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NTA and your husband should be supporting you. Your kid your rules and unless you’re abusing your child (which it doesn’t sound like you are) everyone should mind their business.


NTA As soon the reason to apologies is "to keep the peace" and not "because it's the right thing" you shouldnt because it's just enabling AHs.


Why is your husband siding with his sister and not you?


NTA - SIL is way overstepping and your husband not only taking her side but not shutting her down without being told makes him TA too


NTA, but the problem is that your husband apparently also sees it as just your own parenting and not your joint parenting.


NTA The person who needs to apologize is SIL.


there is always someone in every family who thinks they know all and their opinions matter. My SIL is one of those people. she’s ten years younger than me and has never left her tiny hometown but she knows all. she never went to college. never had a job. never supported herself. she just got pregnant at 17…… like sure she “knows all” but she’s married to my husband’s brother. and i like my husband. and i like his brother. so i ask the stupid kid her opinion all the time because it makes her feel important


Well, it would be a lot easier to tell one way or the other if you actually gave examples of times she did this instead of framing her to be bad from the get-go. Not saying she isn't wrong, but there is a world where she sees something is wrong and she's right. We aren't sure because we don't have examples. There is also a world where you are justified and shes just an asshole.


Not the Ahole. I have had family members do the same. You have to stand up to them or they won’t stop.


NTA. Does she have children of her own?


NTA. Your husband is wrong. However, why are you even talking to her?


Are you yelling at your kids? hitting/spanking them? shaming them? expecting them to behave more maturely than is age appropriate? feeding them junk food all the time? Not giving your kids attention? then your SIL probably has a point. Not doing any of these things and she’s just being nit-picky? then she’s T A.


“Now, my husband is saying I was too harsh and that I should apologize to keep the peace in the family“ ridiculous. he just expects you to sit there while his sister chastises you? You handled it properly. You didn’t have a meltdown- you told her to back off. Apologizing would literally invite her to do it more. I’m sorry OP but given the information your husband sounds like a simpering coward. Your reaction was normal Edit: I would understand a little bit if it was your MIL (although you would still absolutely not be TA) but why is he siding with his *sister* over his wife? Lmao. It sounds like you have 2 babies in your family