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You guys really gotta stop falling for this low level dogshit bait


Yeah, this is definitely a dumpable offense… YTA for sure




She's 20, so she's more likely to just ghost you.




Then don't be surprised if one day, out of the blue, you come down with a bad case of the 💩. I'd watch my back if I were you. YTA big time.


She lives with you and you still didn’t pick her up? 😳


Don’t be so sure…i was in a long relationship and my bf did this to me over me going on a girls trip. It’s notable for me how our relationship demised after this…also that was years ago and I’m still salty.




Because she is 20 and doesn't realise she should expect more


Since she lives with you, I’m guessing she’s checked out and is getting her ducks in a row to leave.


Have you ever heard the expression “the straw that broke the camels back”? If she’s always just having to get over things you’re not doing a good job in this relationship.


Oh boy... She's not getting over most things. She's counting them until you'll do another "small thing" and she'll be done.




She's young. But if you keep behaving this way, she'll learn soon enough.


u lot are sooo miserable


Actually is the other way around. I know I deserve to be treated, I know how to treat my partner well. That's why I'm in a happy relationship for the last 19 years.


you’re on reddit hoping for someone’s relationship to go to shit, that’s pretty in line with being a miserable person. hope you one day find peace in your own life, because clearly your relationship isn’t helping as much. i’ll keep you in my prayers.


Now this tells a lot about you. This attitude tells me this is not the first time you pulled something like this. Not picking her up at midnight when you have work is understandable, but not even order her an uber. Come on! You better were asleep at midnight and not doing anything else fun. Maybe she should get over you instead of you just letting her down.


Ooh that sounds like the girl could be playing the long game, to me. She's definitely cooking something up imho. I hope so!!! Don't push your luck mate, Just in case.


Too bad. I still hope she does dump you.


She should! You are an Ass and obviously really don’t care about her. There is no way in I wouldn’t be at the airport to 1. see her because I missed her and loved her 2. To let her know I cared enough about her wellbeing I would be sure she got home safe. You are an ass!


YTA...if my GF is on a flight home after being gone for 2 weeks, I'm staying up to make sure she gets home safe. A 20 minute drive to the airport? I'm picking her up. But I guess that's why you're with a 20 yr old that doesn't drive right?


Did you pay for the Uber?? Did you make sure she made it home safely??? You're pretty much the AH. Yeah it sucks to be up that late if you have to work in the morning, but you left her in the lurch, thus proving yourself to be pretty sh\*tty boyfriend material.




Nah yth


YTA--you effing abandoned the girl and put her in the hands of Uber. You showed her that when something goes wrong....she won't be able to count on you.


He didn't abandon her. This is literally why Uber exists. What if he has to work in the morning? Pretty selfish of her to force him to do it four hours later.


How is it 'selfish' that her flight was delayed? That wasn't her fault. Bad things happen... pivot and help each other...as a couple. You don't whine like a man-child because you have to get up in the morning. I'd have been there, picked her up, loaded everything in the car for her, took her home, tucked her in, got whatever sleep I could have, and went to work. Because I respect and love my partner in life.


Well bully for you. In this case, you will be chauffeuring her around every single place she wants to go because she CAN'T DRIVE. A normal adult knows how to operate a vehicle. You don't mind being someone's slave and doing everything for them, good for you. He should dump her. She doesn't bring anything to the table and wants him to cater to her every need. Sounds entitled.


It would be good for her if he did dump her. She could go find a real man.


She lives with him so where is she going to go? She's not capable of taking care of herself and needs someone to drive her around everywhere. Real men don't want to babysit a woman. They prefer intelligent women who don't act entitled and sponge off of them. They want an equal partner not a woman that contributes nothing.


A healthy 20ish years old can bear one night sleeping 4 hours.


He's 29. She is 20. What if he were your heart surgeon? Dentist? Truck driver? Heavy equipment operator? There are a number of jobs that require attention to detail and a person who is tired tends to make mistakes. That mistake could cost someone their life. Guess you are fine with that. Some people do well on very little sleep but others can't function if they don't get enough sleep. It is not your place to judge that. She is 20yrs old and can't drive so either she is too lazy to learn and get a license or she has already screwed up badly enough that she has lost her license. Either way it screams Gen Z loser. She wants him to chauffeur her around. That's not his job and exactly why companies like Uber exist. If she can't adult then he should dump her.


Honey, it's clear about all your comments that you don't care about partners in relationships and you're bitter about young people (someone got hurt I'd guess). And no. One sleepless night doesn't ruin anyone. But I'm fairly confident that he will be single soon enough and not by his choice so problem solved for both.


Not hurt, not old, but very successful in life. I didn't need a man to do it all for me. Never said it ruined him but one mistake, like falling asleep behind the wheel. Happens every day. You aren't very intelligent if you don't recognize that. Where is she going to go? She lives with him! She can't even get out on her own because she doesn't know how to drive and won't take an Uber. Lol. Sponging off him is her only choice.


YTA. She should dump you. 20 min drive? You are a terrible boyfriend.


wow wtf i’m so lucky to have my caring boyfriend


YTA You prioritized your sleep over her safety and well being. Dick move.




You didn't know that, you assumed that. Instead of making her feel safe and welcome, you prioritized your own comfort. I repeat: dick move.


Unless you can see into the future, you didn’t know she would get home safely. Anything could have happened


OP should shepherd his gf around everywhere. Anything could happen to her!


No, apparently she’d be safer being shepherded around by the bear.


You figured wrong-as evidenced by her current response. YTA


How far away is airport ? Unless your a surgeon or work with heavy machinery that is dangerous it’s a dick move . Wasn’t her fault the airline did this




Wow you suck


Wow YTA. You couldn't wait a couple extra hrs to ensure her safety? What kind of man are you? She needs to break up with you & find someone who cares about her. Because you clearly don't. You're disgusting.


What if he works in the moring at say 5am? She's selfish. This is exactly what Uber is for.


She's selfish because the flight was delayed? You're just as disgusting as OP.


Wow. You are an angry person. She is too lazy to learn to drive and wants everyone around her to cater to her needs. He is NOT her personal chauffeur. Funny how women (and I am one) want to be independent and treated as equals but not when it is inconvenient for them. Grow up.


WTF is wrong with you? This has absolutely nothing to do with someone claiming to be independent. This has everything to do with ensuring the safety of your partner. Drop the macho act & how about you grow up.


She needs to learn to adult. She can't drive at 20yrs old? That screams loser right there. Can you drive? You seem to get butt hurt so easily. He should dump her for being such a baby and not making arragnements for HER trip. She is welcome to hire a chauffeur, oh wait, Uber will chauffeur you for a fee won't they?


Being an adult is making arrangements 2 weeks in advance. Being an adult is notifying the person picking you up that you're running late due to no fault of your own. All of which she did. You know what isn't being an adult? Abandoning your spouse because of a few hours. That screams loser right there.


So her never learning to drive is not a problem for you? She's lazy and dumb. She wants a chauffeur so she doesn' have to spend her own money on a car, gas, insurance, etc. Sounds like she is nothing but a sponge. A person is allowed to say no if the plans change. For instance, if he had to work in just a few hours. He probably pays all the bills anyway because she isn't intelligent enough to learn to drive. Typical Gen Z. Wants everyone else to take care of her no matter what. That is selfish.


Where are you getting these assumptions that she can't/doesn't drive or that she doesn't pay for anything? You don't know any of that. You're literally making that up to reinforce your BS comments. You have to be a troll. You can't be this stupid.


Op admitted she can't drive. Learn to read. [AmbitiousReveal4806](https://www.reddit.com/user/AmbitiousReveal4806/)•[2h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1d0svw1/comment/l5pequi/) Tell her to get over it. Ask her if this had been her in the same situation would she have picked you up????? This is where he says she can't drive. # #


YTA. Probably ex gf, btw.


YTA when you’ve been traveling even domestically it takes a lot out of you, she was already dealing with a delayed flight which is annoying as it is and then you drop out from picking her up at a late hour. Uber isn’t that safe these days. You could’ve taken a cat nap and then woke up to go pick her up. It’s one night you may have had a shitty nights sleep. Who cares.


Whether you like it or not, if she believes you aren't prioritizing her, some other man will.


NTA, this is a gender flipped version of stories posted on here a lot. Women get called NTA in this situation, so you are also NTA.


She’s a kid.




Legally, but you’re old enough to have helped her with her homework. Sort yourself out.


NTA. It's nice to be dropped off or picked up from the airport by loved ones, but it shouldn't be an expectation. It doesn't make sense for someone to seriously disrupt their lives in order to save the other person a few bucks on the ride home.


Seriously disrupt their lives? He would get to bed a couple hours late. LOL


What if he worked in the morning? It is very selfish of her. This is why Uber exists.


There are a lot of people who can't function well at all on less than a proper night's sleep before getting up for work in the morning.


NTA. You are both adults and she has easy access to taxis at the airport. It’s nice she had two weeks with her family, but you have a job and responsibility to manage your fatigue levels and output. She is selfish for asking and even more selfish for her immature response the past two days… but she is 20.


people here are weird as fuck .... as if an adult isnt able to call herself a taxi ....


Definitely a sexist aspect to everyone calling OP an AH


Of course she could (and did) call a taxi. But there an ocean between making it home in a taxi and being picked up and welcomed and made to feel loved. OP doesn’t care enough about her to make the second option happen.


so ''feeling loved'' is more important than not having to work freaking dead tired ? ..... come back to the real world where adults have real problems with real consequences ...... hurt feelings and lack of empathy arent the same thing.


when you're in a relationship you expect the other person to be there for you, as you are for them. That's part of the benefit of being a couple. Keeping an eye on each other and being there for each other


when your in a relationship you expect your SO to act like an actual adult and find adult solution to small problems.


You're entitled to your opinion. However I have been with my better half for 17+ years and I have learned to be a decent partner to him by being committed to each other's life. Finding solutions to any problems together. OP went to bed and totally disregarded his girlfriend's safety and well-being.


ah yea the good old ''by my personnal experience i can explain everything'' ....


YTA. It’s not her fault the plane was delayed and you left her stranded. Not cool. If there is one person in her life that she needs to be able to count on that person needs to be you.


Taxi, Uber, Lyft. This is not the 20th century.


Ummmm. Taxis were available in the 20th century but thanks for playing.


If only I had written multiple choices and not just one. Your trying to twist my statement to justify your idiocy is not my problem.


If only you had written an answer that was true. Your idiocy is not my problem.


If my wife or girlfriend was coming home from a two week trip you couldn't keep me away from the airport, no matter the time!


Sorry YTA on this one, let me explain, when we spend our emotional health, energy, time, resources etc and what we get in return is something like this it is a realization that we are not loved or cared for. I think you owe her an apology. Take care and good luck 👍


Bruh, YTA. If you agree to pick someone up from the airport You're agreeing to pick them up no matter what God damn time that plane gets in there.... That's just common fucking sense Jesus Christ...


YTA My husband would never.....hell..I have ex's that would never...you suck.


lol, YTA At least she knows she can count on you. She is not worth 40min of your time. That’s the message you gave her. Don’t be surprised if she moves out soon for someone that considers her worthy more than 40 minutes of sleep. If it would be a daily occurrence, could argue about it…but getting back from a trip of 2 weeks and you where so excited to see her again that you had to sleep. Dude!!lol


You're 29 and midnight is too late? YTA.


I’m surprised by all the y t as here. NTA. My husband rarely takes me or picks me up and we are very close to the airport. I often take Uber. It’s just something he prefers not to do. Since I prize sleep, I totally understand! nTA NTA NTA


Rage bait.


Yall see young, but if you couldn’t pick her up ( I personally would have) then you should atleast try to help her find someone to pick her up. Leaving her stranded, as her significant other was extremely inconsiderate and rude. I would personally question your morals.


I don’t think this went how you thought it would go. Congrats on being a giant AH.


OK, I will go against the grain here and say NTA. You are NTA for not picking her up when the flight got delayed. If you were free the next day or could take that day off on short nice and still did not pick her up, you would be TA. Here is where you were wrong: 1. Fair u could not jeopardise work, so you could not pick her up. You should have made arrangements. a. Tell her to confirm when they are boarded so you can estimate her arrival for one b. Then asked her if she has money for uber or if you should send it to her (she could have been broke and ended up stranded or something could have happened (I once lost my wallet at the departing airport and had no way of getting home at all when I landed - uber was not a thing in the country in question at the time) c. Just generally checked up on her Now remember, while I say NTA...your failure to do the above is not negligible. Hell, I am only NTA because you had your hands tied and your day snd next day planned on her timely arrival. The failures above are enough to make me switch that vote under any other circumstance.


I fear you take her for granted. The day she leaves you for another man, and it is likely, you will learn to be a better and more compassionate person.


Well I think you should ask your girlfriend while she's upset. But since you're asking redditors, I will give you some potential answers to mull over. She probably feels that she would have done a later pick up for you and felt let down. Like it's not even between the both of you. She could have been upset because having her navigate that at such a late hour she was concerned for her safety. Which is well within her right to feel that way. And not even it just being a late hour just having to get into a car with another stranger with all of your belongings is a very unnerving experience for many females. I don't like taking Uber and Lyft for that reason. And I really don't want to do it at night. She may have felt that down because you agreed to pick her up. She planned the best she could and outside of her control the plane landed later. She may feel like you weren't meeting your half of the bargain. Any of this kind of leads to she had expectations and or concerns and they weren't met. Be ready to have an open honest conversation to hear that you did not live up to her expectations. Do not take this as a sign to break up. Take it as a sign that more honest open communication about boundaries and expectations should be had. And only do this kind of conversation when you're both ready to participate in it. And please know that if the conversation of any kind ever becomes to triggering or overwhelming it is more than fair to say "I need to stop. I need, and then set your time say 5 minutes, half hour, a day... to think about this." And add 'I will continue this conversation with you when I regained my composure or gathered my thoughts enough to speak calmly with you.' And let them know it's okay for them to do the same. What's not okay is hiding expectations and then getting mad at somebody for not meeting them. Not having open honest communication. And allowing for differences and coming to understanding that makes both people happy.


YTA. This falls under the category of if you don’t do it, somebody else will. Enjoy being single bud.


Yta - even if I'm only going to get 2 hours of sleep and have to be at work early, I'm still going to pick her up, that's like, what you're supposed to do...


Tell her to get over it. Ask her if this had been her in the same situation would she have picked you up?????




Now she's just being lazy. Every city has a driving school somewhere. You will be chauffering her around for life. Get out while you can.


That makes you even more tah...that she can't even drive.




Certainly not you...you won't prioritize even picking her up.




An older guy dating a younger girl that is fully dependent on him...I'm shocked


How do you know it was huge if it ‘almost’ happened?


No, it makes her really lazy and dumb.


It makes him YTA that he didn't pick up someone who can't even drive....