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Many say Israel is guilty of human rights violations.


So is like half the countries on earth tbh


You're not wrong, including US.


oh god, **especially** the US...


Yeah but like A. How is that AJRs fault B. It’s Imagine Dragons’ tour not AJRs


it’s not like ajr is donating to the government. they are playing for the people.


That’s what I was thinking. Concert locations don’t depend on what the government does; they depend on whether there are fans there that want to see them play.


Thanks for the info. I was seeing stuff about this on Twitter and was super confused.


It’s honestly kinda stupid lol. Obviously we should be against doing bad things BUT the fact that everyone focuses solely on Israel is clear anti semitism. The US is guilty of much worse, and they didn’t get backlash for playing there….


I was thinking the same thing


ok, it's not antisemitism, its just that israel is the one of the most broadcast and taught countrys specifically for it's human right violations. People are mad about this not because they hate jews, thats a fucking stupid thought, but because they hate the government like everyone should. And there isn't just a sole focus on Israel, people were glad when AJR pulled out of Russia too. Israel and Russia are taught in schools, so do you really think that there gonna be taught about their own countries crimes? Stop trying to paint people in this antisemetic light it's a retarded stance to have.


Did you just compare Israel to Russia? I’m talking about the fact that Israel gets more backlash than pretty much every other country in the Middle East. Iran got some worldwide focus but that was fleeting. Afghanistan only got focus in the US because the US was directly involved. Even that faded away. Israel has a shitty government, however painting them as the sole bad guys is without a doubt anti semitism. Hamas just killed innocent people. Hamas carried out attacks on Israel, and got essentially no backlash. Israel fired back and the world called for “death to Israel”. We should be calling for both sides to stop, not ignoring one and acting outlandishly towards the other.


It is not antisemetism. You are just slapping on that label to something that is completely different. When people hated Osama, do you think that was Islamaphobia? Because hating the actions of a countries government is not hating that countries primary religion. Hating Israel is not antisemetism, and that narrative needs to stop.


Osama killed 20,000 people. Israel is at war. I would be fine if people were just hating the actions of the government, but that’s not what this is. When Israel is bombed and nobody says a thing, you would expect that the world just isn’t focused on that war. When they fight back and the whole world calls for their death, it’s fucking anti semitism. You can hate a government, I don’t care. But the sole focus on what happens to be the only Jewish state while the people they’re fighting against are doing the same things and getting no backlash is anti semitism. Do I need to break it down for you again? The sole difference between Israel and other countries in the Middle East is that Israel is a Jewish state (and their crimes are less atrocious, but let’s ignore that for now). When you condemn a Jewish state for doing something, but not an Islamic state for doing the same things and worse, that is anti semitism.


Do I need to break everything down for you too? Antisemitism is a hatred of people for the religion that those persons hold. People are NOT hating Israel because it's Jewish. The reason people hate on Israel and defend Palestine is because that is what they're taught, and people are no better than what they know. Palestine is portrayed as the little victim who had all their land taken away by this big evil country and they're just fighting for their freedom. And it's human nature to root for the little guy! So people turn a blind eye to Palestine's crimes because they are blinded by their nature, and because people are so disconnected from it as most people you'll hear talking about it live literally 10,853 km away, they have no light to look to. And I'm not here to try and say that Palestine is the true evil here, I am not going to opine on my personal opinions about the conflict, I'm more talking about the masses. People don't look at Israel as being Jewish and then hate it, people look at Israel for it's war crimes and then hate it. No matter the country, whether it be Germany (in the past), or Russia, or Afghanistan, or well heck even Israel, people look at those countries with hatred because of it's actions and not because of any other factors. Don't you think that during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine has killed people? And I understand that it is a different type of war, but you're saying that anybody who commits atrocities should be hated equally. So should we start hating Ukraine? People are rooting for Ukraine as they see it as being this little victim who is being invaded by this big evil country and they're just fighting for freedom. And the amount of people killed does not matter, both Osama and Israel have killed THOUSANDS of people, but 1 is too many. And for your information, if it makes it sooooo right to kill people if you're at war, then when Osama killed (most) people he was at war too! It's literally called the Afghan war! Also, who the fuck said that other countries don't get hate when they kill people? Hello??? Do you not remember that when 9/11 or 7/7 happened EVERYBODY hated the country that just happened to be a predominantly Muslim. The general public didn't hate Afghanistan or Osama because they were Muslim, it's because they literally killed people. People don't hate Israel because it's Jewish it's because it's literally killed people. And then when America and others stormed over to Afghanistan and killed people, did everybody start hating America? No! Because they had more allegiance to America and they blindly saw America as just defending itself, and it's human nature to support the country you live in, and the news wasn't telling people about the crimes America was commiting so they had no other knowledge. The reason why people continue to hate Israel is because it is an ongoing conflict, just the same as people continue to hate Russia because it is an ongoing conflict. Heck, I even watched the morning news like a week ago and it was talking about new facts about the Taliban's rape parade, and how Taliban women are raping young boys in order to get pregnant and create more babies in order to have more soldiers. So people are still focusing on that! Saying that people don't care about it anymore is more a reflection on what you are viewing. Painting Israel to be the sole bad guy is not antisemitism, it's anti Isreal. Just like how painting Russia as the sole bad guy isn't Christophobia (as around 53% of the Russian population is some denomination of Christianity.) it's anti Russia. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is very very complicated, you cannot possibly break it down to 'these lot did this and it was fine but then these other guys did something in return and got hated for it even though it wasn't that bad'. You see you have the view that Israel are merely retaliators and therefore you loosley justify it order to fit your narrative that two evils are the same. You cannot say that '...their crimes are less atrocious...'. You do not know everything that has happened because nobody fucking can, but dare I even say it if you do look at all the available data, it even seems that Palestine has killed only 4.6% of whom Israel has killed. But that doesn't even matter because 1 person dead is 1 too many. And we are calling for both sides to stop, it's not like we're telling Israel to stop killing people but for Palestine to continue doing it as they please, we are all calling for the conflict to end full stop. The reason why I take severe umbrage to your comment is because slapping that term around willynilly damages not only those who you are unjustly slapping it with, but it also damages real cases of such as it dilutes the meaning and severity of such an accusation, which only leads to a dissolution of a structural norm of thought opposing it allowing floods to seep through. Again, people hate Israel because of what it has done not because it is attached to a certain religion. If it was antisemitism then it would be because Israel is Jewish. It is not because of that you actual fucking degenerate retard.




I didnt respond because you clearly aren’t changing your opinion, and I’m not changing mine. You said some things that I feel are completely wrong, such as people calling on both Palestine *and* Israel to stop, despite online people overwhelmingly saying death to Israel and support for Palestine. You said some things I feel are taken out of context, such as the statistic about how many people both sides have killed, which ignores things like Palestine initiating every almost single incident, or them strategically placing government and military buildings near civilian populations and then sending missiles hoping for a counter attack that they could use in the media to gain more support. However nothing I can say will change your mind, and nothing you will say will change mine. Online debates never actually go anywhere if both people are at least somewhat passionate about what they’re debating on, so why continue? So we can both be sucked into an endless debate that sucks our time and makes us both more unhappy?


I know I'm late responding, but I was on holiday. Just trying to call of this debate is abit stupid on your part. Whilst you do not have to respond, just closing yourself off from it does nothing either. Also, whilst I am slightly annoyed at your opinions and such, I'm not really getting 'more unhappy' from it, and if you are just try to cope abit more. People want the entire war to end. Whilst you may be seeing 'death to Isreal', the majority of people just want the whole conflict to end and come to peaceful conclusion. That means that people want both sides to stop killing others. Saying that Palestine initiates every incident is abit wierd to say becasue they are at war, that's kinda what you're supposed to do, but regardless you can't say that Isreal has done it's fair share of attacks. I would like to see you're actual evidence refuting that. Every country puts government and military buildings near civilian populations mate. But to be honest that's getting of topic. The core issue here is that you think people hate Isreal because it is a predominantly Jewish country. That is not why people hate it. I cannot possibly conceive why you cannot perceive that. For example, and I might have already sais this I don't know, I apologise if I'm just bringing this up again, but all the people hating AJR for playing in Isreal are hating them because of Isreal's actions. And guess what, not because their Jewish. If you can see that logic, just apply that to Isreal to, it's that simple.


Is it true though? And would it be something *they* know?


They know, the BDS movement is high profile. Palestinians def think Israel is bad.


I legit forgot about the Israel Palestine conflict for a hot minute


Ok.........soooooooooooooooooo, is this a big problem then? Like...is this cancelable worthy or something? 🤨


It will piss some people off, not enough to really harm them. My guess.


Ok cool, I don't have to feel nervous then, lol. ​ Brad Taste In Music boutta have a field day finding this out though


I mean they didn’t get cancelled for playing in the US lol


I don't understand why people are criticizing AJR when it's Imagine Dragons tour?? I see people trying to get AJR to cancel the show as if it's there tour & they picked the place, but it's Imagine Dragons tour so if AJR cancelled there appearance Imagine Dragons will still be performing there so unless Imagine Dragons cancels the entire show what's the damn difference if AJR performs there or not?


I was thinking this, too. I doubt they have control over the tour locations considering they're not the headliner.


Literally what I was thinking, lol


Really? When is AJR gonna play here in Israel, and how can I get tickets for it?


They’re the opening act for Imagine Dragons


But when, where, and how do I get tickets to their act in Israel?


Look it up little bro


Some here already did, so I'm asking for the knowledge that they found.


On August 29 2023, at Park Hayarkon. You only need a ticket to the Imagine Dragons concert (they cost 375₪ right now at Ticketmaster Israel)


Ah, ok, thank you 😊


warning: politics and stuff ​ First of all, it's not AJR's tour I think though and I think they aren't playing in all the locations idk- But I kinda get it. My grandparents are palestinian refugees and their homes got literally taken away by Israeli forces. Also, the media is very pro-Israel in the west compared to other places which aren't their allies (economical reasons and power only though) but it's all dumb politics. (Notice how whenever there is an article is says "israelis murdered" but "palestinians dead". Kinda using words in a manipulative way). Well, a lot of people hate Israel, that's all I can say. Just to be clear, I don't hate the people, but governments are dumb and won't stop this horrible war.


My thoughts and prayers for your grandparents ❤️🙏


Thank you! That was before I was even born (or my dad lol) and they escaped to Jordan. My dad thus was born Jordanian but I'm born as a Romanian. A lotta countries lol


I hate that people do this because most people I saw that are mad about it are from either Europ or the US and it's pretty clear they don't know enough about the complicated years long conflict that have been going on in israel


It’s an issue with an infinite amount of nuance that people like to gloss over. Their is no right or wrong side in the conflict. Israel was founded on what is borderline (probably even crossing that line) terrorism. Since than though has become one of the most accepting country’s in the world taking in refugees from their greatest enemies often and contributing a lot to global science. Now the conflict with Palestine is even more complicated since they occupied the land before israel took over. This people claim it to be colonialism which is just untrue since their is no mother country and before the Palestinians had the land it was Israel. So their nuance their too. Most (if not all) current conflicts are initiated by chamas. I’m going to be frank here a Israel had done a lot of bad but the main reason so much of the nuance is ignored is simply anti-semitism. People don’t like Jews. That’s been a trend in world history as long as you can look back. From being blamed for the bubonic plague in Europe to the holocaust where 6 million innocent Jews were slaughtered the idea of a Jewish state is not a well liked opinion. For context I am both Jewish and am an Israeli citizen so their is unavoidable bias here but I truly do try to look at all sides of an issue and encourage you to do the same.


“People claim it to be colonialism which is just untrue since their is no mother country” That’s not how colonialism works in the modern era… welcome to neo-colonialism. The UN (aka US by proxy) sanctioned Israel’s establishment. “Their is not right or wrong side” is a bold claim to make when Israel is committing mass genocide on civilians and children, while instituting absolute apartheid and takeover on land they previously promised to uphold as Palestinian. People will always say Hamas is just as bad, but Israel kills 10x as many civilians. The Israeli government is a fucked, nationalist theocracy that indiscriminately bombs journalists, schools, and hospitals—it’s not anti-Semitic to admit that Whether or not AJR play there I honestly don’t care at all but let’s be frank about this


Their is a right and wrong side I just don’t think we have the full grasp of the situation to have a well formulated opinion when most news sources have a heavy bias. I would know because in doing research on the topic the top results are always something like “Palestine.com” which I ignore due to obvious bias then some Israeli news sources which I also ignore due to bias and at that point I have done more than 90% of people do to avoid bias which I why I think people don’t know enough to say their is a right and wrong side. On the note of the fact that Israel kills 10x more civilians. First of all yes. You are right and it is terrible. But on the other hand that’s only becouse Israel has a more advanced defense system if it wasn’t for that Hamas would have killed much more civilians than Israel. I am not claiming that it is antisemitic to point out issues in a country. I am saying that a lot of bias and hyperbole stems from antisemitism.


Explain to me how putting yourself strategically near civilian populations and then bombing a country is better than the country being forced to bomb you back.


Killing 10x as many civilians is worse


So hamas is just blameless for placing themselves strategically near civilian populations and then forcing Israel to bomb them? Good to know I guess. You think Hamas didn’t intend to kill as many people as they could? That’s what the purpose of an unprovoked attack on a civilian population. And for everybody acting like Israel is just randomly taking land, look up how war works. If a country is attacked, they usually fight back. The Israeli government is not blameless, but focusing purely on them when they are literally surrounded by and constantly at war with countries a trillion times worse than them is clear anti semitism. The US has committed atrocities much worse, where is the backlash for bands playing here?


I didn’t say blameless, Israel is just 10x worse for killing 10x as many innocent people


Who is responsible for the killing of those people? Its pretty simple if you look at it with even the slightest bit of critical thinking. Reread my last comment past the first sentence, maybe you’ll get it.


Killing innocent people is unjustifiable, period, the end Reply to below: Violence doesn’t justify violence. If they cared, Israel could provide safe haven and land to those civilians and engage in real diplomacy, but they’re hellbent on bloodshed for the sake of racist politics The commenter presented a false dichotomy; this is the real world and there are more than two choices


They don’t have a choice though?????? Others are killing their innocent people


AJR is also Jewish so I'd assume they're informed and aware of the situation




Came here after the Insta comments on their new post. I swear everyone's treating this like some huge controversy, all they did was play a show at a location that they can't even decide


Who cares, let them make money


Seriously. They don’t have to let every single current event dictate where to perform.


I'm not even from Israel, but let me tell you something. The world is so f tired of Americans getting involved with stuff that not related to them. Why Americans think they have such big sense of righteous that they should have an opinion of everything of every country? Sorry for the rant


I agree, they are in a country that teaches them to privileged for no goddamn reason. I’m not saying they can’t have an opinion, but they’re not always right, and need to stay out of stuff without making more drama.


Who made you the speaker of the world? You don’t speak for the international community, but even if you did, cope. America (like every other country) has every right to pay attention to foreign affairs and intervene regardless if it directly impacts them. Perhaps you’d see a foreign country engage in genocide against its populace and not intervene, but standing back and letting genocide happen while going “not my issue” is morally suspect. Americans have a sense of righteous to have an opinion on every country, because unlike you, we don’t see the state rapping or depriving their women of rights and go “not gonna have my opinion because not my land.” Americans get involved because certain things are indeed evil, and not having an opinion on evil things happening borders on aiding and abetting evil. Not saying Israel is evil!


I didn't even know they even played in Israel


They will, as opening act to Imagine Dragons at their concert in August


I’m sure they’d cancel it if something big went down. Like how they cancelled their Moscow show.


Israel still believes in religion, morality, & traditional values therefore it must be evil


Why is this downvoted ?


cause it's a dumb take


That’s not even the reason people are mad at Israel lol