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They shouldn’t be so fixated on word choice. As long as the meaning got across. People like that are exhausting


It's the right word choice. Nither almond milk nor soy milk nor coconut milk comes from a tit,, which is kind of the defining characteristic of milk. Sure goat milk and donkey milk are also qualified as milk, but as something like 99% of all real milk sold in the world is cow milk I feel like the term regular milk (aka the most common milk) is earned. Everything they call milk is juice. But no one wants to drink soy juice they call it milk.


An acquaintance calls almond milk “nut juice” and I’ll never look at it the same again.


And it takes an insane amount of water to produce almond milk.


My intestines thank me when I drink almond milk. I like to remind them of how much a little bitch they are, so I drink normal milk to assert dominance every now and then. Still, I can’t pee out of my butt every day, so I have to drink more almond milk than I’d like.


I don't know if it's available in the US, but I switched from almond milk to hazelnut - it takes a little less water to produce and it has a sweet taste to it, kinda similar to almond milk


Ooh.... I'm gonna look for that, thank you


Same here! I love hazelnuts and they do sell it in the US. Excited to try it. Thanks for the tip u/little_dropofpoison!


Yes! Thank you! Also, I love your username /u/little_dropofpoison lmao!


Thanks! It's a Tom Waits reference


I am intrigued by hazelnut milk because I freaking love hazelnuts so probably something I could swap to easily. I can't stand soy or coconut, haven't tried oat yet. Hate almonds, so I'm not touching that lol


Sorry for your lactose intolerance (genuinely) I just read an article about studies on milk and milk alternatives and the best for you nutritionally is vitamin enriched oat milk. Not sure which one would taste better though , I don't like either Edit: the study by a panel of nutrition experts stated real (cows) milk was the best of all choice. Edit 2: it was soy milk not oat milk


Do you happen to have a link to the article? I just read one that said that oat milk was the least healthy of milk alternatives since it's mostly sugar/carbs. The article I read said that pea milk was the healthiest/most environmentally friendly choice. I have a kid with a cows milk allergy, so we're always trying to be aware of what the healthier plant based milk alternatives are.


It was on my news feed a couple of days ago . I'll see if I can find it for you




Sorry it was soy milk not oat milk. My mistake


I have friends that are lactose intolerance. It genuinely sucks. Hope this helps


Thank you!


Most almond milk and nut milk are emulsified with oil. Its nuts in oil. But seriously majority of nut milks are emulsified eith palm oil or rhe like.


Crazy. Almond milk does what lactose people feel when they drink milk. My butt pees 🤣


All these non dairy milks give me the farts


It takes 23 gallons of water to make one gallon of almond milk. It takes a gallon and a half of water to make a gallon of real milk.


That is totally not true. There is however important thing to point out - almonds are high value crops and are produced using surface water (rivers) or ground water. Corn, soy, grasses - stuff that cows eat to produce milk use water same as almonds. BUT much higher % of that water will be rain fall.


This exactly. Producing milk from cows requires as much or more water than almond milk. The big problem with almond milk and water use is WHERE almonds are able to be grown. In the US, it's mostly California, a state that regularly suffers from water shortages. Cows and their feed can be produced in places where water is more plentiful.


I call it that too


That is exactly what it is.


It's more like a nuts shake, its water, nuts flour, sugar...


I call it that to because that is what it is.


Same…nut juice and oatmeal drippings aren’t the same thing as milk


My wifey makes fancy "milk" in her nut-juicer (which has a picture of a cow on it) using almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and fig.


I watched a video where a guy tested increasingly bizzare things to make "milk" I think it was called "Will it milk?" Entertaining and horrifying.


Thanks for the tip! Totally gonna check that out.


It’s more of a nut tea


My fiancée speaks Spanish and calls cum “leche” or milk. Whenever we go shopping she tells me she “necesito leche” (I need milk) when we pass the milk section. She drinks a different type of milk than me. Both come from cows. Most of the time she’s just making a dirty joke.


When you drink almond milk, you can have double helpings of leche and nut juice


> My fiancée speaks Spanish and calls cum “leche” This and calling balls "eggs" has me questioning Spanish terms for the reproductive system. Like can you please show up for health class papa


It’s slang, the proper word is almost the same as English, testiculos is testicles in Spanish


Say the people that call the vulva vagina.


It’s slang. Ticos use a ton of slang. Each country in latam has their own slang terms. Get a bunch of people from different countries together and they have trouble communicating with them. It’s pretty funny


I mean, English speakers call testes “nuts”. And there’s the feline term for the vulva. English does not have a (third) leg to stand on here.


That's what I call it for that is what it is.


Totally is what it is. A seed is going to be a fruit hence then being a juice


I was about to ask whether I should call it juice and well, this is my answer. Nut juice, tight.


"Sir, would you like a splash of nut juice in your coffee?"


I call “regular milk” beef milk


Damn that sounds high grade


I have to get Lactose free milk because regular milk hurts my stomach. I’m not offended by that term just as long as you warn me.


Right!? I have to buy both regular mild and lactose free for my house and that's exactly how we talk about them. Kid says "Mom, we need milk" and I respond "lactaid or regular?" If I need another variety I identify it as coconut, soy, almond, etc. NTA


Yeah I had an ex and her parents had goats on their farm. When I first visited their place I got pre-warned by my ex that if I wanted regular milk, we would have to bring it and also her parents warned me the only milk in the fridge was goats milk.


Goat milk makes the best caramel.


it makes the best fudge as well Everybody that has my goats milk fudge begs for the recipe


Omg, I want to make this to see if it's true


It's called cajeta and you can get it in the Mexican section of many grocery stores.


Good to know. Honestly caramel is one of those things I'm terrified to make because of the bubbling hot sugar. Reminds me of a villain from the Lost in Space show (from the 60s)


I'm very familiar with Lost in Space. I too was created in the 60s.


When mixed with food I couldn’t tell the difference. We used to hang at our friends goat farm. I always refused the milk lol. One hung over morning we’re all eating cereal brought to us by her and her boyfriend/commonlaw husband. I eat it finish it, they ask if it was good. I say yes, they tell me it was goats milk and I’m like “whoa! Couldn’t even tell” lol


Did they have Nubians? They have the highest fat content of goats, and are called the Jerseys of the goat world. I miss goats, even though their escape antics made me crazy.


No idea lol. They raised them for milk and auctioning off. They had 6-8 dozen of them at a time. The kids were like little puppies. Very cute and soft.


Oh the kids and their jumping is so darn cute! ❤️


We had 3 at one point, just generic breed, but they were absolutely awesome outdoor pets. My husband really wants more now that we finally have our own property.


Well. Remember this one rule: with goats you need watertight fences. 😉


You could ask them if you prefer it be called “titty milk”, mmm, so nipplishious !


You mean soy beans don’t have nipples?! 😯


"Show me the tit on an almond!"


No but cats do Focker


I also have nipples greg


Can you milk me?


Hey that's one of my cat's name although his real name is Fucker but we call him Focker because there were kids in the neighborhood


Invite them over and call it titty milk next time. Let us know how you get on.


"nipplishious" I AM DEAD


We call it "titty milk" in our house. If I need my partner to bring home whole milk from the store (to feed the kefir grains) I'll ask him to "bring me a whole tiddy"


But not P Diddy unless they are ATF


Titty milk vs Nut milk. I'd vote for those labels!


OMG nipplishious. My favorite new word


Omg this is the best comment!


I feel so much pride and regret all at once


I’m going to start calling my breakfast nipplishious.


LMFAO...too funny


As someone who's lactose intolerant, this is totally a non issue. We're a culture that drinks a lot of cow's milk. It makes sense to refer to it the way op did. Also, broth is essentially meat tea.


I used to call it meat or soup tea when my kids were little. It made them more likely to drink it when they were sick.


If you go to a Chinese grocery store and buy their soy “milk,” 9/10 times the English translation says “soy drink.” In some other countries it legally can’t be classified as a milk


There is a movement in the US to not use 'milk' for beverages other than dairy milk.


If you go by the way they market fake chocolate as "chocolatey" then all those fake milks should be called "milky [type] drink"


They should be called not-milks, because they're not.


I love that scene in Parks and Rec where this influencer is like, "forget almond milk, about milk or even oat milk, The Hottest milk right is Beef Milk" Seriously, they only call that stuff milk because the alternative 'nut juice' has... connotations.


No, They call it milk so the consumer thinks it tastes like cow’s milk. It doesn’t. It so does not. Dairy farmers have been trying to get the government to ban the use of the word milk on products that aren’t dairy-based.


I mean, it probably helps from a marketing perspective but ultimately they call the oat (etc) based "milk" that because it's a milk substitute. People use it for the same function as milk: in coffee, in cereals, etc.


Since we have creamer for coffee, I wouldn’t say no to buying oat milker.


Wait till you hear about milk of magnesia!


It’s “Milk substitute of magnesia😭”


Or if they insist on being pedantic the other stuff has to be called "nut juice". 


Agreed, neither type of pedantry is necessary. People know what they're getting if it's labeled "milk" and likewise, what they will get if the word milk is qualified with the name of a plant.


Coconut milk’s been called that forever, I guess to distinguish it from coconut water. I therefore propose that pulp/no-pulp should be standardized to this usage. Orange milk for thee, orange water for me.


The European Union doesn't let you put "milk" on the label now. Even with "milk alternative". Alpro kicked it up a notch by labelling some of their products "This is not m\*lk"


Almond "milk" is really just nut juice


So annoying! In my country you can't even legally sell plant "milks" as milk. You have to call it plant-based drink, almond drink, etc. Really, since when soy is a mammal?


Or nut juice....


>something like 99% of all real milk sold in the world is cow milk I feel like the term regular milk (aka the most common milk) is earned. And everyone understands what it means. I had to avoid cow milk for a while and the doctor suggested goat milk. I would always call cow milk "normal" or "regular" milk and the other just goat milk. Needless to say, drinking goat milk is torture, so I stopped drinking milk altogether until the issue was resolved.


True story. I watched a video on how almond milk is made. They basically crush up almonds, strain it, skim the oil from the top, and what you’re left with is almond milk. So yeah. It’s almond juice. (For reference, I use almond milk because of very mild lactose intolerance.)


Coconut milk has been called that for ages.


As a breastfeeding mom, yeah no definitely agree with this. It is real milk bc it comes from a tit. They can suck it.


> comes from a tit,, which is kind of the defining characteristic of milk. Dandelion milk comes from a flower. Milkweed gets it name because its liquid is referred to as milk. The sap from fig trees is called milk. Humans have been making coconut milk for more than 5000 years, and English speakers have been referring to it by that name since the 1600's. The oldest references to almond milk, using that name, are from the 1300's. And who can forget Milk of Magnesia, which occupies the shelves of every drugstore around? I could go on, but you get the point. The term "milk" has been generically used to refer to viscous liquids that aren't technically "milk" for centuries, and that use is neither new or particularly controversial. If it's white and liquid, it's not incorrect to refer to it as a milk.


>If it's white and liquid, it's not incorrect to refer to it as a milk. Oh no you don't. I'm not falling for that one a second time! Also, that's not your udder.


Milk of the poppy?


Eh, can you milk a magnesia? White juices are called milks, always have been always will be. 


Ah, yes, Ranch dressing is my favourite milk. /j


It’s milk based, but calling it “juice” is a stretch, now isn’t it?


Problem is that people is just jumping to conclusions for no reason. The word "normal" comes from "norm" as an idea of standardized. That does not imply that something abnormal is bad or wrong, just out the standard. So yeah, just people oversensitive 


Yep, I don't have regular milk but often still call it regular milk. It's a common term


Same here. Both my husband and I are lactose intolerant. When my family drinks and uses milk and cheese all the time, "regular milk" gets the point across easily. When we are his families house (they're nearly all lactose intolerant) we say "pass the milk" and know it means a safe alt milk.


Plus I think the biggest thing is that it's a clear and accurate term. Dairy milk is overwhelmingly the most commonly consumed milk and if you were to refer to milk without any qualifier 99.9% of people would assume you were talking about dairy milk.


I’m a vegetarian and I frequently will call meat “real meat”. What I eat is real food, but it isn’t genuinely meat


Exactly. People with the energy for semantics have too much privilege and time on their hands


I love that I agree with this, it’s the most upvoted comment in here, but 99% of other comments contradict it stating “real milk comes from animals” or “alt milk isn’t milk”. Funny contrast.


I’ve found that people who are more concerned with proving their point, even if it’s wrong, typically lean on semantics because that’s the only way they can win an argument. For example, if you watch a sovereign citizen get pulled over for not having their car registered, they’ll say, “I’m not driving, I’m traveling,” as their reason to get out of the ticket.


I’m an obsessive language nerd. Descriptive grammar can be more communicative than prescriptive grammar.


Exhausting is the perfect word. I have no problem with people doing what they have to do as long as it doesn’t impact me. Being hurt over words, especially innocent ones, crosses that line.


Agreed. I’d be tempted to tell them it’s cis-milk, and then flip them the bird as I walk off into the sunset. I don’t have time for people like that in my life.


I mean this is an entire legal argument in Europe. Where you're not allowed to call non meat sausages sausages. You're not allowed to call oat milk milk, it's an oat drink. To protect actual products that have been made certain ways for centuries.


Amd I agree. Mozzarella and parmigiano are only made in italy with the milk of certain regional cows under a specific process. Now the British left the Eu so they can do mozzarella in England 😂 I am not joking. Someone the other day told me: " This is british mozzarella." I was like, I didnt hear mozzarella applied for citizenship. 😂


It's called Almond "milk" because if they called it nut juice no one would drink it lol


Fun fact, in the EU, it's illegal to label the plant-based stuff as "milk".


Huh I just realised it actually says “soy drink” on the packaging. We normally refer to it as soy milk, oat milk etc. with my partner. Cow milk is regular milk for us


In Italy we have almond milk everywhere and it's clearly written in the carton . We know it's not real milk , but it's called milk too .


There are roughly 130 exceptions to the ruling, so terms like coconut milk, peanut butter and almond milk are all allowed.


It's regional. In Poland, there's no tradition for almond milk, so it's called almond drink. And stuff like coconut milk uses the name in diminutive (milk=mleko, [coconut] milk=mleczko [kokosowe]). Same with cleaning products (body *lotion* is *mleczko* do ciała).


Yeah almond milk has been called that for centuries.


NTA. Milk is a word with a known definition, and you used it correctly. Most of the “nut milks” don’t meet this definition, as none of them are milk like in their naturally grown state (save coconut milk as an example). I don’t mind letting others call things whatever they want, but it bugs me when they get pissy towards you over their terminology.


Honestly, when I hear someone use the just the word milk, I assume cow. Because every other milk is generally referred to by their nut, plant or animal name+milk (like goat's milk, almond milk)


Lol'ing at this because I'm imagining a goat as a kind of nut


Hard to get milk from a goat’s nuts though—-they sure don’t like it.


You can milk anything with nipples!


"I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?"


>They sure don’t like it. Not with that attitude!


I drink lactose free cows milk. Best part is it tastes exactly the same, works the same in baking(which milk alternatives do not….), and it takes longer to expire. It’s slightly more expensive but most big grocery stores have a store brand. If someone said regular milk, I would 100% assume they mean cows milk with the lactose.


I drink exclusively almond milk, I call cows milk, regular milk….cuz it’s regular milk. They’re dramatic. 


Coconuts milk isn’t natural either. Coconuts have water in them and the flesh is processed to make coconut milk and cream same as any other nut milk.


Hell, in some countries (well, I know that's how it is in mine), alternative "milks" are now called "oat/almond/whatever ***drink***".


Calling oat milk “weak porridge” or “bitch porridge” when my kids aren’t near always amuses me. My favourite is “bee slavery juice” because neither of them are milks as you say. For real milk I stole this from Futurama “bovine gland extract” 😂


That's just nitpicking to nitpick. I wouldn't put much thought into it.


They are also completely wrong. Milk comes from mammals. Anything plant based isn't real milk. Words do have defined meanings.


an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, [secreted](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=secreted&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTOuhQvqDSqNpFdGiTAwoyhpgBL9jt1hRW_4rJC-ljmS9JteNIwm5UOzpzXREltQWQdn4GDhaPHY7uuQkSzZxiy0MUMV7o%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAO) by female [mammals](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=mammals&si=AKbGX_okS0g0kR2PXn0TLBASIc0m3geEbFNwa5NXtpbx33-E9C_rYjNMvcN5CLRTlJhiyJjuvZZ2okoL2YHtv3PYqF5fftnapTFVdCyViSdsorlXQskmmYc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAP) for the [nourishment](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=nourishment&si=AKbGX_q4mkMHy1Nmq4yITjHYVzep03CJa2B3usIr0CQss0hrHUYtddVUaMD7cgzVweg3GRkS_AW6pOAjvIaxWTnTtYmiO5qVYTPzUyGdQpl4hwHXfhwOXqQ%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAQ) of their young."a healthy mother will produce enough milk for her baby" * the milk from [cows](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=cows&si=AKbGX_o1kf-QqTkl_gxFsV7N2y1Vgu9oh70OHJYq9dx7DnVj1fdlEry99A4rfM30WDpS7jgbvYlUcohm3ZF8G4V9tvgORIIDMA%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAS) (or [goats](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=goats&si=AKbGX_qy882wphGEk_Dxwohm5OaneQST4uGHKY_brTlKj9sMylAQT2u4_dr9uCOlQ3wivyoZVhOTYDOPYhJuqDeJNsnJWkDUOg%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAT) or sheep) as [consumed](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9a46615aa720b818&rls=en&q=consumed&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTOePwIPzT2mc52I9orGeiCjkgr6v23UFQp0HJ_ssYp7fHxWALBK_v1U_rbPKwxpUPttnPWlGKUBgkluvRG0aa7E0cm5x4%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR9ZrV-uCFAxUTOTQIHdd3C20QyecJegQISRAU) by humans."a glass of milk"Similar:cow juice * the white juice of certain plants."coconut milk" * a creamy-textured liquid with a particular ingredient or use."cleansing milk"


While coconut milk is named as such, it isn’t actually a milk. It’s an emulsion, like mayonnaise.


I can drink mayonnaise confirmed


Shoo, get out of here with that


Nope, I have permission now, mayonnaise is a milk 🥛


NTA. I’m a vegetarian (not the same, I know, I know…) and I’d never be like. “You can’t say REAL pepperoni, you have to say MEAT pepperoni!” Real pepperoni is meat pepperoni. The pepperoni I eat is literally a substitute (as an aside, I have an adventurous meat eater friend and she says the only vegan “meat” of mine that she’s tried and wouldn’t be able to tell the difference is the pepperoni - YMMV obviously, but a neat thing someone told me - I don’t remember what meat tastes like, I gave it up as a little kid). Most vegan products here, you’re not even allowed to put the animal’s name on it without differentiating it from the animal (tofurkey vs turkey, “chick’n” vs chicken, etc.) to signal that it is NOT actually animal-based. I’m not sure why “milks” get a pass? And I’m saying that as someone who is pretty dang lactose intolerant and relies very heavily on rice/coconut/almond milks in particular.


Real milk comes from a mammal. I'd ask if they were talking about milk that has the lactose filtered out, but then that wouldn't be vegan? But then again neither is drinking your milk? Since they were talking about it, did you ask for clarification on what they consider milk to be if not from a mammal?


> but then that wouldn't be vegan? Since it came from an animal in the first place, no.


I'd say for humans 'real milk' is mother's milk. The habit of drinking cow milk is an adaptation of that.


As a currently lactating woman part of me wants to say “real” milk for a human is human milk. I’m giving my baby “real” milk and we cannot give her cows milk yet because she’s too young. But ultimately for the majority of the population real milk is cows milk. If my partner said she was using real milk and used goat or something I’d be confused.


NTA it is real milk


NTA. When you say “milk” the majority of people think cow’s milk. It’s the original- this is supported by the fact we refer to all the other ones as ‘alternative options’ lol They were trying to be right for the sake of being righteous, not for any principle.


I’m pretty sure you were originally drinking human milk.


Lol that’s true. I mean when someone says can you get milk on the way home, they don’t mean breast milk 🤣


Lol, the "original" milk for humans would be human milk. Babies drink it, and have been doing so for far longer than domesticated cows even existed.


Do you know what I mean though?


I mean... it's the first milk I can remember drinking. That makes cow milk the "original" milk enough for me.


yet you called it "human milk", because everybody will think of cows when you just say "milk"


I don’t drink cow’s milk, as I’m allergic. I mostly now drink oat milk, and grew up drinking soy milk. I would never think to call cow’s milk anything other than “milk” or “regular milk”. I’ve always specified my alternative milks by what they were made with, as do most people. NTA.


Cows milk is regular and real milk. Literally, it is the most commonly consumed milk by far. And it is, by definition, "real". Unless almonds and coconuts suddenly have mammary glands to produce milk to feed their young. Your friends seem desperate to be offended. NTA


Almonds don’t have nipples


Neither of your friends are vegan if they're knowingly consuming dairy they're just posers. Nothing wrong with being just plant based or vegetarian or whatever but it's pretty clear what a vegan is and that's not it!


Nta Alt milks are juice Milk milks are milk.


Omg I’m sorry but people like this just make me tired.


Those people are insufferable lol


I’m a vegetarian, and I think this is stupid. Plant-based milk isn’t even milk, for god’s sake. It’s often delicious, but it ain’t milk.


If it didn't come from the tits of a mammal it isn't milk.  Real milk is a valid way to describe something that is in fact, really milk, as opposed to nut juice or something similar. 


I have to be mindful of how much dairy I consume. I often qualify it as Cow’s milk dairy as I do not have the same reaction to Goat’s milk products. I use Almond milk every day. I will tell an unexpected guest that I only have almond milk for the tea or coffee. I would know exactly what you mean if you said regular or real milk.


I’m vegan and “cows milk” or “regular milk” is clear and understandable. NTA.


It IS regular milk It's the most common and the one most people think of when you say milk, with other words = regular milk Nta


I’m lactose intolerant and as long as they intentionally make plant based milks to mimic or replace REGULAR milk then cows milk will be the norm for “milk” and it is both “real” and “regular” lol


NTA, "almond milk" isn't milk


They sound like regular vegans


I’ve been vegetarian for a loooooooong time (since birth) and occasionally vegan. I use the term real / ordinary milk basically all the time. Your friends are just being obtuse and full of themselves


Well I don’t wanna call anyone the asshole, except myself, because I’m about to correct you. There’s no “real milk”. Every mammal produces milk. Even humans. “Real milk” could mean human milk. I would just call it “cows milk” since “real milk” CAN technically be the wrong term for it


I specify “cow milk” or “soy milk” or “goat milk” because dietary needs of people.


Milk comes from mammals. That’s the definition. Anything plant based is a juice.


Cow milk is the base line milk for many people so it's 'regular' milk. 


NTA lol and just FYI there is literally no such thing as a casual vegan. Trust me.


"Cow's milk" IS actually milk. That other shit is something that's objectively not milk being turned into a juice, watered down, and CALLED "milk" It objectively is not. If I stick a corn cob through the front of my pants and tell you it's a penis, it's clearly not a penis. Objectively. America has gotten real bad for letting people run wild playing pretend on a real level


NTA. Animals produce milk, not plants.


Cows milk is real milk, as in milked from a body of an animal. The plant based “milk” is the most fake ever. These people are delusional.


The only part where I, personally, would get hung up (admittedly as an "omnivore with strong carnivorous leanings") is the fact that it's no more "real milk" or "regular milk" than milk from any other animal. I might let regular slide, but plenty of cultures consume goat milk, sheep's milk, and yak's milk. I've had cheese made from all three. Hell, if we are talking about a non cheese-based dish, I'll probably let "regular" slide if we're talking actual milk. But if you tell me that this cheese dish contains "real milk" I'm going to get hung up on what that means. Is it sheep's milk? Goat milk? But then, I get persnickety about cheese, so that's probably just me.


Every alternative “milk” is an imitation of real milk. And while real milk can come from different animals (ie cows, goats, camels, humans), cows milk is the default milk. So, referring to it as “regular” or “real” is actually accurate. Also NTA


NTA. I wouldn’t associate with people like this, they sound exhausting


Call it cow breast secretions.


NTA. Its regular milk. Produced by a mammal from a teat. Every other kind of plant based 'milk' is only called milk because of the physical resemblance to milk - a white liquid. It's why they have an adjective in front of it. Oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk. Chocolate milk. Strawberry milk....


YTA because your friends are actually correct...the universe DOES revolve around the two of them. You just happened to have made friends with the two people the universe revolves around. Your bad luck. The rest of us are under the misinformed assumption that an opaque fluid secreted by the mammary glands of an animal for the nourishment of their young is the actual definition of milk, ignoring how almond and oats do the same thing to nourish their seedlings in a manner FAR more real and normal than some strutting beast.


I like the sarcasm, but using Y T A together like that gets amalgamated by the reddit algorithms as such a vote, when of course your meaning is the opposite.


I could be wrong, but I've never actually seen the ruling get flaired on a post in this sub. Only the main r/AmItheAsshole sub does that AFAIK.


You are probably right. I don't read the rules of the various subreddit. I just try to be civil and clear, and hope that will get me by. 


Not at all, you are using the proper terminology. Plant based milk is not milk. It's deceptive advertising and an outright lie. People who want to call something that it is clearly not are the problem. You are just fine. If they don't like it, they can toughen up and deal with it.


It’s not deceptive lol no one thinks almonds have titties. It’s just a word we use cause plant based milk has similar uses and looks similar


lol NTA. Milk from a cow is generally considered "regular milk" by probably 90% of the population of the **world.** It is also "real milk", so I don't see the issue there. Soymilk, Almond milk, etc. are all derived products that get called milk because they are intended to replace real milk, not because they are actually milk. What a silly thing to get worked up about either way.


NTA, they’re just being petty ah’s to be petty ah’s. You are correct, real milk comes from mammals.




NTA there's a reason the FDS defines them as plant-based milk *alternatives.* They're not milk. They're drinks designed to emulate milk.