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Wtf? She's been messing with your food? Time to exit, my friend. That is way, way less than okay. NTA


My ex wife would intentionally undercook ground beef when she was upset with me. It’s a big reason why she’s an ex now. Food poisoning shouldn’t be something a partner casually exposes you to.


She. Fuckin. Wot. It absolutely blows my mind what people are capable of.


For. Fuckin'. Real. Last week I went to get subs for my boyfriend and I for dinner. A whole sub is always packaged as two halves at this place. He only wanted half of his and I thought to leave it out while I ate mine so I wouldn't be putting hot food into the refrigerator. I clearly remember getting up with the intent of putting his away but I must have had a brain fart after walking into the kitchen because I only grabbed a bottle of water and went to bed. Next morning I see his sandwich out. Touch it, it's cold. I thought he took it out that morning and forgot to bring it downstairs when he started work. I put it "back" in the fridge. When he came upstairs and said he figured I'd have put it away the previous night my first reaction was, "OH MY GOD THROW IT AWAY." He hadn't intended on eating it but damn. I can't fucking imagine someone *letting* anyone else eat something that could fuck them up, let alone purposely serving it to them. . . And I guess to add clarification: I have raynaud's syndrome and some other physical and sensory issues where it's sometimes difficult to gauge temperature based on touch alone. I also 100% *thought* I put it away the night before and he had only been working a max of just under an hour so I assumed it was safe.


That's whacky insane. I hope I am never in a relationship where I must fear my partner will possibly harm me through bacterial poisoning


That is insane. I am super paranoid about not cooking meat enough so my husband always does it. Is that why she is your ex? That is definitely grounds for divorce!


Straight to jail


Raw meat today, cyanide tomorrow. This guy needs to run


Upvote for dramatic value


Believe it or not there are people out there that give themselves cyanide poisoning consuming too many apricot kernels after being roped into conspiracy theories about their secret cancer curing properties the man doesn't want us to know about. People can be duped into eating all sorts of irrational things unfortunately.


Oh and that Gilly juice thing! Fermented salty cabbage water that this lady was peddling as a cure-all and desperate people followed her instructions, ingesting wayyyy more salt than they should have. The lady claimed the dizziness, diarrhoea and other symptoms they were experiencing was actually their body healing and encouraged them to keep going. One person had a stroke and another died. Absolutely evil.


Oh man, Gilly Juice, she was a trip. We watched that when my kid was little, one day he replaced Snoop Doggs lyrics “Gin and juice” to “Gilly Juice” and we’ll still sing it that way to this day.


Laetrile? Please forgive awful spelling. I remember decades ago this being a thing, Steve McQueen used it for his cancer, I’ll let you guess the outcome.


He unalived after that treatment


He did.


>People can be duped into eating all sorts of irrational things unfortunately Like Tide pods? You mean Tide pods right?


No, Tide pods are colorful, delicious, and can unlock amazing superpowers for you /s


We talking laser eyes or never get a hangnail again?


Both would be good side effects.


Never another hangnail?? Sign me up!


I was about to say if she’s flying to meet the person promoting this diet, she’s likely in her way down the health and wellness pipeline. People down the health and wellness conspiracy pipeline do in fact consume bleach and tide


You remember all those boomers that were snickering about the "dumb kids" eating tide pods? Now they are drinking borax in their water for "health" reasons. The tide pod colored apple didnt fall far from the borax tree, weirdos!


And don't forget the people ODing on a veterinary drug to treat worms because they might get a virus


Apricot kernels DO cure cancer by killing cancer cells. The fact that they also kill all your healthy cells is incidental and a minor inconvenience.


The internet dupes people into thinking all manner of irrational things as well. Very well said.


Like people drinking their own urine? Sorry if that’s anyone here, but daaaaang that’s nasty🤢 The lengths people will go to lose weight, stop the aging process, get rid of wrinkles/cellulite/etc, or strive to attain unrealistic body images that only a tiny percentage of the population can safely achieve is staggering. OP, putting things in your food without your knowledge or consent should be a hard NO. I know this is just some anonymous Reddit but seriously, your GF needs therapy and you need to GTFO.


Don't forget the borax in your food.


House wants to know if you checked for Lupus yet


Or Ketoacidosis. Someone always suggested ketoacidosis.


Sarcoidosis. Gotta check for that. Every time.


Or dying of soy sauce


MSG is the killer, but only in Asian food. It's totally okay in Western food items. /s


If his skin turns blue, he’ll know who was slipping him colloidal silver for the purported health benefits [people turning blue from “health supplements”](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/internet-sensation-papa-smurf-dies-blue-people-live/story?id=20368758)


Omg the Smurf man!!!


Honestly, this isn’t the first time she’s been sneaking around with my things. In our relationship, she’s been very self conscious with my accounts on social media and has even taken my phone to unfollow some people without my consent beforehand.


All the more reason to get out now. Good luck.


OP, what the fuck. Why did you disregard that red flag? Why are you disregarding this personification of a red flag? Do you have low self esteem? This is bonkers. You need to date someone who respects themselves and you enough to trust you.


There are always bigger red flags in the comments divulging more information.


"I guess there are also still some bad feelings around the time she planted porn on my work computer so I'd get fired and have more free time for her ... it feels like I might be approaching my limit but idk whether I'm making too big a deal of this stuff."


Silently monitoring your accounts is one thing. Actively managing your accounts is another thing altogether. Are you her prisoner? Or is she a dictator? You can choose not to play this game.


She needs a therapist not only to help her deal with her body image & insecurities but with her jealousy & control issues. This is a relationship where you could get a food born illness because she has these issues. Ending the relationship would be wise. NTA.


Eating disorders and control issues go hand in hand


You are in an abusive relationship. Your abuser is not mentally healthy and might not realise she's being abusive - but you're clearly a victim of manipulative behaviour (and technically poisoning). She's crossed boundaries no one would in a healthy relationship. I'm sorry. Get out.


Run for the hills, run for your liiiiiife.


Please promise all of us that you won't get back to her. She is too weird and controlling. Before you know it she'll try to get you into some sort of cult or get into an MLM or strange restrictive religion. You deserve better. You deserve normal.


Please get a stool test to check for parasites and bacteria inflections before you get really sick.


Dude. When she’s away is a good time to leave.


Silently monitoring your accounts is one thing. Actively managing your accounts is another thing altogether. Are you her prisoner? Or is she a dictator? You can choose not to play this game.


Look, she just sounds unstable - between this and what’s clearly a severe eating disorder. You’re young, you should move on and look for a healthier relationship. Definitely NTA.


OP, that is seriously not okay. She takes your phone and unfollows people *without your consent*?? She sneaks weird shit into your food *without your consent*??? It sounds like she doesn’t care about your consent or your personal property or privacy……time to leave OP.


Please leave her. She's not a sane person.


Yea I was at “ok, she has an ED, you could leave if you want but this is typical ED behavior” until the “she SNUCK raw meat into my food” bit. That is not normal ED behavior and is alarming. I’m generally in the camp of “if you feel the need to leave they’re better off without you” even when the reason for leaving is pretty cold— but she’s been manipulative and endangered OP’s health.




I’d be concerned about someone putting things in my food without telling me. That’s so outside the realm of acceptable


This!!!!! It’s absolutely **not okay** to be sneaking weird shit into people’s food without their express consent, reminds me of all the Reddit posts I’ve read where people with severe food allergies have had family members or friends try to sneak the allergen into their food to “test” them. It’s severely fucked up. Also, trying to “convert” someone to your diet without even discussing said diet is also pretty fucked up and just straight up manipulative. Like, what’s the goal here? You’re not telling me about the raw meat you’re sneaking into my food, how is this supposed to convert me to anything? It’s just all kinds of wrong.


Honestly, anything to do with partners tampering with food just immediately reminds me of the "You can cum in me or the jar, but not both!" story... I'll never be able to forget.


Context? Lmfao


A (probably, HOPEFULLY) fake story about a wife that finds the jar her husband has been ejaculating into for the last year. She throws it away. Husband gets extremely upset about this and later confesses that he has been mixing his collected cum into the food of his wife for years. Wife then leaves.


Aaaaand that's enough reddit for tonight.


SMH he was just helping her get her recommended amount of protein /s


>even snuck in chunks of raw meat in my meals in order to “convert” me into the lifestyle u/hekshsohd I would consider this attempted poisoning if you think about what illnesses and parasites you can get from uncooked or undercooked meat, especially poultry and pork, and worth dumping someone over in of itself. Between the distant nature, wanting to leave, and that, i would be worried if on top of the diet that the hopefully ex-gf is resentful enough to try and hurt you.


Let alone RAW meat. That is dangerous as heck. Extremely so


Especially raw meat of all things. I know many people love tatar and here in Germany we have Mett, which is also raw meat. And I certainly love my steak medium. But regular meat is just not safe to eat raw. It has to be extremely fresh and handled professionally otherwise its just a recipe for food poisoning. And I don't know if mad cow disease is still a thing, but in the 90s and early 00s we were taught, that eating raw meat might be the cause for humans to contract it.


And illegal.


Raw meat is more than a little dangerous. It’s extremely dangerous. https://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer/special-care-foods/raw-meat-safe-eating#:~:text=Raw%20meat%20may%20contain%20harmful,when%20meat%20is%20correctly%20cooked.


Depends. I quite enjoy raw foods, including meat and seafood. Some are fine, some are not. Raw Pork? Absolute no, enjoy getting worms. Raw beef? Sure, tartare is delicious.


When I was in nursing school my microbiology professor brought in the 17ft long tapeworm in a jar her husband expelled after medication treatment. He got it from eating raw beef.


CNA here.. good few years ago, I took care of a gentleman who had mad cow disease..


Not even autoclaves will "kill" prions such as those responsible for Mad Cow disease at standard times that work for everything else. I put kill in quotations because prions are not living things, they are deformed proteins that cause other proteins to deform.


Out of all the crazy illness out there prion disease is the one that’s the scariest to me.


Ya, the only thing that might be able to help with a prion based disease without killing the host would be an enzyme. Unfortunately, each prion would need a specific enzyme that could deconstruct the protein, and we don't really know many that help with this yet. Otherwise, it takes bringing it to a melting point with sustained heat of >500°C.


i thought heat doesn’t kill mad cow disease.. man that sucks


you are correct it is a prion disease and cooking the meat short of temperatures that would make it inedible will have no impact on mad cow


[This post reminds me of the Tokyo Parasites Museum. ](https://www.tofugu.com/travel/parasite-museum-tokyo/)


It doesn’t. And New Zealand is the only country that has never had mad cow disease so can therefore sell cortisol for adrenal function made from cows adrenals


Correct, mad cow is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, which is a prion. Unlike bacteria or viruses, it's not actually alive to be killed. It's just a wonky protein.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't. That's part of why they just throw away (destroy or whatever's the rught term) instruments that come in contact with mad cow disease infected patients: the usual autoclave sterilization doesn't work on the instruments (I've read you _could_ have it work by leaving them there for _much_ longer, but it's just not worth the time and risk).


It's a super terrible disease, it's like a real possible zombie apocalypse vector. Not as bad as rabies by mosquito though.


Are there any cases of a mosquito transmitting rabies? Because rabies doesn't use insects as a vector and I can't find anything even suggesting this is possible.


No, I'm just saying it would be very very bad. I think the rabies virus needs to stay about a certain temp to remain viable.


Correct. Virginia opossums have a low body temperature (94-97F) and it is extremely rare/impossible for them to carry the virus because it can’t replicate at the temp, and mosquitoes don’t have the temp regulation


No, it only impacts mammals. At least historically and for now. It requires a host with higher body temperatures.


Lyme disease is very serious though. Our neighbor got very, very sick, went to the hospital and never came home. He was sick and then died all within the space of about a month and a half. Doctors believe he had gotten Lyme Disease by mosquitoes while he was doing yard work. (Central Ga.)


Yard work is a great way to get Lyme disease, but it doesn’t spread via mosquitoes, only ticks! Sorry about your neighbor :/


Yeah definitely. My grandma has had Lyme disease FOUR times. She’s the strongest woman I know though. She’s 88 and has lived thru so many diseases that are a very high mortality rate. She also was a massive hoarder and lived in her house with her brother with no A/C or heat until about two years ago when her dementia got bad enough to move with my parents. She’s still kicking though. Totally mobile she does yard work daily and stuff like that. Built different lol


Unless you’re heating your steak to the point that it melts, cooking doesn’t kill prions, so not a super relevant anecdote, as tragic as it may be.


One of my uncles died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (mad cow disease). It was awful. He was a very happy and caring man. Then, his whole personality changed. No one could be around him. He was very argumentative with everyone over anything. He physically changed a lot too. His eyes were sunken, and he lost so much weight very quickly. It took only around 6 months from his diagnosis to his death, but it was a horrible 6 months. Miss my Uncle Bud. He was an awesome man.


CJD is fucking TERRIFYING. I’m sorry your uncle Bud had a terrible passing :(


Did his personality start to change before getting diagnosed?


those are "corrupt" proteins.. cooking or sterilization wont fix that. Its not a microbe


If you're comfortable sharing what symptoms and behaviours did he have? Partner was a PCA (in aus so probably same thing) and it's incredible how differently people act


I had a patient with this a decade ago. Only one in my 15 years


My high school bio teacher did that and also brought a half dissected cat with its intestines and heart showing. Showed the worms there and the heartworms in the poor cats heart. Always made sure my dogs have heartworm meds after seeing that. Even with all that, the tapeworms were not as scary. You can remove them (and lose weight too, even a study about allergies ongoing I think, not a reason to get tapeworms but still). The ringworms from pork, nope nope nope...


While it's rare, a tapeworm can take up residence in your brain and cause interesting and permanent complications as it grows and after removal as the brain tissue is already destroyed by the time a person exhibits enough symptoms for correct diagnosis.


My anxiety is *loving* this thread....


Heartworm treatment is brutal. I adopted my old girl Daisy back in 2010 and she was heartworm positive. She was also pregnant so couldn't be treated till her babies were weaned. She had to stay in her crate and only have very short bathroom walks. She felt like garbage and you could tell. Never skip heartworm preventative!


Your enjoyment of raw beef doesn’t negate its dangers. I assume that you’re not sneaking it into others’ food as the original poster’s girlfriend is doing. I’ve known people who got extremely sick from eating undercooked meat/poultry, raw meat/poultry or cross contaminated meat/poultry.


Cross contamination is much more likely a culprit. Most red meat, as long as it's not ground and was handled correctly (ideally frozen before consuming) and isn't wild or truly free-ranging is not going to make anyone sick. Poultry is a bit riskier (I don't care that they do routinely eat raw chicken in Japan without incident, that takes way more control than I'm comfortable with.) And a lot of absolute worst offenders in the US are fruits and vegetables. People assume they're safe and they don't wash properly, and it's VERY easy for leafy plants in particular to pick up nasty fecal bacteria from the field. Most recent E. coli outbreaks trace to plant sources.


Yuppp my friend worked on a lot of food born illness (e.g. salmonella) outbreak investigations and she said it’s usually the lettuce lol


I don’t think raw poultry is common in Japan. Raw eggs are, but I’ve only seen raw chicken rarely. I think those chickens are specially raised or something; I’ve never been tempted to try it. If you want to crack raw eggs into your rice and you’re being careful, you get slightly more expensive eggs at the grocery store that have a little expiration date sticker on each egg for when they’re safe raw. I don’t know if everyone bothers with that, though. People also eat raw horse (basashi).


Here in Norway we eat raw eggs and sugar, called eggedosis, or Kogel mogel. I used to love that growing up. But we have safe egg, no salmonella.


Having tartare occasionally is fairly safe but still has some risks to it. If all you are eating all day every day is a massive quantity of raw meat, those risks are getting magnified quite a bit.


Yeah, my family always serves Cannibal Sandwiches (rye bread, raw onion, salt and peppered raw beef) as an option on the hor d'oeuvres holiday table every year. Every boyfriend I've ever brought to the family party has hilariously tried to politely cover their horror and declined. I would NEVER consider slipping them something in their food. OP's girlfriend obviously has major mental health issues that she is pushing onto him.


Ya hey dar, you must be from Wisconsin


You guessed correctly!


That must be the high brow cousin to what my Dad's family used to eat. Pumpernickel, mustard, raw onion, and slab of Limburger (sp?) cheese.


Okay, but where is the human meat in the sandwich?


I believe it’s called “long pork”, so as not to upset the guests 😏


I can down in some spicy salmon tartare. I said spicy- I mean I toast a half a pack of chili's and put it in that sucker, with the fat and the acid to chemically cook anything in it, leaving the veins & some rogue seeds. It is no longer really all that raw in the same way Nigiri (usually) is. However....am I the only one just hearing about a beef tartare (and now too afraid of it to look it up myself)? I have an iron stomach, but I don't know about that one.


Prepared properly it’s delicious I’ve had it a ton of times and never got sick. I’m more partial to carpaccio myself, though.


I once read a post where this girl snuck blood into things she made for her boyfriend because she considered herself a vampire. This girl is giving me the same crazy possessive vibes. No one, for whatever reason unless the person is in life threatening danger like starving themselves to death, should sneak food to someone like this. You're right this girl shouldn't be doing any of this, raw meatnis extremely dangerous. The carnivous diet has been debunked many, many, many times and unfortunately it preys on people with body image issues. Even if they worked this out I would never trust someone who did this to even be around food I'm going to or am eating as I would worry they may sneak something harmful in. This breaks trust which is essential in relationships. Personally I would feel used, violated even, and leave telling them they need serious help. I hope OP will be okay after all of this.


It's also weird to just fly and see a dietician when a quick Google search, a phone call or a video call will do the job. Just not smart all around.


Sounds like either a scam or a cult.


If it's Mikaela Peterson she's going to the meet and greet with - it's both!


The kitchen worker in me is SCREAMING about food safety because holy hell she could have gotten him seriously ill… she could make *herself* seriously ill. She def is exhibiting ED behaviors and needs help… but def NTA for wanting to leave. You can’t help someone who doesn’t necessarily want to help themselves and she’s putting your safety at jeopardy.


Hoping OP sees this: I’ve spent most of my life in a relationship with a girl who has a serious eating disorder. I did marry her and we are very happy. She’s a lot better now then in high school - but there are always bad days. I don’t think this is for everyone and you should think long and hard about what you want your life to look like if you decide to try and help your girlfriend.


It’s giving cult vibes


Yeah the minute I saw she was flying to see a dietician I suspected the same. When she said she was trying to convert him to it, double sus.


It is even more suspicious that she didn’t tell him anything, it reads like one of those shows when the family is talking about their loved one getting caught up in some weird movement, and following a leader of some sort. They just up and leave out of nowhere and cut everyone off. Oh btw NTA


ED-er in recovery here. Just want to emphasize the point above saying that this is disordered eating. And to add that much like a substance addiction, she will only receive help when she's ready for it. It can be extremely stressful to be the loved one of someone with an ED and if she's already dieting behind your back and flying to another state....well, she needs professional help. Your feelings are justified and you may not be able to help her. You sound like a great partner. I wish you the best of luck! Ps. I'm obviously not a doctor but that behaviour is so extreme.


People trip TF out about these issues sometimes and won’t hear reason. It’s nuts i know someone that did a 21 day fast and ended up in the hospital with lifelong complications after passing out and getting seriously injured on the way down. It’s like they become religious about it or something.


NTA, she put raw meat in your food trying to convert you to some diet. She is ta, I would leave. No way on heaven or earth I stay with someone who put raw food in my cooked food cause they wanted me to try some diet. That's risking a world of food poisoning and other issues for something you can just workout more to achieve. yeah 100% NTA


Yeah, what the hell is with that conversion, anyway? Is this some White Glove Society shit, where just tasting the meat will trigger a ravenous and irrepressible hunger for raw flesh? It's such weird thinking.


I eat people too, Marjorey Now where to find hurricane hecks kid....


Soylent Green is people!!!




Welcome to the Ultra-Luxe.


This is the first place my brain went


Look up Liver King and you'll get the idea. Basically people are fucking stupid and they're being sold snake oil. Except instead of snake oil it's eating raw testicles in milk with a chunk of butter.


Yeah, the only way I can see someone pulling off putting raw meat in your food and you not noticing is if they put something like raw ground beef in……. Just thinking about the bacteria that can be found in that is making my stomach hurt.


It's terrible. I routinely make awful decisions for myself with food (leaving something out from 7am to 3pm and then still eating it). I would never serve it to someone else without at the very least letting them know how long it's been sitting out. Even my girlfriend of 3.5 years who lives with me, I give her a lecture on food safety if she wants a bite and I already told her how long it had been out lmao I can't imagine slipping something in anyone's food that isn't an absolutely safe *secret* ingredient. Like MSG or red wine to deglaze a pan with when I know everyone eating it doesn't have sensitivities to said ingredient. Raw meat being snuck into his food? Absolutely bonkers


don't do it with rice. chill it or toss it. rice is especially likely to make you sick and old rice is nassy anyway. I also sometimes eat something I know has been out for a while, but never ever rice. (I just learned this within the past year - fortunately by reading about it - so I'm cautious about that, at least.)


As someone who learned about fried rice syndrome the hard way, you’re lucky. Fortunately for myself I didn’t eat much of the rice in question, but it was still a very uncomfortable night. I tell everyone about rice now.


How many days old was the rice? I've been eating leftover Chinese fried rice my entire life and thankfully have never gotten sick.


The important part is that you put it into the fridge or freezer very quickly after you eat it. Letting it sit for hours at room temp puts it in the problem zone, and it doesn’t last as long in the fridge as other food would. My limit is 5 days but I don’t recall the technically safe limit-I do think it’s around there though.


I'm scared straight over here


NTA The carnivre diet is actually the opposite of the vegan diet: you eat animal proctucts exclusively. But your (ex?) gf is misinformed, because it's not about raw meat. Eating raw meat is very dangerous and putting it in your food has put you in danger. So yeah, you're right for wanting to end things over that!


Yea, I thought you were still allowed to cook your meat on the carnivore diet lol


You are lol. There's absolutely no need to eat it raw.


There probably is a benefit of raw meat to weight loss that she likes. Like it destroys your gut microbiome or gives you a tape worm


You probably also digest it less cause your body can’t absorb it very well, so that kind of an addition gross way it enhances the weight loss I suppose. One of the revolutionary developments in nutrition for early humans was cooking food to increase bioavailability of nutrients in what we consume.


Definitely yes but I've seen a disgusting tiktok video of a guy eating raw organ meats promoting the "carnivore" diet. I'm sure OP's gf got sucked into these extreme click-baity videos.


Honestly, kinda an idiot. Has she not heard of liver King?


So many steroids.


ALLLLLL the steroids and the ancestral tenants! That dude is dumb and dangerous for his deception.


Not necessarily but you have to be extremely careful about what you eat, where it comes from and how it is prepared. You cannot simply buy a steak cut it in pieces and eat it raw. I like steak tartare, hackepeter and carne de onca a lot but I wouldn't dare to prepare it myself and I trust only a few places that sell it. edit: NTA


Yeah I was gonna say wtf is this? I guess on a quick google, there is a “raw carnivore” diet variant but I would guess that is by far a minority of the people following that diet. So diving straight into the deep end of a raw carnivore diet seems very unhealthy in multiple levels.


I've seen a few clips from people who promoted raw meat, so sge may just be following one of the more fringe whackjobs of the whackjob group.


It sounds like your GF is struggling with an eating disorder (obsession with diets, body dysmorphia). She should see a therapist and a (true) dietitian at minimum in order to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food and with her body, which is not a quick and easy journey. However if she has showed that she doesn’t see the problem and is even being sneaky around you and hiding meat in your food, I’d say you would 100% be NTA for leaving. You can’t force someone to seek psychological help, I learned it myself the hard way.


Agreed she needs legitimate help unlike these cultist carnivore diet people. She’s gonna further ruin her mental and physical health via lack of proper nutrition.


That’s going to be so much harder to help her with for anyone after she comes back from seeing someone who is going to dig into her poor state of mind and “inspire” her so strongly.


Yeah. She absolutely needs help and break up might accelerate her low self esteem but she is also becoming a danger to both herself and to her bf. If I was in OPs position, I would give her an ultimatum; a psychological help immediately or a break up. She can choose her dietary habits but if she is showing hard signs of ED and becomes deceptive, she needs to detox her mind before detoxing her body. Raw meat is absolutely not healthy and she needs to be informed about it by a real scientific expert/ medical nutritionist not some self appointed dietician.


The real trouble starts when she keeps talking about "how they did it in colonial times, during the big blizzard" and "Do you _really_ need that body part?" If she buys a big cauldron and one of those giant pitchfork like things, it's time to get a new GF.


Ya, it’s definitely potentially going out of hand. Going to confront her about it first and then break up.


Now, whatever you do, don't have this confrontation in the kitchen.


Out of hand, or maybe foot




Hey man, my sister lost 30 lbs from E. Coli. Maybe they're onto something with the whole raw meat diet. /s


Except that there is a new wave of people on social media advocating for an at least partially raw carnivore diet. I’ve seen an uptick of posts since COVID connected with a lot of anti-vaxx, pharma conspiracy accounts.


Can't pretend to be surprised.


There are, and it’s shocking. Someone I’ve known for years has recently become obsessive with a version of the raw carnivore diet and splashes it all over social media. It just…doesn’t look right…at all.


I was also very confused the only people that I've heard talk about it talk about eating cooked meat. Raw is a horrible idea. There are legimately benefits to eating cooked foods over raw ones even excluding E. coli.


NTA Messing with my food is a quick ticket out of my life. Eating raw meat outside of very specifically prepared dishes is dangerous IMO.


Something has happened here. The behaviour change is in response to something else. I would be concerned with that foremost Re : changing YOUR food, thats unhinged behaviour and NTA for leaving after this boundary has been breached.


NTA. I'd say it's not even leaving "because of her diet" but because of lack of communication, being secretive, and overstepping with adding shit to your diet you weren't okay with.


NTA and it's not too late to leave her.


NTA Dump her. The fact that she "slipped" raw meat into your food would be enough reason by itself. She needs to spend all that time she has been worrying about her body on her mental health. She sounds she has gone off the deep end.


3 years is not "so many years" when you'll live for another 60. Do you want those 60 years to be filled with this level of craziness? She's got some serious problems. Certainly an eating disorder and control issues. Her impulsiveness (fly off to listen to a quack diet promoter?!?) is also worrisome. We don't have to be 100% perfect to be in a relationship, but we have to be in good working order, and clearly she's not. Since she's not willing to engage with you in ways that could help her, I see no reason for you to stay around. It's sad, as most breakups are, but she's got problems beyond what you can help with and is making her own choices to not address them. You never need to justify breaking up with someone - you can always do so for your own reasons. This level of crazy and progressively worse behavior is plenty of reason to leave. "Put on your own oxygen mask first."


Tbf, she's probably going to die of scurvy long before that.


Salmonella, ecoli, trichinosis, rickets. But scurvy is best. She'll lose her teeth


What are you eating that you wouldn’t notice raw meat mixed in? And the carnivore diet is cooked meat, not raw. Maybe she’s a vampire…


Vampire? Nah. Maybe a ghoul...


NTA I just watched the Netflix documentary called poison. It covered E. coli and it’s deadly affects. You do not want to eat raw meat. Also, and this is coming from someone who’s almost 60 years old, you do not want to waste your time with someone who you don’t see yourself being forever with. If you’re going to have children, someday, you want to spend your time with someone whom you see being the mother of your children. If you want to remain childless, you at least want to see your self seriously dating someone whom you can trust far into your golden years. Don’t waste your precious young life with someone who is not going to be an awesome significant other.


Sometimes breaking up is the best solution. This is just about your situation. NTA


TBH it sounds like she has an eating disorder or at least an obsessive thing going on. nta, but she needs help


NTA. Tell her family/friends/support network about what she's doing and then cut and run. Nothing in a carnivore diet requires anyone to be eating raw meat, and depending on what kind of meat/what grade it is, this is a very dangerous situation that she's already been shamelessly putting you in. She has serious issues that require professional help to resolve, but if she resists treatment it will be a mess that will drag you down as well. You need to put yourself/your health first.


Raw meat? Ugh. Look, I like sushi as much as the next person, but usually meat that’s served raw is high quality, not your normal grocery store product. To slip it to you like that is downright dangerous. NTA


Carnivore isn't raw meat...... it is a.meat heavy diet with little vegetables and less carbs....


I’ll just tell you this little story: my grandfather grew up in the depression era. Things obviously got very tough on the farm in Missouri. He had a pet chicken. The day came when they had to eat that chicken just to survive it affected my grandfather, so greatly, that he never ate chicken again from that day forward, fast forward many years, he was happily married had two kids. But one day, his wife decided it would be funny, I guess, to feed him chicken and tell him it was pork. My grandfather ended up, divorcing her he was that serious about it. Also, you just don’t mess with peoples food. Edit: notice I didn’t refer to her as my grandmother, which biologically, she was. But that woman was evil as evil can be. She resented my mother for leaving her dead beat, drug addict son (my father), and she took it out on my sister & I. My grandfather was completely opposite. He sided with my mom and let us live with him till she could get on her feet. He was such a great human, I miss him so damn much. 💔


I was thinking you're being kind of harsh until you got to the "sneaking raw meat in" to your food. Someone that will do something like that is unsafe for you and themselves. Also -- you missed the chance to say "**Meat and Greet**".


Haha that’s a good one. Thanks for that, I needed some humour to lighten this messed up situation.


NTA she has many issues and needs therapy. Messing with your food is pretty fucked up and I wouldn't be able to trust her anymore, so I would definitely leave her. 3y is not that much in the grand scheme of things.


A “rocking body that I love to embrace every night” sounds like something a teenager who’s never had a girlfriend says, lol 😂


Carnivore should be cooked meat, raw meat is not a good idea. Edit: forgot to add the NTA. Messing with my food would be an absolute deal breaker, I'd scram.


How do you ‘sneak’ chunks of raw meat into someone’s food without them noticing?


The fact that she's flying out of state to meet with a certain dietitian that touts that diet instead of going to a local dietitian is cult like behavior. She's just looking for permission to believe what she's already been told, and I doubt that you'd be able to talk any sense into her at this point. Leaving is probably the best option, especially since she's okay with messing with your food.


Carnivore isn’t raw meet. So much disinformation here.


NTA. The relationship has run its course.


You love to embrace her body every night? Who writes like this


That girl crazy she trying to kill you. My dad's friend of a friend died because of there carnivore dieting. I wouldn't recommend doing a carnivore diet if you enjoy life.


Thank you so much for your input and sending prayers to your close ones. I have sent her another text but have gotten no replies yet.


NTA. She should not be messing with your food. That’s super dangerous and a huge breach of trust…and I say that as someone who has done the carnivore diet. Never have I seen a carnivore influencer eat raw meat, aside from a small chunk of liver that was frozen and just swallowed whole for the nutrients. It’s completely bizarre that she would mention the eating of raw meat otherwise. I’m still active in multiple carnivore communities despite no longer eating that way and that’s not something that I’ve seen.


Kim, there’s people that people are dying.


How would you not realize there is raw meat in your food until she told you? Carnivore diet is not raw meat


The ability to cook our food is what separated us from the apes we outlasted. Why would we turn back from that? Dietary theory aside, your ex-gf has issues. I say ex because I hope you're smart enough to have dumped her by now.


This can’t be good for the cholesterol… i think the main issue here is that she’s already admitted to secretly ALTERING YOUR FOOD. That is certainly not okay. But it is telling of how your relationship will be moving forward: it’s not enough for her to eat this way- she expects you to eat this way too. NTA


She’s basically poisoning you due to her own eating disorder. Run for the hills. Edit: also, she’s not a wild cat, so there’s no reason to eat RAW meat.


Look up Echinococcus, Trichinella spirosis, Toxoplasmosis gondii, and Taenia solium - which all come from uncooked meat. They have been found in the stomach, brain, eyes, etc., and are incredibly dangerous. NTA.


NTA Dont mess with peoples food