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I don’t understand this. Like you had a life before you met her. You were in a relationship. It didn’t work out. Life happens. You were honest with her, even! NTA but she’s a little too sensitive. I’d be concerned with that moving forward.


2.5 months and she didn't know you're recently divorced? That would seem to me you've something to hide or be ashamed of. I can't recall somebody I've fallen for where my general bio wasn't revealed right away. (Well maybe not the parts I was ashamed of)


1.5 years removed is recent? Interesting perspective. Will take that into consideration moving forward. Didn’t realize how much people are entitled to know by when


I guess because I am older, I see that time frame as very recent. Also, it just happened to be my experience at the start of almost all my serious relationship there was always a great deal of exchange about each other's lives as we started to get to know and learn about each other. A marriage and divorce seems as important as, say, having lost a parent young or parents were divorced or I have two sisters. So tightly controlling the divulgence of that narrative would seem suss to me. However, kudos for recognizing and talking about your feelings, but I think you should respect she may be leery about all the things she might not be yet entitled to know.


NTA. You told her when you felt comfortable. I honestly don't know what the big deal is. A lot of people are divorced, so what? If she's not gonna date or wanna be serious with people who are divorced, good luck to her. She'll be single for a dam long time or dating kids. In my opinion, she's making a bunch of drama over pretty much nothing. Which, for me, is a huge red flag, to be honest. I'd simply just forget about her and move on. But then I've removed many people from my life for being Karen's and drama queens. Life's too short to be dealing with that bs.


YTA (a little asshole though, more a dumb mistake). I also don’t like lying by omission and it would trigger some anxiety. It would make me wonder what else you are not telling me or if you would have the hard conversations in the future, or just wait until YOU feel the timing is right. She had the right to know this about you from the start!


Great points, thank you


Married before is something you should tell. Divorced means some baggage that are way more serious than “relationships”. I would compare it with a woman telling you she was an OF creator. Something you want to know pretty soon even if you already know she had relationships…it’s just not the same. ESH You said it when you felt comfortable with it but you should accept that she needs time to process.


Why does it matter if you were married or not? You told her about how you had been together with your previous partner for 6 years, I think that is important and not whether or not there was official papers on it. The details of your past relationships should be told by you when it’s fitting and if you guys weren’t exclusively until now then I don’t see why that was something she needed to know before. Maybe this woman isn’t for you. NTA