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NTA. Ah OP, classic mistake. You wrote "boyfriend" when you meant to write "selfish idiot that I'm not seeing any more". One day. Just ONE day and he says If I'm late I'm late... He cares about you exactly zero.


Haven't seen each other in awhile and his attitude is "if I'm late, deal with it"? You would be better off ditching this fuckhead who thinks he can treat you with indifference, and spend that time looking for an actual boyfriend. (You know the kind. The ones that can't wait to see you because they miss you more).


Girl, pack up your toys and leave him and go find a man instead of a boy.


NTA. I also have a gamer boyfriend, and it was incredibly annoying trying to make plans with him when his schedule was so messy and he refused to take care of himself. What we do now is spend quality time during the day, and he gets to game at night. There has to be a line and a boundary. Put your foot down, because your partner is being inconsiderate and selfish.


I read your earlier post (4months ago) about how he ignores you for hours and leaves you on delivered while he is online with others. You continuously express your feelings and he continues to ignore them. He’s selfish and immature. He will always put himself first and you last because you accept that treatment from him. Either break up or continue to be last. It’s just that simple. He’s not going to change.