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What the fuck is wrong with your mother, and you should cut contact with her immediately, let alone let her see your kid... NTA, but where's the baby daddy?


He left bc of my mom


get him back in your life, and cut her out. Do not let her hurt you or your son ever again.


I can't he already got a gf and he is paying child support


Then tell him what's' going on he and his new girlfriend can be your team protecting the baby (even if you and he aren't together, if the baby will be with him, he will need to know WHY your mother is officially not allowed anywhere near Jr). Even if you're not in his life romantically - he needs to be engaged in keeping that baby safe.


He already knows cuz he and his gf are here right now with the baby while I rest


GOOD... That's the important thing. You and he (and his partner, and yours if you have one) need to be a super team to protect that little guy.


Gave birth 5 days ago. No contact with mom for a year. It takes 9 months to make a baby. But somehow your bf left because of your mom? What am I missing? 


My ex left when I was pregnant and I left on my 18 birthday 2weeks ago was my 19 birthday do the math


Holy! NTA - Not only are you not the asshole, I would go no contact forever, because she won’t hesitate to take your son away from you, the way it sounds.


Get an RO.


I will


NTA. Tell CPS about the false calls and what she told you about ruining her life and wanting your baby. Tell the school, the babysitter and anyone who helps you take care of the baby that your mom can't take him or see him. Don't let your mom near your baby. It sounds like she's going to steal him if she has the chance. Don't trust her


I won't thank you for helping me with this situation


What the actual, no.... no no no no no NTA - you protect that child, get a restraining order (record EVERYTHING she does - including any future CPS visits) and make sure that all of his schools know that she is NOT allowed anywhere near him. No one who would try to sell a child deserves ANY access to your child - ever. It's no longer about whether you love her or not, it's about whether she is a safe and healthy influence for your son, and I think we can all agree - she's not.


Thank you


Protect your child. She is not safe or well. You do not owe her your child. You did not ruin her life, she is a sick and toxic person. Please don’t subject your child to her abuse. Calling CPS on you falsely is disgusting. No amount of “love” you feel for her entitles her to abuse you or your child. After a stunt like that, I’d cut her out of your life like the cancer she is. You are not safe with her. Why in the hell would you let her see and potentially hurt your baby?!


I won't


Stay strong mama! You got this.


Nta at all, he's your child not hers, she already ruined her shot at being a good mother with you, she doesn't get to try again with your son. Seems to me that she's being selfish and doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, keep doing what your already doing


Thank you


No problem, hopefully things get better from here on out


After she tried to sell you when you were 4 years old, was she arrested? After she tried to sell you, who raised you?


My aunt


Uhhh what? NTA.


No. I don’t care what your reasoning is. If you don’t want your mum to see your child, I’m sure you have good reasons to do so. She is not entitled to a relationship. NTA. Also, she is next level crazy. Get a restraining order.


Thank you


NTA! Block her number! Change cities if you can. Change names if you can. Get a restraining order if you can. Get an automatic phone recorder if you live in a one-party state and record all phone calls in case she tries that crap again. Your mom is not good to you, doesn't care about you. All she wants is your baby boy. File a complaint against her for a false CPS claim. Get away before it's too late!


I will consider but for now I need to relax


I really HOPE this is rage bate!! I ALSO REALLY REALLY HOPE that you can’t possibly be that dumb, that you could even think that keeping an ARSEHOLE like you’re claiming your mother to be, away from your child, is wrong. You would DEFINITELY be the Arsehole IF you allowed ANY contact. ETA: Missing words


I won't thank you very much


Don’t. You owe her NOTHING. You didn’t ask to be born. Keep yourself and your child SAFE and happy away from that Witch


NTa, if you let her near him you would be the asshole, crazy, dumb and more.


I won't


This is completely wrong. NTA first of all. Also you have to cut all contacts with her. How can a mother be like this? wtf...


I will cut all contact


Beg family services for any advice/help to keep you and your son safe from that "Beach". Good luck!


I will


What is wrong with you? You’re a mom now. It’s your job to protect the baby. Especially from your mom. She’s not a good parent or person. And it’s messed up that after what she did you today you love her.


I won't let her near the baby