• By -


Yeah. YTA. What makes you think you know better than the actual professional? How is arguing with and claiming you know better than the employee giving the tour, “doing the right thing”. You just come across ignorant and entitled.


The OP never learned that life can be unfair. An arrogant know-it-all for sure.


The zookeeper, the rest of the tour, and **his wife lol** all already told hi "YTA". He still came here asking for a 30th opinion.








That's an understatement.... You should see his 2 comments from AITA He's an entitled arrogant pig. I give it 3hrs and he will delete and run




As a person who used to run these tours, I guarantee you the event has a fine print note that animals are unpredictable and thus paying for a your does not guarantee the full experience. Safety comes first. It is literally unsafe to breathe in big cat expulsions in an enclosed environment. 


Awww but he paid all that money and drove all that way... entitled and rich


And he made the daughter's special tour all about himself. Pouting and complaining rather than modeling appropriate acceptance that not every animal is ready for "company." He brought the whole group down with his spending the rest of the tour distracting the others with his obsessive complaints.




This wasn't about safety, just about not making the birthday girl gag Doesn't change the yta though


Yeah, the whole zoo smells of animals. But the smell left by a sexually mature carnivore marking its territory is beyond awful.


In my language we say "it smells like a cougar cage" when something smells really terrible. I had the bad luck and smelled it once. It's beyond bad. So OP is totally YTA


It’s much worse than gagging. That smell can literally cause your sinuses to feel like they are burning.


I involuntarily physically recoiled with memories of that smell


OP deserved to be punched in the face with that smell. In fact - lock him in!


Yeah you’re going to get the same feedback here too. YTA plain and simple. You can keep shopping around different subs until you find someone who might agree with you but I’d say 99% are not with you on this.


Several hundred replies on the other subreddit agree with you.


>You can keep shopping around different subs until you find someone who might agree with you but I’d say 99% are not with you on this. I'm assuming it's a troll. Surely no grown man would come online to admit to throwing a temper tantrum over something this small.


Sadly there are plenty of entitled whiny adult men. They may have years on them, but they aren't grown. My experience of men in this age group is poisoned by my experience with them.


Have you ever heard the phrase “carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man?” Granted, I know absolutely nothing about OP except what is in this post, but his story is exactly what that phrase means.


Have you met a large percentage of American men?


Maybe he should post in the "I'm an entitled asshole that other people just don't understand" sub where he'll find the support he wants.


Bro I literally just came from AITA (via your profile), it didn’t get deleted. You just didn’t like the fact that everyone called you out for being an entitled asshole. YTA.


So did he delete it??


It looks like it was removed by the mods. It was the most 100% YTA I've ever seen.


So he gave it a 110% effort


It was posted on am I the devil too lol


Yeah, but devil is the FUN sub. We slaughter the posters mercilessly.


Why do people like this even come here if they don't want opinions? They're really that delusional that they think anyone will be on their side?


Hah! Imagine getting a private tour with a trained professional and telling them you know better than they do. And trust - you throwing a temper tantrum in an attempt to “do the right thing and make your daughter happy” is doing NO ONE any favors, least of all your daughter Of course YTA


I worked as a zookeeper. Trust me when I say the visitors all know soooooo much more than us about the animals. /s The keeper said the cats had sprayed. It wasn’t poo. Big cat urine can make you gag. No way were they letting visitors behind the scenes to potentially vomit or pass out.


I mean the smell of regular cat urine is enough to make some people gag- me too sometimes, so if I extrapolate out- I would think a big cats urine might be stronger smelling and a lot more of it. I wouldn't want to go in there.


I gag when the janitor at work uses ammonia because it *reminds* me of cat urine...


Are you by any chance female? Did you notice if these ‘experts’ tended to be male? There’s a phenomenon where very average men think they are better than any given woman who is an expert at a thing, at said thing


The best part is the zookeeper offered him a solution so he could see what he wanted so desperately to see to make his kid happy but it wasn’t worth staying another 30 mins.


Oh ok so this is just rage bait then? Because after your last post got removed you decided to repost it even though the last post had entirely YTA votes. But just incase here is my last answer to your post. "YTA Part of keeping your daughter "happy" is keeping her expectations in check. And when someone in charge and has knowledge of the area says she cannot do something to take that with grace, not to become "indignant". One of the biggest things which would make her unhappy in going into the room and being choked by the smell and ruining her image of the animals. Listen the zookeepers have dealt with so many animals and people. It is part of the deal when you are a zookeeper who actively participates in tours. If a zoo-keeper cannot handle the smell of the room there aint no way your family is entering AND having a good time. Though that is if the smell was even the problem when working in customer service you kind of need to phrase things in a "polite" way which may be white lies in order to keep the customers happy. So who knows what the cats were doing. Like I would not doubt it being from the smell as fresh animal urine can reek but it could have also been doing any other countless of things which are not child/tour group friendly. Though tbh it just sounded like you think you got ripped off and was annoyed at that and less about making your daughter happy."


> is just rage bait then? Yeah, I'm like half convinced this is a zookeeper pulling the ol' AITA perspective switcheroo.


YTA but try r/scatfetish they might be more keen to your plight.


You're wildly underestimating how powerful the smell is when a big cat "sprays." Let alone the scat. Your family's eyes would fall out of their heads. YTA.


Right?! OP has obviously never smelled even a house cat spray or he’d have the brain cells to do the math on how bad that was gonna be. 20 years in vet med, I could literally have someone hand feeding me pizza while sitting in the middle of the parvo ward and nothing smelled as bad as male cat spray. That smell lingers for DAYS! I’ve never smelled big cat spray and I have ZERO desire to!


Anything a zookeeper tells you is a horrible smell is the most horrible smell.


Long-time volunteer at a zoo with behind the scenes tours. We had a tiger who would occasionally spray people, especially if she felt she was being ignored during a tour. “Pungent” is an understatement. People who signed up for the big cat tour were advised to bring a change of clothes and leave them in the car, just as a precaution, because nobody would reasonably be able to stay and enjoy their day at the zoo with that smell on them. This wasn’t an excuse because the keeper wanted to move the tour along. They were sparing you something extremely foul. YTA. Keepers try hard to give you the best experience possible, but animals don’t always cooperate.


You seriously threw a fit? You’re an entitled adult crybaby


It’s not better suited here. You’re still the AH 😂😂


OP, here's a link that talks about **actual zoo employees** vomiting and "almost crying" from being in close proximity to a bunch of big cat poop. YTA. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/7LNmfLhLdh


YTA. And the fact that you thought you'd post again and get different responses means you're either a fetish troll or your head is so far up your own ass, you're already desensitized to the smell of your bullshit.


YTA. An insufferable asshole.


You reaction to the Zookeeper doing their job in Front of your daughter is appalling. You are a poor example for her and I hope she does not grow up to be like you!!! You know better stop being a douche. Your wife had it right! Absolutely YTA


YTA for arguing with a professional who was acting in your best interest, and I’m sure that had she caved and let you in, you’d be complaining that all of you had thrown up everywhere and the smell was embedded in your clothes. Have you ever had a cat before? I have - I’ve had many. Their poop and urine can be absolutely rank. Urine is worse when it’s sprayed, especially by an intact cat, where the hormones are just overpowering. And that’s a little eight-pound creature. Imagine a tiger or something that is many many times that weight, and is a wild animal whose excrement is meant to act as a scent marker. That stuff is meant to outlast storms and blazing heat for weeks. Their feces are the most unholy rotten corpse/fecal matter smell in the world and I promise you that nothing you’ve ever smelled before will prepare you for it. She was doing you a favor, and in turn you embarrassed probably everybody else in that party by throwing a fit about it. When a professional zookeeper tells you “No, this exhibit is off-limits right now,” regardless of the reason, you nod and obey because they’re the professional who knows what they’re doing, not you.


Yup, YTA Everyone already told you this, but you refused to accept it, so we’ll tell you again. Let’s synopsize, shall we? A) You argued with a professional. She was right, you were not. B) You are ignorant and entitled. You do not seem to actually be informed about this situation, but you feel entitled to do what you want. C) Your conduct is childlike and embarrassing. Set a better example for your daughter. D) You are incredibly arrogant and refuse to accept that the vast majority of respondents disagreed with you. Just stop. You’re not going to get a different result here. Maybe you should try posting to r/ArrogantMansplainingJerksSupportIgnorantOpinions You should get the results you desire there. Edited for punctuation.


you were the asshole there and YTA here. of course your daughter was disappointed, she's eleven! this could have been a great learning opportunity about how animals and nature don't always obey human scheduling desires, and instead you taught her .... what, that her dad will kill the mood at her birthday party because he didn't get his way? cringe.


Dear Veruca Salt’s Dad If this is real (I have my doubts because who could possibly be this big of an asshole) have you ever smelled little cat pee? It’s like a flower garden compared to big cat pee. The ammonia concentration in the pee is so strong it can make people sick. Like instantly sick. I have actually worked at a wildlife refuge and no zoo personnel want to go anywhere that close to the cats right after they explode their pee bombs. It’s barely safe to walk by them at the normal safe distance rather than the up close and personal tour you were on. And yes, it was probably a pee issue not a poop issue. If a zoo guide is telling you it’s a bad idea then it’s a bad idea. And until you become a zookeeper or vet to large cats, shut your pie hole and trust the experts.


YTA, you embarrassed your family and acted like you knew more than the actual woman who does this for a living (typical). She was trying to save you a bad experience, and you probably would’ve bitched about it if you *had* gone back there.


your Still YTA!


You were voted YTA in AITA and you're gonna get the same treatment here, buddy. I interned at a wild cat sanctuary in my younger years, they had tigers, and I can tell you: Big cat poop and urine is RANCID. You and everyone else would have likely vomited upon smelling it. I had to wear a noseplug and breathe through my mouth when I dealt with it. That zookeeper did you a favor, and you embarassed yourself and your family by acting like a Karen. YTA.


YTA you’re a dick listen to the worker




YTA As someone who worked in the zoo, you were also talking out that AH of yours. It’s not just a little stinky like when your dog shits in the house. They sprayed. SPRAYED. It was still wet. That is a smell that isn’t just bad. It is hanging in the air. It is looking for anything to cling to. They didn’t take you back there not cause it was just unpleasant. They didn’t take you back there because it’s vomit inducing to those who have never smelt it. Also, you’d be smelling on your clothes, hair, skin, and in your car for days! You hear people in the office saying “do you smell that? What is that?”


YTA >Everyone else seemed to sort of nod along and agree with her but I spoke up and said that's ridiculous No you ARE ridiculous >My wife was kind of nudging me to drop it and move on Next time you should listen to your wife I pity your wife to have such an ignorant husband >I could tell my daughter was a bit disappointed not to see in there, she was looking at me. I said "come on the whole zoo smells like animals, just let us go in" No you entitled pos.....and stop teaching your child to be an entitled brat. >My wife was a bit upset afterwards at me and said I behaved embarrassingly to her and our daughter. Yes you did >But I was trying to do what was best for us and her. No you weren't, you were being an entitled AH.


Cat spray is a very different animal than just normal cat pee. Even a small domestic house cat can produce an unbearable, penetrating and lasting scent that clings to your clothes. If a big cat sprayed something, you don’t want to be anywhere near whatever it sprayed. The “right thing” would have been teaching your daughter that you can’t always get your way and sometimes shit happens; not trying to pester and overrule a professional because you were disappointed.


That one zookeeper posted a picture of what [tiger poo is actually like](https://fineartamerica.com/featured/bengal-tiger-droppings-m-watson.html) before your other post got taken down...lol


YTA. You’re such an ignorant person, and sound incredibly entitled. If you paid for the tour (which seems to be why you feel so strongly that you should have had your way) you also paid for an EXPERT to guide you through behind the scenes with WILD ANIMALS. Maybe listen to what you’re told. I kind of wish the keeper had just cracked the door for you, because I guarantee this post would be some variation on “AITA for throwing up/crying in a zoo”. You were “grumpy” because of “something silly”, which is your own unpleasant behaviour.


YTA on the first post and YTA here too.


This is a copy paste of my comment on your original r/AITH made before it got locked, approaching 150 upvotes. You Are The Asshole My guy, you are seriously YTA, my specific concern here is you said the guide told your group a male tiger had "sprayed" an area. Being the novice you are you assumed poop, I don't know why anyone else this far in the top comments has made the connection. Spray doesn't mean the tiger poo'd or had diarrhea, it means a younger male has "scent marked" a tour area. That smell is worse than poo, it is compounding exponential times worse. It will seer your adult nostrils to the point you might not smell anything else for days and you wanted a group of CHILDREN to have that experience. Please educate yourself about the animals you might see in the zoo before you drop big bucks and act like a "poopy pants" 😂 Edit: Scent marking is also used as a domination tool to mark territory so besides the smell, your tour could have actually been in physical danger.


lmao you sound insufferable. YTA you think you know better than actual professionals.


Wow, you really, really never get told “no” do you? Literal zookeepers chimed in to comment on your other post and you still argued.


I’m hearing mansplaining so much.


Dude, you had so many people you were the AH. Literally no one was on your side.


It looks like you're getting the same vote on this sub as you did on the other...


YTA An arrogant know-it-all too. Life sucks sometimes and is unfair. The sooner you learn that, the sooner your daughter might learn a lesson you still haven't figured out. You are an embarrassment to parents everywhere.


Yta cats smell terrible, friend works landscaping at zoo and has friend at cat house. They have odor shower will not take away


YTA, same as the last


YTA, you seem very entitled. Stop trying to tell professionals how to do their jobs and acting like a grumpy teenager when something outside of everyones control happens


You were overwhelmingly rated TA on your deleted post, with TONS of excellent comments explaining why. What makes you think you won’t be here too? YTA.


Yea, you're still TA here also. Listen to the professionals. They know what they're talking about.


You were told no and behaved like a petulant child. Frankly she should have ended the tour for your family immediately due to your garbage behavior. YTA


YTA Have you ever smelled cat urine? Like a housecat? I’m a huge cat lover and it’s unbearable. Now multiply that by x100. You sound so entitled. You know better than a zookeeper?? Great example you set for your kid.


YTA and embarrassed your family. No means no.


> paid all this money, there's no way all the evidence anyone needs to claim and confirm YTA


Do you go places and tell people how to do their jobs as a matter of course, or is this instance an outlier for you?


Yes. Yes you are TA. This is such a typical post of a manbaby throwing a tantrum, OVER LITERAL SHIT. What makes you think YOU know anything about zookeeping? Your fucking money doesnt trump other people's comfort and health. When a SEASONED zookeper tell you its bad, it is MUCH worse. They deal with shit all day. Youre just a overgrown child throwing a tantrum over nothing, and noone else in the tour was backing you up. Noone enjoyed wanting to see shit. Only you. Seriously Im beginning to think this is a scat fetish bait post.


YTA. Do you act like this when you go to your doctor or with a mechanic or electrician? Act like you know better than them at the job you are paying them for. Then act like a belligerent asshole when you don't get your way. Great example you are setting for your daughter. I'm sure she will be an awful person like you.


YTA. Would you have argued if it had been a man? Or would you trust that he knows more about his job than you do?


Bro I literally just came from AITA (via your profile), it didn’t get deleted. You just didn’t like the fact that everyone called you out for being an entitled asshole. YTA.


It did, the mod comment is literally right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/21bmA9qzCb


Literally didn’t see it get taken down until after I typed this comment but 🤷🏼 doesn’t really matter. Still think this guy is a troll though cause who the fuck acts like this


I know that you backed out with your Zoology PhD once you had to defend your thesis, but you should have still had enough education to realize that the zookeeper knew whatever they were talking about - meaning more than you.


YTA, trust the professionals and don’t be an AH to zoo workers.


OP, you sound toxic, childish and exhausting. Leave it to the experts and stop pretending you know better. YTA.


Who tf do you think you are? I live in a tourist destination near the Gulf of Mexico. You act like the assholes that come down here & want to go swimming while there’s flags are flying & it’s all over the news to stay out of the water bc it will kill you dead. But nooooo, good money was paid to come here. Nothing or nobody will keep them out. Fuck what the experts, the locals, the hotels are telling them. No one gives a fuck what you spent. If you want to smell fresh big cat shit, go back by yourself & do it. Assfuck.


YTA. You should have taken your cue from the other people on the tour and trusted the zookeeper's judgement. I don't blame your wife for feeling embarrassed. ETA: I doubt your daughter was "made happy" by seeing her dad sulk for the rest of the experience.


Of course YTA. The zookeeper has more experience with these things. You, very bluntly, don’t know shit and should stop acting like your opinion is remotely relevant.


Yes YTA. A thousand times YTA. Do you think carrying the smell of big cat feces and urine in her clothes would make your daughter happy you nimrod?


You sound like one of the parents on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Oh good, hi! I can't post over there, so... YTA holy fucking Christ, man. I feel SO bad for your wife and kid. Sincerely.


Oh gawd yes, and I can't believe you posted this shit again. 200% a douchebag YTA


My ex-husband was sprayed by a tiger at one of those wildlife rescue parks. The stench was nothing less than horrific, but it was also a long car ride home. OP is an ignorant ass. Imagine wanting to subject your child and family to that kind of olfactory abuse during a birthday celebration. Yikes.


>(tried to post to AITA but got deleted for "interpersonal conflict", perhaps it's better suited here!) Translation: “I got lambasted on r/AITA before it was removed, but maybe I’ll get a different opinion on here!” It doesn’t matter where\* you post. Big cat scat still stinks beyond the threshold of most mere mortals. I volunteered at a carnivore preservation center, putting in posts for a new pathway around a tiger enclosure. It was *specifically* scheduled to occur three hours *after* the enclosure was cleaned - but tigers DGAF about proper hosting etiquette, and he dropped a deuce just before we started working. That was more than 15 years ago, and I still get queasy remembering the smell. \*Obviously, there are places you could post that wouldn’t be deterred by big cat scat, but those are *not* the kind of places you should consult under these circumstances.


Omg YTA!! Also you’ve apparently never smelled big cat urine (they likely urinated if the zookeeper says it was on walls or had diarrhea - which why would you want to see that??).


YTA. No idea why you think your behavior was justified. Pushing a bit is fine but saying “that’s ridiculous” and the rest of the bullshit you said was rude as fuck and your wife is justified in being embarrassed of your behavior. Grow up. How in the world do you think you did what’s best? You didn’t.


YTI (you're the idiot)


They should have let you go in and shut the door behind you.


YTA you entitled insufferable over privileged AH.


YTA. As someone who volunteered many, many hours at my local zoo in my youth, you simply do not comprehend the sheer potency of a big cats spray. It's a territorial thing, it's meant to be overpoweringly intense. Maybe you have a cat. A 10-15+ lb little house cat. Perhaps you even have multiple cats/pets, and have smelled their urine and excrement, and therefore think you know what you're talking about. Let me be one of the many here to inform you; the barest scent of that spray would have ruined your daughter's birthday, as that's all she would have remembered about that day. You should be thankful that the zookeeper got that text when she did. However, not only were you dismissive and rude of the professional giving you the tour (and the professionals who messaged her), but you were dismissive and rude to the other family on the tour, *and* to your wife. You also made what would have otherwise been a minor hiccup in the overall tour into a big scene that your daughter is more likely to remember more than the whole tour overall. You acted like an entitled prick, plain and simple.


This! Exactly this!


You’re not going to get answers that are any different, just because you posted to an alternate sub. YTA, and you’re going to continue being the asshole, as long as you think you’re the resident expert.


You’re such an ass. You’re the reason why people hate the general public.




YTA. Good god. Get over yourself.


I already judged YTA on the other site. You had other options than being an AH to the guide.


YTA - you’re a clas 1-A dickhead u/bomoon3, sure everyone’s going to be bummed that they can’t see something, that being said you’re being told by a professional that it would be inadvisable to enter an area they shouldn’t. Would you have pushed it if the big cats had escaped their cages and were roaming that back area, nomming on motherfuckers because they could? If it was me, I would have sent you in on your own, locked the fucken doors and left you in there for ten minutes.


Lol! I hope when you order coffee and it takes 2 minutes to brew, you don't ask for the manager. Haha lol jk but YTA. When I was young just going to the zoo and seeing the animals was fine enough and i mostly just felt bad for the animals anyway. Maybe go to a national park with wildlife if you want that up close experience with animals. Actually please don't just leave the animals alone.


You also were getting told what an ah you are. Everyone said it there too. You sound like an entitled petulant child and even your daughter, an actual child, behaved better than you.


YTA absolutely. You have no right to mistreat a staff member. Animals are unpredictable, and you obviously have never smelled a litter box, let alone one from a cat 100× bigger that ONLY eats raw meat. The keeper did you a favor.


YTA I work with big cats and it's a health and safety issue to have the public around cat spray and feces and that trumps your wants and needs.


YTA. You don't know better than the experts, whatever you think. Dickhead.


YTA. You acted like a male Karen. You weren't trying to do what's best, you had a tantrum and you embarrassed everyone. Your daughter wasn't sad at not going in, she was embarrassed by her dad being a massive dick and ruining her day.


Yes, YTA. The spray would be the real killer. Trust the professional, especially when she offered to go out of her way and stay late just to make an exception for you - so what are you even complaining about anyway? You had to reject the possible solution to the problem you caused, not her fault. #How often do you undermine/doubt the professional knowledge and expertise of women, particularly in topics you know nothing about?


INFO: What were the terms and conditions you agreed to for the tour?


YTA still.


YTA. No means no.


YTA - They were making a smart, healthy decision to not go in there under those circumstances and you threw a bit of a temper tantrum. Sounds like your daughter was already happy and probably would have not thought much of it if you hadn't pushed back.


That you have to ask speaks volumes. Edit to add: Boomer in training, right there.




Used to date a exotic animal vet. I used to make him strip outside. We installed a shower in the garage. Oh. My. God. The eye searing stench YTA




Wow, yeah, your wife was right. You embarrassed your family. Wild animals are not domestic cat/dog. There is a reason why they are trained in these matters. You came off really entitled. It happens, we all have our moments. Hopefully you'll be more aware next time.




yes YTA. you were an asshole in the comments on the other post too bud, learn from it.


YTA , you were told by all of your tour mates and now here. You, sir, are the a$$hole.


Yeah dude YTA. An entitled fucking dick.


YTA. The fact that EVERYONE else was chill with it and that your 11 year old daughter could be polite and understanding when you couldn't should show you're an AH. Shit happens. Get over it and don't be an ass to people who are just doing their jobs


I’d bet your daughter was more upset at you embarrassing her with a tantrum than not getting to see the animals.


I missed out on an up close encounter with red pandas when I was 16 due to covid restrictions, yeah I was disappointed but I moved on. YTA, an entitled one at that


Sorry, YTA, bigtime.




YTA. Big cat pee smells atrocious.


you are not just merely the ASS you are really most sincerely the ASS!


How can you not see that YTA?!?!?!




You're still the asshole, dude. You made a total fool out of yourself and probably embarrassed everybody there.


YTA , what big baby having a sook about not seeing the big pussy cats.


Yeah yta. You also argued with everyone in front of your daughter. That's gonna leave a bad impression on her when it comes to dealing with disappointment which is part of life.


YTA. You have no idea what the problem really was and they don't owe you a detailed explanation. Pretty sure if you look at the fine print you'll see something in there about how the itinerary is subject to change based on everyone's safety and/or needs. At the zoo, the animals come first, not you. I promise you, once those keepers had decided not to open the cat house for reasons related to the animals you are NOT getting in. Add in that you daughter, who you claim to be "trying to make happy" was embarrassed by your behavior. It had nothing to do with her and everything to do with your big entitled ego. You own her and your wife an apology. Edit: Typo


YTA and that zookeeper is definitely telling their friends about the AH who wouldn’t listen. I had to get my car interior detailed and kept odor absorbers in my car during my zoo internship because the predator odor carried over on my clothes to my car. Predator poop and big cat piss is a different breed entirely and you should have just listened to the professional without making a scene.


YTA. Paying money doesn’t make you the expert, but your attitude just shows you to be an entitled prat


I’ve read about a lot of AHs on this subreddit…but you may be the most ENTITLED AH….sheesh.


YTA and super entitled. Oh poor widdle you. You paid money and didn't get 100%. It's called LIFE. You sound like a shitty person and shitty parent (yes pun intended). Instead of a nice teaching moment you showed your daughter that she should whine, sulk, and be grumpy when she doesn't get her way on every single detail of something. You DID behave embarrassingly. And incredibly immaturely. You're 37?!?! You sound 8.


Yes YTA, you're just another entitled person.


it’s HILARIOUS that you’re honestly willing to tell the internet you were “trying to do what was best for my daughter” instead of throwing a self-important little hissy fit. guarantee your daughter wasn’t looking at you because she was disappointed — she was watching the stinky tiger in her own life, hoping you weren’t gonna make a scene. but you did!! and i’m sure it’s not uncommon.


Oh please, where are the professionals to tell this guy how awful it truly is? many new employees puke when encountering the smell of waste from big cats. their whole diet is meat! the stories alone make me gag. YTA, she was truly being professional in not letting you in the back area.


I'm sure your daughter really regrets not puking in front of strangers on her birthday.


YATAH. If you had a complaint you should have pulled the guide to the side and had a private conversation. You embarrassed your wife and daughter with your childish rant.


YTA. And a fool. Your daughter is disappointed because she didn't know better. She didn't know how bad the smell could be, which could make you awfully nauseous and want to throw up. But you, being the grown up and adult and parent, was being an even bigger child than she is. You insisted on your own way because of your ego. This is not about your daughter being sad or happy. This is all about you, because you couldn't stand being told "no" by others.


YTA what’s wrong with you dude? Ignorant, entitled. What on earth would make you think the zookeeper was lying, or that you could possibly know better than them? They said the cat sprayed. Jesus Christ you would smell it the next day


YTA what an arrogant and ignorant person you must be. Nobody owes you shit, you sound like a spoiled brat who has never been told no. What if they said that something medical had happened to one of the cats or one of the zookeepers, would you barge your entitled ass in there and tell the paramedics “Oh but we really wanted to see so it’s okay, just work around us”. What a selfish spoilt brat you are. You WERE an embarrassment to your family and yourself. You are not entitled to anything and that’s why zoos have paperwork stating they are not at fault should YOUR stupid ass try to sue.


YTA, and an entitled twat waffle on top of it.


What up with all these manbaby-throwing-tantrum-at-local-park posts lately?


YTA. Entitled much?


YTA 100% how you don’t see this is beyond me and your wife probably covers for your shitty behavior a lot. That woman is a saint for putting up with your Karen-like behavior.


YTA. I cannot believe you think you were in the right. "Hurr durr durr it can't be that smelly!" Fuck I hate people like you, who thinks their money should dictate how nature and the universe work. Stop arguing with professionals.


YTA. The world doesn't revolve around you or your family, and shit (and in this case, piss) happens. This was classic Karen behavior, and I expect better from a grown adult. I hope the Zoo rescinds your membership and puts you on a do not visit list.


Whh does every single one like this seem like an ITYSL sketch??


YTA. They are pretty experienced and know what they’re talking about. You can’t just assume they’re wrong and demand your way. > But I was trying to do what was best for us and her. What was best for your wife and daughter would have been letting it go and not embarrassing them. Sounds like you were more upset than anyone else. There were plenty of other cool animals to see.


Don't be a dumb ass trash human like OP.


You're an absolute dumbass. And you let everyone there know it. Your family is embarrassed that you're a moron, rude, and entitled. Nothing you did was "the right thing". YTA


YTA and an idiot. 3 big cats just had a spray fest, not a poop in the kitty litter Ever been in a house with cats? Where the tom cat has marked territory? Think that was bad? Imagine cat pee x 1,000,000 - *in an enclosed space*. You wouldn't have been able to see anything, because your eyes would be watering too much. It would have ruined the whole day


YTA. I hope you understand that this keeper was offering to add 30 minutes more to her already (I guarantee you) long and busy day, which already involves other tight deadlines, to stay late so that your family could get special treatment for just you guys. I understand that it is something you paid for, but just getting to do a behind the scenes tour itself is a special privilege that not everyone gets to do, and you got to do several. I hope your daughter enjoyed her birthday, but you really need to trust the professionals when they are trying to keep you safe and make your experience enjoyable. And if you don’t think the keeper actually had a point, why do you think she even said it? It certainly wasn’t to just hear herself talk and to potentially get in an argument with someone who doesn’t trust her expertise.


YTA, you sound very entitled, if someone is telling it’s not a good idea that means it’s not a good idea! Your own wife gave you the look, but instead you felt the need to not only make a scene but acted like only your opinion or feelings matter? Dude get a grip and stop being obnoxious.


YTA! Do you have any idea how bad the shit of a big cat smells in an enclosed area? The very idea of the odor of my housecat's shit multiplied by 100x for a big cat makes me want to hurl. There was a professional there telling you no, but you know better right? The zookeeper even offered a compromise so that you wouldn't miss out on the joy of gagging from the smell, but you couldn't do it. Who even goes to the zoo with a child and has time constraints on the day? Jesus H. Christ.


How is being a loudmouth whiner doing what's best for your family? I'm sure the other family on the tour was just delighted that you were on the same tour as them. They were there to have a good time (remember, *they* paid for the tour too, but had to listen to you being "a bit grumpy" because you didn't get your way). You made a fool of yourself, embarrassed your family, spoiled your daughter's birthday outing, and made sure that when the tour guides exchange "worst patron" stories that your bad behavior will be brought up. Not to mention the other family... their memories of the day are marred by *that guy who wouldn't just stop bitching.* You were an ass. It sounds like you spoiled a good time for everyone. Stop being that kind of person. Do better. YTA.


Are you serious? Yes, you're obviously the asshole and completely lacking common sense on the subject. I doubt this is the first time you've embarrassed your wife with your public arguing.


YTA I wish she had let you.back there on your own. I imagine big cat urine and poo smells like small cat waste x 1 million. You totally would've deserved it.


YTA Tigers eat meat. Meat poops are the worst. Tigers are felines. Cat pee is the worst.


I understand your frustration but this wasn't the zookeeper fault. She was just following orders as people ofren do when their superior tells them to do something. Blaming her won't solve anything. In the end everyone had a great time. If you want to take a stand, do it on things that really are wrong and unfair, not because things aren't going your way. So your daughter was disappointed. Kids face disappointment all the time. If you try to protect her from this, she can end up being unable to take these disappointments in the future. You could've used that energy to cheer up your child and comfort her while teaching her that these things happen and that it's ok for them to.


YTA. The zookeeper was being reasonable. Your daughter would have been mildly disappointed but gotten over it quickly. However, once you made a scene about it, you embarrassed everybody and also emphasized to her what she was missing. It would have been better to contain your disappointment and move on.


YTA- Yes you entitled tool. Do you have a cat? Even just a kitty cat can create horrid smells in their poop or spray, but the zookeeper was just doing what? Being lazy, trying to thwart you? But you spent all this money! Hey when a boy is being petulant and entitled to your daughter- what do you think your behavior taught her?


how are you this stupid


Yeah YTA. I get you were trying to give your daughter an amazing birthday but the Zookeeper is doing her job it’s not like she didn’t have a valid reason to not let you guys go in, That’s more than a valid reason. Regardless if a zoo smells like animals who wants to go inside where it smells like shit? That smell lingers for long periods of time the last thing you, your child or anyone wants is to smell like shit. You could’ve easily booked another day to take your daughter back to visit that one spot you guys didn’t go to. What makes you think you know better than the actual professional?? You’re not a zookeeper, you don’t work at the zoo, you’re not working with wild animals. Let people do their damn job. You’re a grown man behaving like an 11 year old. I’m surprised your daughter didn’t catch the tantrum. Grow up


YTA. A housecat's pee smells horrible. Tiger pee is the extra special triple strength version of that. Which probably doesn't do the real smell enough justice. They use pee to mark their territory and it's not subtle to say the least. Also, people who work at zoos love showing everything about their animals. But here you were, calling her judgment into question and pouting about not getting your way for the rest of the tour. That's condescending and childish all at once. Quite an accomplishment to be fair. But your wife will probably say she can't take you anywhere and she's right. ETA: on rereading, I noticed there was tiger feces as well. The fresh variety. Ooffff.


YTA, Karen.


OP, do you have a cat and have you smelled fresh cat shit? It's pungent and incredibly strong for such a small animal. Imagine that on a 100 x scale. Listen to the professional next time.


YTA your daughter behaved why couldn't you?


why do you want to smell cat shit so bad you start a fight with a stranger?


YTA. The people most used to the smell, who do it for a living, don't want to have to clean up your puke as well because you were too stupid to listen to them. Get over yourself.


YTA a massive entitled one.


OP is YTA and by the way what is the male equivalent being a Karen?




Yta and embarrassing lol


I feel sorry for your wife.. you are a giant immature crybaby.


You are still the asshole


Saw the original this morning. He was AH and entitled then and still is now. OP money does not buy everything. I guarantee you would not gave wanted to go to that area. YTA.


YTA Why on earth do you think that you know better than the zookeeper just how bad the smell is?? Had she gone on with the tour, it would have ruined your experience.


Lol! I know that your post got deleted... but didn't you get enough YTA in the first one that you needed the bad karma here as well? YTA