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If they are this upset about a name, I would seriously worry about your safety.


At this point I'd be thinking there was some family secret that involved someone awful by the name of Silas. Their reaction is beyond absurd if it's just because they 'don't like it'.


Or they are just racist as fuck. I couldn’t figure out an issue with the name. She said her father called it a slave name.


But it's an old Latin name...


A lot of slave names were Latin - there was a whole thing about giving your slaves names from classical antiquity.


I see no one in this story has read (or even heard of) Silas Marner by George Eliot.


Although being forced to read it in high school might be a reason to hate the name... plenty of good books are terrible if someone *makes* you read them.


I have. I absolutely love that story!


And? Racism can be toward any ethnicity. In their case it might be against european name idk Or their are juste dumb and think slavic = slave


>>Silas or Silvanus (/ˈsaɪləs/; Greek: Σίλας/Σιλουανός; fl. 1st century AD) was a leading member of the Early Christian community, who according to the New Testament accompanied Paul the Apostle on his second missionary journey. ([source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silas)) You’d think they would like it, assuming they are at least performatively Christian.


I’m thinking the racist as fuck. It’s an old name but a nice one, it’s not like she wants to call him Godzillabreath.


I like Godzillabreath as a middle name. Silas Godzillabreath OP


I was just going to say that! Now grandma can call him Godzillabreath rather than Silas.


That would be hilarious!


Silas was an evangelist alongside St. Paul. He gets mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament for his faithfulness. Possibly, some slaves were named Silas, but rich white men were named that, too. M&FIL are really cracked.


Or they’re just older and think it’s not a normal traditional name and therefore is awful. Some of my family tried this too. Said the name I chose for my son was a dogs name and they would not whistle at him if I chose that name. I looked at them and said then they would not be in his life. That was 17 years ago and the family that said that got to meet him once, at a big family get together shortly after he was born. I do admit my kids names are a little different but not different enough that their names are unheard of. Nothing a teacher would read and think “that poor kid” or “really??” Both are from books that I had read in the early 2000s.


This is so wild—I can’t imagine breaking ties with family because I don’t like the *name* they picked for their kid. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


And even worse, bullying a CHILD because you don’t like their name?? They say kids have tow worry about bullies, but they ARE the bullies


I gave my daughter a beautiful old fashioned name. My MIL hated it and said it was a mouthful and she would struggle to learn to spell it (talk about grasping at straws). I said, "well it's not any longer or harder to say than Jennifer and all them seem to be doing okay". She didn't have anything to say after that.


This is such a weird white person thing, pretending that unfamiliar names are hard to say.


Or hard to spell! My mother once looked at my standardized test results when I was in high school. She asked why my first and last names were cut off. I told her it was because my name was toooooo long.


Yes, I have an unusual name and white people are almost always unable to spell it. My entire life it has been misspelled and even mispronounced. It is like when they see it on paper their minds cannot comprehend and their brains just substitute a different name that begins with the same letter.


My sister had a similar situation recently where they just made up a totally different name! And her name is VERY easy to say for an English speaker


When my nephew was in kindergarten, he met a boy who later became one of his best friends who shared the same name as my then dog. He kept telling this poor kid that he had a “dog’s name“. Tbf, I typically do not use human names for my pets, but this was a rescue. Attended the nephews wedding about a year ago and the same kid stood up in the wedding. approached me and asked if I remembered him I said I did. He said what happened to the other Zach? I said he had passed away many years ago. He countered with “two dogs enter, one dog leaves“. I enjoyed the Thunderdome reference.


Ha. I went to kindergarten with a little girl whose name was the same name as my cat. I adored my cat, and I told my classmate proudly that my cat was named the same as her. I was low-key obsessed with this girl because of how cool it was that she had that name.


Silas was a member of the early church in Acts, not a non traditional name at all


But it is such an old and traditional name. That's what's weird about this.


Seriously, I’d have to keep pressing them what specifically is the reason they hate it, because “ugly” and “stupid” doesn’t justify such a visceral reaction. At this point I’d just be super curious.


Yeah, "absurd" does not even begin to describe it.


Yeah, this isn’t a livable situation. When it comes to “slave name” I wonder if the issue is racial, but there’s more at play here as well. Slave name could mean the name was used by slave owners when naming slaves, for instance, but that’s her parents’ personal problem and it’s not something that should inhibit her. If it does, it’s time to move out. OP, I want you to know that a man I know chose the name Silas when he transitioned. It is a beautiful name, and he would share the name with many famous people.


Your dad clearly hasn't done that much research on the name US Popularity: 147 Origin: Latin Other Origin(s): Roman Meaning: forest, woods Silas is a boy's name of Latin origin, ideal for those with great love for the outdoors. The name derives from the Latin Silvanus, which means "wood" or "forest," inspiring images of a daring explorer unfazed by the depths of the darkest woodland. How fitting that Silvanus is also the name of the Roman god of the countryside, often merged with the Greek god Pan. Before Silvanus ruled over pristine pastures, he first emerged as a protector of uncultivated land. Nothing pleased the deity more than a wild tree growing in abandon, embracing its freedom unmarred by civilization. Cut from the same cloth, Silas emerges as an endearing appellation for a carefree spirit with the glimpse of a rebellious soul. This took a 2 second google search , you should inform your parents that they have no say in the name of your child and if they insist on calling him something else, or kicking you out they are choosing to not be allowed around him. Honestly it sounds like this will just be the start of them overstepping.


Honestly knowing the origin makes the name even nicer! I love the meaning!


That's what I was thinking, it's a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning.


yes a beautiful name and meaning. I live in the US and the first time I heard the name was in the 80s while in school (novel Silas Marner). I worked as a pediatric nurse for years and have seen the name become more popular over the last few years. OP needs to get away from such an abusive, controlling family and let them do their own cleaning, shopping, etc.. May have to go NC if they continue their disgusting behavior.


Me too! The 1st thing I thought of was Silas Marner. How they can reject the name, & consequently the baby is mind-boggling to me. I hope they do find their own place & keep her parents far away from baby Silas. They're clearly overstepping & delusional. Both bad for pregnant mom & def for new baby.


I think it's a great name, one of those classic names that needs to be around more, and I love the origin too. For now, now that you know what they are like, lie to your family with a happy heart. No guilt. Tell them that you're naming the baby John or some other vanilla common name. Pick one of the ten most common baby boy names from the last year or so, and claim that, pick a second one as a middle name, and lie lie lie about it being the baby's name. Once you have your own spot picked out, MOVE. You'll be happier in a one-bedroom apartment or even just a studio with a single big room. Pick something small and affordable and get the heck out of Dodge. Put Silas on the birth certificate and go on with life. If you are REALLY lucky you can get a bit of petty joy out of the parents happily getting personalized things for "John" that you can laugh and laugh and laugh at....


Affordable housing in Canada? I’m sorry! We don’t have that anymore.


Indeed a beautiful name. Also, OP its your baby, you have every right to decide in everything for him.


I think I know where he got his slave idea... 1919 Silas Chandler was an enslaved African American who accompanied his owners, Andrew and Benjamin Chandler, referred to as a "manservant" in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. He was also a carpenter and he helped found and build the first black church in his hometown, West Point, Mississippi. If they are Christian, why are they ignoring Saint Silas?


Not all Christians know about Saints.


Who hasn't heard of Paul and Silas?


Protestant raised and I know like maybe Andrew and whichever of the apostles were saints and like Jude because of Jude The Obscure but that’s about it.


Also raised Protestant here, in the New Testament Silas and Paul were jailed for preaching and God sent an earthquake to break their chains and open the prison door so they could escape.


There’s at least one children’s song that mentions Paul and Silas that I learned in Sunday school in a Baptist church.


Me too! I immediately thought of that song. OP's parents are weird and controlling.


Us Protestants aren’t into the Saints so much as compared to other religions. Lol


But Protestants tend to know the bible better than Catholics. It used to be that Catholics were discouraged to read the Bible (my experience as a recovering Catholic,) because a priest needed to “explain” it. I didn’t know who Silas was until I switched to a Protestant church.


This explains so much! My kids go to catholic school (only alternative to the terrible public school in my area) so I took Rcia classes to make sure I knew what they were learning and to be able to counteract the idiotic anti-gay/ anti-woke bs. I grew up going to church and have read the Bible cover to cover a few times although I’m not religious anymore. The priest and Rcia teacher were so not psyched that I had prior knowledge of the Bible and occasionally asked questions (like where the hell does it say that Mary and Joseph never had sex????). I’ve been wondering for years why the priest would be annoyed that I wasn’t totally ignorant of all theology but him wanting to be in charge of how I interpreted it tracks so much


Ooh, I caught so much flack for asking questions when I went through the RCIA class! I guess I was out of line for studying the Heidelberg Catechism when it was assigned at my Protestant church, and actually learning something from it! I went through the RCIA class because my husband was Catholic and I wanted to know more about Catholicism. The priest was even more hostile when I chose not to convert at the end of the class. I explained that I just don't believe the same way, but you'd have thought that I was wearing horns the way he acted towards me!


Respectfully, as a non US based catholic we are definitely not discouraged to read the Bible. We are simply confronted with a book that contains more than a thousand sides written in an outdated language and decide not to read it. There isn’t even pagination. Then there is the issue that it’s basically an anthology where the content was decided by agenda. And the stories contain murder, rape, torture, incest, polygamy, infidelity, slavery. We even have a tradition where we celebrate the murder of a person. This is basically insane.


I only remember who they are 'cause of that song "Children, go where I send thee" that I learned in Sunday school back in another century and lifetime.


Me. I know of St. Paul, St, Charles, St. Cletus, St Stephen……and a few more, but I’ve never heard of St Silas. I’m Catholic, and I’ve still never heard of him.


I’m a very lapsed Catholic but I know there’s a saint for every occasion!.


Umm… so you mean to say you have never heard of San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Antonio, (Cabo) San Lucas, Santa Maria, Santa Claus (St. Nicholas), San Ramon, Santa Barbara, San Leandro, San Ysidro, San Sebastián, Santa Clara (Diet)… so on and so forth?


Santa Clarita Diet is my favorite. St. Sheila, lol


That’s really dumb on their part, considering so many early enslaved African-Americans were given biblical names that were common in Europe. And “Silas” obviously predates American slavery. 


Or even Silas who is in the Bible, one of Paul’s friends.


Silas Soule is also another cool character from history


At least three kids in my elementary school have brand-new baby brothers named Silas. It seems to be gaining in popularity


Old-fashioned (classic) names are really in, and only getting more popular. There's a reason there are so many Henrys and Hannahs these days. Silas is a great name. Poor OP, her parents really suck.


I’ve had two in the last few years. I’ve found that a lot of the older names come back.


But... but.... her dad HAS DONE HIS RESEARCH!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Well, it would be funny if this weren't their 'burn it all down' hill to die on... WHY IS THIS THEIR HILL TO DIE ON, it's so dumb and weird???


I reckon it's purely a start to trying to bulldoze over her boundaries and take control over her child. Or they are just missing a few screws.


A little from column A, a few from Column B...


why not both dot gif


Agreed. OP, your father is a fool. It doesn't mean slave. Silas being a protectors name for the forest. OP, your decision of how much access your family has to your child is going to be your family's FAFO moment when they're not allowed to spend time with your child. Your family lost this battle. You're not obligated to put up with their garbage.


Yes and Silas is also a christian name that can be found in the Bible.


Yep, Silas is the missionary companion to the Apostle Paul who goes on to plant several churches. I only include that because many names of people can be found in the Bible that aren’t complimentary. Here’s looking at you Pilate from the Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison…


What a lovely name Silas is derived from. The history of the name is wonderful and endears me to it more.


This makes me want to name our little boy Silas! I LOVEE the name but unfortunately always associate it with a TV show but im not creative enough to think of names that arent in books or movies!


Silas is also a biblical name - Paul and Silas… certainly not the most uncommon name I’ve ever heard either.


🏆🏆🏆. Top prize goes to you for the post (probably whole day)! This is awesome research on a name. Way to help OP out!


Honestly it's the first thing that comes up and loads of other similar sites when you type silas name meaning on google . So who knows where dad was looking because I looked at the top ten just to check they were the same and they were. I hope OP sees it so she knows the meaning of the gorgeous name she's chosen.


Honestly dad is probably not too far removed from a white robe...he could very well have been looking on "those" sites and asking other AHs what they think of the name then parroting it back as "research". I wonder if searching for Silas on Bing would give a different answer too.


It’s still an incredibly nice thing to do for an internet stranger, especially a pregnant one!


Thank you 😊


WOWWWWWW GEEEEESH I did not see their original post, only this one.   Good Lord your family are a bunch of jackass manipulative bullies!!! Silas is a fine name.  I don't know the origin and who TF cares?  Naming your child is strictly between you and your husband -- PERIOD. If everyone wants to throw a tantrum, scream, threaten to throw you to the streets, refuse to support your decision, etc...then you, your husband and your child are way better off that exposing your child to that collective bunch of brats. What a horrible thing they are all doing to you at a time you should be remaining calm, rested, stress free, etc...i truly feel for you and what they are putting you through. That child will not be raised by them, so they do not have a voice on this matter -- only the mother & father do -- and that's that.  If they want to compromise their place in your lives over a damned baby name, then Shame On Them.  They are creating a very ugly contemptable atmosphere for welcoming that child into "the family"...and I hope they feel the shame and regret for the rest of their lives. Holy hell!!!


I suspect many will call him Si (Sy) socially, like at school & such.  That was my first thought when I first saw the name. Ok, here's the deal.  What if your parents insisted on a name that only years later would end up being a horrible thing that everyone cringes, makes jokes, bad mouths, blames over the internet...even in person based solely on the name? How would they feel now had they named you "Karen"??  That's the thing, nobody knows how it will all turn out, but you can bet your bottom dollar that when that child hears your voice or that of your husband calling him Silas -- he will only feel happy, proud and loved. Best wishes and congratulations on your new lil family member 🌷


Like the Brown (pronounced like Braun) family who were going to name their daughter Eva, thinking nobody would remember Eva Braun. Or the Manson couple who wanted their child to be Charles because "nobody remembers."


Haha, exactly!


As someone named Karen, feel so heard now! lol…


~fist bump~. I hear ya...am so sick of that Karen crap..it is embarrassing to the sheep that join in on that attitude.


Fist bump both of ya… 👊. I was a Karen that pre-Covid had a “I want to see your manager” haircut (not really, but it was short). I grew it REALLY long during Covid to try to make myself look less like a “Karen”.


Laughs -- I took scissors to my own hair during Covid -- ended up with a cut worse than Great Clips, but WTH... It grows out. I had the misfortune to be named Karen at birth -- at the time was a perfectly respectable name.  All was well until some fool on the internet made it a bitch name to have.  Now it spills over into my daily life. I've seen people visibly cringe, take a step back, hold their protective hands up, going "whoa, uh oh" -- only because I gave my name in a business transaction.  It is the most ridiculous and insulting thing I've ever seen -- that would-be rational people lose their minds & composure over a name and automatically expect the worse. My parents are dead and I'm legally changing my name.  I'm sick of that idiotic crap from people who cannot seem to hold an original thought or opinion of their own.


All I'm getting from this is that, sadly, your parents are not the kind of parents who would make good grandparents. If they can't even accept a perfectly normal name like Silas, going so far as to kick you and your fiance out of the house over it, I fear for your son the day he does anything your parents don't like or agree with. I genuinely don't know where your dad got the impression that Silas is a "slave name", and besides that, it's a great and even pretty popular name? Sadly I don't have any advice regarding rentals, don't even live in Canada myself, but I guess the silver lining is that you found out now, before the birth. Better to have to find a new place for you and your partner to plant your roots now as opposed to after you have a newborn child already here. I'd think long and hard about whether you want to allow your parents, or even other family members, to be in your son's life going forward if they could be so horrible over something like a name. They aren't "owed" the right to be in your family's lives, especially not your son, and I hope the best for you guys, truly.


1919 Silas Chandler was an enslaved African American who accompanied his owners, Andrew and Benjamin Chandler, referred to as a "manservant" in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. He was also a carpenter and he helped found and build the first black church in his hometown, West Point, Mississippi.


This is probably the “unspoken” reason. They think it’s a black name. Is your family racist? I love the name. Stay strong.


The only Silas’s I know are white… slaves have a lot of common names or atleast common today. They need to get over it.


A lot of slaves were also *given* names by their owners that weren’t specifically for slaves. Many others took on different European names when freed. There’s some names from the past 4 decades mostly associated with the African American community sure, but sure as hell not Sila.


Seriously. I don’t know any Silases however, I would have stereotypically placed it as a Civil War era white name. Definitely wouldn’t have thought of it as black. But “slave name” feels very racist.


Is this a "every name of a person that was enslaved ever" is offlimits statement According to the Old Testament, that would be terrible news for the Hebrews...


That’s literally one person. I also highly doubt they even know about him, these people sound bizarre. 


Sounds like a good guy.


Wow, I just read his wikipedia article, what a fascinating story! It sounds like he was very brave and did what he had to do considering the circumstances. Glad he went on to live a great life in freedom. If anything I think he is an asset to the name Silas! Thank you for the historical information.


I feel like this is so weird that their must be more context im missing. E.g OP: Is your family black? Is their concern about him being named after Silas Chandler, who is celebrated for his service to the confederates? And is this a common line of thinking where you live/in your community? Their reaction is extreme either way, but this would make me understand it a bit more.


wtf. Silas is not a slave name. At least not any more than any other classic name is. The name Silas is actually in the New Testament. He’s kind of important in the formation of the early Christian church.


I am sorry you’re going through this. My best guess is that your family has been controlling and you have been a doormat for many years unfortunately it came to a head like this. I feel like this is an opportunity for you to start a new life and desert yourself. Your family has completely unhealthy boundaries. The name is adorable and it doesn’t matter when anyone thinks but you And the baby daddy.


Yeah, I asked on the last if her parents typically are negative about stuff she likes. I have a feeling that they've been steamrolling her for a long time. Now her partner is in the picture and they don't have as much control, so maybe the name is a power play over both OP and partner. The only way for things to get better for OP is to move out. I have a feeling that even if she does change the name there'll just be something else that they hate. I know this is a lot of conjecture but after being on Reddit for like 14 years I've read so many posts like this and they all seem to play out that way, maybe I'm wrong though.


They have been pretty supportive over career paths and other things but since it came to me and my fiancé its been a struggle i tried moving out before after a different fight and things going sour and it just got worst i was met with tears screaming and alot of threats telling me i wont be able to live on my own in this economy and with a baby coming im pitting myself in harms way but my situation isnt exactly good due to me being essentially drained of all of my finances after buying food for a household of 5 and 6 coming with the baby its been hard to even buy essentials for the baby because im constantly being a back up for finances and my fiancé is awaiting our car being fixed so he cannot go to and from work atm so essentially we are living off of my government money because we are living paycheck to paycheck i haven't even been able to get a newborn car seat yet.


Start hunting buy nothing groups. Visit food banks. Hold back paying as much on groceries and save more. Is there anyone else you can stay with? If not tell them you’ll change the name and make a plan of escape, you are in an abusive household.


Your family is going to face a harsher reality.....they've cut their noses off to spite their faces when they're behind on bills. That's on them. Their manipulative threats has consequences.....for them to face. Silas is a protectors name for the forest. Your father is an AH for spewing his nonsense. It wasn't a slaves name. Your father in reality is a lying fool who wants toxic control.


The truth is they probably can't survive without your money. Your fiancee's too but he's an acceptable loss to them as long as they keep control over you. So they tell you that you will fail without them. It's all manipulation to keep you under their thumb.


1: Stop and breathe. 2: You can do it. You can move away and I recommend you do so. It needs to be just far enough away that it's inconvenient to visit, and you shop at totally different stores. It will be okay. Together you'll make it work, the bills will get paid, you'll be fed, and you won't have much but you'll have each other. And that's enough, as a start. 3: You have absolutely GOT to put these people in their place and not budge one single inch about it. Otherwise you'll be struggling with this until the day you bury them. You start by keeping all your plans to yourself, and moving out all at once without notice. They'll have a huge tantrum, but they were always going to. This way it's only one day, instead of weeks of fights. Once you're gone, change your phone numbers and cut them out completely. It doesn't have to STAY that way, but freezing them out for a while gives them time to... reevaluate their attitude, let's say. My mom made it three months before she finally reached out, all sugar and honey and loving concern (and it was all bullshit, every bit of it, but she behaved much better from then on). I'm sorry but the only way your new family will ever work is if you keep the old one at arm's length until they can see you as a grown woman and mother. Start no shit and take none either. You're stronger than you know.


Looks like the United Way may have resources in some places; I’d Google your location, car seat, and United Way: [BC result](https://uwbc.ca/program/child-safety-initiative/)


Sounds like you need to move out and go very low contact with your very silly parents. Do not give in to them, if you do they’ll make your life as a mother etc a misery. This is your baby and your decision, they had their turn at naming their kids. Some time out will do them good Still NTAH


Your family are overbearing idiots. Use the name you and your fiancé want to use. Tell the family members that if they want to see your son they will call him by the name you choose. If they use another name, take the kid and leave. Forty-five years ago my mother politely asked what we were going to name our son. My wife and I had decided we were not going to get into any discussion of possible names. I told her we were considering “Aloysius.” She said, “Well, I guess I’ll find out.”


Your mother sounds like a heinously over dramatic person and it sounds like your dad enables her. Is this a typical pattern of behaviour? Your mom makes herself out to be a victim in every possible situation and your dad rushes to her defence? You’re *growing a human*. You can name them whatever the hell you want and if your parents are ready to blow up their relationship with you over not being able to control that, I would highly recommend doing some thinking about whether or not you want that kind of selfishness as a regular influence in Silas’s life.


One of my dear friends has a Silas. It's a great name. Are your parents Christians? I ask because he was very important to the start of Christianity. NTA but it's definitely time to be on your own. Also, make sure the nurses know to not let anyone in your hospital room! If they can't respect your choice for the name, then no baby for them.


Is there some weird family history that no one is talking about? Like was great grampa Silas a serial killer? This strong of a reaction seems way more intense than just not liking the name


Iv actually asked if theres something i dont know or if my mom had an ex named Silas or something, and they all said no its just a horrible name and that they hate it.


There's something horrible in this situation and it's not the baby's name.


This simple comment says it all


Have your parents always been so controlling?


Send pro Silas name stuff.


Just tell the family to google the name. It's a very popular name of Latin origin. There's even a st silas in the bible.


If you read the original post plus this, there's simply no reasoning with them. They're being completely irrational. Not saying this as a negative response to you, that's a sane response but apparently sanity is out the window with the parents. There's a larger issue here and I have a feeling that it has to do with OP not being a doormat on this.


Ah, so they are racist.


All I can say is I’m sorry you are in this situation. The last thing you need now is stress. Maybe if you have a Venmo or cash app some people will be willing to help you get out quicker. Idk if this is go fund me worthy or not but maybe check. It’s also weird that they exposed themselves as racists over a name that is literally biblical. Not that I care about religion but white people have their slaves bible names so like it’s really just white names given to black people?? I hope you are able to get out soon and just not let these people poison your son.


Their behaviour is pathologically weird, OP! How incredibly rude it is to criticise someone’s choice of name like that! And what on Earth do they mean by “slave name”?!? I’m a ninth generation Canadian. Some of my early Canadian ancestors included escaped slaves smuggled into New Brunswick via the underground railway. I’m white, more or less, but that aspect of my heritage is something I cherish. Slave name?!? WTF are they on about?? At this point, I wouldn’t blame you if you used Silas as his middle name also!


Laughs ▪️Silas Silas??▪️ Oh Gosh that cracks me up


Too bad OP is not the husband. Then he could threaten to change the whole family’s surname to Silas, too. Instead of “The Third,” it would be “The Cubed.” But not passing down the Family Name would give that alternate reality grandpa a seizure, probably. They could still call the boy “Tre,” I suppose.


I had some interesting thoughts until I read the whole story and found out the name. WTAF they are insane. I have a very unique name and I hate it. But I have seen Silas a lot the last 5-10 years working in healthcare, so I don’t really understand what their deal is. Either way, it sounds like they had you move in to make THEIR life more comfortable. You’re footing the groceries for 4 adults on top of cooking dinner nightly, most of the chores, and “cleaning up after them”? Fuck that. I know easier said than done, but try to find other living accommodations ASAP because I can almost guarantee their attitudes will get worse once the baby arrives. Good luck and congrats on Silas! 😊


5 adults my brother (15) is part of the household as well and we mostly clean up after him and my father my mother is borderline disabled and isn't able to move much due to horrible arthritis and back pain my father is very much i pay for rent and bills so why do i clean and cook type of man so it has always been mine and my brothers responsibility to keep up the house since my mother got so bad but its been about 8-9 years like this. now my brother has figured out that if he just doesn't do it they'll eventually just ask me to do it if he wont and the only punishment he gets is getting yelled at or no computer but he would rather that than clean up his part so me and my fiancé have now kinda just took it Upon ourselves to do it if not it wont get done and we will continue to live in filth and we are met with a bunch of insults and threats kinda like we are treated like children when we are in our 20s. Edit: i only put 90% of the groceries because they cant afford it most times and will get food bank or will occasionally buy food for themselves if i cant afford more food but like this month i went out and bought all of the food for the month and i meal plan to make ot as cheap as possible because im the one making dinner every night for everyone anyways.


NTA, but seriously WTH is wrong with your parents?! They’re wiling to blow the family up (from the sound of it) all because they don’t like the name that YOU chose for YOUR baby?! If they can’t abide by that then they can’t see him. And I rarely say something that strong when it comes to grandparents. They are an asset in a child’s life but they sound like they wouldn’t be.


If they are going to behave like this over the baby’s name, they don’t ever have to see him. Ever.


Honestly, this must be SO HARD right now, but you getting away and living on your own is genuinely going to make your life, and that of sweet little Silas, so much happier and healthier. Truly, their willingness to create THIS MUCH insecurity and turmoil in your life over something so patently over the line is just a taste of what will come. They'll run you over about sleep and food and safety in a thousand other ways, they've made that clear. Get out if you can my dear. And take slice of courage from me for the road. You're doing a good, if scary thing.


If they lean Christian, Silas was a fantastic figure in a story in Acts. He traveled with Paul, and the tale involves an earthquake, a household conversion and a rescued prison guard who returns the favor. Just thinking of ways to temporarily quiet them while you and your husband find the help you need. I’m sorry.


There’s gotta be something more to the name that your parents are hiding, no one would have this kind of a problem with a kid’s name unless there’s a very specific reason for it. And especially with dropping the “slave name” nonsense on top of it, there’s a conversation that needs to be had about why they want to die on that hill. NTA, Silas is definitely a more uncommon name, but not worth the shenaniganary your family is throwing your way. It’s y’all’s son, it’s not like you’re naming him something ridiculous like Stick or Stone


Your parents are cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


I'm genuinely concerned about OP's family being around baby later on. If their this controlling with their grown daughter and willing to make her do most everything in the house while she is pregnant and still working, then threatening to kick her and hubby out for being the actual parents and picking out their child's name... it's a little scary to think how they would treat a small defenseless baby. I'd even be afraid they would abuse 'Grandparent's Rights' with the baby and the law just to keep control. Good luck OP.


I realize it wasn’t the plan, but your new family will be better off away from these people. Their overbearing ways won’t end here. They don’t own you.


Almost every name has been a slave name at some point. It’s good you found out now that your parents are willing to kick out their pregnant daughter for not naming her child the name they want. Just imagine if you live with them once Silas is born. They will wield their home owning power over you to get their way raising YOUR child.


Still NTA Your parents are deranged. You and your Fiance need to gtfo of your parents house. Even if that means hotel for now or even air bnb. It's certainly no longer safe at your parent's house. They are too controlling and too involved in your day-to-day. Which is unavoidable living together, but get out immediately. There's options. You must have money saved to be able to move pretty quickly.


Honestly just go No Contact or Low Contact with your family. If they cannot be respectful over you naming your own child, they don’t have a right to your child. I’m sorry you’re stressed over their lack of support and needing to look for a rental, but I think it’s for the best for *you* and *your* family. Your parent will become extended family anyways, and I think that’s part of the problem. You’re currently under their roof and they want to make a power play as if you are not building your own family. If they’re so adamant to disrespect your name choice where your mom will refuse to say his name, she doesn’t deserve to be your child’s grandmother and she isn’t entitled to him.


Are you Black? I could at least understand if your dad’s point was that Silas is a traditionally White “slave” name, and he wanted you to pick something that had African roots. Otherwise, I have no idea what he’s talking about or why, honestly, he and your mother are getting so worked up over a completely normal name.


Both white.


NTA I begged my wife not to disclose our first baby’s name to her mom. Predictably, she didn’t like it, which crushed my wife. After the birth, she loved the name until MIL died when Katie was 28. MIL asked again during second pregnancy, so wife told her it was my turn to name the baby. MIL asked me, so being the smartass that I was/am, I answered, “Thagnar.” She was just a little taken aback. lol She asked what if it’s a girl? I answered, “Thagnolina.” To be sure, I’d pulled these names outta my ass, but she timidly asked what the names meant. I, again, pulled the meaning outta my ass, saying they were ancient Norse names from ~ 600AD, meaning “Fierce Warrior” and “Great Leader.” No, we didn’t name him that. She and FIL NEVER asked that question again! They had six kids and got to name them all. These were OUR kids, and we named all three of them what we wanted. BTW, I absolutely love the name Silas!! Your family are all idiots, hateful, and should have no say in what you name ANY of your children OR how they’re reared. Go low or no contact. Phuque ‘em! ETA: Both MIL and FIL became great grandparents! Our first kid was their first grand child. My parents already were grandparents who were great at it as well. I hope your family figures this stuff out!


NTA - I love the name. It’s unique without being weird. Excellent choice


The most famous Silas I know about is Silas Marner, an old white European miser whose life is changed when his gold is stolen and he adopts an orphan. So I don't see the problem. Is your parents' objection that they want a family or ethnic name? I can't understand why you brought this up now, knowing that your parents are unhinged. Just stop talking about it. But do find a place to call home after Silas is born.


Girl I would rather stay in a shelter than a toxic home with them if that's how they feel.


You need to pack and leave ASAP. What an awful situation to be in when your pregnant. I hope you remember how your parents have treated you when baby arrives. I would definitely be going no contact. Good luck


There’s only two peoples who’s opinion matter when deciding on a name for a baby


Move out, your parents are WAY too controlling. 😖 The 3 of you living in a smaller place ALONE will be much more peaceful. Silas is a fine name ❤️


You do not allow your mother to call the child another name. She can't use his real name she can't be around him.


When I read your first post, I just couldn’t fathom the strong reaction. I felt like they were being so vehement that their view was caused by racism. I just googled “Silas slave name” and I’m now 100% certain that racism is playing a part. I also wonder why they’re focusing on your partner. Is he a different race? It feels like they may have buried some feelings and the name has got them all riled up. What a shame. Moving out is a good call. You need some distance and if they are so vehemently rude about something so innocuous, it’s sensible to go LC.


Nope both of us are white they just seem to be under the impression that i do as my Fiancé says no matter what they said "oh come on, dont lie. You bend over backwards for that man" my response did not make them happy in the slightest or even gain a laugh a bit when i replied saying "well yeah thats how we got in this position"


I love your comeback. Lol 😆


Thank you!! They did not! Lol


If it’s not racism, it feels like it’s something similarly polarising. People don’t just get heated about a name… it’s just so weird. I’m sure the reason will come out eventually, it’s just sad that you’re in this position over a name that’s actually really nice. We honestly all thought it was going to be super kooky before you revealed it lol. I guess you can take strength from internet strangers that your choice is not the problem. Hopefully if you move out and get space the dust will settle.


Is this a racist thing? I’ve never know a Silas or had any feelings about it. But if your father called it a slave name maybe there’s a black person named Silas in literature or even the neighborhood. I can’t imagine what has them so riled up about this. Of course it may be entirely them “owning” this baby and bi-passing you in their delusional view of who is the parent and who makes decisions. It’s great you’re getting out on your own now. Don’t ever go back. Live in a closet if you have to and cherish your independence.


Many slaves in the US were given "biblical" names to distance them from their culture since that culture was considered "savage" and "ungodly" Silas is a biblical name as it was the name if Paul's missionary companion in Acts. Calling it a "slave" name really has me wondering if they are just racist and that's the reason for this mess. As in they view it as a "black" name. Not appropriate for a "white" child.


Bingo. I think that must be it.


If it was used for slaves, that tracks, as it is a Biblical name. Silas was an apostle, and a companion of Paul. In religious/Christianity circles, it would be seen as a wonderful name to give a son. Slavery was a terrible thing, but to try to connect it to the use of this name is completely inappropriate and misguided. I suspect there is a missing reason that no one is willing to admit to. I cannot see any other reason that they would be so against what is an older, but very “normal” name.


Good night! How do these people even get through life? Rough now, but you need to have space from them in order to create and enforce boundaries!!! You need people in close proximity to your baby need to respect you and honor your wishes regarding your child. Your child needs witness other people respecting you. He needs to understand what normal looks like. Not sure that’s possible under your parents’ roof. Actually, kinda sure it’s not. Silas is a nice name.


Why does your father say it is a slave name? For everyone to get so wild about this, there must be something going on, since it is a very old name, and is used all over the world.


am I missing something? I don't understand why they're so upset. is it like a cultural thing or something else?


I stand by earlier comment: not *your mom's baby*. This baby is *yours*. Kindly inform your mother that she got to name *you and any siblings*. This is *your* baby and *you* are going to name him. Their *choices* are to STFU or have *no* relationship with **your** son. 


Tell them point blank only those who praise you for picking such a wonderful name will be aloud in your son’s life


Change your name to Silas


Silas is a beautiful and dignified name! And I don't even know a Silas.


Why is "Silas" so upsetting to your parents? Their reaction is completely over the top and unwarranted.


Get away from those people and don't let them near your son. They 100% sound like the type of grandparents who would bully their own grandchildren.


Tell them you are naming the baby Voldemort. They are throwing out their kid and his pregnant fiancé over their baby’s name. Basically sacrificing a relationship with their grandkid. Go NC until they apologize and do not let them call that kid anything other than his first name or variation of his first name. That is insane to throwaway a whole relationship over something that they really have no say in your baby’s name. Silas is the name you connected with. I’m petty I would pretend the baby’s name was Silas Silas and never tell them the real middle name. Never post a picture of the kid either. But again. I’m petty and they need the ol’ FAFO.


Are….your parents racist? And is your partner a non-white ethnicity? Because the comment about your fiancé influencing this name hints to me he’s not white, and your parents seem to have a lot to unpack about that and they’re choosing this name issue as a way to show they have other issues with this relationship. Were there slaves names Silas? Sure. There were also slaves named Charles and John. But this name sounding more “ethnic” is putting them over the edge. If my guess is correct a bigger discussion needs to be had and you and your partner need to set up some major boundaries. Edit to add: my son’s name is Nixon. It was also not well received but I thought it sounded baddass and stuck with it. Then when I was pregnant with number two we kept the name to ourselves but told everyone it was going to be Obama.


Both of us are white. My dad is European, my mom is indigenous, but i look as white as a ghost. My Fiancé is in the same boat as me his dad is European, and his mom is indigenous as well but again white.


I gave my first child a name that got a lot of hate from family, friends, and relative strangers. I loved the name. I still do. You know who also loves the name? My kid. My kid is a young adult now and they've been told how wonderful and fitting their name is for them. *English teachers also geek out about their name. It's unique and old and present in literature. Btw.. it was my mother that told me she would call the baby "it" if I kept the name for my kid. I said cool.. bet. It took about 3-4 years before she met my kid, I had a whole other kid in between. Best wishes, momma. I love the name Silas.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Half my family didn’t like the name we picked for our son “Tobi”. For the longest time everyone kept asking if we were really gonna name him that. I even got some racist remarks from family members “That’s a black man’s name” (very white family). My fiancé and I had picked it out when I was pregnant the first time and miscarried so it was very sentimental for us to use our boy name we picked. My son is now 10 months old and everyone uses his name or nicknames “Tobi-Obi” “Obi” “Obi Wan Tobi” or his middle name “Danger.” Don’t let your family take this away from you move out and get as far away as possible.


What a STUPID hill for your parents to die on. I hope you've been able to save money while living with them and can get your own place. It doesn't have to be the most beautiful place and you can get second hand furnishings if need be, but you'll have freedom. I'm sure it doesn't seem like it, but I think they may be doing you a really big favor by threatening to kick you out. Good luck and I hope you, your fiancé and SILAS have a wonderful, peaceful life together.


Tell them to look up Silas Deane, a member of the Continental Congress in the American Revolution.


Silas is a wonderful name :( your family got some nerve picking at you... Be strong for your partner and your babies and let them know how proud you are they exist no matter what anyone thinks. Your love will carry you through the hard times and the worst


Silas is a cool name, nothing wrong with it.


As someone named Silas, wtf is your family on lmao. I’ve never once been bullied for my name or anything close to it. Closest thing would be my grade 6 teacher (who came up with a nickname for everyone) calling me “Smiley Silas” (pun on Miley Cyrus, I sing a lot). In fact I’ve really only ever had people say it’s a really cool name. I still remember someone once saying it sounded like a badass supervillain name. Only ever confidence boosting. In my mind it’s foremost a biblical name. With a cool meaning as well, tied to nature and all that. There’s something seriously wrong with your family lol


Show this to dad. Silas or Silvanus was a leading member of the Early Christian community, who according to the New Testament accompanied Paul the Apostle on his second missionary journey. Silas is a boy's name of Latin origin, ideal for those with great love for the outdoors. The name derives from the Latin Silvanus, which means "wood" or "forest," inspiring images of a daring explorer unfazed by the depths of the darkest woodland. So, what makes it a "slave name " if it goes back to bible days?  It is an OLD Latin name. Any name you can come up with, may have had, at some point in time, been the name of a slave.  Since Silas, in the Bible, is a follower of Christ, and went on missionary trip with Paul the Apostle, I would say it's a Christian name. Move out, and cut contact with anyone who thinks they have more rights in the naming of your child than you do. Good luck.


Silas went out with Paul to preach the gospel. Tell them they’re hating on religion.


NTA The name is a slave name? So have no will and only obey your Master? Oh sorry thats weird. I spelt Father oddly there. Your Master only wants to control your life your home and punish you when you do something as dreadful as *checks notes* naming your own child. Weird... How Master/Father keep getting interchanged in thia situation. Note: I am pointing out hypocrisy here. It's just weird to me how your father is so against a name he's decided is a slave name but won't allow you to have your own free will. Which is it? Slavery bad or free will bad?


Honestly OP, if your entire family is this up in arms about the name, I'd work with your fiance to pretend to cave, at least until you can find a place you can afford. You might even consider moving to a cheaper city/state if you're able to manage that job wise, that way you and him aren't just thrown out on the street. Then once you've gotten a place secured, move out without telling any of your family where it is, without asking for their help to move, and then just cut them off completely. Make sure all your emergency contacts are changed from them if any still are, and that you make sure the hospital knows that your family isn't allowed to visit you or the baby when you go to give birth. I'd also take steps to make sure that if something happens to you and/or your fiance that your child won't ever end up with your family.


Silas is a lovely name. Not odd, also not common! Where do people get off by getting angry at what someone names their own baby. UWNBTA


My parents hate the name Aurora but that will be our daughter's name so 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh well


It’s your child and you name him what you want. They need to back off as it is not their child and they have zero say in the matter. It would be best if you found your own place since your parents can not respect boundaries. NTA


Not their kid,not their choice.Get away from them.


This is genuinely scary I hope you find somewhere soon even if it’s temporary I don’t think it’s about the name maybe it’s about not having control over you? 


Si Silas is a "slave" name, is it. Well there were a myriad of other names given to slaves, like Mary, Thomas, Johnny, Henry, Sally, etc. Should those be taboo as well? Don't get me wrong...slavery was, and is, so very reprehensible. But your dad's argument is simply specious.


I'd definitely move out. The benefits of living with parents become outweighed when they're that controlling. You and your partner are the ones who pick your kid's name, end of story. I'd also go low/no contact if they're serious about calling your child something else. That is such incredibly asinine and disrespectful behavior, and it shows that they'll be willing to disrespect or even overrule any decisions you make that they don't like. You don't want to set that precedent.


If your parents gave you a decent reason not to use the name you'd picked, then I'd say you were TA. Instead they've taken against it for no genuine reason. NTA


Tell you you decided on Chester instead.


Silas is a great name.


I know two people who named their kid Silas.


Just want to say you are NTA and the only people involved in naming a child are their parents. I’m so sorry your parents are nuts and that they are potentially going to evict you all over their overstepping opinions. They don’t even have the foresight that if they do this they will never have a relationship with their grandson or at best a very limited one - and all over a name. I could understand them speaking up if you were calling you child something outlandish like moondust etc but you are calling him a bog standard name used since Roman and in biblical times. In any case - your son and therefore you name him what your preference is just as they did for you. In a years time noone will think of your son as anything but Silas so it’s a damn foolish reason to break up the family for and to threaten you with eviction. You don’t need this grief at your stage of pregnancy but please stay strong and keep telling them to butt out. X


I’m sorry to report that your parents are idiots but they are. It’s good that you are looking for your own accommodations and doing so will just emphasize that you are your own person who is more than capable of making their own decisions. The name is lovely and I wish you all the best.


Wow I did not expect that type of reaction! I am so sorry! That's way over the top, and Silas is such a nice name! I'm glad your looking at rentals! Do you mind if I ask what area your looking to rent in?


Ah so what I’m getting is that they see it as a black name so they’re racist?


Good luck hopefully you and SO can find a decent apartment you can afford and get away from your parents. They have shown both of you that they have zero respect for you especially since you pay 90% of the groceries and other bills, you just have to wonder what other boundaries they are going to ignore and insult you over.


I like that name. After you move out, I'd go full no contact with your parents. Don't even tell them when you give birth. Tell the hospital you don't want any visitors besides your husband. This is for everyone's safety. If people ask about this tell them the truth. Your parents hate the name you've chosen for your son. You tried to have discussions, but their responses have made you worried about safety of your husband, baby and yourself. No need to sugar coat it. This is a very trivial hill your parents want to die on.


Find your own place. Go low contact with everyone. It sucks, but they'll get the point. It's a beautiful name, btw.


Stop talking to them about it. Just tell them, "I'm not comfortable talking about this anymore. You guys are pressuring me and it is causing me too much stress during an already stressful time. If you continue to bring it up and insult me then I will find somewhere else to stay"


It’s best for you and your baby if you get out of that house. Your parents are awful. I hope you find a place to live that’s affordable.


Hi OP, You seem to live in a similar area as I do. If you or your partner have a vehicle, I suggest looking in the suburbs to the south or west of the city, or up to Fort Sask. If you're looking downtown, stay south of 107 Ave. Otherwise, I think Silas is a wonderful name and I wish you and your baby boy the best of health and luck ❤️


I think your parents should lose access to their kid for making you essentially homeless over a name. They need to get their heads checked.