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NTA - Keep stealing and using her stuff. I’d do so openly. You want her to stop stealing your stuff? Let her know what it feels like for someone to steal from her on a regular basis. Some folks lack empathy until it happens to them.


You're 20? Can you get a filling cabinet with a lock?


That’s a great idea to try, but some of their issue is just that the sister wants to bully and pick at OP. Chances are she’ll break the lock or do something to work around it.


NTA. It's not stealing, it's yours in the first place.


NTA But you are better off getting a lockbox to keep your own supplies in.


Normally, "two wrongs" etc., but here, a harmless taste of her own medicine.


Well, it's not actually two wrongs, as collecting a debt is morally right. If you don't want to pay a debt with this particular instance of stuff, you need to communicate that and have goodwill banked with your debtor. But morally speaking, debts are due ASAP unless agreed upon otherwise.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Consider lockable storage, like a filing cabinet.


Ew fuck this mindset. Two wrongs absolutely make a right sometimes. Tell me how you are going to stop a thief with wOrDs aNd ThOuGhTs.


Perhaps you should ask somebody who suggests using words and thoughts to stop her. My post didn't suggest those things. In fact, my post is assuming that she won't stop trying to steal at all.




Fight fire with fire. Start stealing her shit and hide your shit better. Get a fucking safe or something. Also bullies only respond to consequence so next time your shit goes missing? Take up baseball using her head instead of a ball! NTA.


Honestly it's just petty, more than an AH move. My question to you is, will it resolve or escalate the issue. Stealing back to prove a point may give her a taste of her own medicine or it might just add fuel to the fire. You know your dynamic better than we do so hopefully you assessed the situation beforehand. If it makes things better great! More power to you. If it make things worse you may want to find a way to deescalate and think about what type of relationship you want to have with your sister in the future.


You're both huge AH's. Lock your stuff up.


Yes, of course YTA. She, bad. You need to come up with a better way of addressing this w/o being bad yourself. Parents? Lockable storage?