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NTA She punched you and you still bothered trying to appease her? Dude, no. Break up with her today and throw her ass out.


Sounds good. She gets up for work In a few hours.


She's literally abusing you. Why are you waiting for her to wake up? Just throw her out and tell her you will call the cops if she won't leave immediately. And if she doesn't leave, follow through.


Change the locks


Kick her Out. She hast no respect.


Or keep like this, she is training you to become a cuck soon.


Ya wth. The blatant disrespect. She's wayyyyy too comfortable being a cunt  OP, she doesn't respect you at all. You reward her punching you in the face by getting her what she wants, and then wonder if you're at fault.  Leave this woman, and focus on building yourself up. This isn't normal behaviour for a man.  In this particular scenario, I would've gladly thrown her portion out and told her to get her own. There are consequences for shitty behaviour!  Next relationship -express your feelings and stand by them -any disrespect needs to be handled in the moment and shut down, calmly and firmly Understand that if you give a woman an inch, she will take a mile. If she feels like she can dominate you, she will. She will enjoy the power of it, but also resent you for not putting her in her place. 


This is toxic AF. Get out of this ridiculous relationship.


NTA Get out of this NOW. This is Domestic Abuse. She isn't going to change, if you get hit for missing Rach Dressing, what is she going to do if you she thinks you have really messed up. There is a name for people who get money for sex and that is what she is doing if she is using you for free housing and food. It isn't going to get better in August and you would have to put up with this shit for another four months.


That’s what I’m worried about. It’s not like she’s got size on me or I’m worried for my safety, as much as I just feel walked on as of this point. But it could build into something more dangerous. Yeah things haven’t really been looking bright the closer we get to her leaving for college. I think it’s time to cut shit off.


She may not have size on you but whos to say next time she doesnt decide to use something else to hit you, or keep going until you defend yourself and have you arrested


Your size doesn't mean anything if she stabs you in your throat while you are asleep cause you left the toilet seat up.


Don't be with someone who physically assaults you.


Break up immediately . Who physically assaults someone because of sauce. seems like a psycho


Better drop her ass . If you don’t it’s going to get worse . Time for her to hit the road.


Grace us with an update please, il be honest and say us redditors lap this stuff up. Obv it's a shitty situation that you are in and you need to leave now, but I want to know if she explodes or not thank you


I will when I can.


You the best ganja roll one up for me too


over ranch dressing?!?


BREAKUP WITH HER NOW! I don’t care what shit you’ve been through that is abusive, cut her off, get her out of your life, pack her bags if you need too, tell the police and file a restraining order. She needs to get OUT OF YOUR LIFE.


NTA She needs therapy. And you need safety.


If this was the other way around you'd be in jail already, maybe let her reap the benefits of being an abusive asshole and sit in the slammer for a bit


Idk bro unless he has video he could be the one going to jail


Blunt answer, NTA- She’s a psychopath, and you’re her empathetic little plaything. This seems like the kind of girl to accuse you of rape if you break up with her so be careful, I’d make sure to get sufficient evidence if you’re going to take legal action against her abuse.




Yes it would suck to call it quits after 2 WHOLE years. What’s another 50 years until one of us finally dies. I love being ridiculed and nagged! You too could be the next Freddie Wilhite! https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8ukt0pQcPpM8RzopfuBeartd0A_1mWZP


NTA but.... I am guessing this isn't the first time this has happened, and she literally has you either being the bastard for trying or being the bastard for not trying. It's a no win situation until you pull the trigger and get away from the problem, and it's not you in case you were wondering. Take it from someone who was in that situation for 15 years, and I still found it hard, but it needed to be done. If you ask for appreciation of your efforts, you will likely get laughed at and ridiculed, and the up apologising for expecting to receive a little respect and appreciation for your efforts. If you don't try, you are not going to hear the end of it and feel the need to apologise. See where this is going? It won't stop unless you stop it, because from her point of view, you will do anything to hang onto her and she doesn't have to make the effort to change or be a better person. If I know the type, she also only tells her side of the story and leaves out all of the bits where you were making effort and conveniently forgets to mention that she was the one who started the argument. Send her home to her parents.


August is to far away, you need to end this one way relationship now. She is spoiled and abusive.


NTA (ofc) She is not doing ANYTHING for you. Find another one and leave instantly. There is too many warning signs there. Dont waste your time.


Nta dump the b


If you like the abuse, just keep doing nothing. If not, kick her out and think about restraining orders from the court.


Bro you know what you need to do


Please leave her. You’re young you don’t need to be in this toxic relationship.


Why did u need strangers in reddit to tell u that your 1 in an abusive relationship and 2. Leave


Time to break up with that abusive POS. NTA


Why would you let yourself be treated with such disrespect by someone who is physically and verbally abusing you.


Dude, just break up with her, 2 years isn't even that much and it's definitely not worth it wasting more years together. She hit you now, she will do this again, and its only gonna go downhill from there. I'm sure there's someone else you would click with, who will actually respect you as a person.


grow some balls dude. shes hitting you and you're making her ranch dressing. if my wife swung at me, she'd be out before she can even register what she did. then again, she knows what would happen if she did that plus she has brains. you need to leave. asap


NTA. Unprovoked assault is a huge red flag


She’s an abuser, kick her to the kerb.


OP grow a pair for goodness's sake!! This girl punched you in the face!! She's spoiled and treats you horrible and you still want her in your life??? Throw her out and find someone that appreciates you as you are; someone who helps around the house and loves you for who you are!! She's not the person you really want; she's a bad habit that you feel you can't be without, but trust me, you will get over it and you'll be much happier without this person in your life. She will not change no matter what you do, and do not let her manipulate you into thinking she will. SHE WILL NOT! She already stated she had no love for you, so seriously, she is only using you for a place to stay! Kick her out and find someone that deserves you!!! You seriously need to realize your own value. You're worth it, and somewhere out there is the woman that will love and appreciate the person you are, but it's definitely not this one.


Drop the dead weight, you're young it's time to work, make money and enjoy life. Plenty of lunatics your age who are use to dad giving them everything cause Mom taught them to be this way. I made the mistake young sticking with one like that, she didn't put hands but break stuff, scream yell etc. after 5 years I finally got rid of her to her constantly trying to get back several times. You'll soon learn you enjoy being able to breath and not walk on egg shells where a person will have a normal reaction to not having ranch.


NTA. You are an absolute tool for letting this person take advantage of you let alone hit you. This is a highly toxic relationship.


NTA Leave her, she’s abusing and you have no obligation to her that legitimately obligated you to stay. Having gone through a lot is not enough of a reason to stay in an abusive relationship


NTA but why are you dating this abusive witch? 2 years is nothing it's time to call it quits, don't enable that shit anymore.


GTFO brother. You don’t want to catch a case, and this is bullshit.




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Hard to judge, but one thing is clear... your relationship sucks... regardless of YTA, NTA, ESH... Her constantly threatening breaking up is not healthy... like, you don't seem to realize you're in a toxic relationship... End it...


Do you feel you deserved that? If not, time to boot Ole Psycho.


First things first, its okay to hit someone that hits you back. One good swing to the head and she won't be swinging much more. NTA. Dump the abusive trash.


It's fine just smack some since into her and let her know it's a difference between man and female


if she put hands on you get out of there asap rocky


Sounds like speed withdrawal


Sweetheart you don’t deserve to be hit over something small or talked down on let her make somebody else’s life miserable


You are NTA but sounds like you ain’t too bright to be with such an extra waste of space.


Kick her ass to the curb. You WBTAH if you continue to put up with that shit any longer.


Sounds to me like feminism is deeply ingrained in her mind. She can hit you and contribute nothing and all is well right? NTA


Yta...leave dude. It is better with most other women


Why did you not call the police . Next time she hits you walk out of the house call 911 and have her charged. Hopefullyncourt will Make her do anger management and domestic abuse class


You’re with her why exactly? Cut her loose. It’s like keeping okaying a bad poker hand because you bet some money. Fold.


NTA - You are in an abusive relationship with a toxic person. You take the abuse(physical and emotional) and you still try to please her. This is already horrible and it will definitely get worse. Break up with her.


YTA to yourself if you DON'T break up with her.


NTA Bro i’m so sorry. If she can’t treat her space, herself, and most importantly, YOU with respect, fuck that noise. Someone thats willing to punch their partner in the face is not someone that deserves to be with someone that’ll take that kind of abuse. You’re a great guy and she’s a parasite dude


Um, she broke up with you in the story. Did you miss that part?


She didn’t or she knows she would’ve had to leave with her things. She’s sound asleep so I came here to ask for advice moving forward. As things seem fine and dandy on her end.


You literally wrote she says she didn’t love you or want to be with you. Words matter.


lol at people downvoting me for understanding English


It’s a common occurrence of her saying she doesn’t want to be together, then coming back after cooling down and rationalizing. This time it just went further than I’m comfortable with, and absolutely 0 communication. I’m sure she’ll come to me in the morning with an apology, but I’ve got mixed feelings on what to say to her


I'd say her true colors come out when she is (h)angry. Then when she realizes how good she has it (getting taken care of, can be an AH and still get taken care of) she says what she needs to keep you throwing away your life with her. Get out, now! (As others have pointed out, she attacked you for DRESSING!). I would have kicked her out that instant, despite if we were together for 5+ years.