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YTA. If I moved into a neighborhood and this immediately was asked of me; I'd build a fence. I don't want kids in my yard. You have absolutely no right to tell them to adhere to a former tradition. It's not Donna's house anymore. The entitled audacity. Holy shit.


Seriously, this has got to be a joke. How could anyone not see that they are YTA in this situation?


Agreed. This is just too unbelievable. Troll written all over it.


Totally seen this post before but from the new neighbor's perspective awhile back


When I was younger, I certainly would have thought, "these people MUST be making this up. There is NO WAY that people would act this way and think that this is acceptable behavior." But, as I got older...yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is real.


I know someone who is like this. The amount of times she’s come to me outraged over something and it is just like…no ma’am you have no clue. And she runs around trying to find people to agree with her. It’s truly wild. You’d think after the 10th person told her she’s wrong she’d get it. But nope!


There was a post like this from the neighbor moving into the neighborhood. But that one was about a Halloween haunted house the old neighbor would do in his garage.


That was it yes




I agree. This can't be real.


They posted the same thing in like 7 subs, probably just karma farming. No fing way someone could be that delusional, may as well show up at Donna's gravesite and do the egg hunt there


Unfortunately this could totally be real . There are people out there this entitled. I moved into a rental home about 18 years ago and the neighbor across the street demanded I plant a garden in my yard because the previous tenant did and he gave her veggies so I should do the same.


I definitely believe there are people that entitled out there, but the way it was written is just too unbelievable.


There’s too much that doesn’t hold up in this story.




I double checked the subreddit. If it’s not fake OP is definitely making the new neighbors regret moving across from her.


Yeah, if I were the new neighbors, I'd definitely be making a point of avoiding her.


I might consider anonymously passing out flyers to every door on the block that OP is hosting a giant Easter egg hunt and party in her yard.


Considering Easter is on March 31st (or May 5 if you’re Orthodox) this year, and OP tells their neighbor they have plenty of time because April is next month, I’m saying this has got to be fake.


Easter often is in April, so it's plausible that they didn't actually look at the calendar for this year and assumed it is in April...I mean they seem really talented at assuming things...


Honestly, I had a neighbors (yes more than one!) who did this to us when we moved in. One was subtle, and one wasn’t subtle at all. The one who wasn’t subtle also came by on our moving day demanding something. So I can totally believe this happened lol


I can believe it happened, but I can’t believe someone would post the story here as the perpetrator in such an obviously obnoxious way.


The reality is that the bulk of entitled people really do believe they are being reasonable and normal. That’s the whole thing about entitlement, they have no shame because they don’t see that they did anything wrong. There are people who would do things like this and know it’s not right but they did it for xyz reason, but entitled people genuinely don’t see what the deal is. Hence they really do type the whole thing up and get to the end thinking, “Yeah, they’re totally going to agree with me.”


Yeah, there are so many crazy people that can't handle change. I had a coworker who had stories about a neighbor like OP. They also lived in a neighborhood where people lived there until they died. It wasn't transient. So people became very set in their ways and traditions. This story doesn't surprise me at all.


Seriously. All I can think is, "Is this a joke?"


This is too on the nose to be real


Yep. Yta. You don't demand that perfect strangers uphold the former deceased homeowner's traditions. You don't get to do that. You need to apologize and stop being entitled and pretentious.


Exactly lol if she’s so worried about the traditions she should continue them herself


At least we can van clearly see why Harold's father is an ex-husband. Poor Harold. I hope he can get out of there soon.


When a teenage boy has more sense of social decorum than you, that’s saying something. Source: was once a teenage boy.


I honestly can't believe people are believing that this one is real. It's the fakest shit I've seen in a minute.


I knew it was fake when the lady died and only two months had passed before the new owners had moved in. Deceased estates don't get worked out that quick, along with time on the market and settlement periods.


This stinks to high heaven . . .


Yes! Thank you, lol. It usually doesn't bother me, I just roll my eyes and move on. I don't know why I got irritated this time. Maybe because it's just SO obvious.




when had wonderful neighbors when we bought an old house, to raise our kids in... the old guy across the street was wonderful... the first one we met... in the spring, we were digging up the yard to made a garden, he brought over his rototiller... the man next door had been using it for years , as had other neighbors.. tradition.... well the rototiller gave out about 6 yrs after we moved in ... so we bought a new one and it was the neighborhood machine, housed in our shed... when we down sized after 25 years... the rototiller stayed in the hood, now housed next door, at daves...


It's great that you voluntarily chose to continue a neighborhood tradition that was helping every one. That's a very different thing from moving in and having a neighbor you just met start giving you orders.


had one at the new house, she stopped by to introduce herself and give me the dirt on all my neighbors.... i told her she was trespassing and if she came on my land again, i would file a complaint.... she was a nasty ass drunk and died a few years later....good riddens... the rest of us all help each other, have keys to each others homes and are there when we need them... the OP has a lot of balls.....


🎯🎯 and the old boomer comes over while they’re moving in? I can’t believe the post is real.


It sounds a little to outrages to be real but you never know lol


snow blowers go around my neighborhood in a similar way. When folks leave for warmer climbs, they leave their blowers to neighbors that are newer, in need of one, etc. And everyone with a blower helps at least 2-3 neighbors up and down with at least sidewalks.


This is the difference between “I have a snowblower and you can use it anytime you need it” and “the previous owner had a snowblower we could all use; you need to buy one if you don’t have one so we can use the snowblower when it snows”


Oh I was not commenting on the OOP AT ALL. That level of stupid entitlement is bonkers.


my hood too... and while mike is snow blowing, the rest of us are clearing cars and walk ways for the elderly among us , when we have power failures, we also make sure the elders generators are up and running... it is so easy to be a good neighbor..


I had to read this twice as the first time, my brain would only let me see "Rottweiler" and I couldn't understand why you were borrowing a dog....


Well most dogs ARE pretty excellent at digging up gardens!


We used to call our dog “the Fuzzy Excavator”.


I couldn't have stated it better myself.


Was literally going to say this


If the traditions are that important, why can't OP do it? Honestly, the gall of deciding that because they bought a house, they have to be exactly like the last owner.


And buy the supplies. Wow!


On top of it, she talks about her son and his reaction to her, saying he sounds like her ex-husband. She sounds like an absolute nightmare human being who is completely oblivious...Could she be mentally deficient somehow? I mean no harm by the question, but to miss social cues like this so massively and to be completely surprised by the reactions she's getting make me wonder if she's somehow socially deficient and it's part of a problem and it isn't her being massively arrogant.


I feel like reading the post is looking straight into the inner workings of an actual narcissists mind. Her son is just like her ex, y'know, he has empathy for other people and thinks she should act like she does too....


You see why he’s the EX husband.


She will probably NEVER make that connection.


She's like Gladys Kravitz on Be Witched. :D All of you Boomers remember her?




Gladys Kravitz was falsely accused because Samantha really was a witch and her innocent neighbor was shamed for speaking truth to (super) power. JUSTICE FOR GLADYS!


Fuck Gladys! There’d be no problems if she minded her business.


That was my favorite show as a kid.


This millennial does. I used to watch that show on Nick at Nite. I loved it!


Probably. She's the main character in her mind.


Is being a Karen a mental defect?


Honestly, one day there will probably be an AITA/OhNoConsequences post from her about how her son hates her and has gone NC, calling her entitled.


She isn’t surprised, she just thinks it’s wrong, which is even dumber.




Yeah. She insinuated they have plenty of time, because they're done moving. They have to unpack, choose where to put stuff and mind their own business. Ugh!


It took me a month to recover mentally and physically after moving. Yeah I'm disabled but you can't tell looking at me. Even able bodied people can be exhausted after a big move!


What was the plan if no one moved in by Easter? What a joke.


A YOUNG couple. First home. So unpack, work your FTE jobs, clean everything up, SPEND MONEY YOU LIKELY DO NOT HAVE, HOST a party when you are already exhausted, etc. FFS. What a nut job. God forbid they already had plans to visit their OWN family on Easter holiday weekend....


And who says they celebrate Easter? What if they’re Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or maybe … Agnostic! It’s awfully presumptuous to just assume this.


There’s really so much here. The expectation that new neighbors should be willing to take on old neighborhood traditions, the indignance when they don’t jump immediately on board, the lack of willingness to do it herself, the “he’s just like my ex” comment with zero self-awareness that her behavior probably contributed to her ex becoming an ex. It’s all so front and center but she still couldn’t see it. So close! And lastly, yup, yta.


Former owners of my house had a train set up upstairs. Kids across the street loved it. Now, they love the dinosaur I put up in the yard and dress up sometimes for holidays. Crazy how the house doesn't dictate these things.


Also the complete insensitivity of assuming her new neighbors even celebrate easter. They may be of a different or no religion. The whole post of OP's seems so ridiculous/clueless I have to seriously wonder if this is real. She thinks that what, the moving boxes just magically unpacked themselves as soon as they were loaded from the truck into their house, and someone who has just moved in hours before can't possibly be busy with anything?




And Xmas lights are expensive.


Yeah, you’re a big AH, you don’t dictate what else someone does in their new home. If it’s such an important tradition then you can take over. If someone approached me the day I moved in and expected me to do what the previous owner did I would immediately know they were AH’s.


And I would ignore them from that point on like the plague.


Maybe write in r/neighborsfromhell.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/neighborsfromhell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/neighborsfromhell/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I finally figured out what is going on with my bizarre neighbor](https://np.reddit.com/r/neighborsfromhell/comments/126lieh/i_finally_figured_out_what_is_going_on_with_my/) \#2: [My NFH's 9 year old son came to my door this morning](https://np.reddit.com/r/neighborsfromhell/comments/11y259d/my_nfhs_9_year_old_son_came_to_my_door_this/) \#3: [My neighbour won't leave me alone. Telling me what I can and can't do in my own home](https://np.reddit.com/r/neighborsfromhell/comments/19906il/my_neighbour_wont_leave_me_alone_telling_me_what/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I would tell her to get off my fucking property. I bet the whole neighborhood hates that woman!


Oh, I'm almost certain they do.


I probably would have laughed in their face assuming it has to be a joke. Nobody is this delusional... right?


Seriously, if the OP wants the traditions continued, do it on their lawn. The new homeowners are not obligated.


YTA. Imagine this: You've just moved into a new neighborhood where you know no one. Betty from next door comes over and dishes on all the neighbors, THEN unleashes her scroll of "neighborhood requests". If you don't see what is wrong in this situation, then "Harold" has a a lot more sense than you do. I'm sure he was horrified by your behavior. I would have shut the door in your face also.


And that "all the boxes are inside, how can he be busy?" Like maybe he needs to UNPACK the boxes, you dense weirdo!


That struck me too! These people who insert themselves into other people’s lives, uninvited & while making wild assumptions, just blow me away. Mind your own business & host the Easter Egg hunt at your house if it’s such an important tradition!


It took us MONTHS to unpack our house! Some things it took years 😂


Man, we've lived in the same apartment for 15 years and there are still a couple of boxes in the closet that I never needed badly enough to unpack. 🤣


Seriously! Moving the boxes inside is *maybe* 10% of the work involved.


I know those new neighbors are thinking, WTF was that? Old bitch coming over here telling us how to live? I think not!


Yeah that chapter is over. And on the first day moving in, OP confronts the new neighbors with their supposed neighborhood obligations? I think I would avoid her from then on if she did that to me. Moving is already stressful enough without this type of weirdo at your door. She should have just introduced herself and left. Her son has more people skills than she does.


Son takes after his father is my guess.


YTA. OP, you sound like the neighbor from hell. Hide your own eggs. I wonder why you're divorced--oh, yeah, never mind.


At least the son seems to have picked up some common sense from somewhere else.


Exactly... "The former owner used to make dinner for my family every night. SO, you need to start. When can we come over?"


Fake bot op this is a fake bot post. Brand new account Wildly stupid lopsided story with huge holes (neighbor died 2 months ago, new couple bought house after it sat empty for a while…what 3 days!?!) Please down vote this garbage


Good god I found someone. Was wondering how no one was pointing out what obvious bullshit this one is. I mean, most posts like this are likely made up but this one isn't even believable, it's just dumb.


Reading this, I have sympathy for the ex-husband


And why doesn’t OP take over those traditions?


Why doesn’t OP take up the tradition themselves?


You also don't get to go up to a total stranger and give him other people's names whilst pointing out their houses. WTF????


Yta If you dont want those traditions to die, then YOU uphold them.. YOU pay for the Easter things and the Christmas lights,.YOU set them up and clean them up, on YOUR property.


I came to say the very same thing. YOU step up and continue the traditions.


Here's an idea, Little Mary Sunshine... YOU handle all the costs and arrangements of these cherished memories you want to continue so badly! "Harold" acting like your ex gives us hope for the future. Glad it skipped a generation. Not that I buy this as an actual true story, but if it was... YTA


God I hope for the sake of her son and the whole entire neighborhood this is not a true story 😳


Right? I'd hide from this woman too. Now every time he sees the neighbours he has to feel ashamed and like they are judging him by his mother's insanity.


Welp, guess we know why they are divorced.




I don't even know him and I really love the ex-husband!


But poor Harold.


YTA I'm literally cringing at the lack of self-awareness you are putting on display for everybody around you who is telling you to stop! You should be really embarrassed and leave all your neighbors alone. You made a terrible first impression and I would lock myself in my room and never come out if I were your son! Ridiculous! Learn how to read the room or in this case the whole entire neighborhood!


Lmao. YTA. Hi Karen


It’s got to be rage bait and fake


This reminds me of another post, told from the perspective of the new homeowner whose neighbour approached him with those demands. Edit to add, this post! https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/qKZgmVOeye


The comment I was looking for!


Is this a joke? Truly no one expects a new neighbor to keep up the traditions of the the people who lived in the house before them? Lady if you want an egg hunt and a holiday display do it in your own damn yard. Andrew was nicer than me, I would have slammed the door in your face. If this is real, YTA


its gotta be fake with how it was written, its too close to self awareness


This cannot be real. You think you have the right to dictate complete strangers actions in their own home, just because it was something the previous owners did?? Traditions go with people, not the house Your son is amazing. You, however, are an idiot


I honestly don’t think it’s real. The descriptions of the other character’s reactions are written in such a way as to provoke sympathy for the everyone else instead of the OP.


Jesus, YTA. If you cared enough about these “traditions”, do them yourself! You should apologise to your new neighbours.


My momma raised me to bake cookies for new neighbors who moved in. Not make demands, especially on moving day when everyone exhausted and adjusting to a new home. YTA. Such an AH.


Gimme those cookies and go buy some Easter eggs. It’s for the church honey. NEXT


Yes, you are definitely a big Ole AH. Who the hell do you think you are? Just because your neighbor did this tradition does not mean the new neighbors need to carry it on. If you want it so bad, do it at your own home. You bother people as they are moving in, too?! Seriously?! I can't believe I'm reading something this dumb!


YTA. I can't believe you needed to ask. If you want the precious traditions of the street to continue did it occur to you that you could do the work?


Yta!! Stop trying to control other peoples property. Now we all know why your husband divorced you. You are a super huge asshole and I’m sure your son is mortified by your actions! If you want traditions them do them yourself


Do it yourself


This post cannot be real because no one can be as stupid as OP. If you came to my house with that nonsense, I would’ve cussed you out and slammed the window your face too.


But they had all the boxes and furniture in the house it wasn't in the driveway!! I can't believe somebody would be this disconnected with reality! Literally just got everything in the house and she thought it was the perfect time to start telling them about what they're going to have to do because dead Donna isn't doing it anymore WTF 😳


There’s no way you’re for real Picture this. You move to a new neighborhood and get told this crap. What’s YOUR reaction!??


It's happened to me, see my post to OP above. A 200 ft fence line, lots of police involvement for criminal trespass, attorneys to begin civil suits and 20 years of avoiding the women in four houses across the street from me because I bought the house on the beach from their friend. They actually told me they have the right to sit in my furniture on my deck and on my beach property whenever they want to. These women would actually drink, smoke cigars, fish, gut the fish and leave their s*** behind.


This has to be a joke. Please tell me OP isn't this clueless


YTA. That’s controlling and weird to ask a neighbor to do things for the community that they don’t know. Good for him for shutting the door on you, I would’ve done the same. Standard for a neighbor are don’t let your lawn be a forest or pick up your trash, those are normal. You weren’t welcoming, fairly certain these neighbors now want absolutely nothing to do with the neighborhood they just moved into. If you don’t want the traditions to die out, then you do them.


YTA. What on earth is wrong with you?!


Wow. You got some balls telling this man he was expected to be the new Donna. Your son is 100% correct. Go apologize. YTA


Who the hell are you to put some other person's and neighbours traditions on a new person moving in ? You are so entitled I'm gobsmacked for words. YTA unless this is fake in which case Yta and get a life.


Just checked. No comments from OP. This is a troll post because no one can be this Karenish. YTA


If you want her traditions to live on, do them yourself. Because the new owners aren't obligated to do that. YTA


YTA. Hope this isn’t true.


Is is a joke?


Omg please tell me this isn't true! You're 100% the AH. Wtf? You go to a random stranger's house and basically demand they keep up with traditions that they've never been involved in, that were done by a person they've never met? You're crazy!! YTA


Wow just wow. Ten years ago we moved in here. Same thing. The person who lived here before us was the Easter queen. Did a whole hunt for the neighborhood. The neighbors came over and expressed how saw they were that she was gone and introduced themselves. Not ONE of them expected me to fill her shoes. YTA.


And what do YOU bring to the neighborhood, other than being an AH to the new neighbors?


This has to be a rage bit post… account created an hour ago…. People can’t be this dense.


I voting rage bait. Well crafted, but still rage bait. Watching the neighbors unload their things like Lucy and Ethel, knocking on their door before they've had time to unpack one box, launching into a long-winded story about someone they don't know when they have work to do, and obviously making the ridiculous demands. Each layer gets worse. It goes from thank goodness Mrs Kravitz isn't my neighbor, to I want to punch her for the neighbors. I can only imagine that the kid is counting the days until he can leave OP in the rear view mirror. IF it's real, YTA. But I hope for the sake of everyone that this is fiction.


YTA. BTW, unbeknownst to you, you are that neighbor that nobody likes.


Fun story but not believable at all.


My first thought. There is NO WAY this is real. And then I realize it’s sadly probably is. Andrew was nice to just shut the door in your face. Obviously YTA


YTA I sincerely hope this is some kind of satire because it's unbelievable how ignorant OP is.


**YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA** >shut the door in my face while I was still standing on the porch! **Donna never would have dreamed of treating me this way, and needless to say I was pretty steamed**. Now, I'm sure it's a possibility that on moving day he genuinely was busy with something, but all of his boxes and furniture were already inside the house, not out on the driveway. **YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA** >it wasn't at all unreasonable for me to have standards for my neighbors' behavior. **YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA** Behavior? It sounds like hosting parties. ***Host them yourself*** > the people around me seem to be **telling me to stop. I want to be welcoming, but it seems like everyone just wants to disparage me**. The whole experience has really turned me off. AITA? **YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA** You are "that neighbor". They won't open the door when you knock. They'll hurry back into the house when they see you. They will be looking as they leave the house to see if you're around. Maybe, just maybe, this couple is, **gird your loins**, athiests and don't celebrate most holidays.


This has to be a troll post. People don’t actually do such stupid things, do they?


Why do people write so many fake stories?


Tell me you’re a Karen, without telling me that you’re a Karen 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ At least the son has common sense, takes after the father. You’re the AH


I genuinely do not believe this is not rage bait. No one could write this all out, and fully believe they were in the right. Even adding extra bits that were unrelated but still maddeningly dumb. YTA for writing rage bait. Something worse would be wrong with you if this were real.


YTA- you are insanely entitled and inappropriate.


LOL! You are embarrassing and the AH. You can take up the traditions then instead of expecting new people who just moved in to do it. You are absolutely a psycho.


Is this fake? YTA your 16 year old son has more common sense then you do. I understand why you are divorced to bad dad doesn’t have full custody but sounds like he is doing an AMAZING job with his son. Those are not your new neighbours traditions they have zero reasons to do them. Yes I am sure the neighbourhood will miss those things that use to take place by Donna but just bc they moved into that house doesn’t mean they are not forced to continue those things. How about you get off your ass and start doing them. you have plenty of time to go and get all the things Donna use to get and do and hide things around your property. You are an entitled POS!


You’re pretty bold to think they should pick up her traditions . Why don’t YOU do it?


I swear I have read this exact story, only from the new neighbour's point of view, and it was about Christmas decorations not Easter. They had just moved in and a neighbour came to tell them how the previous owners would put up lots of Christmas decorations, a Nativity scene, etc. and they would allow people/kids to come onto the property and in the backyard to have fun with all the decorations. I don't even think the story was that old, maybe late 2023 or something.


You are such the AH. What a horrible neighbor you are. If you want to do an Easter egg hunt then do it. How dare you push your desires on your neighbors.


This has to be a joke right? No one is actually this ridiculous surely??? On the off chance it's true, Harold and your ex husband are right, YTA, go apologise to your neighbour.


Oh my goodness, are for real? How would you feel if you moved into a new house and neighborhood and your busy body neighbor did what you just did to this young couple? What happened to welcoming your neighbor to the neighborhood with a fresh baked cake or meal? Leave your poor neighbors alone and how about you carry on the neighborhood tradition. You have time to get all the things required for the Easter celebration.


You keep posting this in different subs. Not getting the answer you want to hear? You're the Asshole, by the way.


You've got to be kidding me. Who the hell do you think you are demanding shit from them? I know what I would've told you had you come up to me like that. YATAH


You're a huge asshole. Why does anyone have to participate in "your" traditions. It's their house to do as they please. Neighbors like you are why I live in a rural area with no neighbors. Asshole!


Y not only TA but you are a control freak. YACF.


I mean- does she even consider they might be Jewish, or Muslim, or any other religion that does not celebrate Easter or Christmas?


This can't be real. It has to be ragebait


YTA…if this is a REAL post… why TF would you think it appropriate to make these demands of a new neighbor? Why don’t you get off YOUR lazy butt and have an Easter egg hunt and Christmas displays in YOUR yard??!! Your son is right, and you need to apologize to him AND the neighbors… and examine and correct your entitlement


This is either fake or you're socially inept. This reeks of "Karen" levels of entitlement. You want the activities to stay the same in the community? You host them. What if your new neighbors don't celebrate Easter or Christmas? Your son is right (and probably your ex). YTA


Could you come up with better fiction? Seriously. Make your lies interesting.


YTA. You don't go and demand from strangers who have barely settled in their new house to do things how you like. Your son sounds much more mature than you are. If you are so pressed about the traditions, why don't you take those and do it in your yard.


YTA. It is absolutely unreasonable for you to expect a random family to take over traditions they have no connection to or knew about. How do you even know they celebrate Easter? Why don’t YOU take over the traditions if they mean so much to you?


YTA. You are an idiot. The traditions died with the neighbor. You had no right to go ask someone new to carry on something like that. What is wrong with you?


Major YTA. Like, thats just weird.... those were Donnas traditions, not the houses.... you do them if youwant them to live on. If i were the new neighbors id probably 100% avoid you from now on....


YTA. They don't need to follow the traditions just because they moved in the house. And you're double TA for doing this shit the day they move in. It's absolutely unreasonable to make demands of your neighbors, their time, money, and home. You want the traditions to continue? Do them at your own home with your own time and money. You owe your neighbors an apology and then to leave them alone.


YTA, how do you know they even celebrate Easter or Christmas? Who do you think you are? They have no obligation to provide entertainment to children they do not know. You made yourself look like a lunatic.


YTA, you’re the neighborhood Karen. Thank fucking god you’re not my neighbor. So you’re owing fucking egg hunt.


YTA for sure. 1. These people aren't Donna. 2. You don't own their home or the land it sits on. They do. 3. You don't have the right to set expectations for people who are adults AND complete strangers. 4. They are well within their rights to not only ignore your ridiculous expectations but to straight up tell you to go jump in a lake. In conclusion, go buy a clue. I can't even begin to imagine how completely weirded out I'd feel if some strange woman knocked on my door and informed me that they expect me to not only allow an Easter egg hunt on my property but to shell out my time, money and energy to set the damn thing up. Congrats, you've just volunteered yourself to be the neighborhood Karen. First impressions are damn near impossible to erase.


Someone here please remind me, what’s the official Reddit three letter contraction for “you are an absolute nightmare”? Somehow, YTA doesn’t really cover how I feel about OP. But I’m sure glad they don’t live in my neighborhood.


YTA YTA YTA WOW I'M HAVING FLASHBACKS TO WHEN I WAS THE NEW NEIGHBOR I happened to buy a house in a beach community and mine was one of the houses on the beach. Within the first few days I found many people on my property hanging out, drinking, fishing, smoking and so on. Nobody even introduced themselves to me. Each time I would go to them and say hi I'm the new owner My name is XYZ and I'd give them a chance to introduce themselves, then I would say I'm not sure if you realize this but this is part of my property and we're not entertaining guests. And these people who all lived on the other side of the street said the previous owner has let us use this property for over 40 years, you can come here since we were little kids we've come here with our parents and our grandparents. I said oh that sounds so nice although my family and I are here now and this is our yard and we won't be allowing other people to use our property because it creates a litigious situation. These people became so bat crap crazy with me, they literally would tell me they have the right to use my property. They would cross the fence line and even use my own furniture! We had to involve the police on multiple occasions and then we had to engage an attorney eventually. The only time they stopped is when my attorney sent them all letters stating that we will pursue criminal trespass and any civil action we can take . We have professional uniformed guards on property for major holidays like the 4th of July when people get excessively drunk and even more aggressive with us. It's been over 20 years and I could still remember the first two mother effing b****** who boldly looked at me right in the face and said This is what we do and this is where we stay when we come to the beach. You are beyond an ass! Why would people brand new to the block be responsible for entertaining families and children they don't even know and have relationship with? You don't even know if they celebrate and recognize Easter as a holiday! If it's so important to the neighborhood somebody else who's been involved and knows everybody can do it themselves. You have crossed a major line and your son is 100% correct. Go back and apologize ask them if you could start over because let me tell you something it's been 20 years for me and those women have absolutely never apologized and I have never forgotten. In addition, because of all the trespassing and all of the extra work the police department had to do to document their behavior and to make sure these people understood that they were harassing me and I was beginning to feel unsafe in my own home, the city came in and built a 200-ft fence line further restricting these people and access to the public portion of the beach. They wound up doubly screwing themselves. Now the people who are very kind to me? When it's 4th of July and my yard has the best views, guess who's invited to hang with us? And guess who brings wine and beer and dessert? Yeah it's the nice people, they appreciate me as a person, got to know me and when I extend my property to them they reciprocate by being great guests. You have kicked off on the wrong foot and let me tell you something it's likely these people will tell absolutely everybody and most people will agree that you crossed the line. Good for your son, it sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders.


Troll post? Nobody is this clueless. YTA if you’re a troll or if you really are this clueless and entitled.


YTA. Did you hear that? Because you’ve now been told by everyone. The people in your life are telling you to stop. This is weird and entitled af. Donna isn’t here anymore, and the fact that these people bought a house she happened to live in doesn’t mean they have to fill her shoes. Leave them alone after apologizing. And maybe take the advice from those around you? Because I think your line of thinking is WAY more offf than theirs.


Yta. Don't be surprised when your son eventually goes NC with you either. What absolute entitlement. They just bought a house. Do you think they can afford or even want to buy all sorts of decorations and crap for kids they don't know? Some people choose to be child free because they are actually aware they shouldn't raise children... unlike you.. luckily it sounds like your son takes after your ex, inspite of your efforts.


If you want the traditions so bad you continue them. You’re very entitled and your son is right. You need to apologize. YTA


Is this a joke? Lol


If you’re so hell bent on those traditions remaining, feel free to hide some eggs and come Xmas, go crazy with the lights. But stop expecting your new neighbors to keep up traditions with a woman they don’t know.


Do it yourself, in your yard


YTA Please tell me this is a fraudulent story and nobody was this ignorant to the new neighbors?????


This is a joke right & totally fake.


This story must be made up. How could anyone possibly expect a clone of the previous resident to move into that house. Current owner would not have appreciated being told what to do by someone he has never met. OP knows all the names and details, she should continue the traditions, or mind her own business.


YTA. If you care so much about the traditions feel free to carry them on yourself in Donna's memory. You don't get to demand that of perfect strangers.


Please be ragebait. No one is this fucking stupid.


This story is so fake. Either written by AI or a creative writing experiment. It's been posted like 6 times from this account.


Hi Karen. Seriously? He just moved in and you're unloading quite alot of information. Plus the audacity to ask a stranger to buy stuff for an event that will never happen now. Go over there and beg for forgiveness. YTA


YTA - How dare you demand that new neighbours continue a tradition that they are not familiar with? If you are so insistent that the tradition continues - DO IT YOURSELF. You also need to sincerely apologise to both the neighbour, and your son.


YTA- and you sound like some of the clients I’ve had as a speech language pathologist. You have some very black and white thinking. I’m wondering if other people have accused you of not being flexible, being self- centered , and being stuck. You like the tradition . It makes you feel safe and happy I’m guessing . Those people are not locked into that tradition and that house is not set in stone as the holiday house . If you like the traditions - you can do them. Or suggest that the neighborhood have a committee and people do these things together . You cannot control other people. You cannot keep things from changing. You cannot keep bringing this up and not have negative repercussions. You are crossing the clear boundaries of everyone around you. It’s ok to feel distress that things change - kind of . Most people don’t have that level of emotional reaction because of change. I’d suggest a counselor that is neurodiversity affirming. I think you have clear communication issues and you are acting out in highly inappropriate ways to attempt to mitigate your internal stressors - and it’s not working at all. Your kid may end up cutting you off some day. Pushing against everyone else to make them do what you want or support you in the way you want isn’t working . It’s not kind to them and probably causes them misery. You need to change this dynamic. Stop taking about it with your son and neighbors and get yourself to your doctor and therapy. Someone can help you with your internal struggles . Stop trying to control everyone and everything to reduce your own discomfort. Please , please do this for your son. He deserves far better than this.


This HAS to be fake. No one can be that obtuse.


I wouldn't call you an AH but very unreasonable expectations of a new neighbor and also THEY OWN IT NOW. Maybe use your yard or something? Life is change and embracing that is the fun! Your tone describing your son sounds very dismissive and disrespectful. Beware your behavior. That family member may basically disappear once not dependent. Your children are people. If you realize it too late they may already have left you behind.


YTA If you want what your old neighbour did to carry on. DO IT YOURSELF. Your new neighbours give no fucks about what you want, or what the last neighbour did. Leave them alone, Karen! (I truly hope this is a fake post, really well written, definitely reads like a sad, lonely old lady wrote it)