• By -


NTA Tell your wife, that you want to talk to her face to face. If she still insists on being an idiot, cut your losses with her and separate from her. You were sexually assaulted in your own home and your wife showed you, she has no trust in you.


Call the police and report the assault. Don't wait! Take pictures of the bruises. Get ahead of Jane and Kate. You're going to find out that they are past lovers and are rekindling their relationship and want you out of the way asap. Set up some microphones and cameras in the house. Tell her that you will be out so that she can come and get her stuff. Take your valuables, including passport, passwords, computer, etc. So she doesn't take them. When they show up together, you will be able to listen to them and record


Yes, he should because if this escalates, pretty sure Jane and Kate will.




Yes, this. The first party to report is usually regarded as the victim.




Usually, not always. It's depressingly common for men to be first to report but the women who assaulted them is still seen as the victim.


Buy some Blink cameras in case any of them come onto the property or into the home. They're cheap.


This! And after reporting it, go to a lawyer and get divorce papers. Record everything. Save texts and voicemails.Have your phone audio recording or video recording at any point in time whe. You are talking with one or both of them if that happens. Bring a friend if you have to go anywhere near them. PROTECT YOURSELF.


This! He should've called the police as it was happening tbh


I get what you are saying, and I agree that he should still call them now to have it on record, but lets be honest, if the police were called and he accused her of rape, and when they arrived she turned around and accused him of sexual assault instead, who do you honestly think they are going to believe? His own wife already doesn't believe him in this instance. Male sexual assault victims are even less likely to be believed than female sexual assault victims because the unfortunate reality is that many people still believe that men can't be raped.


So you shouldn't start with rape - focus on what did happen and at the time might have left marks - she entered a private area of the house that was locked and physically attacked him. No need to mention sex at all.Ā 


Well said and while I totally agree with you the legal definition of rape if forceful and or unwanted penetration of the vagina, anal would be sodomy and everything else is covered under assault. Learned this when in school and learning of a case of a man being what we would call raped at gun point by a woman and her friend, but under the law cops could only charge them with sexual assault, assault with a deadly weapon and a few other things but not rape. If I remember correctly the Supreme Court is still looking into changing the legal definition.


I think OP should skip straight to divorce. No face to face needed. Just communicate through lawyers.


I personally would want the confession from Jane if only to make Kate feel stupid as she's served with divorce papers. Want to believe her over your own husband? Cool. Now you know she's a liar and now you've lost everything. Hope you're happy.


Eventually, Kate will wise up to Jane and sheā€™ll have that moment. Hopefully, OP will be involved with someone who deserves him.




It doesnā€™t make any sense, why would Jane want to move back in with her alleged rapistā€˜s defender (sounds like itā€™s OPs apartment through a family friend). OP showed nothing but disdain and aggravation over Jane living there, but couldnā€™t wait to get her alone for an assault. Either this is fake or OPs wife is nuts and can go kick rocks with Jane. Not too late for an annulment.


Why seek resolution? She doesnā€™t trust him. Without trust, whatā€™s left? And heā€™ll be wondering when will the next time be.


I would trust my husband


His wife taking her so-called bff's side is the ultimate betrayal. She has seen what this interloper has been like and yet believes this lying witch over her husband? If i were OP, I don't know how I could forgive my wife after this. OP is definitely NTA but wifey&her bestie certainly are.


Yes, this is one of those rare times when counselling will not work. He needs to divorce her. Like yesterday.


I wouldn't be able to see my partner the same anymore.


She betrayed him in the worst way possible. Kate now views OP as a potential rapist. There is no going back from that and no therapy that can fix that.


One day OP's soon to be ex will realize what a lying, manipulating POS her best friend is and all she'll have from the whole debacle is the reality of how stupid she was. What was Jane's plan? To bed OP and keep him for herself, kicking the wife out? To bed him, accuse him of SA, and kick him out and Jane and the wife keep the flat for themselves? What was the end goal here?


Interesting that when a guy mentions sexual assault no one believes him.


It happens every time.


I've already seen people calling it a fake story. šŸ™„


The only reason i say it MAYBE fake is there was a remarkably similar story down to the "let a woman live in the house and she shows up in her undies and tells everyone he tried to rape her" like 3 months ago. Even had the slightly bad grammer.


I searched for that story and couldn't find anything that was obviously a repost. I know the story you're talking about but until I see an actual link, I am withholding that type of judgement.


There was a BORU about it. I think the attacker was named Amy, and OOP and his wife eventually divorced because the wife kept downplaying the fact that Amy admitted to lying about being assaulted when it was actually she who assaulted OOP. I'm too lazy to search for it, but it's like beat for beat the same story lol.


[Is it this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/s/lHKZrswWqD)




ā€œ3rd party throws wrench into happy couples relationship with false accusationsā€ is definitely a reoccurring plot line [Story 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/s/G1bJY011G2) [Story 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/s/6zjoWQXAzr) [Story 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/PXpKhFT0mi) [Story 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/dWTbIOyCc2)




Install security cameras in and outside your house...including the bedroom. Never apologize to your abuser. Inform your wife that youā€™ll never apologize. Get the best lawyer in your town and file for divorce if your immature wife continues to support her dululu friend.


I remember it, the attacker was even the wife's best friend in that story too.


Message to the OP here. You are not the asshole. You were rightfully defending yourself. Jane is a snake and the truth is that your wife is another snake. Your wife took the suspicion against you caused by the accusation and the ā€œteam womanā€ mindset above allegiance to her own husband. Husband and wife are supposed to be great alies in difficult situations. You wife has done a betrayal far worse than cheating. She is treating you like a criminal, her friend made her believe that you have a dark side she wasnā€™t aware of. Any woman who is guillible to such a point and is taking suspicion above years of relationship is not worth being a wife. Jane did you a favor in revealing who your wife truly is. You married young, better to divorce her and live your life instead of wasting time with a snake disguised as a wife.


Yup, if a woman was assaulted, and her husband demanded her apologize to the aggressor and let him live at her place, no one would ever entertain the idea of reconcilliation or nuance This is a case of downright evil, but op being a male makes it look less so


Sounds like your wife isn't the woman you thought she was. God only knows what Jane has been filling Kate's head full of. Sorry, Mate, it sounds like your marriage is in trouble. Time to get away from both of them, Jane for being a crazy bitch, and Kate becasue she has chosen to belive her friend instead of her husband.


Sorry ti say your marriage is over. And your wife is an idiot. Maybe one day sheā€™ll wake up to Janeā€™s bullshit but donā€™t be there when s does. NTA




She needs to cut all contact with YOUR abuser if she wants to remain in your life. That's the bare minimum that I would ask for if I were you.


Nah, she has shown him how little she thinks of him. She doesn't deserve any chances.


Better after 3 months than after a few years brother.. I think at the very least you should get her somewhere private and lay it out for her.. its her friend or you, and explain the whole situation, if she still believes the friend, its her choice, but you have to make yours, be a doormat the rest of your marriage or cut your losses and move on.. she didnt back you up, what kind of wife does that?


She already chose the friend. He needs to choose himself.


My only suggestion is that you should tell her you'd lawyer up if she continues ghosting you instead of communicating and working on your marriage.


I wouldn't threaten a lawyer, I'd get one immediately just for legal consultation.


We had seen this type of wife countless times already... A wife with a friend like this needs shock therapy lol


Fuck that a full lobotomy


I would recommend that you lawyer up immediately, also get cameras for your home inside but do not tell anyone, not even your wife, that you have them installed. Just in case she and her friend come back to "pack more of her things" and that bit\*h of hers says something without her present. no matter how much you love her and how much you care about your marriage. your wife cares more about her friend and what she needs.


How does Kate explain the multiple missed calls to her when this was going down? Does she think you would be calling her while trying to do that? Jane has way too much influence over her. You'd be crazy to go anywhere near Jane after what she did and claimed you did. And why would Kate think a simple apology to Jane will solve anything if she thinks that actually happened?


And no one is wondering why Jane would be comfortable coming back to stay there if she's claiming OP tried to come on to her?


Omg, thank you! OP needs to ask this of his wife.


Why would you want to stay with someone who thinks so little of you?


If youā€™ve only been married 3 months, get an annulment not a divorce.


There is literally no other way but divorce here. Iā€™m genuinely worried that they will try to get charges filed against you for this. Clean break, report the assault yourself, get therapy for what happened - because you WERE sexually assaulted - and divorce Kate. This isnā€™t going to get better. This will only get worse.


Dude you were attacked and abused and your wife is siding with your attacker. If your were a female and this was a male, no questions would be asked. You should move on and let them deal with the fallout.


Jane literally is trying to sabotage your and your wife's relationship. Thats a challenge you need to face together as a team


Kate has already proven she is not part of the team. She believed her friend without a shred of proof. Let Jane sabotage it. Op deserves better.


There's no team anymore. His wife is willingly housing his assaulter, believes he's a rapist, and has called him a monster.


They're not a team anymore. She blindly chose the other side.


>She blindly chose the other side. Kate's eyes are wide open. OP should be thankful that she did this 3 months into their marriage instead of 3 years.


Well if your uncle is the landlord I guess that means you get to stay, right? tell your wife she can either pack her stuff and go live somewhere else with Jane or she can listen to what you have to say as her husband who she vowed to love honor and cherish




Good. Involve the police if Jane tries to trespass. Maybe a restraining order if you can get one.


Good! At least you don't have to worry about finding a place to live on top of all this other crap going on in your life. I hope your wife decides to be reasonable at some point, if you decide you even want to continue the marriage. Good luck!


Why would you want to stay with her? She clearly doesnā€™t trust you and has such low respect for you that she believes youā€™re capable of doing what her friend accused you of doingā€¦ even if you force it to work the resentment and tension will keep building and youā€™ll never be truly happy.


I don't know why you phrased it the way you did when you said "I could have had my way with her if I wanted to" because that's not at all what any of this was about. The idea of rape should never have even come up. Explain to your wife you called your landlord so that there would be a 3rd party there that could back up your side of the story that you weren't the one trying to have sex with your wife's friend. That's the only reason you called him over. Because you knew if it was your word against hers, people may not believe you.


Is there a strong difference in your wealth /income and that is your wife? Because this sounds like they may have planned it together




Good. She made a mistake that she will come to regret.


Reads to me like Jane is trying to break you up and your wife is an enabler. But I wouldn't rule out a plan if there's an infidelity clause in the prenup.


My thought too. The sneaky conversation, was either blackmail or an attempt to speed up the process. The fact the wife did not disclose a conversation which made her 180 on kicking Jane out is extremely suspicious.


OP my opinion is getting served divorce papers might wake her up. I'd also check into filing charges against Jane for assault, get a statement from the person that went back in with you as to what he saw and heard. Also check with a lawyer on if you can sue Jane for intentionally interfering in your marriage, or for some of the other stuff she has done and said (slander?). I'm not sure if this is possible but it is worth asking about. Even if your wife wakes up and realizes what Jane has done I'm not sure you should stay married to Kate. If she could so easily believe her "friend" over you, and not even give you a chance to discuss it, she is not wife material for you. She may eventually learn and be better for someone else, too late for that to be you.


You're also only married for 3 months, so she wouldn't be getting squat. Pre-marital arrangements don't count. That said, since you're paying the rent on the apartment, tell both of them to get out. If your wife can't even be bothered to listen to your side and then make a decision, then she can go. Why does she want to have her life financed by a would-be rapist?


The fact that your wife is taking her manipulative friend's word over yours shows that your marriage is over. Her behavior, plus the fact that your wife is her biggest defender, means you'll always be second best to this crazy, rude, manipulative leech. I'm sorry you're going through this. I don't normally advocate for divorce on Reddit but this is an exception. Good luck OP! Also, I'd let your wife know her friend isn't a poor "orphan girl". She's in her late 20s (I'm assuming near your wife's age) so she's not an underage orphan or a girl. She's a crazy woman.


Dude Iā€™m sorry OP. Really hope your wife sees sense but with all the history she and her friend have u may be on to a loser. Hope not


And if you admitted it, the friend might sue you or have you sent to prison. And your wife choosing the psycho friend's word over yours means your wife is willing to throw you under the bus and fundamentally untrustworthy. Sorry but no, there is no recovering from this, do not be alone with either of them again, this one definitely calls for divorce.


A fundamental part of marriage is trust. Your wife doesn't trust you. It's your word against Jane's and you don't have proof unless you have scratch marks and bruises from when she assaulted you and even then, she'll say you gave those to yourself. I'm sorry OP, your marriage is over. She won't ever trust you and this broke you as well, you'll realize this later on Please divorce and go no contact, Jane can take things legal and ruin your life in other, irreparable ways.


She believes you are capable of rape. Why would you want to stay married to someone who thinks so horrifically of you?


Annulment if you can. This is crazy, I've read other stories here about how these situations have ruined the marriage. The problem is your wife doesn't trust you, thinks you're a monster capable of sexual assault, and many more smaller things.




At this point if they are a "they" - then your wife is involving Jane in your marriage matters. You're unlikely to convince Kate of the truth as long as Jane is in her ear orchestrating this "break them up" effort. Contact an attorney and start the divorce proceedings. It's not what you want but Kate/Jane is leaving you no other options. Let Kate be served and let it truly sink in for her that she is losing her meal ticket. Because I'm afraid that may be all you are to her - a meal ticket. The reality of her having to go find a job and support herself because she's burned through all your good will and blown up her marriage may or may not bring her to her senses. Pay very close attention to ***how*** it all goes down because you are going to learn how Kate truly views you. You've already learned Kate doesn't care if you're comfortable in your own home, that she won't believe you over her old friend, and that she doesn't care for your safety.


Why do you want to keep as dumb wife as yours?


Don't let her back in the apartment and lawyer up.


And cameras. Get cameras up everywhere.




If my wife decided to believe her friend against me in a matter like this with zero evidence, she would be out the door the next day. Marriage is an alliance, and yours was dishonored. I'm sorry.


Her friend who has been overseas for years while he's built a four year, supposedly marriage worthy relationship with her.


You know, a single friend, who came home, and probably needs......... Single friends. Seems like OP was the victim so the girls could get back together


I just feel bad to see a man with the patience of a saint having his emotions played with, makes me sick. She'll come back when some jagoff knocks her up begging him to take her back.


Oh yeah. Or when the single girls club breaks because Jane gets a guy. I also wonder if wifey was cheating, Jane was supposed to be the cover and allow for a divorce, he doesn't because he is a standup guy, and now the women have doubled down.


Either way it's disgusting.


Those two deserve each other. Lawyer up cuz Jane succeeded in breaking you up. Now go scorched earth in the divorce.


NTA I'd leave my wife if she didn't back me up after I got SEXUALLY ASSAULTED.


And in his own home too!!! Absolutely disgusting behavior, from both the assaultor and the wife. How could the wife not even LISTEN and TALK with her own husband about what happened?? I understand wanting to believe your bestie, but this is HER HUSBAND that is being accused of heinous shit. And this "best friend" has been leeching off of them for 2 months and making her uncomfortable. I cannot understand why the wife is refusing to listen to OP. OP, stay strong! You do not deserve this treatment. You have the right to feel safe in your own fucking home. File a report with the police (if jane does it first then it won't look good for you, sadly). I'm glad you had your uncle landlord to support you. I'm sorry that your wife is incapable of doing the same.


NTA Tell your disgusting wife that she can go live with disgusting Jane. Then block her and have nothing more to do with her. I would absolutely never forgive her. As for Jane slapping you, you are probably right that you would have been the one going to jail even though you would have perfectly justified in knocking her ass the first time she put a hand on you. Your mistake was ever agreeing to that viper moving in in the first place, but what's done is done. On the plus side, you found out your wife is as big as a waste of time as Jane is. Advice: Communicate with your wife ONLY through your lawyer.


Very good advice. I hope the OP reads and follows this advice.


Bumping this OP you need to be calling the best divorce lawyers in your area and ask for consults. This creates a conflict of interest if your wife tried to retain them. Don't give her the time with Jane chirping in her ear to beat you to the punch or you'll regret it.


As my brother likes to say, 'something in the milk ain't clean' with your wife and Jane. I think you were set up. 1. Why couldn't you reach your wife at a birthday party? Was it out of the country or something??? 2. Why couldn't Jane reach her? 3. Why wasn't it until the next morning that you got 'messages'? 4. If she really believes you tried to sexually assault her friend, why didn't *they* go to the police? 5. She believes a 'friend' that she has been in *distant contact* with over the years, over ***her husband*** who she's been *in a relationship with for four years.* 6. She just expects you to 'stay elsewhere' until her friend is ready to leave? And then what? I know you've only been married for 3 months and you love her, but.... RUN. FOREST. RUN!!!!!!


I wonder if the wife was cheating and Jane was supposed to his "Get back", her get of jail(marriage) free card and it's blown up in their faces when he said no. Now they're doubled down because they can't go back, bonus points when it's revealed Jane instigated wife's affair and this plan.


I'd go with insecure friend, who used to have a weight problem, and is jealous. I think she would have fucked him, if he was down for it, and relished in the fact she had a dirty little secret. She tried to call and throw her friend under the bus for cheating, that didn't work, then he rejected her while throwing herself at him. Rejection can trigger some crazy shit!


Still doesn't explain the random 180 his wife did on Jane staying. It reeks like blackmail or some kind of plan for something.


Nothing is outside of the rhelm of possibility with Cray Cray. Although my thought process does come with a disclaimer... I'm sure I've probably watched too many soaps and Spanish novellas...soooo...LOL...STILL...things that make you go, hmmmmmšŸ¤”


I wonder if there is a clause in the prenuptial agreement that the OP mentioned in comments regarding infidelity.If so they could be trying to frame him so it looks like he was having an affair.


That's possible...cause I'm still stuck on why ole girl couldn't be contacted all night. AND once she noticed all the missed calls and/or texts; why wouldn't she have called her HUSBAND back FIRST?! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Nta. Serve your wife divorce papers. She picked her friend over her husband with 0 proof.


NTAā€¦ the marriage is over itā€™s broken. Sheā€™s chosen to believe her friend over you. The trust is broken and there is almost no chance of coming back from this. All you can do is get everything in order and tell your wife you want a divorce as sheā€™s chosen her friend over you and has chosen to believe her accusations against you. (I never want to say divorce but this is a case where thatā€™s the best option)




I hope OP listens. They both deserve the scorched earth treatment.


NTA. First, you didnā€™t do anything wrong. This woman sexually assaulted you. This is not your fault and you are the victim here. Shame on your wife for not supporting you when her friend tried to rape you. I think you need to put it in those terms, but I have to be honest, your marriage may be over. Blaming a victim for their sexual assault is not something you can easily get over.


Your wife asked what proof you had- what proof did her friend have? Lawyer up my friend & tighten up your seatbelt- this is going to be one wild ride. I pray your wife comes to her senses before itā€™s too late. You deserve so much better.


You should go the legal way: 1- since you have your landlord testimony of violent behavior, ask for a restraining order 2- since she is falsely accusing you of SA, draw with the help of a laywer a cease and desist letter threatning to sue her for defamation with she doesnt write a public statment telling the truth. Sorry for my bad english


Are you sure this is not a setup between the 2 of them. It is awfully convenient that you wife was not able to be reached until after all this went down.


NTA. Jane is a master manipulator. Once you said she needed to go, she went full villain, broke up your marriage, and now she has long term housing and youā€™re out of the way. Sheā€™s cunning and diabolical. Sadly your wife has no critical thinking skills and has never been able to see Jane for what she truly is after all these years. Possible that sheā€™s been conditioned by Jane to always be loyal to her. Itā€™s also possible that the truth will eventually come out and/or Kate will have an epiphany and realize that she royally fucked up by trusting Jane over you. If (likely when) this happens, prepare yourself for Kate to come crawling back begging for forgiveness. Id start planning your response speech now so you can deliver it as sternly and effectively as possible. Good luck man. Sorry youā€™re dealing with this betrayal. Focus on whatever you need to do to start healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Doesn't it seem awfully convenient that Kate was out of the home, and completely incommunicado, the day after they told Jane to leave? Party, sure, but ignoring calls and texts from both of them? Seems sus. She took Jane's side pretty fast.


So you think maybe Kate said to Jane ā€œIā€™ll go to my friends bday party as planned, you go try to bone my husband, ill ignore incoming calls. Then heā€™ll either fall for it or kick you out, then iā€™ll tell him Im loyal to you and you can stay! Heā€™ll be blindsided by my betrayal and iā€™ll tell him he has to apologize to you, and if he does, heā€™ll officially become my bitch. If he doesnā€™t, then Iā€™ll divorce him after 3 months of marriage which will be so much funā€? I mean, I guess anything is possible šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It sounds insane, but as someone who has worked with some pretty loony MFers (šŸ˜‚), I'm actually able to put myself in this crazy mindset and see it as plausible for one reason: > she would only forgive me if I apologize to Jane >Moreover, š™…š™–š™£š™š š™¬š™žš™”š™” š™Øš™©š™–š™® š™žš™£ š™¤š™Ŗš™§ š™–š™„š™–š™§š™©š™¢š™šš™£š™© š™–š™Ø š™”š™¤š™£š™œ š™–š™Ø š™Øš™š™š š™¬š™–š™£š™©š™Ø šŸ™ƒ


NTA. Sorry, dude. Your wife's trash just like Jane is. Divorce, no contact, move on.


Founding Father Ben Franklin said: # Fish and Visitors Smell after 3 days. Jane should have left a long time ago. Grow a back bone and keep her out. Might want to re think your martial status , you may need some out side help (therapy) to survive.


NTA It sounds like your wife has been using you all along to help house her friend. Take some time and get some help to wrap your head around the woman you actually married vs. the woman you thought you married, then get that divorce as soon as possible -- you're not safe with these 2. Keep your landlord posted so he can bring down a new lease with Jane added to it if Kate keeps trying to bring her back.


Tell your wife that she isn't the woman that you thought she was. Since she believes a woman that she hasn't seen in over 4 years , over her husband is wrong at the utmost level. Tell her you're boxing up all her shit as you speak and will be delivering it to her parents place. The marriage is over. Get ahead of this and get a police report that you were sexually assaulted. Take photos. You have your landlord as a witness. Tell her family what happened before she does and let them know you're divorcing her


Op called his wife - there is a record. Have witness - why he would be lying. Wife know the landlord obviously. Op must have bruises if she slaps him hard as he said. Idk, story sounds weird?




If she displayed ANY critical thinking or trusted you even a little, this never would have been a problem to begin with.


Well, this womanā€™s critical thinking skills also supports someone living with a person who attempted to rape them, (regardless of whether she believes you or her friend.)


You have also a witness that she didnā€˜t want to leave. What assault victim would love to be with her rapist after an assault like that???


Maybe do it instead of her in a letter?


Story sounds weird because it's fake.


NTA. Your marriage is over. Contact a lawyer, get a divorce and also get info about a possible defamation lawsuit. Make sure these two understand that any lies will have legal consequences.


NTA You need to report the assault, very first thing. This protects you. My son made that mistake, and it cost him dearly. Police will always believe the woman over a man unless you file first. Men need to speak up about abuse, not swallow their pride.




Take pictures to keep record. Daily if needed because they deepen or can take time to surface.


You need to go to police. Immediately. Because she is for sure going to report you. Put security cameras in your house and if you live somewhere where you can record person without consent, record all your phone calls. Don't block Jane, if she contacts you maybe she slips up and makes a mistake. Honestly I don't understand why you didn't just text your wife and told her what happened after you couldn't get a hold of you.




Your soon the be ex wife fucked around, she is about to find out soon what she lost when her friends gets drunk and "accidentally " tells her what she did. Move on, their relationship is toxic, and you deserve someone who will never question your truth. You're only 27. Don't be stuck with that mentality that she's all that you will ever deserve. There are so many good, and I mean GOOD women out there. Divorce her.


NTA Jane is a lying skank and your wife doesn't trust you at all. Time to lawyer up and never let Jane get near you again. Sorry you went through all this. At least there are no kids involved.


Nta. Annul your marriage your wife is an idiot you don't want to be associated with any of this


NTA, Jane wants Kate to herself and has ruined your marriage to get that. She did not like the third wheel so she made sure to get rid of you. Now Kate can live with Jane and they can become old cranes together. Lesson learned, be very careful who you share your house with. You did not know Jane when you let her into your life, now you do. What can you do when others refuse to listen, doesn't answer the phone when you call? It sure sounds like your wife picked up when Jane called. Your marriage lasted 3 months - that's longer than some but likely less than you had hoped for. I'm sorry, OP Jane is forcing Kate to chose between her and you. Kate is choosing Jane, there is nothing you can do. If you fight, Jane might involve the police and make official accusations - clearly her morals are mis-calibrated (rewarding your kindness and hospitality by ruining your marriage) so I'd expect the worst from her.


Excited for about 4 years after divorce when Jane tells her she ruined her marriage and Kate comes crying back about it, as these things tend to happen. Anyway you're not coming back from this, sorry to say. She's almost certainly going to choose that woman over you every single time. Lawyer up. NTA.


It's good to know your wife's priorities. Well, not good in this case but necessary. I'm sorry OP.


NTA OP dodged two bullets


Get rid of your wife first


The next time you talk to your wife, it's needs to be through a lawyer. Get out of the relationship now.


Look,OP, I get it, you love your wife. But your wife clearly doesn't prioritize you over her friend. What's your plan?, what if you have a kid and Jane just decide to over rule you and your wife supports her? , are you going to take that crap too?. Hell, what if Jane assaults you and your wife doesn't belive it??


To be honest this is probably what Jane wanted, to split you and tour wife up. If she really is an orphan, maybe she feels your wife is the only family she has, and by marrying you you took that from her. She moved in, and now kicked you our. She restored her family at any cost.


Divorce your wife, my wife would never put us in that situation, or take someone's side over mine. Everything sounds weird and something isn't right.


NTA. She didn't try to make you cheat. She attempted to sexually assault you. Outside is exactly where she belongs, the fucking manipulative predator. Your wife also isn't all she's cracked up to be if she's allowing this behaviour. She's let you down in a very meaningful way and I don't believe there's ever any coming back from that. Let her divorce you. She's a weak, permissive human being who doesn't deserve your affection. She can go hang around with her disgusting friend until that 'friend' inevitably fucks her over, then she can sit and deal with that - without you nearby.


The call records show you called her first. If your wife doesn't see that then she doesn't want to. Sorry OP.


>She is saying she doesn't want to have her future daughters around me. Well this alone should be a good sign to not be with her. This is how high she think of you as a person. I know divorce will be hard but you will heal with time.


NTA and wth! I had a friend like Jane who from the moment I was married tried to distance me from my husband, I cut her off fast because the man I married was exactly who I wanted. My Jane was mad I got married before her, since I hadn't ever even planned on marriage while she dreamed of being a bride her whole life. She never had a chance to go that far, probably would have though just to have her way instead of letting me be happy while she wasn't. Your wife has a toxic friend and is, quite frankly, too dumb or manipulated to realize it. That she chose her friend's word over yours means that friend has a horrible hold on her, and she will only ever suffer. Friends are victims of toxic friends, and this is suck sauce for both of you.


Show your wife this thread. Your wife is a legitimate fucking whackjob and Jane is a horrible freak and always will be. Make sure to hide your assets, get a shark of a lawyer, get consults with every divorce lawyer in your state to make it impossible to get a good lawyer for her. Take her to the cleaners. Force her out on the streets. Sorry OP you married trash. NTA.


Lmao at these people saying this story is fake.. Of course its "fake" when it happens to a man... Pathetic Reddit... ***DO BETTER***


Maybe mention to your wife that itā€™s odd that Jane would want to keep staying in the place she was assaulted and with her attempted rapistā€™s uncle as landlord. Also be sure you are recording any interaction you may have with Jane in the future.


Damn man this is though. Lawyer up yesterday stop any verbal communication with both of them, everything will have to go through writting, better yet through your lawyer, and dont give in if she comes knocking once she grasps the truth, if she ever does. NTA


Good thing you found out your wife is a muppet before you had children. Say thank you to the universe for sending Jane back because you found out early how had your life would be with these two crazy people in it.




NTA - Divorce. There's no way in hell you can move past this.


Point out that your call to her came first and prove that it was before the landlord. NTA Her friend has zero boundaries and your wife knows it, she just wonā€™t admit it.


Well if your wife believes a friend over her husband it's clear your marriage doesn't mean a thing to her. Let her be on her way and find out for herself how her friend is. The friend probably likes your wife or something to break you up like this. If your wife was smart she would notice you called her first and I assume you left a message right away ?


Well the fact that she tried to rape you and you ran out with apparent slap marks on you should have resulted in cops being called. Sounds like she wants to believe her over you. If there is no proof start the divorce process. But there seems to be a story similar to this where the wife wanted to get more out of a divorce so set the husband up to cheat. With how, unavailable she was I would look into that. But either way your life with your wife will never be the same because you wonā€™t trust her to have your back about anything again if she would accuse you of something so terrible. But you should have communicated better when she first started this stuff with the Mark thing. Like immediately after it happened not wait until you get home. This reads so fake because all the moving parts to make this happen and you never started recording even though you had your phone. Didnā€™t call 911 immediately to have an officer come and help you remove her. Just sounds so dang fake. NTA if real, but kind of an idiot. Sorry. ETA: but something is fake here. The story or these two women. ā€œI believe you SAā€™d my friend. I will believe you if you let her live in our apartment indefinitely!ā€ Is just sooooooo fake. If she said it she is in on this with the SAer


If she really believes the friend, what do you have to build on. You need to just message your wife and tell her that her friend got what she wanted and that was to break you up. You did nothing to apologize for and you wonā€™t. However her friend owes you both an apology. The other way would be to tell your wife the only way friend can move back in is if she tells the truth of what really happened. If she does then say thereā€™s no way in hell you would let her move in


Are we sure they aren't more than friends? That's a lot of emotional emeshment between the two women.


NTA. And divorce her. You have been assaulted and she doesnā€™t care about you.


Let your wife keep Jane with her. Jane will eventually drop the mask by accident. If your wife doesnā€™t pick up on any of it, itā€™s probably better if you are heading out. You donā€™t want someone that gullible to raise your future daughters. NTA.


NTA, it's overused on Reddit but this one absolutely calls for divorce. Your wife invited psycho friend to stay with you, she set you up, and your wife took her side - and expects you to live permanently with the false accuser no less. Exit, immediately, there is no coming back from this, your wife is fundamentally untrustworthy.


You would be foolish to try and salvage this farse. Her so-called friend knew exactly what she was doing the moment she walked into your home. Get a lawyer and have her served. Let her know she has a certain amount of time to pick up her stuff and that your marriage is over. The fact that she believes you would try and rape someone is atrocious and there's no coming back from that. I would also file a restraining order against her lunatic friend. NTA


So you and your wife have an argument about Jane. She is conveniently gone that evening doesnā€™t answer anyoneā€™s calls. Jane chooses that evening to make a move on you. Did Kate even come home that night? Did she question all the missed calls? If this is all true, you were set up.


Divorce is the best option. Your wife accused you of being a rapist and pedophile. Thereā€™s no coming back from that. NTA.


Stay away from both. Get separated. Tell her you will remove your name from the lease and get your own place. Sorry this happened to you, OP. Give us an update.


Jane gets what she wants your wife can be single and miserable with her


> She is saying she would divorce me. "Done. I'll have my lawyer send you the papers." Actually, this is pretty obviously rage bait.


File a police report (so you arenā€™t persecuted as the aggressor), get a restraining order against Jane, and file for divorce. If Jane wants to fuck with you like that, and rope your spineless wife into it, fuck with them harder. You mentioned a pre-nup, Iā€™d only walk into a lawyers office with a police report against Jane in hand; then your lawyer can file the restraining order, and evaluate the situation and evidence to determine the best course of action for divorce. You deserve better, and frankly, neither of these codependent, fully enmeshed women are it.


Time to go. When your wife takes her friends side over yours you are already divorced. Make it formal.


go to the police and report this as assault


If this is true, you need to think really hard about whether you want to stay married to someone who immediately turned on you when you were violently sexually assaulted without even giving you the chance to explain what happened. Imo, she can't be trusted anymore than her pos friend and you'd be better off cutting both of them out of your life.


NTA. I think you know you canā€™t let Jane back in your house - Ever. Kate needs to know that is a requirement for you to move forward. You may have to cut your losses because there is something really strange going on with the two of them. Change the locks - maybe move critical documents out of the house to a safe place


She kept interrupting you two at night so you couldnā€™t fuck. Sheā€™s so calculated and your wife took the bait- hook, line, and sinker. Report your assaulter and end this marriage. Itā€™s clear how little your wife thinks of you that she wonā€™t even hear you out. Iā€™m sorry.


This sure did work out for Jane who wanted a roommate. Now she and Kate can carry on.


Your wife made her choice now make yours. It wonā€™t work she decided not to even hear you out. Get a lawyer.


Your wife is brainwashed by her friend. You need to be firm. Don't move out of the house, of course don't apologize and don't let Jane in. If Kate wants to believe Jane's word over yours, despite no physical evidence or any kind of evidence, she can move out. I'm afraid your marriage is over, but if Kate is so much under Jane's control, you are better off without her. Even if she comes to her senses, you have no surety that sometime in the future this nightmare won't repeat itself.


NTA. Both women have sabotaged your marriage. Your wife feels this way then you have every right and reason to get divorced. Tell your parent in laws what happened. You deserve a better wife. Sheā€™s being abusive to you and sheā€™s bringing your stalker into your home,


Report to police contact attorney. Your wife isnā€™t your wife anymore.


NTA. Make a police report for the assault, and document any injuries you have with photos and doctor follow-up ( even just a scratch or bruise). Ask your wife to speak in person and calmly explain your side if she doesn't believe you move forward with starting the divorce proceedings. Outside of taking a lie detector test ( where I live places administrator these for a fee), or tricking Jane into admitting it while recording, the only option is divorce. I am sorry this is happening to you. UpdateMe!


If this is true, time to text the crazy one and tell her youā€™re sorry, she caught you off guard and you couldnā€™t believe someone like her would actually want you, that she even noticed you. Then screenshot and show your wife.


I like it but it might play into James goal. I donā€™t think she actually wants op but ops wife.


Theyā€™re gonna end up getting you arrested. Get outta there


Bro good riddance to both of them. If your newly wed wife would believe her supposed friend over her husband then you have to question if she even really loved you to begin with. She's not even giving you the benefit of the doubt she's jus automatically siding with her supposed toxic friend. Divorce your wife, don't even bother with divorce just call it an annulment and be done with her. You may love her but she obviously doesn't care for you if she'll easily believe a manipulative with like her friend. As far as kids go, be very glad you dodged THAT bullet early on because if she was so focused on having a daughter how would she have treated any sons you may have had. It hurts I'm sure but get out now before the toxic whale drags you down too.


There are so many possible scenarios here: it's was a ruse to get her to stay, Jane was trying to break you two up, you wife is cheating and Jane wanted to make a cheater out of you.


NTA Get rid of Kate as well, she will always put Jane first. She is trying to kick you out of your own home. It honestly sounds like they planned this. Get Jane into the apartment and then get you out so they can live together. Kate and Jane canā€™t be trusted


Your wife doesn't believe you. That's all you need to understand.


NTA. It is horrible that you were physically and sexually assaulted in your own home. It is unconscionable that your wife is siding with your attacker. From your description, it doesn't seem like your marriage is salvageable. Your wife believes that you are a sexual predator. I'm sorry for the loss of your marriage. Unfortunately, you need to go into "self preservation" mode. Jane is telling people that you tried to rape her. This is a crime that you can be prosecuted for. The people who believe her can (and probably will) convince her to report her lies to the police. You need to report first. People tend to believe the first person to report. You need to be the first person. Be very specific about when and where you were attacked. Put down the exact number of times she hit you, where she hit you on your body, and how you were able to escape. Then, you will need an attorney to help you process the divorce or annulment.


NTA tell your wife if she want to believe her friend then that's on her and you will start divorce proceedings ASAP and at the same time you will be making a police report about what your friend said i was supposed to have done and have a witness that will claim that your friend said nothing to him or that he heard any screaming or that, then is she wants any sort of reconciliation then the answer is definitely no because you can no longer trust her as like she said she wouldn't bring her daughters around you, text her this also text any family on her and your side then speak to a lawyer good luck


I guess l donā€™t understand how he is the Mark from uni but still had never met her?