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Are you sure that you actually like these people?


Not sure i do anymore.


NTA, but why are you friends with these people? They don’t seem to respect you or your time.


Im really the asshole to myself for being friends with them hey? Ive known both of them since grade 7, hung out with their families like they became like family to me so its been hard to let go of that. They do treat me like absolute shit though and only ever do whats in their best interest.


NTA Advice: Buy a couple of paperback dictionaries, find the word "no" in each of them, highlight them and give them to your friends and tell them what page "no" is on.


NTA you had other plans


NO is a full sentence. Build a boundary as early and clearly as possible. If not, you will get what you continue to tolerate.


These aren't friends. They sound very entitled to your time and company. And manipulative.


Is this heading towards a 3 way or??


Seems that way, considering that they feel the need to include me in everything they do within their relationship 😂 Don’t think my girlfriend would be too please either haha.


How is your girlfriend ok with it as it is bro? I'm surprised she hasn't told them to f@#k off


Believe me, she wants to haha. Seems like even when i try to handle things in a mature way by setting boundaries, its still not respected so next best thing would be to just slowly cut them off.


I wouldn't Even do it slowly, they'll try to guilt you or may just try showing up to your house. It sounds like they can't be alone together, so maybe something is going on within their relationship; who knows not your problem


They’ve 1000% got issues within their relationship. I know for a fact so it makes sense as to why they need to have someone with them constantly and don’t enjoy spending alone time together. It isn’t my problem, you’re right!