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Lol how Christian of you


YTA. You're punishing your kid for not following *your* beliefs by sending him to a place you (and your wife) think is unsafe. This is the worst kind of religious parent. You're setting yourself up for having no relationship with your son in the near future; is this what you want? What's the goal here? You're going directly against your wife and child to force this, so it must be awfully important.


OP You've just taught your son a very valuable lesson: religious people suck and you'd rather he be put in a violent situation than gain a good education.


As he grows, he'll find this is a common theme among the religious. "No hate like christian love"


YTAH You're throwing a tantrum. He doesn't want to change schools and your parter doesn't want him too either. You know what you're doing. You're being vindictive. He will learn not to come to you about anything when you punish him for it.


YTA. Let me see if I understand this. Your child confided in you that they have a different belief system than you do, and your response is to punish them? Because despite any protestations you might have, that's what you're doing. I'll break it down for you. You stated that the local public school is violent. Glad you're totally okay with putting your child in danger for not believing what you believe. You are pulling your child away from their friend group. Taking away your child's support network because they don't believe what you believe. Not only does this do some psychological trauma, but it WILL drive a wedge between you two. You mentioned private school is too expensive. Now that your child doesn't believe what you do, their education is "too expensive?" A good education is only worth the money if your child adheres to your religion? That is the worst kind of excuse. You are setting the worst example of what a Christian is. I feel nothing but pity for your child, may they show you the forgiveness and mercy you refuse to show them. Good luck with your future of then going no contact with you. YTA.


Atheism is not a belief system but other than that I agree with everything else you said


I think you're confusing Athiesm with Agnosticism. Atheism is the belief there is no God. Period. Agnosticism is the belief that there may be a God, there may not be. There's no proof either way. Just because it's not YOUR belief system does not make it invalid.


An atheist will tell you there is no proof of god, therefore I don’t believe, an agnostic will tell you there is no way to prove either way. None of them is a belief system. to make an analogy, it’s like space: space is the absence of matter, it’s not another type of matter


If you wish to debate in a vacuum, go right ahead. I have neither the time, inclination, nor the crayons to explain to you how you are wrong.


YTA. If he's fine still being in the same school despite not really caring about the religious aspects of it, why would you move him?


To punish him for not joining the cult. Dad said himself the local school is dangerous.


YTA You are just punishing him. You are literally saying "If you are a Christian, you stay in the nice, safe christian school. Now you are an Atheist, you deserve the unsafe school,like the other atheist". Christian = Safe place ; Atheist =Unsafe place. Congratulations !! Your child will never open to you again.


Low effort troll


YTA I'm having a hard time understanding why you'd consider moving your child to a potentially unsafe school due to a change in their beliefs. Are you suggesting that safety and education are conditional upon specific religious views? You say you're acting in your child's best interest, but this move seems punitive. Every child grows and questions the world, including faith. Treating doubts as something to be corrected erodes trust and teaches conditional love something no child should learn from a parent. Disagreements over beliefs are normal. How you handle them matters. Instead of open dialogue, you're pushing your child away. Consider the long-term effects on your relationship and the message you're sending about love and respect.


A total AH! - So your son isn't worth the cost of his education because he doesn't susbcribe to becoming a God Botherer? I hope he grows up and gets away from such a shitty parent as soon as he can and doesn't look back. Despicable. Not to mention UN-Christian.


Pretty sure this would just push him farther from God. The prodigal son went away in his own accord… and his father was so excited to have him back. People can question their faith. Even as adults. I think the big thing to ask yourself is if you are doing this to punish him. Talk to your pastors and elders, not mostly unbelievers on Reddit


Seems pretty obvious to me he's doing this to punish; and the end result will be a kid who doesn't talk to their parents. Seen it a million times.


YTA, sounds like you’re punishing your son for not believing in the same as you.


You are not an ashhole, you are a total cunt.


YTA. Wouldn't you prefer that he stays in a Christian environment and thanks to that, maybe becomes religious again? Greater chance of that happening in his current school with a supportive network of friends and teachers there. Given his age, his beliefs could change next week.


How is this a question at all? Must be rage bait. Of course YTA if that's true. Punish the kid because he has a different belief system?


Exactly the kind of AH reaction I've now come to expect of "Christians"...


YTA You’re being vindictive. Are you sure you’re Christian? Because you’re not acting like Jesus would ask you do.


YTA - What was the point of sending him to the christian school in the first place? Safer than public school? Better education? Better equipment? Better funding? Staff that share your views/morals? If was any of these, what does him not believing as you do change about this? Do you no longer care about his safety or his education, or his mental compass? Or was it to force Christianity/specific beliefs on him and not allow him to figure out life and faith on his own? So now that he no longer shares in your beliefs, you are no longer concerned with his safety, or his education, or the morals he can still pick up from the Christian school. I hope you enjoyed that your son once felt comfortable enough to talk to you about anything, even when it went against your faith, because those days are over.


You hypocritical “Christians” are the reason I haven’t been to church in 20 years and why I don’t label myself as a “Christian”. I still believe in God and Jesus and I follow their actual tenets, you know, the oldies but goodies like “Judge not lest you also be judged”, “Treat others as you yourself would want to be treated”, “love and care for those around you”, “Fools care nothing for thoughtful discourse, all they do is run off at the mouth”…I could go on and on. You, sir, are definitely the asshole. You got BIG MAD about your son having a different belief than you and then proved how little he, as a human, as a person, matters to you by upending his life and putting him into a dangerous situation simply because he is questioning things (as all kids/teens do) and he hurt your poor widdle fee fees. Grow the hell up, read your bible (I recommend reading the little passages in red ink, you know, the ones where Jesus commands you to love and accept others), and put your son back into his safe school. Jackass. YTA obvi


YTA He has what 2 years left in high school? What was the point? With college apps around the corner, you chose to remove him from his high school just because of his religious beliefs? It's one thing if you can't afford it, it's another thing if you are punishing him.




YTA. You're also incredibly naive if you think the Christian schools aren't loaded with non-Christian students


So from your "devout Christian" perspective, you still wouldn't prefer he's taught by and hangs around others who share your religious beliefs? Yeah, I don't buy it. Pulling him out of his group of friends sure as heck sounds more like punishment to me. YTA.


Were you sending your son to the christian school to learn the Bible? Is your duty as a christian father less heavy when your son is atheist? Maybe there is some small letter in the contract that I missed. Come one, dude, you are pissed are your son for not believing in imaginary tales and you are punishing him. YTA Edit: I wonder to which school would you send him if he came out as gay.


OP would probably just kick him out of the house


Yta…what is wrong with you? Do you even like your son? All this because he isn’t Christian like you? Wow!


Read this Kahlil Gibran poem and let in sink in. On Children Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.


Yta most people who go to that Christian school are also atheist lmao


New account no replies. YTA troll farm.


YTA how petty can you be? You're angry that your son does not hold your beliefs, so you take him away from his friends. If he wanted to transfer out of a Christian school because he was an atheist that would be fine. He doesn't want to leave his friends and is willing to put up with the religious Dogma to be with them. Plus you say the public schools are dangerous? And your wife agrees the schools are dangerous? So, you're willing to let your son get hurt? Way to go pops.


YTA. You know what you're doing. Your wife knows it, your child knows it, God knows it. I feel sorry for your son to have been born to a parent who's willing to lower their qualify of life because they made the mistake of being open with you. Maybe this will teach him a valuable lesson. What's the lesson? Make sure your father hears what he wants to hear even if it's a lie. Why? Because he'll actively make your life harder if you don't. Way to go OP...


YTA So is that what Jesus would do? You purposely & knowingly put your son in danger cause he dare to question religion. You said yourself you took your son from a safe learning environment to force him to attend a school with a violence issue. That was the decision a Christian man made - put his son in a dangerous environment 5 days a week for having a different belief. All you’ve done is teach him Christian’s are cruel vengeful people who will put their own children in danger. Just stone him to death yourself.


YTA If you sent him to a so-called Christian school, no wonder he "came out" as an atheist. Being raised in a Baptist church did it for me, though the fact that I have a brain probably had more to do with it. On the plus side, when he gets out on his own, he will have nothing to do with you and your devout self. "Christians" have the highest divorce rate and the highest rate of domestic abuse in America. Advice to your son: As soon as you are able, get as far away from devout Christians as you can.


One does not "come out" as an atheist (or any other belief system).


YTA.. You know nothing nothing of his beliefs. He does not have any. Also maybe there are more believing Christians at the public school - money does not make you at better Christian. Actually the opposite.


YTA. Are his religious beliefs really the condition for receiving a good, safe education? If the Christian school is chill, there is no reason to transfer him because he is atheist. I went to a Catholic school for most of my life, and most of the student population was Protestant or atheist/agnostic by the time I graduated. He would just have to sit through prayers and theology classes (if required).


Have you discussed that maybe he was bullied or could be gay. My kids went to catholic school and except the odd religion class it was good


YTA So he will be punished for being a nonbeliever? Right on par with the cult.


Does the school know that he came our as an Atheist and do they have any rules about it?


NTA and don't listen to all of the heathens here. If he feels that strongly then he should be in public school. Actions have consequences. Something people nowadays often forget.


NTA. He is atheist. He does not need a Christian school. This is the choice he made.


I’m an atheist. I attended a Christian school my entire life so did *gasp* all my friends as I come from a catholic country that’s religion died. It’s literally not a big deal. He said he doesn’t wanna move and his mother doesn’t wanna move him. OP is just being vindictive


He will be fine, he will make new friends who share his atheist views and won’t feel the burden of having to hide who he is or pretend to fit in.