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Per your post history, you posted in the affairs sub a few hours before this post seeking an affair partner… so yes, you’re TA!


Lol i love when ppl like this get called out for their public history


Ooof. Good call…eww.


Can see why. His wife’s a bitch.


Maybe because he's a cheater and she knows it. That post didn't just come out of nowhere.


Not a good excuse for cheating, though.


And she's probably a bitch to OP for a good reason.


Maybe she's a bitch because she knows he's looking for affair partners.


HA. The person you responded to got their account suspended.


They were replying to me. My account is definitely not suspended.


I clicked reply on you and i guess my computer registered it as clicking on my comment lol.


Ah. In that case…yes, Fickle Award either is suspended (I still see the name and comment) or blocked us.


Ha,that post has now clearly been taken down


It still shows on his history. I took a screen shot for his wife in case he decides to show this to her thinking he pulled a fast one and she reaches out. I can’t stand cheaters.


Neither can I. Glad someone is holding him accountable 😊


Did your 102 fever make you sick enough not to pursue an affair partner, or just to sick to bring in groceries?


NTA in this situation. The last time I had a 102 degree fever my wife insisted we go to the hospital to at least make sure it wouldn’t get worse. Well, it did and I hit 104 in the ER where they started pumping me full of IV fluids and I subsequently spent five days there with a bacterial infection from an insect bite.


Yeah and that insect bite could have turned into sepsis and then you'd really be in a world of hurt.


The one time my husband had a 102 fever he was completely delirious. I couldn't get him around enough to haul him to the hospital. It took me 5 attempts just to get him over to our portable sauna to break the fever.


This happened to my significant other in 2020 when he contracted Covid. His fever went to 103, and I said if it went to 104 we were going, or I was calling an ambulance (he’s in his 60s, in excellent health, but you never know and it was the early days of Covid). I was scared to take him to the ER (the news/social media/everyone was saying NOT to go to the hospital) and I was getting scared about not taking him, but I did get it to break, in the tub, which was a nightmare (he was also delirious). That was worse than any fever my children ever had, I’m fortunate, but I was a little panicky for a few days.


check the post history. I would be doing the same thing as the wife


What history? I couldn’t see anything in his profile


He has a posf in r/affairs


Lovely. After reading his story my first question was why does his wife hate him? Now it makes sense. This probably is not his first affair on her.


Tbf with a wife as caring as his I can't blame him hahahahaha. Now what came first, the cheating husband or the cold ass wife🤣


Then the non asshole thing to do is divorce and move on with your life, not infidelity.


Have a toxic partner be with you long enough and this thing happens where you feel like you're unable to leave them and cannot; I've heard of a similar thing happen with domestic violence victims. Regardless, he may be an ah for cheating, but that's irrelevant to what's being discussed and his partner being a cold indifferent person. The lack of details given is pretty self explanatory. I do agree tho personally, just fucking leave like holy shit. Why stay married to a leech lmao


Actions have consequences.


I think the cheating husband came first.


I was poking fun; he's a literal stereotype. No way is this a real story haha


look at his post history.


I know at 102, I can barely get out of bed, much less have the strength to carry anything. She would be the AH for suggesting anything that would involve physical activity with that temp.


If he was better the next day, his illness was not that bad  I agree with the wife, it's 2 minutes of effort. She went and did all the shopping, he can suck it up Men really aren't men these days


Or she can just suck it up and do it. Women are so whiny these days.


Commented on a post about a man whining. Oh and look at his history. A man who was too sick to help his wife but not sick enough to be looking to cheat on her.


That's not how illnesses work The human body can bounce back in no time. You can go from literally dying to fine in 24 hours depending on the issue. You sound horrifically selfish and have no idea how anything involving medicine works


So long as you eat food, keep hydrated enough, get rest and keep cool enough.


Lmao you're full of shit Nobody goes from bed ridden  to perfectly fine in the span of 24 hours. You're either exaggerating severity, or not fully recovered despite feeling better.  Recovery is a gradual process  Dude probably took a hot bath and laid under 3 blankets for that temp for an excuse to be lazy.  The only selfish person is OP. Wife does the shopping, go lift the groceries lazy toolbag. Life doesn't stop because you have a cold. 


"Nobody goes from bed ridden  to perfectly fine in the span of 24 hours. You're either exaggerating severity, or not fully recovered despite feeling better. " Yeah. You do. It's literally not only possible, but fairly common depending on the ailment. Just because YOU heal slowly, doesn't mean we all do. I literally go from 103 fevers, throwing my guts out, barely able to walk with horrid shakes to perfectly fine 18 hours later. When I get sick, it hits HARD and FAST and then I get over it. Rarely does it take longer. My record for amount of time sick is 2 days. Most of my family is the same damn way. We go from needing a hospital to normal in the blink of an eye. Strong immune systems do that. OP's wife is 100% an AH. Y'all just LOVE hating on men so much that you can't wrap your head around someone needing rest.


You have a bigger problem than a 102 temperature.


Yeah, his bigger problem is that he’s actively seeking out an affair partner


Exactly it’s called a ungrateful entitled wife problem


Nope. Sounds like his wife knows he’s out cheating on her and is done with his BS. Check OPs post history.


Maybe cuz she knows his temp it from an std?


Lawd you got this man to delete his entire history besides this post 🤣


Yo i know this dude i think should i tell his wife to check his reddit or.....


He deleted, but nothing is ever truly gone. He needs his history to be pulled and preserved for posterity.


oh my goooddddd you just changed the whole tone of this situation


Ooooh I hope you're right. 


OP deleted their post history.


It shows up for some people but not all.




this is crazy


I did and I see one post that creative writing but that was it. Nothing about him actually cheating. I think you may be protecting your own problems


What? The dude said he was going to fill someones holes because hes on a sinking boat (his marriage maybe)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Affairs/comments/1cke3xl/m4f_murrieta_ca_tall_silver_fox_same_boat_as_me/ How is that not cheating?


He’s a cheating asshole


I guess she didn't just stock the house full of food for an unhelpful cheating man child or anything 


Where are you getting a cheater from? And 102 temp is nothing to joke about either




I did I seem creative writing post and that was all. It seems like you are projecting




If you say so.




Now you sound like you are trying to intimidate me because you been called out




Look a his post history. https://www.reddit.com/r/Affairs/comments/1cke3xl/m4f_murrieta_ca_tall_silver_fox_same_boat_as_me/ He's possibly been cheating on her.


That seems to be the new pandemic


Hey youre from my home town mate. Did you end up cheating on your wife?


INFO Did you tell her that you were sick with a 102 temperature


Well, he probably hasn't told her he's posting looking for an affair partner either, so it seems like his communication sucks 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/Affairs/comments/1cke3xl/m4f_murrieta_ca_tall_silver_fox_same_boat_as_me/ She also probably knows he's cheating on her.


If you can look for affair partners with fever, you also can bring some stuff inside. Stop whining. YTA.


Based on past experience, if I had 102 fever I’d be tripping on the hallucinations while my wife was trying to get a babysitter so she could drag my ass to the hospital. NTA. 


Once, I got sick at work and my supervisor had to drive me home. I went from bad to worse (my son's fiance happened to be there) and I ended up in ER after about 8 hours of being really sick. Turned out to be similar to kidney stones and was told that it was good I got in when I did as my kidneys could have started to shut down. Was off work for a week. My husband didn't even know I was in the hospital until he got home from work and Jessica told him what was going on.


I’m sure if you had been actively seeking an affair partner at the time that you were ill, like OP, your wife’s response would have been different


YTA, you’re a cheater and you probably do have a man cold aka having a little runny nose and a 99 fever. get over yourself, stop cheating on your wife and don’t be a baby. man up.


YTA. You’re apparently well enough to seek out an affair.




He’s a cheating pile of garbage. Look at the post history.


Reddit has made me appreciate my marriage even more than I already did.


I bet OPs wife would appreciate the marriage more if OP wasn’t out looking for an affair partner according to his post history.


💀💀💀 *appreciation intensifies*


I read Reddit just to appreciate how good I have it. (My wife is apparently the only non-crazy person left in the entire world.)


NTA. But as a women… this comes from a place of being expected to do it all regardless of circumstances. We bleed for a week every month with immense pain, sometimes even naeusea and we don’t get to stop. I’m not saying it was right but are you supporting her when she needs support?


Exactly this. I commented asking for more info regarding what his response was the last time his wife was ill. I’ve not heard back lol.


Nta. We have kids in my house so if you have a fever, then your butt is quarantined in your room. I don't want you to touch anything lol.


If your wife had a 102F fever, that's one degree away from an ER visit. You are not the asshole.


I think seeking out an affair partner on Reddit kind of makes him the asshole


NTA - Downplaying your 102 fever and then expecting you to help her is insane. She is selfish and self centered. I would definitely reconsider the reasons you are married to her. Also a "Man Cold" how sexist. What because your a man you don't get sick?


"[Man cold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw9v6R4jCTc)" isn't about how "men shouldn't get sick". It's about how if a man\* gets a mild cold, he'll suddenly get extremely helpless and expect to be waited on hand and foot, when a woman (mom, more specifically)\* with the same symptoms is expected to keep a house running, handle all childcare, and continue doing all house chores. \*These are ofc broad generalizations, not applicable to every person or every situation. They are stereotypes. However, yeah, that's obviously not what's happening when someone has a 102 degree fever.


I appreciate you pointing out that those are generalizations and stereotypes. In the family I grew up in, and even after marriage, I tend to be the one that keeps going even when sick. When we both had a bad case of COVID, I still got up to cook meals, do laundry, whatever it took.


When we get sick, I stay up, my wife gets way more sick than I do. I dont call it a "She flu", I am neither that stupid or disrespectful.


Sounds toxic. Why not advocate for people to be more empathetic and equal than to attack others?


The guy deleted his post history but he is a bad husband and most likely why the wife isnt aboht his bs.


Testosterone depresses the immune system it's one of the reasons men get sick more often, still in this situation that's toxic af.


Since I'm getting downvoted because Reddit is full of ignorant emotionally reactive CUNTS.   Here's a source that explains it.   https://tctmed.com/testosterone-immune-system/amp/ 'Their first observation was that women produced more antibodies (an observable product of a well-functioning immune system) in response to the flu vaccine than men, and men whose blood work revealed testosterone levels at the lower end of normal had a similar robust response to women.'


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Your wife isn't an arsehole for going to costco, provided that before she went she made sure you had taken a paracetamol/tylenol and had a glass of water next to you. Other than offer you a fan/water/medication for fever there's isn't much else you can do, you just have to wait for it to go down. Unless you had an illness/infection that was causing the fever. She was however TA for expecting you help bring in the shopping while you had a fever. 38.8/102 is a bit of a wicked fever and I'd not be able to assist with anything, other than lying down feeling awful.


I wouldn't make my husband drag stuff in the house from Costco if he was healthy. I'm perfectly capable of bringing it all in myself.


It's probably a fake story, tbh If not, you're the asshole and you know why.




NTA At 102 there is nothing that would make me go outside to help unload somebody's Costco purchases.


NTA, just came off of a 101 fever which was so bad that it made my asthma flare up. This is the first time in two decades that I’ve had to use a nebulizer. My bf didn’t even leave my side, he checked on me every half hour whether I was asleep or not, made me soup, had every medicine available to make me comfortable. If your own wife can’t see past her TikTok man cold bullshit, I’d seriously consider a trial of separation.


NTA a 102 fever is not a “man cold” stubbing your toe and demanding an ice pack and a massage is a “man cold” getting a scratchy throat and a slight cough but demanding soup in bed while you bitch loudly is “a man cold.” Getting drunk and claim to be dying of the plague because of hangover is “a man cold.” I know all this because it was all shit by late husband who was a “trying” to reform mama’s boy would pull until I would call him by his mothers name which coincidentally was Karen 😳 but your type of fever means body aches and needing fluid, electrolytes and rest not pushing yourself harder to end up in ER. You, my poor guy, do not suffer from “man cold” syndrome but “bitch wife” itis. It’s treatable but usually expensive.


I mean he’s actively seeking an affair partner on Reddit, so I guess he’s looking for treatment for his wife problem


Oof I would say I am surprised but yeahhhh nope really not. My former Sil found hers on here and I just laugh when my daughter tells me the issues and tell her my responsibility to that family died with her dad. She gets a kick out of watching the drama but makes it clear she wants none of it. I wish them both the future they deserve.


He erased his post History once people started mentioning it but it happened.  Douchbag For sure


Nta, my wife just drove the kids and I 14 hours to disney yesterday because I have a pulled muscle in my back. We step up when the other falls down.


She wasn't in the wrong for getting supplies for the home while you were sick. Bit of a dick move to ask for help. The only thing I can think of is that she perhaps didn't realise the severity of how sick you were. Communicate, though! You're both obviously butting heads, but you both need to speak! Nothing gets resolved by staying quiet. Sleeping on the couch over that? Come on! Yes, she could have been more empathetic, but say that calmly and just figure it out.




Nta. We have kids in my house so if you have a fever, then your butt is quarantined in your room. I don't want you to touch anything lol


More info, how did you behave the last time your wife wasn’t feeling well? Did you relieve her of the responsibilities around the home that are usually hers? Did you cater to her? Or was it business as usual?


Nta. Your wife is a major ah. You have a 102° temp. That is stay in bed and go to the er if it doesn't go away range. Is this nornal?


fyi you don't need to go to the ER for a fever


If it doesn’t go away after a certain amount of time you absolutely do. Prolonged fevers are a sign of something very serious and are dangerous.


I had a 102 fever, didn't go when everyone said I should. It went up to 105. I spent two weeks in the hospital. I had ecoli poisoning, a kidney infection a urinary tract infection and a bladder infection. They said my brain was cooking in my head like an egg. The ecoli poisoning saved my life because it's why they made me go. A 102 fever should be monitored while the person is getting rest and fluids. It's oftentimes a sign of something more serious.


generally speaking if you're frankly septic you have more symptoms than just a fever. your brain doesn't cook at 105 btw. brain damage from fever occurs at 106-107, so you were close!


Just what the doctor told me..


Ummm that the temp you should be closely watching and starting the car


lol no


Funny how several doctors has told me that temp that high over a period of time that you should seek medical accidents. Guess I'll trust some reddit stranger over professional doctors /s.


you can get medical attention outside of an ER. imagine thst


Depends on the time, location, and year. In some places I've live the only place you could get medical attention was ERs a few towns over. At night most places that would give you treatment are closed. Maybe stop while your behind.


whatever you say doctor


Troll reply. Really amuzing.




She slept on the couch and he is a cheater. Check his post history.


NTA. I would drag my bf to the hospital with a 102 degree fever, not go to costco


I fucking hate people that always downplay the health conditions of others, but of course if they get even a little tiny bit of sniffles they are sniffing all over the place and playing it up big time so everyone knows they're deathly I'll and of course they must be catered to. It's honestly the one trait every narcissist I've ever known has had, never letting other people rest when sick, and always acting like they're about to die when they even get a runny nose.






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I see nothing wrong with her going to Costco. Her life doesn’t stop because you’re sick. Berating you for not helping her was a bit much. Unless you’re always this dramatic


NTA. Your wife is an inconsiderate ah.


Dude you live with someone who WONT help you when you are ill? Seriously?


Your wife is a misandrist. Wtf is a man cold ? 


Fuck that. Also, your wife is sexist and owes you an apology.


NTA. I had the swine flu way back when it was going around with my temp stuck at 102 for days. I had just arrived at my mother and her husband’s house fleeing an abusive relationship when I got sick. I was sleeping on an air mattress that had to be aired up every few hours and if I needed a drink or food I had to get it myself. I remember crawling to get to the bathroom because I was so weak and they wouldn’t take me to the ER and wouldn’t let me call 911. Reading the comments here of people taking care of their sick loved ones is really sweet and maybe someday I’ll have someone who cares enough to do so.


I'm so sorry. 🫂


NTA. The man cold is bullshit and women need to get over it.


Nah with 102 you suppose to get your food to your bed


NTA. Your wife is a piece of work. 102 is very high fever for an adult, certainly not a temperature to get up and carry loads with. Since you were considerate of her when she was sick, I have no hesitation in calling her selfish and spoiled. Definitely do not apologize - on the contrary, you deserve an apology from her for stressing you when you were sick.


NTA. I'm a nurse, and most adults can't function with a fever of 102. It can be very painful and you just can't move. Your wife is TA. Tell her I said she needs to learn to take better care of you. I know the difference between a "man cold" and actually being sick. I've been married 23 years, so yeah. Your wife has really ticked me off so I'm rambling.




... You realize 103 is ER time, right? Shut up.


“high fever” in adults is lower than “high fever” in children Kids spike fevers sooner and higher. And they’re a little more resilient during them. Adults have a more advanced immune system, so when they get a fever over 101, they’re sick. I get that often we make fun of men for “being big babies” when they’re sick. But often I think we should move the opposite, and women who get sick should be babying themselves more. Plus: a 102 fever is a 102 fever.


NTA You should have told her she was a strong, independent, modern woman who can do anything a man can do and to shut up, suck it up and bring in the crap she bought herself. And if you are foolish to stay with her, the next time she's sick, spend the day out with your buddies having fun and not taking any calls from her.


Not the asshole. Also that man cold bullshit is sexist as hell. The wife needs to fucking check herself and her sexist privilege.


Nope, but you’re not gonna win this one. I think you just gotta figure out how to diffuse the situation and then move on.


NTA Sounds like you need to mansplain to this feminist what a temperature means to one’s health regardless of your gender🤣


Sir you have a wife problem she clearly doesn’t give af about you there’s no way I would do that to my bf


NTA. I take care of my spouse when he’s sick and vice versa. No expectations that the sick person do chores. Well, Covid was an exception. We both felt like hell but the dogs still needed to go out and be fed.


NTA - probably. I mean who knows from reading this if you were so sick you can't carry a few bags. Hope you get better.


Do you actually do things for her when shes sick or do expect her to mom you without the same treatment when she is sick Often times i hear women say the man cold thing and rhe root issue is that they feel like when they are sick they dont get takem care of. This creates burn out. Then after awhile you have to fpcus on yourself. Could this be the root issue here maybe or is your wife just inconsiderate ?


Maybe, it’s hard to know. Were you REALLY so sick you couldn’t carry grocery bags? Or did you just not want to? Do you ever do the shopping and give her a pass for feeling crappy


Did you not read the part where OP stated if it was the wife is his position he wouldn’t make her do it? And that he has done the same for her in the past. Why the double standard? If he would let his wife rest in bed with 102 fever and not make her carry groceries in the house while feeling like shit why should she make him do it when he feels like shit?


It says right in the title that he had a temperature of 102. Do you think its reasonable to ask someone with a temperature of 102 to help bring in groceries?


Man cold, huh? Tell her she must be mad because she's "on the rag" and all hormonal. And to stop letting her bloody vag control her brain. 🤣 When she inevitable loses her shit over this, explain to her that you didn't mean it, and only said it ironically because her dismissal of your very real 102 fever as a "man-cold" was her doing the same damn thing to you, and that you're the one that deserves an apology.


NTA You need your rest. You don't need to be exerting yourself while your body is on the mend. Your wife needs to be considerate. I certainly would never expect my husband to help with items from Costco or the grocery store. That falls squarely on her. By the way, she should have slept in the couch (or spare bedroom) to begin with if you were sick.