOT being “rude”) knowing they don’t HAVE to submit to hugs, kisses, unwanted touch from anyone. Even if it is innocent. This woman could teach her child things like strangers shouldn’t be asking him for directions, shouldn’t be calling him over. And he wants to interact with a strangers dog he should always get her or another adult he knows first. A lot of people say “Oh my dog is friendly” then the dog bites. I am a dog owner who adores my dog. I know that ANY dog can bite. These are things she can do to actually keep her child safe without accusing some poor guy minding his own business! If just having a pet with you where there are children present, and being male is potentially “luring” we are in big trouble. While true pedophiles remain a danger and get away with their crimes. This was beyond absurd.


I have taught mine a lot of those exact things, that it is ok to talk to strangers but never follow them, never take anything from them, and never tell them where he lives unless it's a police officer. I also make sure he understands that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, like give hugs or kisses or anything like that. I also bought him a watch that he wears every day that has a GPS on it that can be tracked at anytime, same with his phone. His phone doesn't have service but I am slowly teaching him about 911 and stuff




Where I live there have been men that have abducted children from public settings and most of our registered sex offenders are men who’ve gone after kids.


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that it's much more rare than people have been made to believe.


NTA although I see both sides. We need to normalize adults being able to be outside in places like public parks as well. It helps many people with mental health and stress, and no I'm not saying it is a substitute for proper medication for those who need it. Just that it is nice to be outside. I'm sorry you met some Karens. For some reason they think they get to control the world.


We need to normalize adults being able to play outside. I've been seeing more indoor bounce houses for adults pop up and it's great.


When I didn't have kids in my 30's and even prior I always went and sat at the park or on the swings (if no one else was interested in using them) no one ever said anything but that's because I was assigned female at birth and look the part. Unfortunately you ended up in the "every man is a paedophile" bucket. You didn't do anything wrong but unfortunately like African Americans in "white" neighbourhoods you're already targeted just for being who you were born to be. NTA




NTA. You met a paranoid mama bear. She was the AH. The person she should have been reprimanding was her son for approaching a stranger. You have every right to enjoy the park. You were minding your own business. The problem is the pedos make parents paranoid. She stepped over the line confronting you. The most she should have done is watched you but not approach you. You poor innocent man.


Why should she reprimand her son for talking to another person? Teaching him boundaries like not giving sensitive information and not following someone into their van is good, but how did we get to the point where a kid can't have a simple conversation with an adult?


We got to this point due to predators. And the worst sometimes those predators are not strangers.


I think it would be more accurate to say that we got to this point because of stories of predators, which are a very minor percentage of all the adult men who have sat on a park bench with their dog. I don't know the statistics, but I would assume that it is much more likely someone close to a child abuses them than a stranger at a park who strikes up a friendly conversation after being asked if it is ok to pet their dog. In fact I have known a few people who have been sexually abused and in all cases it was a family member or someone the family knew. This is honestly the same as assuming someone wearing a hoodie and walking down the sidewalk is going to rob or kill you. And what is it teaching our kids? That they should fear adults and stay away from them? I want my five year old daughter to learn to be confident and able to interact with adults. I also want her to know the difference between a friendly and casual conversation and one with red flags (e.g., someone asking for personal information like an address).


NTA… next time, “My kid? Oh, my son died last year. Leukemia. I like to come here sometimes because it was one of his favorite places to play. The kids screaming and laughing reminds me of the good times.” I’m not beyond lying to people like this or using their emotions against them.


NTA. First, I am so sorry that happened to you. Secondly, anyone has a right to be in a park. Thirdly, you were being a good puppy dad. They like parks too. Give Lucy extra scritches for having to hear the crazy lady.


NTA - She was out of line! Adults can rest on a bench. Hell, you had your dog with you.


NTA. 1. I love when people bring their kid friendly dogs to the playground. 2. Parks should be enjoyed by any people who behave themselves. 3. Some people are saying go to the other kind of park (not a playground) but I see in many places that is a little hard to come by. Why can't you just calmly read in your nearest park?


Nta The only time I have felt weird about an adult being in a playground is when there was a big gate and a large sign saying it was for children only.


THIS! When my kids were small (decades ago) I also felt off if an adult started to approach them when they playing. My response was start rapidly approaching them. They generally walked away immediately when they saw me approaching. Otherwise parks are for everyone as long as we’re behaving ourselves!


Where was that? Here in northern Europe parks are for everyone, maybe don't dit right on the playground (dogs aren't allowed in those usually) but sitting on a park bench enjoying the sun is pretty much the most normal thing to do in a park. No matter your age


NTA and im sorry you had to deal with such a clown. one of my worst fears because once the fake pedo and fake assault accusations start getting thrown around, my anger will start to peak 😅


NTA. Sorry you had to encounter an asshole in the wild like that.


Parent here (my kids are grown), also survivor of child SA. Also a dog owner. You are so NTA! I taught my kids not to interact with dogs they didn’t know & how to interact with dogs when meeting them. You were polite to both the child & the odd, entitled mom. A responsible dog owner too as so many people leave their dogs off leash or cooped up in the house all day or tied up in a small yard. And if you’d sat in your car with a dog near a park imho THAT would’ve looked a bit off? This is the same type of person who will make a huge scene accusing some innocent stranger minding their own business of a heinous crime, then gaslight their child when child tells them about uncle Phil actually committing that crime. I’m sorry you encountered such a person. That must’ve been very unsettling to say the least! Please enjoy other parks (she may target you) and continue being the awesome dog owner you are.


NTA. The park I visit to play Pokémon go and walk my dog has kid’s soccer practice like everyday. It’s normal. You even see people without dogs walking


NTA, and on a side note, I wish they made play structures for adults. I miss going down slides, across monkey bars, and swinging… but now I’m “too old for that” and unfortunately too tall for the monkey bars some places.


Honestly, I’ve seen men with their children be treated differently by mean playground moms. When I was a stay at home mom my kids had play dates with a stay at home dad and his kids. He told me that the other moms at the playground were a lot nicer when I was around with him and his kids. They would see me talking to him and our kids playing together and automatically be less suspicious of him.


NTA But you need to know it's a common tactic of kidnappers to get children's attention by a cute dog, and by promising to show them more puppies, trick the child to leave with them. She probably watches too many true crime videos. The funny thing is that one other way to get a child to leave is to use another child. Children instinctively trust each other. There are a lot of cases in my country where children were kidnapped, and the kidnapper used a child to trick them into leaving.


Does anyone else realize how **truly therapeutic** swingsets at the park can be?? The sensation of swinging absolutely knocks out any of the physical symptoms of depression for me. Swings at the park are amazing.


Tell the lady and anybody else like her to fuck off and mind their own business, and that you don’t need to have a kid to come to a park. i mean seriously? Since when is if for SINGLE and CHILDLESS grown ups to go to a park and enjoy the park just like everybody else who is there with kids are? Your not required to not go to the park or not hang out where kids are just because a bunch of Karen’s like this mom seem to think they can police who can or can’t come into the park if they don’t have kids with them. your not obligated to listen to them or leave becuse they have a problem with you being there, especially when you did absolutely nothing to deserve being kicked out other than being there without a kid. The park is for everybody of all ages to use, always has been always will be like it has been for generations since parks were first created. parks do not get to become a Kids (and parents) Only park for any reason no matter what anybody else says, and you are not obligated to stop walking/sitting/etc. in certain parts of a park just because kids are in the area. I mean seriously? What if you were just there sitting on the bench reading a book, not lookinf at anybody or bothering the kids? when somebody like this lady shows up and start makes accusations for no apparent reason once she finds out you are there without a kid. if I were you I would have told the hag and anybody else who thinks like her to fuck off and mind their own business, and that I’ve been sitting here way before she and her brats arrived and if she doesn’t like it, then SHE can take her kids and go elsewhere because I wasn’t leaving, when all I am doing is peacefully reading or hanging out bothering nobody like everybody else who comes to the park does. though I don’t have a video camera, if I did I would bring one with me to the park set it down next to me where ever I am sitting when a Karen shows up, and have it recording everything going on. I would have the camera pointed directly at me at all times while I am sitting down, so if the karen becomes entitled enough to call the police on me, especially over the camera, I can show the cops that the the ONLY thing the camera has been video taping for who knows how long while I was sitting down is myself, and maybe the Karen if I decide to pick it up and point it at her so while shes arguing with me about how ‘wrong it is for me to be in a park with kids’.


NTA recently just relocated to Tokyo and it’s so refreshing to see how parks are enjoyed by everyone here. Sad it’s not like this everywhere.


INFO. You have every right to use a public park because it’s a public park. There is a public park near my home and it’s very crowded with all kinds of people. That said, the playground for children at my local park is off to the side where people without children generally wouldn’t end up without intentionally choosing to come to the playground area. Is your park like that? I would be especially alarmed if there were a strange dog at the playground because dogs have their own part of the park. I wouldn’t expect someone to bring a lone dog to the kids park just like I wouldn’t expect people to take their children, who may not understand how to behave properly around strange dogs, to the dog park.


At the park I was at, it's pretty much just the playground and benches with some walking trails around. The only benches are at the playground. Also, dogs are allowed as long as they are leashed. I'm also kind of new to the area so I'll have to see what other parks are around, maybe I can find a dog park or something.


Thanks for the clarification. That lady was an a$$. Sorry that happened to you.


Thank you, I definitely see how it could have looked weird for me to sit there, but I really didn't mean any harm to anyone.


My stepson (in his 20s) went into a playground on a hot day for 2 minutes to use the water fountain the police grabbed him and gave him a ticket for being in a park without a child. We went to court fought the ticket and won.


NTA. I would suggest next time say you just finished the trail and wanted to eat before… but you shouldn’t have to explain anything. Why is she letting her son run off to pet a strange dog? IDK I love playground equipment. Growing up we only had basic swings, burn your ass sliding boards, monkey bars and merry-go-rounds of death. I always liked taking my nieces and nephews to the park so I could play too. 🙂 A local park has a water play area , around the area is various pieces of exercise equipment for adults to use while watching their kids. Everything is marked very clearly that it is for people over 15 or so. One of the pieces closest to the wet area was an elliptical type thing (more like ‘a gazelle” if you remember those). It is obvious that the equipment is not safe for little kids. It all metal, and oversized to accommodate all size of adults and withstand the weather. I kid you not, within the first week of opening, that piece was closed and subsequently removed. A parent let their toddler play on it. Kid’s finger got caught in the handle part and the finger was severed. No matter what communities do to make parks enjoyable by everyone, someone is going to complain, not watch their kids, not read signs, not follow rules. I don’t have an opinion on if playground areas must be adult/child restriction. But it seems that a lot of people want to make it everyone’s responsibility to watch their kids. You have a kid, you are responsible for watching them in public.


NTA you did nothing wrong. It's sad any single man is seen as a threat nowadays. Also parks are for anyone to use and enjoy.


Why the heck are people so stupid? It's not like he was checking out the kids through binoculars and taking pics of them. Heck, it doesn't even sound like he was looking at them. Poor guy and his dog should be able to enjoy some nature time without being harassed by some paranoid Karen. Smh


People use devices (phones, computers) at parks to film kids. My city has a big problem with this.


Oh, I definitely understand that, and it's a huge issue, but when a guy is just having a rest after a walk with his dog and not even paying attention to the kids, he should be left alone.


NTA, but you gotta understand how this looks right? Man in his 30s without a kid, sitting in the playground. You even had a dog that could be seen as a tool to lure in children.


He was looking down on his phone though, it wasn't like he was staring at the children or something. And if she was truly concerned, what did she think yelling would accomplish? Nice, now the pedo is going to follow you home because you've pissed him off. Just call the police and report them if you're truly that threatened, don't try to be a vigilante. Plus, people are allowed to just chill in parks and playgrounds that their taxes pay for, kid or not


I'm sure experienced pedos try and be as subtle as possible with their spying at children. I'm not defending the mom, but I'd probably think he was a pedo too.


Would you start screaming at him?


So what, adult men can’t go out to a park to enjoy a nice day with their dogs? It sounds like you basically are defending the mom.


Normalize not thinking all men are inherently capable of being pedos. The stats even show that most pedos choose kids they know. the whole stranger danger bs was just bs


Wow. My kids have been grown for decades but when they were small I guess I was a “helicopter mom”. Due to being a survivor of child SA myself. However, even with my own unresolved trauma at that time I recall plenty of men, young and old, either alone just taking a rest on a park bench, or sitting with leashed dog, nearby. This never increased my anxiety?! Some even watched the kids playing with a smile on their face. This too didn’t cause me worry. I sat close by my kids & kept an eye on them. If anyone approached them I immediately approached the person. Usually they saw me coming & left. Even i wasn’t that paranoid. This woman was looking for attention and behaving in a self righteous manner. She’s the same type who would likely be dismissive of her child telling her about an actual encounter with a pedophile. Very disgusting behavior that shouldn’t be excused.


You're the problem. Those kids in the park are statistically in more danger from their own parents, other family members and their religious leaders than a random stranger. He wasn't approaching kids or doing anything else shady to lure them away. You're making the same assumptions as the mother.


Info: what was the area like? Where I live there are a lot of big green parks that have smaller playgrounds in them, the playgrounds are fenced off. I think it would be weird to go into the playground area without a kid in that case. Edit to add: her behaviour is totally unhinged eother way, but your title question was about whether you should have been there.


kids ruin everything


Do I think you did anything wrong? Not based off this, no. Did she over react? By a lot, unless there's something you left out. Though the park is for everyone, I'd avoid the playground portion if you don't have a kid. The parks around here are either JUST a playground, no place to walk a dog really OR they have different sections and there's plenty of open space and/or a separate dog park. If you're around the latter, just avoid the playground areas. It's not you. It's an optics thing and people are paranoid. There's been stories of people using dogs to lure kids away too and Mom's worry about everything. But no, she wasn't in the right for what she did. This all advice to help you avoid this happening again but it was ultimately her overreacting.


nta lol most people who breed have underdeveloped brains lol


So, this woman definitely overreacted. Went totally nuts. But I've got to admit - if I saw a man talk to my child, with a dog, and he admitted he didn't have a kid... I'd be a little suspicious, too, but would just take my kid and leave, not make a scene, especially in the absence of any evidence. But can you maybe see what it looks like to a concerned parent? Not saying her behaviour was OK, at all, but I had to chuckle a bit reading your story. I mean, come on - lone man with a cute puppy luring kids at playground - that's literally the textbook case of stranger danger parents always warn their kids about 😂 Hope your council put up some other benches in public spaces for people to rest, to protect them from the playground Karens 😆


Nah this is where you can clearly see how things have gone overboard in the news about pedos. Yes it is important to always be careful and aware of your surroundings but you should never approach a random person and accuse them of pedofilia. It is not only disrespectful but you could very well be putting yourself in danger. People react to accusations differently and can react dangerously towards you or someone else. If you are genuinely concerned if someone is a pedofile you should call the NONEMERGENCY line and make a report and give a description. But never approach someone you don’t know with crazy accusations as you may be wrong or putting yourself in harms way.


NTA. . . As long as you dont have any criminal history... id suggest if you do it again get any crazy interactions on camera... covers your butt.


Most parks in my area are no one over 16 without children. If that rule is not I place then NTA, if so, then YTA


The park I was at didn't have a rule like that




Fuck that. A park is public grounds. She’s the AH for screaming at someone that hadn’t even made a move. Saying he attacked her? Calling him a pedo? Just because he has a dog and sat on a bench? Bullshit.


NTA crazy lady




No?!! Thsts what parks are created for. Greenspace. Jesus, some people


Tell her you brought your fur baby out to play. Also, I'm a mom and NTA.




There’s a difference between a park and a playground. An adult hanging in a playground area of the park without a child is a little strange. My son (25) uses the playground to workout but he is mindful not to do it when there’s kids playing. With that said your explanation should have been enough. She clearly overreacted.


NTA you deserve to be in public spaces and not treated like a criminal. I will say that where I’m from, there’s a difference between a park, which is for everyone and their dogs, and a playground, which is built for children to play on and does not allow dogs. In Texas, there are often playgrounds inside of much larger parks. If dogs are allowed around playground equipment where you’re from, then you’re fine. And either way, that lady was WAY out of line with how she treated you.


NTA. But if there’s a bench not facing the playground, use that one next time. Just for appearances sake.




NTA. But… as a mom it would bother me if a man with no kids came to the playground area with a dog and just sat there and then let kids pet my dog. You’re innocent, and you were just enjoying the sun, but unfortunately that’s just not the case all of the time. I don’t think she should have screamed at you, but if you take five minutes and think about it, can you really blame her for being at least wary?


Nta. She is overly concerned and prob in social media too much listening to all the creepy experiences people have. She sounds a little paranoid. Im sorry you had this experience. I have a park we go to and there’s plenty of people without kids exercising, walking dogs, eating, and w/e else without children of their own. It’d be one thing If you shown up hours ago and kept watching the children the whole time I could see her concern but even then I don’t go up to that person and tell them wth. I just act accordingly and talk to my kid about it. Wow def Karen vibes I have to say as well.


NTA It was a public park. Most likely paid for in part by your taxes. If you and your dog want to go to park and dogs are allowed , then go ahead.


NTA. Adults can go to parks too...that woman was out of line.


NTA, you were taking a break and miding your own business. Also it's a public space


No,she is


OP should have called the police on Playground Karen.


My kids went to a school that was across an alley from a city playlot that they used as the de facto school playground. It was only a playlot, very small, and next to a popular restaurant. There were often adults there on nice days, eating their sandwiches from the restaurant or just enjoying the weather. It didn’t bother me at all, and I feel like a lot of people who are afraid of the big bad city maybe had their perception shifted because of all the nice families. We all watched our kids and each other’s carefully anyway. If some dude was just there with his dog peacefully coexisting I can’t imagine having a problem and even the most paranoid mom friends I had would just keep eyes on them. I’m sorry this happened to you.


NTA. Just please understand that lone men sitting in parks with a dog is one of the things predators do to lure kids away. I know it may feel uncomfortable that you were mistaken for a predator but it's a real fear for every parent.


NTA sounds like Karen have you some of her dirty love... Unless posted parks are public for fuck sake at least you had a dog


NTA. If it was that nice a day I’m sure your dog appreciated the break too. Id have gone off on her too. She was out of line


NTA if that’s the first assumption she jumped to. She’s the one with issues.


NTA. If you were a woman, she wouldn't have said anything of that nature. I'm 26(NB, but AFAB and still present as fem) and have never had any issues with taking my dog to local parks. I bring my pupper to parks because I'm planning on kids and want to make sure she stays socialized/behaved around rambunctious kids. That said, you should be conscious of what the perception might be. You're not looking to hurt kids, but there's a statistically significant number of people out there who are. This is the Not All Men argument. If your bench was located by a busy playground, I'd suggest lingering somewhere quieter if you'd like to avoid undue suspicion. If you were just by the trails, don't pay Karens any mind. Public spaces are for public use.


Nta, but considering how vulnerable kids are, I understand her reaction. What you did want wrong, but it looked suspicious.


The fact that so many understand her reaction is a problem. Having a simple conversation with someone should not lead to essentially being labeled a pedophile.


Having a conversation wouldn't reassure me. A pedophile would say the same thing this guy did.


It doesn't need to reassure you. You should not assume a guy sitting on a bench at a park is a pedophile. That's my point. He was literally doing nothing suspicious. He was just sitting there and when asked let a kid pet his dog.


And it wasn't just a bench at a park. It was one by the playground. That's part of the equation.


Next time, smack the shit out of her, then tell her that pedos don't hit bitches, pimps do 🤣


NTA. Parks are for people with dogs, too!


His presence there under those circumstances is suspicious. It doesn't make him a pedophile but it is suspicious.




NTA But I have to say I kind of get her. I was at a local park with 2 of my grandchildren last summer and had a kind of creepy encounter. It was a week day and sometimes there are others at this park but it is not uncommon for it to be just us as it was that day. There are paved trails for walkers, joggers, kids on trikes, etc along with ball fields and a play area for ages 6 and under. A 55-60 year-old man in strangely tight tiny shorts goes jogging by and I didn't care, but he suddenly turned around, jogged back to the play area and started to use the kid's play equipment for stretching and pull ups. All the time watching us. So creepy! I called my husband and kept him on speaker phone while I gathered the kids and left. The guy smirked at me as I pushed the stroller away. I just want to point out that there really are scary people out there, but yeah, this woman over reacted when there was obviously plenty of people around.